The one who functions as the language bringer, can't be trusted. You know why? Who is he. What does he bring. Language Oh? A noise machine? Did you make frightening expressions with your faces? I have only one One expression or one face. You see when you said you couldn't be trusted I took you very seriously. And now, being thrust back into my own grid of anticipation and carefulness-A prison. --I thought for a moment you offered me a key. Don't trust me doesn't mean don't take chances. When I hurl words in your direction-Duck, but don't turn and run. Oh, run. But chose a more circular, maze-like pattern, try to bedevil me in the complex strands of your own verbal stratagy, even if that's to say nothing, still shaped in imitation of the infinite folds of the human brain: do you have one too? Of course, I've never seen my own. Don't you claim it's very shape is projected on all you experience. I said that once You made a gift of it. In language. I'm not supposed to taste Just take advantage. Snatch, jeweled, fruits, tokens of my own ability to control what pours out and multiplies and folds back on itself until something very thick indeed coats the surface of things-- struck yet? Can I still duck? Look towards the other emd of the body, please, do the feet move with ease, or do they call for a certain forcefulness of knee, thigh, even strong up to the rib cage-Why not say, making the head pound, which sends even more blood to the head-Dizzy to duck. Spinning, what's caught or not caught-- But of course, when the head spins, it attracts like a magnet Now what it wants No choice for the head, as usual for the head. Don't trust me. I'm already magnatized, so trust isn't under my control either When you realize that, you realize nothing special.The nobody who sits inside The house on sunny days Says where is there a window That permits the sunlight's rays To enter in my bedroom Where the pillow sparkles white On which I lay my weary head To brightly dream of night. Black black black Inside the lonely house Brite brite brite The darkness tumbles out. Are you a real language demon? What I checked up on was my own conversation What I found there was. . . everything I expected.Rose, double authentic layered self Sweat-heaved in orbit Sintilating heat: not heat: Sweet joined past multiple hurtle Rose whine curled into gold heat-space, whif-drone, non-adhesive glue flower, trembles. Authentic, the revolve itself 3 Spaced, but the empty teeth Alost Un-bite touchable: vast in a cloud Sliced, center speed, and the lost buckle a whole triangle shape of real fire The agitation interested me the minute I found out about it.I can't imagine his committment to langauge Something Not expressed but a very real, thunderous-as the world, suddenly, with holes that widened as fast as the world widened. Did take me out to the place I was, grey and soft, gentleness like an instinct inside matter. The double revolve of two mental wheels, did represent the spread of that activity; So urban we were, doffed hats into the whirl of candy winds-and I sank Into a tall direction that spoke. (sweet) His own honor Not an neglected aspect of himself but a buckle that shone a fly, decorating his own maneuvers through space Until the fly king said, enough, I have seen with my seventeen eyes and I sink into that very delight as sufficient. His own trust not a forgotten part of the repetoir. But somehow what the overkil of the emotion emptied like a suitcase in a lost city of great but hard to fathom adventure His own fathomlessness not a look in a wrong direction but, mirror-like a part of the eaten cake of iced responsibility that went down sweet, but lay in the endless stomach upheavals that spread the entire pavement of catagory that masquaraded as like and like-not but really-went in all directions, whirling, at onceSadly, he spoke, fire-based with feet asphalt caressed, breaking tenderness rolled sweet under foot particles of day to day spew now chewed to grass like spun language hair. Oh, was he a sweet one or a disappointed one or a lost, totally lost look at the hand-tongue shaking fluttering in the long tunnelRemarkable or not, hewed to no form but form He did vast-reach across the inch of the finger no, the tinier joint balanced like sea-blue In the pin-eye foam of his whirling on the fifty-two year pivot drown-fear Floats but under the unoticable back so if, un-available, by twist rather than fact, A fact. Floats remarkably twist-high Sweeten the self, and do not act, which will sweeten the self throiugh not acting, and not projecting the self into gross matter through the act which falls into the real world and is not sweet. So do not venture, there, but stay, un-fallen, and let the impulse not-fall into the world, but stay in the unmanifest where it sweetens as it ripens, totally. Why not employ a more efficient waiter. Why employ a waiter that does not act. Waiter? Hello. I'd like some fish.