NURSING DEPARTMENT Date Course Title Pre-requisite (s) Hours Credits 3 credit Nursing Theory Course Number NUR 3000 None Co-requisite (s) None 45 theory hours/45 clock Total outside 90 hours hours hours Note: A minimum of 2 hours of outside work is assigned per clock hour. Place and Time of Class Meeting Institute of Healthcare Professions 2100 45th Street, Suite A2A West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Hybrid Name and Contact Information of Instructor Instructor: E-mail: Office Hours: Campus Telephone: (561) 202-6333 Delivery Method: Online Book required (The institution recognizes the use of the textbook in the classroom as part of the educational methodology and strategy applied in diverse materials. The textbook is part of the curriculum and is used to reach the student in an effective manner in the classroom. Every student is expected to use the textbook.) Nursing Theories: A Framework for Professional Practice, 1/e Kathleen Masters ©2011 Jones & Bartlett Learning ISBN-13: 978-1449626013 1|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT ISBN-10: 1449626017 Classroom expectations for students Attendance Policy IHP has adopted a revised online attendance policy which requires students to be actively participating in their online course to be considered in attendance. Students are expected to participate in all required instructional activities in their courses. Online courses are no different in this regard; however, participation must be defined in a different manner. 1. Student “attendance” in an online course is defined as active participation in the course as described in the course syllabus. Instructors in online courses are responsible for providing students with clear instructions for how they are required to participate in the course. Additionally, instructors are responsible for incorporating specific instructional activities within their course and will, at a minimum, have weekly mechanisms for documenting student participation. These mechanisms may include, but are not limited to, participating in a weekly discussion board, submitting/completing assignments in the online platform, or communicating with the instructor. 2. Students aware of necessary absences must inform the professor with as much advance notice as possible in order to make appropriate arrangements. 3. Any student absent 20 percent or more of the online course, i.e., non-participatory during 3 or more weeks of an 11 week term, may receive an F for that course. 4. Any student who has not actively participated in an online class prior to the census date for any given term is considered a "no-show" and will be administratively withdrawn from the class without record. To be counted as actively participating, it is not sufficient to log in and view the course. The student must be submitting work as described in the course syllabus. 5. Additional attendance and participation policies for each course, as defined by the instructor in the course syllabus, are considered a part of the attendance policy Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to the Director of Education. NOTE: Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgment, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Plagiarism includes the unauthorized copying of software and the violation of copyright laws. Students who commit plagiarism will obtain a grade of “Failure” on their exam or assignment. 2|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT Course Description (must correspond exactly to Catalog description) The course introduces the learner to recognized theories & principles that shape the nursing profession. Various theoretical models will be presented to cultivate and expand an understanding of nursing processes. The theories will include but not limited to Jean Watson’s caring theory, Dorothea Orem’s General Theory of Nursing, Beth Neuman’s Systems Model, Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model and Madeleine Leininger’ Cultural Care Diversity and Universality theory. Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Identify the history of nursing, its current challenges, and future goals. Compare and contrast the roles of the Diploma, ADN, BSN, MSN and Doctoral prepared nurses. Discuss expectations specific to Baccalaureate level nursing education. Analyze nursing’s areas of challenge in current health care settings. Analyze nursing’s image in today’s healthcare systems and the media. Use of critical thinking skills in classroom discussions and written assignments. Demonstrate knowledge of nursing theories and their application in professional practice. Critical Thinking: Use critical thinking in assessing, planning, testing, and evaluating the use of nursing theory in approaching patient care problems across a variety of healthcare settings. Holistic Learning: Develop appreciation of the need for personal responsibility and accountability for self and nursing practice in life-long learning and ongoing professional growth Topical Outline and Schedule DATE WEEK 1 Describe the course. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Discuss the library and library resources. At the end of this course , the student will be able to: Identify and define terminology related to theoretical thinking Identify and describe several types of theoretical works in nursing Identify and explain the four metaparadigm concepts of nursing Begin the process of identifying theoretical frameworks of nursing that are consistent with a personal belief system Explain the rationale for incorporating theory in professional nursing practice for practice Describe the relationship between nursing theory and the nonnursing theories described in this chapter 3|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT TOPIC (S) LEARNING ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE WORK & ASSIGNED READINGS Explain the key concepts of the non-nursing theories described in this chapter Syllabus Library Orientation Theoretical Nursing knowledge as the framework for practice. READ: Unit 1: Chapter 1: Introduction to Theoretical Nursing as the Framework for Practice Chapter 2: Introduction to Non-Nursing Theories that have Influenced Theoretical Thinking in the Discipline of Nursing VIEW Online Lesson Presentations DISCUSSION: 1. What is the primary distinction between a conceptual model and a theory? How do you differentiate the level of abstraction? ASSIGNMENTS: Start organizing thoughts for Concept Analysis paper ASSESSMENTS: Discussion post and response DATE Week 2 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Identify the 13 canons of nursing as proposed by Nightingale OBJECTIVES Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Nightingale Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Nightingale’s 13 canons of nursing care Identify the 14 components of basic nursing care proposed by Henderson Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Henderson Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Henderson’s 14 components of nursing care Explain the 10 carative factors and caritas processes as identified by Watson Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Watson Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Watson’s theory of transpersonal caring Identify and describe the major concepts included in Benner’s philosophy 4|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT TOPIC (S) LEARNING ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE WORK & ASSIGNED READINGS Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Benner Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Benner’s philosophy Nursing Philosophies and Models Introduction to Nursing Theorists READ Unit II: Chapter 3: Environmental Model of Nursing: Florence Nightingale Chapter 4: Fourteen Components of Basic Nursing Care: Virginia Henderson Chapter 5: Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring: Jean Watson Chapter 6: Clinical Wisdom in Nursing Practice: Patricia Benner VIEW Online Lesson Presentations DISCUSSION: 1. Think about the nurses you have observed so far during your clinical experiences. Have you observed nurses who fit the description of the advanced beginner or competent nurse? What did you observe that led to your conclusions? ASSIGNMENTS: Continue to work on analysis paper Quiz 1 covering week 1 and 2 ASSESSMENTS: Discussion Quiz will be after the ending of week 1 & 2 Friday. WEEK 3 SPECIFIC At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: OBJECTIVES Identify and explain the seven behavioral subsystems as proposed by Johnson Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Johnson Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Johnson’s behavioral system model Describe the interacting systems that are identified by King Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by King Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing King’s theory of goal attainment within the context of King’s interacting systems framework Identify and describe the concepts specific to the science of unitary 5|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT human beings as proposed by Rogers Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Rogers Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Rogers’ science of unitary human beings Describe the concepts of the Roy adaptation model as proposed by Roy Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Roy Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the Roy adaptation Model Describe and explain the major concepts of the Neuman systems model as proposed by Neuman Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Neuman Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the Neuman systems Model Identify and describe the major concepts of the conservation model as proposed by Levine Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Levine Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Levine’s conservation Model Identify and explain the three theories associated with the self-care defined theory of nursing Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Orem Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory Conceptual Models READ: Unit III: Chapter 7: Behavioral System Model: Dorothy Johnson Chapter 8: Interacting Systems Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment: Imogene King Chapter 9: Science of Unitary Human Beings: Martha Rogers Chapter 10: Roy Adaptation Model: Sister Callista Roy Chapter 11: The Neuman Systems Model: Betty Neuman Chapter 12: The Conservation Model: Myra Estrin Levine Chapter 13: Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing: Dorothea Orem TOPIC (S) LEARNING ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE WORK & ASSIGNED READINGS VIEW Online Lesson Presentation DISCUSSION: 1. What do you think about the version of the nursing process that is known as the “practice methodology” for the self-care framework? ASSIGNMENTS: Concept Analysis Paper due 6|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT ASSESSMENTS: Discussion Concept Analysis paper DATE WEEK 4 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Identify and explain the concepts important to the theory of OBJECTIVES interpersonal relations as proposed by Peplau Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Peplau Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations Describe the concepts of the