ELX 223.3 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (3-1-2) Sessional Final Total Theory 30 50 80 Practical 20 20 Total 50 50 100 Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. To understand the fundamental laws of static electric and magnetic fields. To understand the functional laws of dynamic electric and magnetic fields. To apply electromagnetic and measurement techniques. Course Contents: 1. Coulomb’s Law Electric Field Intensity (3 hrs) Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, Field due to point charges and continuous charge distribution, Field of a line charge and sheet of charge. 2. Electric Flux Density and Gauss’s Law (3 hrs) Electric flux density, Gauss’s law in integral form, application of gauss’s law Boundary condition at a conductor surface. 3. Divergence (2hrs) Concept of divergence, Maxwell’s first equation and applications, vector operator, Divergence theorem. 4. Energy and Potential (3 hrs) Electric energy, Potential and potential difference, Potential field of a point chargfe and systems of charges, Potential gradient, Electrical intensity as the negative gradient of a scalar potential, Conservative fields, Electric energy density. 5. Electrostatic Field in Material Media (2 hrs) Polarization, Free and bound charge densities, Relative permittivity, Capacitance calculations. 6. Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics (6 hrs) Laplace’s and Poisson’s equation, Uniqueness theorem, One-dimensional boundary value problems, Two-dimensional boundary value problems, Relaxation methods and numerical integration, Graphical field plotting, Capacitance calculations. 7. Current and Current Density (2 hrs) Conservation of charge, Continuity of current, Point form of Ohm’s law, Relaxation time constant. 8. Magnetostatics (3 hrs) Biot-Svart’s law, Magnetic intensity and magnetic induction, Ampere’s circuital law, Applications. 9. Curl (3 hrs) Concept of curl , Stokes theorem, Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density, Ampere’s law in point form, Scalar and vector magnetic potentials, Derivation of steady magnetic field laws, Boundary value problems. 10. Magnetic Force and Material Media Magnetic Force Magnetic circuits. 11. (2 hrs) Magnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary condition, Time-Varying Force and Material Media (2hrs) Faraday’s law, Inadequacy of ampere’s law with direct current, Conflict with continuity equation, Displacement current, Maxwell’s equation in point form Maxwell’s equation in integral form, Retarded potential. 12. Wave Equation (8 hrs) Wave motion I free space, Perfect dielectric and losses medium, Wave impedance, Skin effect, AC Resistance, Pointing vector, Reflection and refraction of uniform plane wave, reflection and transmission coefficient, Standing wave ratio. Impedance matching, Radiation from a dipole antenna, Wave guides 13. Transmission Lines (4hrs) Types of transmission mediums, Characteristics impedance, Power and signal transmission capability of lines, Field and lumped circuit equivalents, Travelling and standing waves, Reflection termination and impedance matching, Short and long lines, Graphical solution of the transmission lines. 14. Waves Guides (2 hrs) Reference Books 1. 2. W.H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetic, Tata McGraw Hill book Company, New Delhi. J.D. Kraus and K.R. Carver, Electromagnetic, Prentice Hall India Ltd., India.