(Pause) Is that possible? It is possible Will you bring me some fish? (Shakes head) Why employ a waiter who does not act? He sweetens himself, and my resturant burns, lightens I don't understand lightens. I can't explain lightens. Waiter, I'd like some fish. (Pause) Would I really? Please, don't pay me for fish. (Pause) Normally, I don't pay for fish until I've recevived it. Would you like to look at it, sir? I try to imagine it. (Pause) Try to imagine it Look at this river (Pause) No firery angels on this river This river? Is that a river I can imagine a river. I can imagine firery angels on the river, and fish leaping into the sky in happiness. We let them leap, I believe. I'm a waiter who does nothing, and in the end, it makes you happy, also. I'd like to eat. Why? Becauyse dinner time has come, you see? (Shows watch) (Points to clock) I see I see. (at window, music) Would your resturant be more successful as a resturnat if you employed a waiter who dod not-not act?This waiter does not act. He does not descend into the real world where he takes my desire for fish and gratifies it. (Pause) I taste the imaginary fish in my mouth. I feel what it does to my throat, as the taste seems to spread in multiple directions inside me. By what pathways I do not know. How did I become a waiter? How did I come to dress, and be here? Now I remember It was as if you were doing a walk that was a kind of revolving perpetual, and that spin, that wobble, as it were spun you into my resturnat. Can I buy this resturnat? Are you serious? Is it what you want? I hardly thought about it Think about it How much would you pay me? How much do you want? (Pause) I'll have to consider You'd be a free man Would I? (Pause) I have another idea, which I admit is inspired by viewing this waiter that I employ, or seem to. Do I employ? He wobbles into my employ. He is, wobbling, sustained within my employ. This waiter does not fall into concrete being with acts, but hovers-- always on the verge of delivering the meal that will satisfy. And so, satisfaction, hovering, contains itself and constitutes itself. I do not fall into being, in fact When the circular appearance did: or did not have the light opening the eye, A slice of eye light So slanted onto the self circling A path But to follow it was to return always. Fast-as-light Infolded; That total Intense Gentle-ness. Did I fall into intense being by not falling into concrete being. Did I not fall, I did not.Look what I found in my pocket. Nobody keeps fish in his pocket Candy Dust Candy made into dust He's feeding the bugs Look, what I found in the corner. A fan. (waved) No, it's not a fan A fishing pole. (Points) A river) It's a cleaning mechanism I feel refreshed already Waiter! I hear God calling. Waiter He can't be angry with me, because I am listening to him only. Waiter, do you know how this machine works? (Shows watch) I have one also (Pause) How does it work? I know not. But it works, and I utilize it. Congradulate me. That's the difference between us Congradulations. Question mark or no question mark? Waiter. How does this work? (Points to watch) The same way this works (Waiter points to own head) This doesn't have to work, by which he who responds to the name waiter means that he, in fact, has not allowed himself to fall, disasterously, into concrete and vulgar reality. No coagulation of spirit into matter for this one, called waiter, who is waiter, but who waits not. I descided to help out and bring you your fish. But it hasn't been cooked. Ah, then it would be far past living, while here in this state, there is still the chance, returned not too far off into a water environment, it may be able to function as a live, fulfilled being which it is or at least was, but we can hope still is. (Pause) Shall we try? Shall we succeed>? I think we succeeded. (Fish into tank)The taste is where? In my mouth. In the sensation which is registered in the brain or elsewhere? In the tasted item, of course but of course not. It seems to circulate. Taste The taste. That teaches me something. (Pause) My mind wandered. Was I speaking? It was a taste What? For speaking. My fish? I dare not ask. Ask me, your waiter. I'm surprised the customer hasn't exploded. I've exploded? I have. . . but it seems to distribute itself over such a wide landscape, that the explosion itself is no explosion but more a gentle wave. Of the sort of wave that laps, upon the river bank as the flaming barge passes slow and scatters fishes, flapping on the strand. Fishes flapping on the strand? Of course, of course You do not see the fishes Flapping on the strand Ah, and that collective flap, could be possibly, the source of today's catch, I mean the dinner, not yet placed before me but placed; somewhere exact, I'm sure. (Pause) Clean my mustache, Please. Ah? Something unique in a waiter's repartoir. I myself had no idea. This waiter has shaved his potential mustache for similar reasons Fish? Or mustache? Fish or mustache? (build, disco) Waiters, such as my sort, let flow through their own being, a kind of flow it whether or not, as it did, fish or no fish, flow