theory of culture care diversity and universality as proposed by Leininger Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Leininger Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Leininger’s theory of culture care diversity and universality Identify and describe the major concepts of the nursing process theory as proposed by Orlando Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Orlando Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Orlando’s nursing process theory Identify and describe the major concepts of the health as expanding consciousness theory as proposed by Newman Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Newman Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Newman’s theory of health as expanding consciousness Identify and describe the major concepts of the health promotion model as proposed by Pender Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Pender Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Pender’s health promotion model Nursing Theories TOPIC (S) LEARNING READ ACTIVITIES Unit IV Chapter 14: Theory of Interpersonal Relations: Hildegard Peplau Chapter 15: Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality: Madeleine Leininger Chapter 16 :Nursing Process Theory: Ida Jean Orlando (Pelletier) Chapter 17:Health as Expanding Consciousness: Margaret Newman Chapter18 :The Health Promotion Model: Nola J. Pender VIEW Online Lesson Presentations OUTSIDE DISCUSSION: 1. What do you think about Orlando’s nursing process theory as a WORK & ASSIGNED 7|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT READINGS framework for practice? ASSIGNMENTS: Work on Theory Critique Presentation Quiz 2 covering weeks 3-4 ASSESSMENTS: Discussion Quiz will be after the ending of week 3 & 4 Friday. DATE WEEK 5 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Identify and describe the concepts specific to the theory of OBJECTIVES human becoming as identified by Parse Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Parse Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Parse’s theory of human becoming Identify and describe the major concepts of the theory of nursing as Caring Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the theory of nursing as caring Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the theory of nursing as caring Identify and describe the major concepts of the modeling and rolemodeling theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the modeling and role-modeling theory Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the modeling and role-modeling theory Identify and describe the major concepts of the transitions theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as define by Meleis Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the transitions Theory Identify and describe the major concepts proposed in the parent– child interaction model Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Barnard Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Barnard’s parent– child interaction model Identify and describe the major concepts of the maternal role attainment—becoming a mother theory as proposed by Mercer Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Mercer Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Mercer’s model 8|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT TOPIC (S) LEARNING ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE WORK & ASSIGNED READINGS Nursing Theorists READ: Unit V Chapter 19: Theory of Human becoming Chapter 20: The Theory of Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice Chapter 21: Modeling and Role-Modeling Chapter 22: Transitions Theory Chapter 23: Parent-Child Interaction Model: Kathryn E. Barnard Chapter 24: Maternal Role Attainment-Becoming a Mother VIEW Online Lesson Presentation DISCUSSION: 1. How is the concept of adaptation in the modeling and role-modeling theory similar or dissimilar to definitions of adaptation proposed by other nurse theorists? ASSIGNMENTS: Concept Analysis Paper submission ASSESSMENT: Paper Discussion DATE WEEK 6 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Identify and describe the major concepts proposed in the parent– OBJECTIVES child interaction model Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Barnard Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Barnard’s parent– child interaction model Identify and describe the major concepts of the maternal role attainment—becoming a mother theory as proposed by Mercer Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined by Mercer Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Mercer’s model Identify and describe the major concepts of the self-transcendence theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as proposed by Reed in the self-transcendence theory Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Reed’s selftranscendence theory Identify and describe the major concepts as proposed by Swanson in the theory of caring Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in 9|Page NURSING DEPARTMENT TOPIC (S) LEARNING ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE WORK & ASSIGNED READINGS Swanson’s theory of caring Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the theory of caring Identify and describe the major concepts of the theory of comfort Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the theory of comfort Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Kolcaba’s theory of Comfort Identify and describe the major concepts of the postpartum depression theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the postpartum depression theory Middle-Range Theories READ: Unit V ( Chapter 25-32) Chapter 25:Self-Transcendence