Study Guide – Antigone Test

Study Guide – Antigone Test
The test will be all multiple choice, scan-tron, so please bring a No. 2 pencil.
Materials to study from – All handout/powerpoints
available on my website
Material that will be on the Test
I. The Plot of Antigone:
What was the conflict?
Who did what?
Who died and how?
I. Your Antigone book
Double-side plot summary/notes page plot summary
II. Characters of Antigone
Who is related to whom?
Who is moral, who is not?
II. Your Antigone book, esp. p. 58
Last page of Daily Quiz
Review of Antigone Guided Notes
III. Key Passags in Antigone
What passages were turning points in the story,
or in the character’s thinking?
III. Your Antigone book
IV. Greek Theater
What are the elements of a Greek Tragedy?
What was it like to see a Greek play performed?
III. Greek Theater Guided Notes
V. Basics of Oedipus Story
Who was Oedipus?
What did he do and how did it affect Antigone?
IV. Oedipus Powerpoint
Oed. Envelope Activity Answer Key (3rd block only)
VI. Essential Questions
What passages from Antigone answer the EQ’s?
How do those passages answer the EQ’s?
How do the EQ’s apply to your own life/today?
V. Daily Quiz
Your Antigone book
VII. Basics of Persepolis
What was the major conflict in Persepolis?
VI. Your Persepolis Book.
How did that conflict connect to Antigone?
What parts of Persepolis especially overlapped with Antigone?