Board minutes, 3 October 2014

Title of meeting College Board of Directors
03 October 2014 (0900 – 1300)
Committee Room (Ryton)
Board Directors
Dame Shirley Pearce (SP) (Chair)
Ann Barnes (AB)
Millie Banerjee (MB)
Katy Bourne (KB)
Irene Curtis (IC)
Peter Fahy (PF)
Julia Lawrence (JL)
Alex Marshall (AM) (Chief Executive)
Sir Denis O’Connor (DOC)
Sir Hugh Orde (HO)
Larry Sherman (LS)
Sara Thornton (ST)
Rob Beckley (RB)
David Buckle (DB)
Oliver Cattermole (OC)
Malcolm Cornberg (MC)
Nicola Dale (ND)
Theresa Jennings (TJ)
Catriona Lang (CL)
Lucy Stewart-Winters (LSW)
Anne Taylor
Manjit Thandi (MT)
Rachel Tuffin (RT)
Robin Wilkinson (RW)
College COO
Director of Membership & Business Development
Chief of Staff
Director of Corporate Service
Direct Entry – joined at Item 8
Senior Adviser to the Chair
PA to the CEO
Corporate Governance Unit
Head of Corporate Governance
BME Progression 2018 – – joined at Item 8
Director of Knowledge, Research and Education
Director of HR (MPS)
Agenda Item 1 - Welcome and administration
The meeting was opened by the Chair who noted that the meeting had been duly
convened, notice of the meeting had been given to each director and the meeting was
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
The Chair noted that Louise Casey had sent apologies and would be stepping down,
temporarily, from the Board in order to focus on work related to the Rotherham
The Chair welcomed Robin Wilkinson as an observer to the Board and explained that he
had been selected, through the recent recruitment process, to be the new NonExecutive Director. Subject to the Home Secretary’s approval, he would join the Board
in December 2014.
The Chair asked for declarations of interest; none were received.
The Chair declared two areas of any other business.
The Board agreed that the minutes from the meeting on 23rd July 2014 were an
accurate reflection and no amendments were requested. The Board agreed the action
Agenda Item 2 - Chair’s Update
The Board received SP’s written update.
The Chair highlighted the speech she had given to the PSAEW in early September and
the varying responses received around the need for an evidence-based approach in
policing. She highlighted the role of the College, as the professional body, to build a
common understanding of the importance of sharing evidence and good practice.
In discussion, Directors said that clearer and consistent messages about the College
generally and evidenced-based policing specifically, were still needed across policing.
AM said that he was working with DO to draft a paper that defined police
professionalism. Directors noted that a single foundation paper from the CEO would be
helpful. SP asked the Executive to consider how the use of evidence could be threaded
through the work of the College, as well as externally, and reinforced the point that the
work on defining police professionalism would be core to the leadership review.
The CEO to progress the paper on defining police professionalism,
circulate it to the Board and use it to inform the leadership review. (Ref
AC031014 – 01)
RT to invite Gloria Laycock to the next Board development session (03
Dec 2014), to provide the Board with more information about the work of
the consortium and the launch and content of the on-line toolkit. (Ref
AC031014 – 02)
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
Agenda Item 3 - Chief Executive’s Report
The Board received AM’s written update. AM thanked Directors for their quick approval
that enabled the Executive to progress with the acquisition of the Sunningdale site. He
noted there had been further work on the development of the professional
communities and that this would include an effective partnership working model with
the emerging chief officers’ co-ordinating body.
Agenda Item 4 – Committee Updates
Agenda Item 4a - Nominations & Remuneration Committee (NRC)
a) Director Recruitment – the Chair of the NRC (MB) updated the Board on the recent
Non-Executive Director recruitment process and welcomed Robin Wilkinson, the
successful candidate, to this Board meeting. His appointment has been
recommended to the Home Secretary and, subject to her approval, Robin will
attend the December Board as a company director.
b) Board Review – MB and SP introduced the item. They referred to the significant
discussion of the NRC’s recommendations at the facilitated Awayday session the
previous day. There was general agreement for the premises of the
recommendations. Concerns were raised by some Directors with regard to the
transition, specifically the issue of where and how the members and their
representative groups would be involved in the governance and the business
delivery of the College, during the interim period and beyond. The Board agreed
that the report should include a new recommendation that, as part of the
implementation of the interim Board model, the College would establish a strategic
approach to the effective involvement of its members and stakeholder bodies,
including formal representation and the establishment of a Members’ Committee.