Theory: Pamela G. Reed Chapter 26:Theory of Chronic Sorrow: Georgene Gaskill Eakes, Mary Lermann Burke, and Margaret A. Hainsworth VIEW Online Lesson Presentation DISCUSSIONS: 1. Compare Swanson’s definition of caring to other theorists’ definitions of this concept. What are the similarities? What are the differences? ASSIGNMENTS: Discussion Theory Critique Presentation due ASSESSMENTS Discussion Theory Critique Presentation DATE WEEK 7 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Beck’s postpartum OBJECTIVES depression theory Identify and describe the major concepts of the uncertainty in illness theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the uncertainty in illness theory Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Mishel’s uncertainty in illness theory Identify and describe the major concepts of the theory of bureaucratic caring Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the theory of bureaucratic caring 10 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT TOPIC (S) LEARNING ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE WORK & ASSIGNED READINGS Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Ray’s theory of bureaucratic caring Identify and explain the major concepts of the Synergy Model for Patient Care Describe the major concepts important to nursing as defined by the Synergy Model for Patient Care Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the Synergy Model for Patient Care Chapter 27: Theory of Caring: Kristen M. Swanson Chapter 28: Theory of Comfort: Katharine Kolcaba VIEW Online Lesson Presentation DISCUSSION: 1. In the theory of bureaucratic caring, Ray does not specifically address the nursing process. Does this pose a problem for use of the model in practice? Why or why not? ASSIGNMENTS: Theory Utilization and Application paper assigned Quiz 3 covering weeks 5-7 ASSESSMENTS: Quiz will be after the ending of week 5-7 Friday. Discussion DATE WEEK 8 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Identify and describe the major concepts of the postpartum OBJECTIVES depression theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the postpartum depression theory Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Beck’s postpartum depression theory Identify and describe the major concepts of the uncertainty in illness theory Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the uncertainty in illness theory Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Mishel’s uncertainty in illness theory Chapter 29: Postpartum Depression Theory: Cheryl Tatano Beck TOPIC (S) Chapter 30:Uncertainty in Illness Theory: Merle H. Mishel LEARNING 11 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES VIEW Online Lesson Presentation ASSIGNMENTS: Continue working on paper DATE WEEK 9 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Identify and describe the major concepts of the theory of bureaucratic caring Explain the major concepts important to nursing as defined in the theory of bureaucratic caring Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing Ray’s theory of bureaucratic caring Identify and explain the major concepts of the Synergy Model for Patient Care Describe the major concepts important to nursing as defined by the Synergy Model for Patient Care Plan nursing care for a patient scenario utilizing the Synergy Model for Patient Care Chapter 31:Theory of Bureaucratic Caring: Marilyn Anne Ray TOPIC (S) Chapter 32: Synergy Model for Patient Care: The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses LEARNING VIEW ACTIVITIES Online Lesson Presentation DATE WEEK 10 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: SPECIFIC Identify an area of interest in nursing OBJECTIVES Locate examples of the theory’s application and utilization in practice Explain the opportunities for enhancement of existing nursing environments Theory Utilization and Application TOPIC (S) LEARNING Theory Utilization and Application Paper ACTIVITIES Instructional Methods The following strategies may be used in this class: 1. Assignments 2. Reading 12 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT 3. 4. 5. 6. Analysis of assigned readings. PowerPoints, videos Individual and group discussions. Online information search References and Resources IHP Virtual Library Login to the IHP Virtual Library at, access code 40149 to online books, journals, and other reference resources selected to support IHP curricula. Medline Plus Health information from the National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Easy access to Medline and Health topics, medical dictionaries, directories, drug information, videos and more. PALM BEACH COUNTY LIBRARY ONLINE RESOURCES You need a free Palm Beach County Library card to access, or register for a free “Temporary Research Access Code” at If you need help using any of the library websites, click on the “Ask a Librarian” icon and “chat” with a librarian. Consumer Health CINAHL® with Full Text - full text articles for more than 610 nursing and allied health journals (and indexing for an additional 3000 journals) as well as health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, and more. LearningExpress - (Practice Tests) Contains online learning with skill building modules, test preparation materials and practice exams; including test preparation E-books. Take practice tests for Health Careers, Radiography, Registered Medical Assistant and NCLEX-RN for Nursing. Learn techniques for job searching , resumes, interviewing and workplace skills. Health and Wellness Resource Center Assignments and Projects All students are expected to actively participate in online class discussions. Participation in weekly online discussions of course content is expected as topics are introduced and as applied to assigned readings. Each discussion question posted will be assigned a date by which the student must respond. If a student is unable to fulfill this requirement for any reason, he/she should notify the instructor prior to the class and make alternative arrangements. The aim is to encourage interaction among students and faculty, not simply to present information. Students are required to respond to all discussion questions. Student responses to discussion questions must be substantive, that is, thoughtful and analytical. The student is held to academic standards of writing style and the use of proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. 