File - Megan Hannifin TAG Portfolio

Grade Range:
Circle of Knowledge
Lesson Plan
Uniformitarianism vs. Catastrophism
55 Minutes
Megan Hannifin
Content Standard
S6E5.c Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth.
Characteristics of Science
S6CS3 Students will use computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and
following scientific explanations.
S6CS8.c As prevailing theories are challenged by new information, scientific knowledge may
change and grow.
TAG Standard
Higher Order and Critical Thinking Skills
Students will explore the origins of modern geology by comparing and contrasting
uniformitarianism and catastrophism. Students will discuss if modern geology follows one belief
or is a synthesis of both themes.
Enduring Understanding(s)
Uniformitarianism assumes that geologic change is gradual and that catastrophism is based on the
idea that geologic change is sudden.
Modern geology is based on the idea that gradual geologic change is interrupted by
Essential Question(s)
What is the difference between uniformitarianism and catastrophism?
How has the science of geology changed?
Evidence of Learning
What students should know:
-Uniformitarianism is the idea that the same gradual, uniform geologic processes that shape the
Earth today have been at work throughout Earth’s history.
-Catastrophism is the idea that all geological processes that have shaped the Earth throughout
history have been sudden and catastrophic.
What students should be able to do:
-Compare uniformitarianism and catastrophism.
-Describe how the science of geology has changed over the past 250 years.
-Explain the role of paleontology in the study of Earth’s history.
Suggested Vocabulary
Uniformitarianism, Catastrophism, Paleontology
Phase 1: Sparking the Discussion (Hook)
Pose the question: “Geologist James Hutton said, ‘The present is the key to the past. How can
studying the present reveal the story of the Earth’s history?’ Provide students time to jot down their
thoughts and share thoughts with a partner. Select a few students to respond.
Phase 2: Acquiring Content Needed to Participate in Discussion
Pose the essential (focus) question: “Geologists sparked a scientific debate by suggesting that
Earth was much older than previously thought. Some geologists believe in the theory of
uniformitarianism, while others believe in catastrophism. Which theory is more reliable?”
Activate prior knowledge by having students complete the Word Association Theories T-chart.
Students will cut out the words at the bottom and place them on the side of the T-chart with the theory
that the word is associated it.
4. Show “Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism” video clip. Read “Earth’s Story and Those Who First
Listened” and take notes on the “Uniformitarianism Versus Catastrophism” organizer.
Phase 3: Kindling the Discussion
Divide students into 6 groups, 3 will represent the uniformitarianists and the other 3 groups
will represent the catastrophists. Each group will meet to discuss the main points of their
theory, and then all students with the same theory will meet and discuss to prepare for whole
class debate.
6. In whole group, students will engage in a debate that might have taken place between a
geologist who supported uniformitarianism and and the catastrophists. Emphasize to students
representing the catastrophists that their argument had a strong theological base and was the
accepted geologic theory of the time. Help students imagine the opposition leading
uniformitarianists such as James Hutton must have faced when he introduced his ideas.
Phase 4: Synthesis Activity
Students will be asked to design a poster announcing an upcoming debate between a catastrophist
and an uniformitarianist. Students will be encouraged to use attention-catching phrases and
illustrations that would attract supporters from both sides. The poster should include a summary
of the major points of both sides. Display the finished posters in the classroom.
Summarizing Activity
3-2-1 Exit Ticket
Anchor Text(s):
“Earth’s Story and Those Who First Listened”
Visual Concept:
Handout 1:
Handout 2:
Handout 3:
Handout 4:
Word Association T-chart
Earth’s Story and Those Who First Listened p.1-2
Uniformitarianism Versus Catastrophism organizer
3-2-1 Exit Ticket