Directors recognised the degree of urgency in taking action, as most Directors’
tenures expire in Spring 2015.
The Board agreed the recommendations (1-4) as outlined in the College
Board Review (version 9) on condition that:
a) the sentence ‘in line with the detail in section 6.2.9 and the
succession plan attached as Annex C’ is removed from
recommendation 2;
b) an additional recommendation is introduced covering the College’s
approach to how members and police associations/groups are
involved in its governance and business, taking into account the wider
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
developing landscape. (Ref DE031014 – 01)
The Chair to contact the heads of the PSAEW, the Police Federation, ACPO
and the APCC to discuss the initial results of the Board Review and,
specifically, the structure of the College Board of Directors during the
interim period. (Ref AC031014 – 03)
The detail of the interim board to be reconsidered by the review team in
light of the Chair’s discussions above and the updated work to be
circulated to Directors. (Ref AC031014 – 04)
Agenda Item 4b - Professional Committee (PC) –
AM, as the Chair of the Professional Committee, talked to the update paper. He noted
that, following the discussion at the Away Day (02 Oct), the Executive would take
forward the College’s approach to IPR and may bring a paper to a future Board. He also
highlighted the progress with regard the undercover policing oversight group
ACTION: The Executive to take forward work on the approach to IPR and submit a
paper to the Board, as needed. (Ref AC031014 – 04)
Agenda Item 4c - Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) –
The Chair of the ARC (DOC) provided a verbal update. He advised that there had been
no meeting of the ARC since the last Board and that statutory accounts for the period
01 Jan 2014 – 31 Mar 2014 were being prepared, ahead of the NAO starting its audit in
October. DO highlighted that, due to resource limitations, work on the assurance
framework had been postponed. Directors asked if the risks could be reviewed.
RB to ensure that the corporate risk register is reviewed and updated.
(Ref AC230714 – 05)
Agenda Item 5 – Management Update
Agenda Item 5a - Performance and Risk Report – RB talked to the update paper and
noted that the proposals for OSPRE are currently with the Home Office and Minister for
sign-off. He advised the Board that demand for APP was high and expectations and
prioritisation must be managed. RB also noted that issues with the delivery and takeup of cyber training had been resolved following the introduction of a new SLA and a
paper on the Vetting Code of Practice was to be submitted to the Professional
Directors discussed the gateway mechanism and the need for the effective
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
prioritisation and definition of APP and whether this should be reflected as a risk.
Directors considered the relationship and important differences between standard
setting and standard inspection, the important of both processes being cyclical and the
critical role of the evidence-base. The Chair and CEO explained that the executive of
the College and HMIC are discussing these issues. Directors encouraged the Executive
to consider a costing model and RT noted that work around costing had been
considered and a member of her staff was currently seconded to HMIC.
Agenda Item 5b - Finance Update – MC talked to the update paper and echoed DO’s
earlier comments relating to the preparation of the draft accounts. He noted that the
current underspend could be explained by staffing costs and the restructuring work.
MC also noted that the College had indicated to the Home Office that the budget
required for 2015/2016 would be comparable with that for 2014/2015 and that a
greater capital spend should be anticipated.
Directors asked if any monies could be recovered from the Home Office following the
sale of Bramshill. The CEO said that senior Home Office officials had responded
positively to the concept of assisting the College with additional capital funding, should
this be required in the replacement of Bramshill. He noted that the current option for
replacing Bramshill was based on revenue spend not a capital investment and that the
issue will remain under review.
Agenda Item 6 – Developing the College
RB talked to the update paper and noted that the majority of the change programme
activity is now under the auspices of the Executive Directors. He acknowledged that
some corporate knowledge had been lost, as people left the organisation, but balanced
that against the variety of skill and experience that new staff had brought with them
and reassured the Board about mitigation action.
