Unit 2 Planning Guide Standard: WH 2: The student will demonstrate

Unit 2 Planning Guide
Standard: WH 2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and costs of the
growth of kingdoms into empires from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries.
Length of Unit: 17 days
MWH-2.1 Evaluate the consequences of the changing boundaries of kingdoms in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa.
MWH-2.3 Explain the competition between European kingdoms for space and resources, including the Hundred Years’ War
between France and England, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire in Central Europe, and the response to Islam on the Iberian
EQ: What were the causes and effects of absolutism?
EQ: What was absolutism like in France?
Development of monarchies in England, Spain, and France
o PPT The Rise of Absolutism 1500 – 9/16
o Absolute Monarchs in Europe – 9/16
o Absolute Monarchy Chart – 9/17
o PPT Absolutism in France – 9/18
o Louis XIV Worksheet – 9/18
o King Louis XVI Rap (YouTube – Adam Wagner)- 9/18
o A Day in the Life of Louis XIV Worksheet - 9/19
o The First Global Age: Absolutism Worksheet- 9/19
EQ: How did the Byzantine Empire expand its boundaries?
Global exchanges
Justinian Code
Hagia Sophia
Academic Vocabulary
EQ: How did the Byzantine Empire impact trade and growth in Europe?
Byzantine Empire
o PPT From the Byzantine Empire to Russia- 9/20
o Byzantine Empire: A Blend of East and West Worksheet – 9/20
o Byzantine Worksheet – 9/23
o PPT Great Schism- 9/23
Russian Empire
o Assessment: Quiz on Indicators 2.1 and 2.3 - 9/24
MWH -2.5 Evaluate the impact of the expansion of the Ottoman
Empire into Eastern Europe.
EQ: What impact did the expansion of the Ottoman Empire have
on Eastern Europe?
 The Ottomans build an empire
o PPT Ottoman and Mughal Empires -9/24
o The Ottoman and Mughal Empire Map Activity – 9/24
o Blank Map of Ottoman Empire Worksheet – 9/24
1. Slavs
2. Mongols
3. Czar/Tsar
4. Sikh
5. Mughal Empire
6. Sultan
7. Shah
Academic Vocabulary
MWH-2.4 Analyze the influence of the Mughal empire on the development of India, including the
influence of Persian culture and the Muslim religion on the Hindu culture.
EQ: How did the Mughal empire effect the development of India?
EQ: How did the Persian culture and Muslim religion impact the Hindu culture?
 The Mughal Empire and the Collapse
o Blank Map of Moghul Empire Worksheet – 9/25
o Moghul Empire Worksheet – 9/25
o Quiz on Indicators 2.4 and 2.5 -9/26
MWH-2.1 Evaluate the consequences of the changing boundaries of kingdoms in Europe, Asia, the
Americas, and Africa.
MWH-2.2 Describe the principle routes of exploration and trade between Europe, Asia, Africa, and
the Americas from the late fifteenth century through the sixteenth century.
EQ: What were the motivations for exploration?
European Trade and Exploration
o PPT Age of Global Exploration – 9/27
o Blank World Map Worksheet – 9/26
o Horrible Histories – Christopher Columbus (YouTube)
– 9/27
o Columbus Failure or Not Worksheet 9/27
EQ: What were the principle trade routes between Europe,
Asia, Africa, and the Americas?
Trade Routes (pgs. 430-435)
o PPT Why Europeans Explored – 9/30
o Crash Course – Columbus, de Gama, and Zhebg He!
15th Century Mariners (YouTube) – 9/30
o Explorer Chart Worksheet – 9/30
Portugal and Prince Henry the Navigator
o Video: Portuguese Explorers (13:02 minutes) – 9/31
o Discussion Questions from the Video Worksheet –
o Quiz on Indicators 2.1 and 2.2
1. Bartolomeu Dias
2. Prince Henry
3. Vasco da Gama
4. Cartography
5. Colony
6. Columbus
7. Hernando Cortez
8. Conquistadors
9. God, gold, and glory
10. mestizo
11. circumnavigation
12. ethnocentrism
13. Treaty of Tordesillas
14. Astrolabe
MWH-2.1 Evaluate the consequences of the changing boundaries of
kingdoms in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa.
MWH -2.6 Describe the impact of the competition among European
countries on the various kingdoms of the Americas and Africa,
including the Columbian Exchange and the slave trade.
EQ: How did European Exploration impact the Native American
Impact of exploration on Native cultures
Joint-stock company
Balance of trade
Indentured servants
Triangular trade
Middle passage
Columbian Exchange
Atlantic Slave Trade
PPT Effects of European Exploration – 10/1
EQ: How did competition between European countries spur trade and the commercial revolution?
EQ: What items were introduced to both Europe and America because of the Columbian exchange?
European Nations settle North America
o PPT Commercial Revolution – 10/2
o Commercial Revolution Colonial Resources Worksheet – 10/2
o Commercial Revolution Mother Countries and Colonies Worksheet – 10/2
o First Global Age Worksheet – 10/3
o Crash Course – The Columbian Exchange (YouTube) – 10/3
o Illustration of Columbian Exchange – 10/3
o Quiz on Indicators 2.1 and 2.6 – 10/4
EQ: What was Triangular Trade?
EQ: How did mercantilism work?
Atlantic Slave Trade
o PPT The Columbian Exchange and Triangular Trade – 10/4
o PPT Africa and Trade in 1600 – 10/7
o Crash Course – The Atlantic Slave Trade (YouTube)- 10/4
o What was the Slave Trade Worksheet – 10/7
o Mercantilism Worksheet – 10/7
Final Summative Assessment for the unit – October 9
ESOL Accommodations:
Modified vocabulary assignments
Seating near the front of the room
Rephrasing directions and written questions