13 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT Grade points for postings to the course discussion board are based on the student’s depth of participation. The final grade for class participation will be dependent on the level at which the student generally participates throughout the semester. Discussion Board points are assigned as follows: • Excellent – 10 points • Good – 9 points • Average – 7 -8 points • Poor – 0 points Grading rubric for postings: 1) An excellent posting includes but is not limited to: • In depth response to assigned discussion question. • Additional responses to required number of assigned responses. Responses demonstrate in-depth understanding and knowledge citing/utilizing class materials, resources, and personal experiences (if applicable). 2) A good posting includes but is not limited to: • Response to assigned discussion question • Response to required number of response postings demonstrating an understanding of the discussion topic. 3) An average posting includes but is not limited to: • Response to assigned discussion question • Responses to postings superficial, lack substance/support from readings, exercises, etc. 4) A poor response does not meet any of the above criteria. Concept Analysis Paper (20%) This purpose of this paper is to analyze a concept relevant to the student's nursing practice. The student is to select a concept to analyze. There are many methods for concept development and several are included in the required readings. Use of exemplars by the instructor and peer discussion on concept analysis will be incorporated in to the class to assist the student in the development of this paper. The criteria for evaluation is located at the end of this syllabus. The maximum length of this paper is to be no more than 12 typed, double spaced pages (not including references or appendices) using APA format. Paper submitted after the due date will be deducted 5 points per day. Theory Critique Presentation (20%) Students will select a middle range theory of nursing or a non-nursing middle range theory. The presentation is to include a description, analysis, application, and evaluation of the theory. The presentation should be no longer than 20-25 minutes in length, if you were to present it 14 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT in class. Guidelines are located at the end of this syllabus. Online resources and technology are used for the virtual presentation. Student in the course will be expected to review and critique the presentations. Theory Utilization and Application Paper (20%) Using the theory selected for the presentation, the student is expected to identify an area of interest in nursing, locate examples of the theory's application and utilization in practice. Additionally, opportunities for enhancement of existing nursing environments by utilization of theory application will addressed. The guidelines for this paper are located at the end of the syllabus. The paper should be no more than ten typewritten pages, using appropriate APA format. Concept Analysis Paper - Guidelines and Grading Criteria (12 pages maximum length) A. Select a concept for analysis and identify aim of the analysis 5% B. Identify uses of the concept - Literature review You will examine the use of the concept in at least two disciplines other than nursing and the use of the concept in nursing and your own nursing experience. Definitions that are included should be analyzed. The literature is focused on how each discipline uses/studies the word/concept, what conditions must be present for the concept to occur, and what the outcomes of the concept are. Summary of the literature review should also compare and contrast the antecedents, critical attributes, and consequences you considered. 40 Demonstration of analysis and synthesis is essential. (Remember this part of the paper is worth 40% of your grade, therefore, you should have a substantive literature review for this paper. Literature includes but is not limited to articles, book and textbooks citations, research articles/studies, personal experiences, and personal communications.) C. Determine antecedents, essential/critical attributes, and consequences of the concept. The rationale for the selection of these must be included. This discussion should also include the rationale for excluding any of the characteristics identified in the literature review. Any characteristics you synthesize into more abstract terms needs to be discussed. This section reflects analysis and synthesis of the information you obtained during the review of literature. 30 D. Develop cases using identified attributes 15 Model 15 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT contrary, borderline, related, invented, and/or illegitimate (select at least two) Developing cases will demonstrate your understanding of what the concept is or is not. Cases should be logical, true to the essential/critical attributes, and adequately explain the concept. E. Define empirical referents Do the empirical referents "fit" with the attributes? Should be supported by the literature or make logical 5% sense. F. Implications for nursing 5% TOTAL A maximum total of 5 points will be deducted for APA errors. 