Rotary Club of King of Prussia Annual Fund Raising Auction Sunday, November 2, 2008 At Sullivan’s steakhouse 700 W. Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia PA. SERVICE OR ITEM DONATION FORM Yes, I would like to support Rotary’s Fund Raiser with: [ ] A Silent Auction Item Description: [ ] Gift Certificate [ ] Service [ ] Merchandise *Fair Market Value of donation $________ [ ] Item must be picked up at this address: ____________________________ [ ] Gift Certificate is enclosed * FMV Required by IRS for tax purposes. Further details in Program Booklet. CORPORATE SPONSOR/TICKETS/ADS (Seating limited to first 165 guests registering) [ ] I’d like to attend, please reserve ________ tickets Ticket price is $125.00 per person [ ] I’d like to purchase a table of 8 as a Corporate Sponsor: $1,500.00 (Includes Raffle Tickets for 8 & Full Page Ad) [ ] I’d like to purchase a Program Book Ad [ ] I’m unable to attend, please accept my donation $_________ Name: _________________________________ Company: _______________________________ Bikes for Yendi Address: ________________________________ City: _________________ State:____ Zip: ______ Phone: _______________ Fax: _______________ Make a Wish Foundation James Rhoads Elementary School National Multiple Sclerosis Society Susan G. Komen Foundation Email: ___________________________________ Check appropriate boxes: [ ] Full page: 5” (W) x 8”(H)..............$150 [ ] Inside Front Page..............................$250 [ ] Inside Back Page.......................... $250 [ ] Back Cover...........…................... $300 [ ] Camera Ready Artwork enclosed [ ] We are emailing artwork and logo [ ] Artwork to follow [ ] Enclosed is payment of $ __________ King of Prussia Rotary Past Charitable Foundation Beneficiaries COMMUNITY ALS Association REGIONAL Endow A Home Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Ali Paris/LKS Research Bridgeport Fire Company King of Prussia Fire Company Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund Tax deductible portion of ticket price is $70.00 Official registration and financial information of the King of Prussia Rotary Club Charitable Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Does not imply endorsement. (Final Deadline: Monday, Oct. 27, 2008) Please mail completed form(s) and enclosures to: John F. Alfonse Comtrust Federal Credit Union 720 Moore Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 610-337-0357 Fax: 610-337-1832 Please make checks payable to – “King of Prussia Rotary Charitable Foundation” Upper Merion Meals on Wheels Lafayette Ambulance Upper Merion H S Scholarships King of Prussia Rotary Club Boy Scouts of America Serving our community since 1956 Upper Merion Outer Limits Upper Merion Library UM Family Services Baker Industries INTERNATIONAL Giving Heart Ministries - Malawi Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication Rotaplast International “The King of Club's” 2008 Rotary Dinner & Auction Sunday, November 2nd at virus infection. At least, not since the development of polio vaccines by Drs. Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. No more worry about a lifetime on crutches, leg braces, or far worse, a lifetime crawling around on hands and knees as is often the case in some countries where polio virus is still endemic. Cleft lip child – Wagner – before surgery 700 W. Dekalb Pike · King of Prussia 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Hosted Cocktail Reception · Sumptuous Dinner Buffet Silent Auction · Live Auction Contribution $125.00 per guest Black tie optional. Benefits the King of Prussia Rotary Charitable Foundation Polio Victim in Nigeria Rotary International (RI) has provided millions of dollars in the battle to eradicate polio world wide. Rotarians participate in National Immunization Days (NIDs) in Madagascar, India, Africa, and other countries where many children are still unprotected by polio vaccination. By helping to immunize these children during NIDs, RI hopes to one day eradicate polio throughout the world. Can we do it? Will we succeed? That’s the challenge which lies ahead for every Rotarian. (Seating limited to first 165 guests registering) (Final Deadline: Monday, Oct. 27, 2008) Please mail completed form(s) and enclosures to: Sonia – before (left) and after surgery King of Prussia Rotarian, Audrey Leavitt, administering vaccine in Nigeria Neonatal cleft palate and similar pediatric anomalies are rare in the U.S. When it shows up in infants it is easily corrected by specialists in reconstructive surgery. But, in some countries, cleft lips and palates are much more prevalent. Imagine your child going through life being barred from contact with other school children because their condition would be disruptive in class? Can you understand the anguish of the parents of these young children, not knowing how to cope with the situation, or envision a normal life for their child in a society where they are ostracized? Dear Friend of Rotary: It is unlikely that you or your families worried about your children contracting “Infantile Paralysis,” caused by polio Rotaplast International, a program supported by Rotarians, sends teams of physicians and other professionals to countries with a high incidence of cleft palate. They work with local Rotary clubs and physicians to identify children in need of corrective surgery. They set up surgical suites where they perform wondrous procedures on young patients to give them a new lease on life. To witness the smiles on the faces of these children, and their parents, when they emerge from surgery and realize their affliction is gone - no longer to stand in the way of their acceptance by peers or society, is a very heart warming feeling. That’s Rotary at its finest! You can make a difference in the life of a young adult! Our Rotarians certainly do. Each year we make a substantial contribution to our local high school scholarship fund. Three of our Rotarians are on the Board of Trustees and participate in the selection of deserving candidates. It is a pleasure to know we are able to help young individuals attain their academic goals. Your participation in our fund-raising will ensure we can continue to do so. And you can be proud of sharing in their future. Y T O This year’s RI theme is very simple and straight forward; “Make Dreams Real”. Each year our club stages a fundraising auction and gala dinner as a major source of revenue to support our Charitable Foundation. In turn, we provide contributions to many local, national and international programs such as world wide polio eradication, Rotaplast and our Upper Merion High School scholarships. These are just a few of the donations made by our club’s Foundation which help to “Make Dreams Real.”. Other examples appear on the back of this brochure. Here's how you can help us reach our goal: 1. Donate an item or service and list a suggested retail price. 2. Be a corporate sponsor & purchase a table for 8 for the auction or individual tickets @ $125.00 each. 3. Buy an ad in our auction program book. 4. Purchase raffle tickets for special prizes, including $1,000 shopping spree at the King of Prussia Mall. We’re counting on your generous support to help us continue these programs. Thanks for becoming a partner in our efforts to provide a better life for those less fortunate, and for your support and understanding of our “Service above Self” goals. Our upcoming fund-raising event will be held Sunday, November 2nd 2008 at Sullivan’s Steakhouse in King of Prussia, PA. This venue was a huge success last year and we hope you can join us this year. Please consider making the King of Prussia Rotary Club Charitable Foundation, your way of giving back to your community on a local, national and international level. By doing so you will join a cadre of Friends of Rotary who Help “Make Dreams Real.”. (Final Deadline: Monday, Oct. 27, 2008) Please mail completed form(s) and enclosures to: John F. Alfonse Comtrust Federal Credit Union 720 Moore Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 610-337-0357 Fax: 610-337-1832 Please make checks payable to – “King of Prussia Rotary Charitable Foundation”