GDP WebQuest Visit the following websites below and type your answers in the boxes provided. GDP Overview Click on the following website: Answer the following questions: 1. What is the difference between GDP and GNP? 2. What is excluded from GDP that is included in GNP? 3. List the two ways to measure GDP. 4. Why aren’t intermediate goods counted in the calculation of GDP? What would it lead to? 5. Which component of GDP constitutes the largest percentage of U.S. GDP? 6. List the examples of government expenditures. 7. What is not included? 8. Describe the difference between exports and imports 9. How do we calculate net exports? Go to the following website: Answer the following questions in order to describe some of the shortcomings of GDP: 1. How do economists treat nonmarket transactions as they relate to GDP? 2. What are some examples mentioned? 3. What is meant by leisure time? 4. What is meant by the underground economy (“black market”)? 5. Why is per capita GDP a better indication of the economy’s well-being? Give an example. Go to the following website: 1. Explain the difference between nominal and real gdp. Go to the following website: 1. What are the signs of a healthy economy? 2. What are the characteristics of a bad economy? Go to: 1. What year does the bea currently link real GDP dollars to? 2. List the nominal and real gdp for the following years 4th quarter reports: Nominal GDP (this is the column that says “current dollars”) 1929 Real GDP (this is the column that says “chained 2009 dollars”) 1933 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2006 Go to:, Based on the CIA World Fact Book (link above), you can find the information to complete the table below. First, choose the nation from the drop down list. There will then be several categories for that nation with “+” to the right. Clicking a “+” drops down a list of information about that nation. Some of the categories are “People”, “Economy,” “Geography,” etc. Find the section that corresponds to the information below. I’ve done the first two for you. Population Look under (People) US Japan Germany China Switzerland Zimbabwe Cuba GDP (2009) (Economy) GDP Per Capita Literacy Rate Infant Mortality Rate Education Expense (% GDP) Life Expectancy Both Genders(in years)