The Lac Operon The Lac Operon Lac Operon merupakan salah satu sistem pengendalian enzim. Pengendalian pada ekspresi DNA dilakukan untuk memastikan translasi dilakukan pada kodon yang tepat. Pengendalian dilakukan dengan 3 kemungkinan cara yaitu, pengendalian pada tahap Transkripsi, pengendalian pada tahap Translasi dan pengendalian secara simultan (transkripsi dan translasi). Lac-Operon. Lac berasal dari kata Lactose dan Operon merupakan sederetan/sekelompok functional gene (gen yang fungsional/aktif). Bagan Lac Operon dapat digambarkan sederhana seperti di bawah ini. Dalam operon, terdapat 2 macam gen. Gen pengendali yang selalu ada pada DNA polimerase dan Gen struktural yang mengkode protein target. Pada pembahasan ini Gen strukturalnya merupakan Lactose operon karena mengkode laktosa. Gen ‘i’ mengekspresikan protein ‘i’, dapat berlaku sebagai represor maupun aktivator. Disebut represor jika keterlibatannyamenghalangi aktivasi enzim struktural. Sebaliknya, disebut aktivator jika keterlibatannya mengaktifkan enzim struktural sehingga transkripsi dapat berjalan. Gen ‘p’ adalah Promotor dan ‘o’ adalh Operator. Ada 2 macam kelompok pengendalian sintesis enzim. Pengendalian Positif (+) dan Pengendalian Negatif (-). Berikut bagannya. 1 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon Keterangan : Molekul Signal adalah molekul asing bukan protein (mirip dengan protein) yang terikat pada represor/aktifator. (a) Adanya Molekul Signal mengakibatkan terjadinya dissosiasi pada represor sehingga menyebabkan transkripsi berjalan. (b) Adanya Molekul Signal mengakibatkan represor terikat pada template DNA sehingga transkripsi tidak berjalan, (c) Adanya Molekul Signal mengakibatkan activator ter dissosiasi sehingga transkripsi tidak berjalan (d) Adanya Molekul Signal mengakibatkan activator dapat menempel pada template DNA sehingga transkripsi berjalan. 2 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon Salah satu contoh Lac-Operon ada pada Bakteri E.Coli. The lac Operon in E. coli Introduction This BioCoach activity will help you understand how gene expression is regulated in bacteria, causing genes to be turned on and off in response to environmental signals. You will find information on how genes in bacteria are grouped together in functional groups called operons, the functions of various segments of DNA in operons, how specific molecules start and stop transcription within operons, and how certain molecules affect the rate of this transcription. Animations in the activity show these processes. You can check your understanding of the lac operon by using the interactive Practice exercises and the Self-Quiz at the end of the module. Concept 1: Gene Regulation in Bacteria Bacteria adapt to changes in their surroundings by using regulatory proteins to turn groups of genes on and off in response to various environmental signals. The DNA of Escherichia coli is sufficient to encode about 4000 proteins, but only a fraction of these are made at any one time. E. coli regulates the expression of many of its genes according to the food sources that are available to it. Concept 2: The Lactose Operon An operon is a cluster of bacterial genes along with an adjacent promoter that controls the transcription of those genes. 3 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon When the genes in an operon are transcribed, a single mRNA is produced for all the genes in that operon. This mRNA is said to be polycistronic because it carries the information for more than one type of protein. Concept 3: The lac Operator The operator is a short region of DNA that lies partially within the promoter and that interacts with a regulatory protein that controls the transcription of the operon. Here's an analogy. A promo Concept 4: The lac Regulatory Gene The regulatory gene lacI produces an mRNA that produces a Lac repressor protein, which can bind to the operator of the lac operon. 4 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon In some texts, the lacI regulatory gene is called the lacI regulator gene. Regulatory genes are not necessarily close to the operons they affect. The general term for the product of a regulatory gene is a regulatory protein. The Lac regulatory protein is called a repressor because it keeps RNA polymerase from transcribing the structural genes. Thus the Lac repressor inhibits transcription of the lac operon. Concept 5: The Lac Repressor Protein In the absence of lactose, the Lac repressor binds to the operator and keeps RNA polymerase from transcribing the lac genes. Animate It would be energetically wasteful for E. coli if the lac genes were expressed when lactose was not present. The effect of the Lac repressor on the lac genes is referred to as negative regulation. Concept 6: The Effect of Lactose on the lac Operon 5 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon When lactose is present, the lac genes are expressed because allolactose binds to the Lac repressor protein and keeps it from binding to the lac operator. Allolactose is an isomer of lactose. Small amounts of allolactose are formed when lactose enters E. coli. Allolactose binds to an allosteric site on the repressor protein causing a conformational change. As a result of this change, the repressor can no longer bind to the operator region and falls off. RNA polymerase can then bind to the promoter and transcribe the lac genes. Concept 7: The lac Inducer: Allolactose Allolactose is called an inducer because it turns on, or induces the expression of, the lac genes. The presence of lactose (and thus allolactose) determines whether or not the Lac repressor is bound to the operator. 6 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon Allolactose binds to an allosteric site on the repressor protein causing a conformational change. As a result of this change, the repressor can no longer bind to the operator region and falls off. RNA polymerase can then bind to the promoter and transcribe the lac genes. Concept 8: Feedback Control of the lac Operon When the enzymes encoded by the lac operon are produced, they break down lactose and allolactose, eventually releasing the repressor to stop additional synthesis of lac mRNA. Animate Reset Messenger RNA breaks down after a relatively short amount of time. Concept 9: Energy Source Preferences of E. coli Whenever glucose is present, E. coli metabolizes it before using alternative energy sources such as lactose, arabinose, galactose, and maltose. 7 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon Animate Glucose is the preferred and most frequently available energy source for E. coli. The enzymes to metabolize glucose are made constantly by E. coli. When both glucose and lactose are available, the genes for lactose metabolism are transcribed at low levels. Only when the supply of glucose has been exhausted does does RNA polymerase start to transcribe the lac genes efficiently, which allows E. coli to metabolize lactose. Concept 10: The Effect of Glucose and Lactose on the lac Operon When both glucose and lactose are present, the genes for lactose metabolism are transcribed to a small extent. Maximal transcription of the lac operon occurs only when glucose is absent and lactose is present. The action of cyclic AMP and a catabolite activator protein produce this effect. 8 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon Concept 11: The Effect of Glucose and Cyclic AMP on the lac Operon The presence or absence of glucose affects the lac operon by affecting the concentration of cyclic AMP. The concentration of cyclic AMP in E. coli is inversely proportional to the concentration of glucose: as the concentration of glucose decreases, the concentration of cyclic AMP increases. Animate Cyclic AMP is derived from ATP. 9 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098) The Lac Operon Concept 12: The Effect of Lactose in the Absence of Glucose on the lac Operon In the presence of lactose and absence of glucose, cyclic AMP (cAMP) joins with a catabolite activator protein that binds to the lac promoter and facilitates the transcription of the lac operon. In some texts, the catabolite activator protein (CAP) is called the cAMP-receptor protein. Animate When the concentration of glucose is low, cAMP accumulates in the cell. The binding of cAMP and the catabolite activator protein to the lac promoter increases transcription by enhancing the binding of RNA polymerase to the lac promoter. 10 Werdi Isna Retnowati (10505098)