having said flow, the fish, did it not, because did it not irrelevent. A waiter, irrelevent. Because the fish arrive and flapp upon the strand grand and wonderful indeed Heed them with care I am not there; in the morning air Sliced by sunlight That blinds not dazzle. (music rises, all flapp)If everything, every idea, is fulfilled within one or two allusions to the root of that idea: if every beginning immediately collapses the full stretch oif its fleshed out totality like a firecracker of insight that comes inevitably to those who hurl themselves forward into the forthcoming, not with effort but just conquored drift-Then why attempt further manifestation? Sit, wait patient. And the large silve tray from the kitchen arrives, bottemless, which means what? Ah, meaning arrives, is the realm data of my partricular faith. I am able to exploite, all the small hitches of reason, so tiny, stitch by stitch, that the entire fabric so self-grown is me, in radient firery, be into himself and 'he' am-is. Am-is A kind of flap, am-is, and he flapped, himself in the flapping, am-is Am-is! Darkness falls. Urban alone, and the brown river twisted from country otherwise where the flat plate, jeweled like a tilt of non-visible space-layered forth into the vertical everything new-built that also tilted but soft in the inclined place of radical suddenness, since anticipation was impatience, and all collected made population, strata, something to plough through like a snow-wall of intelligence. In other words Sucked sweet by the spring that laid into it's cold banks a sun rose.Pose checkers But a radical up or down Means nothing to me Who flirts, only withg the vomit tress of long, long detail. Spit to miss And the eye flick Could only bask Self-encrusted in a real tumble, inside-outThe geers do mesh But a sleep Undone by itself Dreamed into distance-lake, by which fish of eye-trauma, Caught one-eye Packed, reflective like a beam thinner Alone to make me-me arise like a twist. The language undone byt it's stitch-self Cuts into double-joint What eye-glue into Spans Into raw I was.Dorethy comes to think she is or is not in heaven. If she is in heaven, she is receiving messages of value, which need not be communicated because being in heaven, the value of the message is to engender growth and extention that is its own reason for being. If she is not in heaven, communication of messages counts because the definition of non-heaven, she thinks, is particularness-ness, which means a longing for unity exists, must be fulfilled, and communication the primary means to do such a thing. What IS the message, to be or be not communicated? At first, Dorethy thinks she might have been chosen as one of God's messangers, but she does not know if she should deliver the message or protect the message from those who, she imagines, would rip it from inside her consciousness which would hurt.The green Tried apple, bites Into all-over, but a branch Lifts, bites Into the outside star- self Where Grass only, I count fingers in flight. Skies, branches, spark gaps of the non-apple Refracted itself, Fallen from no branch Til a bite Speeds forth The seed of happens Not-yet. I know things and into the very center a hole Brown Burrows Til the edge unkept like light Speaks of its own Discovered drift and that plate edges Into incomplete hurrah, whole again like a type UnbentEach , split, separated into a non-spice. All frontal demand, a skull in essence de-brew to drink, unthought, the return fluid of a slow Triumph of sheet-a-lade: panic-pain of a look, sparkling the untroubled hurt-not of hurt kernal. The darkness falls. Only the city, turned Like an underside, silver, Sends whisper rails, Highways of determined non-block Effort and ease-what a combo. City, all folded thin Where the surprise bunched up Language into edible semi-slice. Here, too much chatter On and off Like electricity never called for. Only the dress store Strode, swaggers Like it's every pariah Knowing -its name; Man city With deliberate female decision stripe-stride.Wonderful Rage-freedom and the dawn drops Partial again Against pale itself-spawn. The flick of Tremendous, round, calm. Oh, it already brief-tumble Into past ice-shell Shall. Gathering up shall-destinies, Wit, but a word more. And the revoled crack Spread like fire trumpet, Music of solid foot Pounding spread, like a dust-effectual remark That made its own ice reflex Blanket enough to do to daylight Whatever outs the maintained Tremor of spleen-beam, us.Psyche out the shape of all events circling, expanding because of the overlap on a point; added one by one, drift to the right So if one counteracts the drift Time stops. And the circle is penetrable And the eye is the center the origin point-Sees or is seen? Nothing is there The eye self-enclosed Non-radiating Except circular, of a different kind on and throught itself. Tight weave where tight means nothing. The self-selfed Emptied A point now Non-existent from extentionlessness And all because One moved against movement.