AP Human Geography Name

AP Human Geography
Multiple Choice Test
Ethnicity is typically distinguished by all of the following EXCEPT
A. arts
B. culture
C. history
D. race
E. sovereignty
2. The concept that nationalities have the right to govern themselves is known as the right of
A. centripetal force
B. nation-state
C. confederation
D. sovereignty
E. self- determination
3. Which of the following is NOT a strong centripetal force in the United States?
A. network television
B. the flag
C. the many ethnic groups living in the United States
D. the Star Spangled Banner
E. belief in personal freedoms
4. Loyalty and devotion to an ethnicity/culture within a state (country) is called
A. nationalism
B. nation-state
C. nation
D. state
E. irredentism
5. Balkanization, as a process, refers to
A. the creation of nation-states in southeastern Europe
B. the breakdown of a state due to conflicts among nationalities
C. a small geographic area that cannot successfully be organized into states
D. ethnic cleansing
E. powerful feelings of national unity
6. Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because
A. nearly all Danes speak Danish and live in Denmark
B. Danish and German nationalities intermingle in Schleswig-Holstein
C. the people living in he Faeroe Islands, which are controlled by Denmark, speak Faeroese
D. many Danes have immigrated to Greenland
E. all of the above
7. Which best describes the distribution of ethnicities in the United States at the national scale (ethnic
provinces)? Think about the maps of ethnic distributions in United States.
A. concentrations within cities
B. regional concentrations
C. dispersion and lack of clustering
D. concentrations directly outside of cities
E. irredentist areas
8. What term is used to refer to a clustering of a particular ethnic group within a portion of a U.S. city?
A. ethnic homeland
B. ethnic region
C. ethnic neighborhood
D. ethnic enclave
E. race district
9. Asian Americans are clustered in what area of the United States?
A. Southwest
B. West
C. Plains states
D. cities
E. New England
10. Race is
best described as
characterized by Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic/Latino
self-identification with a group sharing a biological ancestor
determinable from religious characteristics
evenly distributed around the world
ancestry and culture combined with political affiliation
Which of the following does the United States Census Bureau NOT consider a race?
B. Black
D. White
Native American
12. White flight is
A. movement of whites from northern cities
B. emigration of whites from an area blacks were anticipated to move to
C. establishment of suburbs
D. decrease in percent of whites because of black migration from the Southeast
E. the growth of the Caucasian sector of the population
13. Which
of the following best describes the relationship between white flight and blockbusting?
They are synonymous terms
White flight came about when blockbusting started
Blockbusting came about when white flight started
The terms are antonyms
White flight happened in the early 1900s; blockbusting happens in the 21 st Century
14. In the United States, which is shared by most Americans, that is, which is the strongest unifying source
(think about what we all, for the most part, share in common)?
A. nationality
B. language
C. ethnicity
D. race
E. religion
15. Ethnocentrism is
A. The fear of outsiders
B. The belief that Westerners are superior to African and Asian cultures
C. The belief that one’s own religion is superior to others
D. The belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior to others
E. The belief that one’s own race is superior to all others
16. Native Americans are most clustered in what area of the United States?
A. Southeast
B. Southwest
C. Plains states
D. cities
E. Both B and C
17. Which
statement about race and ethnicity is true?
A race often has a single homeland; an ethnicity is usually scattered across the world.
Some ethnicities are comprised of people from several different races.
Race and ethnicity are interchangeable concepts.
Ethnicities are based on physical characteristics; race is based on culture
All of the above
18. Apartheid was the official policy of which country’s government?
A. Zimbabwe
B. Kenya
C. Ghana
D. South Africa
E. Tanzania
19. Conflict in Africa is widespread because of
A. colonial boundaries
B. numerous ethnic groups
C. sharp language divides
D. interfaith boundaries in areas
E. all of the above
20. Conflict over territory in the Middle East is strongest for
A. Palestine
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Egypt
D. South Africa
E. Iran
21. The process by which a group forcibly removes another group is best described as
A. war
B. migrational push factor
C. racism
D. racial profiling
E. ethnic cleansing
22. Which of the following best represents the concept of the nation-state in its internal cultural political
makeup and spatial organization?
