Sen - Computer Science

Pradeep Sen
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
MSC01 1100
Tel: (505) 277 – 1412
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Research Interests
Computer graphics, rendering algorithms, global illumination, real-time graphics, graphics
hardware, light-field rendering, computational photography, and computer vision.
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (June 2006)
Dissertation: Analysis and implementation of the silhouette map data structure and its application
to computer graphics
Stanford University, Stanford, California
M.S. in Electrical Engineering (May 1998)
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
B.S. in Computer and Electrical Engineering (May 1996)
GPA 3.85 / 4.0, Magna Cum Laude
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Aug. 2006 – present
Research Experience
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Dual Photography
(October ’04 – present)
Led a team to develop a novel photographic technique which exploits Helmholtz reciprocity to
interchange cameras and projectors in a scene, effectively taking a photograph from the point of
view of the projector. We demonstrated how this technique can be used to capture a 6D slice of
the full 8D reflectance field more efficiently than conventional techniques. Press coverage:
Slashdot, Technology Research News Magazine, New Scientist, CPU, CBS Numb3rs
Silhouette Maps
(September ’02 – present)
Developed the silhouette map data structure that embeds boundary information into a texture and
can be accessed in real-time. Silhouette maps can be used for conventional texture mapping to
reduce the blurring as well as for various other texturing applications, e.g. shadow mapping.
Real-time Shading Languages
(September ’00 – September ’02)
Developed back-ends for the Real-time Shading Language (RTSL) for the NV20 and the R300.
Created demos that were featured in the cover of the Graphics Hardware 2001 proceedings.
Worked on an algorithm to recursively split large shaders to fit into the limited of a single
rendering pass (RDS).
SIGGRAPH and Journal Publications:
1. Pradeep Sen, Billy Chen, Gaurav Garg, Steve Marschner, Mark Horowitz, Marc Levoy and
Hendrik Lensch
Dual Photography
2. Pradeep Sen, Mike Cammarano and Pat Hanrahan
Shadow Silhouette Maps
3. Pradeep Sen, Daniel Pickard, Jim Schneider, Mark McCord, R. F. Pease, Aaron Baum, Ken
Lifetime and Reliability Results for a Negative Electron Affinity Photocathode in a
Demountable Vacuum System
AVS Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
4. Jim Schneider, Pradeep Sen, Daniel Pickard, Gil Winograd, Mark McCord, R. F. Pease,
William Spicer, Aaron Baum, Ken Costello and G.A. Davis
Patterned Negative Electron Affinity Photocathodes for Maskless Electron Beam Lithography
AVS Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
Refereed Conference Publications:
5. Pradeep Sen
Adaptive Silhouette Maps
Submitted for publication, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2007
6. Pradeep Sen
Silhouette Maps for Improved Texture Magnification
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Graphics Hardware 2004
Best paper award
7. Eric Chan, Ren Ng, Pradeep Sen, Kekoa Proudfoot and Pat Hanrahan
Efficient Partitioning of Fragment Shaders for Multipass Rendering on Programmable
Graphics Hardware
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Graphics Hardware 2002
Best paper award
Computer Graphics Rendering Using Boundary Information
Pradeep Sen, Mike Cammarano, Pat Hanrahan
United States Patent pending, No. 10/857,163 (filed May 27, 2004)
Birthplace: Reynosa, Mexico
Ethnicity: Mexican American
Languages: Fluent in English, Spanish, French