RB referred to the interim organisational structure now in place. Directors highlighted
that the organogram would not be easy for an external audience to navigate and that
some of the areas of most interest to members (training, assessment and leadership)
were not highlighted in the diagram. DB advised the Board that some key posts within
the membership area were still to be recruited and provided a brief update on
The Executive to review and revise the interim organogram with an
external audience in mind, including capturing the functions and roles
most relevant to members. (Ref AC230714 – 06)
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
Agenda Item 7 - Leadership Review
AM talked to the update paper and noted the substantial discussion at the Board Away
Day. He said that a summary of the discussions at the Board Away Day would be
Directors were asked to inform the Executive of:
any outstanding documents or information that the review team
should consider as part of the horizon scanning;
 any identify individuals,(from outside policing), who should be
considered for the Advisory Group
 their interest in being part of the Board sub-group.
(Ref AC230714 – 07)
Agenda Item 8 – Diversity Update
AM talked to the update paper. He noted that, while data about police workforce makeup is published by the Home Office, the College could do more to facilitate access to it.
He informed the Board that the College’s own diversity data was to be updated shortly,
with additional information being sought from staff.
Directors cautioned against making comparisons between workforce data and
performance, due to the number of elements that can influence such comparisons.
Rather than considering quantitative performance measures, Directors suggested
demonstrating where good practice had been evidenced and could be shared, with
examples forming the basis of a regularly up-dated information resource. There was a
discussion about what could be done to improve national consistency in relation to the
data that is recorded and published. Directors discussed how to increase the use of
positive action initiatives, including changes in the law. Directors sought a higher
profile for some of the good work being done nationwide and agreed that diversity
should be a standing update item on the Board agenda.
The Executive to review the examples of best practice, re BME officer
progression, recently submitted to the Professional Committee and
circulate them to the Board. (Ref AC230714 – 08)
Diversity to be kept on the Board Agenda as an update item and reflected
in all papers. (Ref AC230714 – 09)
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
Agenda Item 9 – Flexible Entry Update
AM introduced the item and ND talked to the update paper noting that the new Fast
Track Inspectors and Direct Entry Superintendents would be appointed in September
and November 2014. She said that more work was underway to refine further the
learning outcomes.
Directors noted that feedback from some of the candidates suggested elements of the
assessment process could be improved. ND confirmed that feedback would be
considered in the development of next year’s process and highlighted the close contact
with the BME Progression 2018 project. AM noted that the final HPDS cohort had been
impressive and he was keen they were not overlooked in light of the introduction of
ND to meet with Dr Sam Peach and SP to review / revise the learning
FTDE learning outcomes. (Ref AC230714 – 10)
Agenda Item 10 – College 5-Year Strategy
AM introduced the item. He said that, whilst Directors had seen and discussed the
document previously, it was introduced here for formal approval as the intention was
to share it at the College Conference on 15 October 2014.
DECISION: The Board formally approved the College of Policing Five- year strategy
document. (Ref DE031014 – 2)
Agenda Item 11 – Any Other Business
The Chair asked the Board to consider a letter of support for Lord Richard Faulkner
with regard to his work to change legislation to improve the ability of BTP officers to
discharge their function.
The Chair asked that point 7.2 in the Board Review document be amended to read that
the CEO (and not the Chair) has overall responsibility for papers submitted to the
Directors were asked to identify any concerns with regard the letter of
support from the Board for Lord Faulkner by close of business Fri 03 Oct.
(Ref AC230714 – 11)
Board Review team to update 7.2 of the report to show the CEO has
overall responsibility for the production of board papers. (Ref
AC230714 – 12)
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199
Agenda Item 12 – Confidentiality
The Chair requested that all attendees treat the contents of the Board review and
covering Board paper as confidential.
The Chair agreed that information relating to the selection of Robin Wilkinson as the
new Board Director could be shared if the information were caveated that the
appointment is subject to Home Secretary approval.
Agenda Item 13 - Dates of remaining Board meetings in 2014:
Board Away Day
Board Development
Wed 3rd Dec
Wed 3rd Dec
(11:00 – 13:00)
(14:00 – 17:00)
Riverside House, London
(as a true and accurate record of the meeting)
Shirley Pearce
Chair of the College of Policing
Registered address: College of Policing Limited, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3EN-Company number: 8235199