10 If the paper is longer than the maximum allowable pages, the grade will be based upon the first 12 pages, not including the title page) Theory Critique Presentation - Guidelines and Grading Criteria This presentation will be evaluated upon a 20-25 minute timeframe Section Meaning Description Origins of the theory Describe the main ideas of the theory (should include the assumptions under which the theory operates). (5 points) What are the main concepts (5 points) What are the main relationships between the concepts How do different concepts affect each other? What was going on in the profession of nursing or in American society that may have influenced the theory? What values, theories, evidence, and/or existing knowledge did the theorist cite as support for the theory? What motivated the theorist to write the theory? What approach to theory development did the theorist use? Points 15 10 16 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT Usefulness Testability: Overall Evaluation Presentation How useful is this theory in practice? Is the theory practical and helpful to nursing Does it contribute to understanding and predicting outcomes? Cite an example/case study where this theory could be used How testable is this theory? Has this theory generated research? How many and what types of studies? Give one example of a study done using the theory (10 points) What types of statements are the propositions? Is the theory comprehensive, specific, or How generalizable is the theory? Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the theory Why would you use or not use this theory in your own advanced practice? Smooth flow in presentation Varied use of presentation methods/styles Creativity in presentation used to engage audience in thinking about the theory Compliance with time limit (20-25 minutes in length) 15 20 10 20 Handout should include but is not limited to the following: Handout (limit to one page – front and back) Includes main ideas of the theory. Assumptions of the theorist Summarizes major concepts and relationships Includes information to retrieve a primary source. Handout should assist audience to follow the presentation more easily, and use as a resource for future use. Total Points 10 100 17 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT Theory Usage and Application Paper - Guidelines and Grading Criteria In this paper, you will describe a nursing theory and its application to nursing practice. This paper should be no more than 10 pages long. It should coincide to the theory presentation that you have submitted. The focus of this paper is on the application of theory to nursing practice. A brief description of the components of the theory should be presented in this paper, however, since this should be done in your presentation the focus here will be on application. The proposed guidelines are based on Chinn and Kramer (2004). A. Components of the theory Major concepts of theory Philosophical basis/underpinnings; worldview Conceptual model (if available) 10% B. Structural aspects of the theory (including but not limited to) Assumptions, theorems, propositions, etc. relations of concepts and assumptions clarity, simplicity, and ease of application of theory consistency and adequacy of theory 10% C. Use of theory in: nursing practice nursing education nursing administration nursing research 40% A literature review will provide the basis for this section D. Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable. The area may be used to theory test, theory generate, etc. What is the question that the theory will help to answer? Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model. Why or how is it appropriate to use this theory. Discuss the use of theory in pursuing this area of interest. What are the steps /methods that you might use? Are there weaknesses in this theory that make it difficult to use in real situations? If so, what are they. 30% E. Evaluation of theory - your thoughts about the theory How "user friendly" is the theory? What are some of the difficulties you encountered or would you anticipate you 10% 18 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT might encounter in trying to use this theory. What would make this theory more usable or applicable to practice, and why? Total 100% A maximum of 5 points will be deducted for errors in APA. Additional Resources 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 75 – 79% < 75% A B C F Do not count on a curve! Generally, the grades “A” through “C-” are considered passing grades. Grades "W" and "I" indicate that no grades were earned for the course. A "W" grade indicates that the student withdrew from the course. An "I" grade indicates that the student was passing the course, but failed to complete all the required course work. The instructor, in his/her discretion may grant an "I" grade instead of an "F", pending completion of the course work by the student within a specified time arranged by the instructor and told to the student. It is the student's responsibility to follow-up with the instructor to complete the course work. If the course work is not completed by the arranged time, the “I” grade becomes an “F". Distribution of Grade Elements Discussions 20% Concept Analysis 20% Theory Critique Presentation 20% Theory Utilization and Application Paper 20% Quizzes 20% Total: 100 % Date Syllabus Was Last Reviewed: May 14, 2015 19 | P a g e NURSING DEPARTMENT 20 | P a g e