
All applicants must complete and UPLOAD the applicable Forms.
General Instructions: The backbone of a great application is a well developed project budget. To that end, we have included several
forms that are intended to help you establish a thorough and accurate budget. The “Detailed Budget Form”, “(Summary)- Cost
Estimate Form” and all applicable budget worksheets, are required to be uploaded with your application.
Letters of Commitment from ALL project partners pledging Cash and/or Non-Cash support,
MUST be included as an Uploaded Attachment to this Grant Application, as well.
STEP 1: Complete the applicable “Detailed Budget Form.”
This form should contain a detailed tally of ALL project expenses; CASH & NON-CASH Values. A separate form is used for each
Project Type: Development, Land Acquisition, Partnerships or Planning. Use the form to identify, list and total all project expenses.
UPLOAD only ONE Detailed Budget Form with each grant application; use additional pages as necessary.
Start by listing all major project tasks and accompanying expenses. Then provide an itemized breakdown of each major task, work
items including materials, supplies, action steps, sub-elements, etc. Insert the breakdowns underneath each major task. You are
reminded that all figures are to be rounded to the nearest dollar.
LAND ACQUISITION PROJECTS ONLY -After completing the “Detailed Budget Form & Worksheet # 1-A” SKIP TO STEP 5.
STEP 2: Documenting CASH Costs – Complete “Cash Costs – Worksheet #1- B, C or D”
whichever corresponds with your specific project type.
Planning Projects –Worksheet #1- B
Development Projects – Worksheet #1- C
Partnership Projects- Worksheet #1-D
Using your completed Detailed Budget Form, determine which work items will be paid by CASH.
List all CASH COSTS on Worksheet #1.
You will note that Worksheet #1 contains pre-described “Blanket Categories”. These Blanket Categories are provided so that you can
group similar expenses together. There is no need to itemize the tasks that fit into the Blanket Categories.
FOR EXAMPLE: On Worksheet #1 – C; Development Projects- you will see a Blanket Category for Construction, Materials, Labor
and Equipment. All CASH COSTS related to Construction, Materials, Labor and Equipment should be added together and the Lump
Sum total should be placed in the corresponding box.
All CASH COSTS that do not fit into any of the Blanket Categories should be listed individually in the spaces provided under the
heading of “Other Items or Related Costs”. (These costs should be rare.)
The Totals for each individual section (Blanket Categories and Other Items/Related Costs) should be transferred to the Total boxes
located at the right of the Worksheet #1. All figures are to be rounded to the nearest dollar. These figures will then be transferred
onto the (Summary) – Cost Estimate Form.
STEP 3: Ask yourself: "Will we be using any Non-Cash Match to accomplish this project?"
If Yes
Proceed to STEP 4
If No
Skip STEP 4 and Proceed to STEP 5
STEP 4: Documenting NON-CASH Match –
Complete the "Non-Cash Match" – Worksheets #2 - #5, as applicable.
If NON-CASH Match is being proposed for all or part of the project’s required local match, you must complete and submit all
applicable Worksheets. Using your completed Detailed Budget Form, (WHICH must show your TOTAL Project Costs- both CASH &
NON-CASH Values- identify and document what project tasks will be performed or provided as NON-CASH Match.
Determine which of the following four categories apply: In-House Services (Worksheet #2); Equipment Use (Worksheet #3);
Volunteer Services (Worksheet #4); and Donations- Professional Services, Materials, Equipment or Land Donation (Worksheet
#5). Using the applicable worksheet(s), list each individual Non-Cash Match item, being sure to include all requested information. Total
the items at the bottom of each worksheet. All figures are to be rounded to the nearest dollar.
If you are using a NON-CASH Match for some, or all, of the local match requirement, please include the cost of an
Audit in the “Other Items” section of the Cash Expense – Worksheet #1 and also on the Detailed Budget Form.
STEP 5: Transferring the Worksheet Totals to the “(Summary) - Cost Estimate Form - (Land
Acquisition & Development Projects ONLY)”.
Transfer the Totals from Worksheets #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 into the corresponding cells on the “(Summary) - Cost Estimate Form.”
LAND ACQUISITION PROJECTS, ONLY – Refer to the “Detailed Budget Form – Worksheet #1 - A”; Transfer the Land/Easement
Costs/Value total. Then combine all other itemized totals into a Lump Sum figure. Transfer the Lump Sum total into the “Other Items”
section of the (Summary) - Cost Estimate Form. If a land donation is involved as part of your project, refer back to Step # 4 –
Worksheet #5 (Non-CASH Match), for further instructions.
On the “(Summary)- Cost Estimate Form”, add across and down. Please verify your math, as
the bottom right cell of the main table must equal the “Grand Total – Project Cost.”
(Your CASH & NON-CASH Match worksheet values must equal the Project Total listed on the Detailed Budget Form.)
STEP 6: Transferring the “Grand Total – Project Cost”.
Transfer this figure from the (Summary) - Cost Estimate Form to the eGrants Budget Section
located in the Application.
If your project is selected for funding and non-cash values are being used as a portion of the required
match, the Bureau reserves the right to review the proposed values and work items with the grantee, to
determine eligibility. Where warranted, adjustments to the proposed non-cash values, provided in this
application, will be required.
Additionally, please upload ONLY the Detailed Budget Form, (Summary)-Cost Estimate Form and Worksheets that apply to
your specific project type.