A. Belgium
B. South Africa
C. Japan
D. New Zealand
E. Argentina
23. Which
of the following does NOT act as a centrifugal force for a state?
uneven development
substate nationalism
linguistic homogeneity
a fragmented territorial base
a strong tradition of local governance
24. Which of the following best exemplifies the idea of an “ethnic homeland”?
A. Kurdish area in northern Iraq
B. Berthoud
C. east Los Angeles
D. Latin America
E. the former USSR
25. When an ethnic group is completely blended into a host society
A. the group has been acculturated
B. the group has experienced devolution
C. the group has been assimilated
D. the group has used adaptive strategies
E. the group is ethnocentric
26. Which
of the following is true about an ethnic shatterbelts?
They are regions with a high degree of uniformity and cohesion
An example of an ethnic shatterbelt is the northeastern United States
They are areas of chronic political splintering and fracturing
An example of an ethnic shatterbelt is the Balkan Peninsula
A and B
C and D
27. Cultural preadaptation
A. is shown in the Pilgrims first winter in what is now Massachusetts – half of them died
B. involves the use of adaptive strategies
C. is synonymous with social distance
D. is shown in the rectangular survey system adopted in the Land Ordinance of 1785
E. reflects physiological density
28. Which of the following is NOT true
about the area shown on the map to the
A. Before breaking apart into the
separate states shown, the area
exemplified the idea of a nation-state
B. Before breaking apart, it exemplified
successful multinationalism
C. Before breaking apart into the
separate states shown, the area
exemplified a multiethnic state
D. It exemplified the idea of
E. All of the above
F. A and B
29. An ethnic enclave would best be exemplified by
A. Chinatown in San Francisco
C. Berthoud
E. A and D
B. Japan
D. Belgium
30. What process contributes to the existence and growth of ethnic enclaves in urban areas?
A. Chain migration
B. Step migration
C. Cultural diffusion
D. Cultural integration
E. Cultural assimilation
31. In nearly all societies, women
A. have fewer legal rights than men
B. do not have the same education level as men
C. do not earn the same pay as a man does
D. are responsible for housework and child rearing
E. all of the above
32. The ethnic conflict which broke out in the Sudan in the 1980s pitted what groups against each other?
A. Arab Muslims and black Muslims
B. Arab Muslims and black Christians
C. Arab Christians and Arab Christians
D. Arab Christians and black Christians
E. Arab blacks and Christian Muslims
33. Sudan can be divided along ethnic lines into
A. northern vs. southern regions
B. eastern vs. western regions
C. central (core) vs. peripheral regions
D. urban vs. rural regions
E. lowland vs. highland regions
34. A civil war in the country of Ethiopia eventually resulted in the formation of what new nation for the ethnic
nationality in the north of the country?
A. Djibouti
B. Somalia
C. Badme
D. Eritrea
E. Tigre
35. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the ethnic conflicts in Rwanda and Burundi?
A. The minority tribe conquered and dominated the majority tribe hundreds of years ago
B. The colonial powers attempted to end the situation where one tribe unfairly dominated the other
C. Upon independence, the majority tribe began ethnic cleansing
D. The majority tribe is Hutu and minority (but usually most powerful) is Tutsi
E. Millions of the countries’ people have entered neighboring states as refugees fleeing the civil strife and
ethnic cleansing within their own countries
36. One reason for forced migration in Ethiopia has been the
A. civil war with the Eritreans
B. communist takeover by the government
C. invasion by Libya
D. war with Sudan
E. lack of famines
37. Which of the following best exemplifies irredentism?
A. Israel using planes to bomb sections of the Gaza Strip occupied by Palestinians
B. The Muslim people of Kashmir working toward joining the Islamic country bordering their area
C. The Kurdish people in northern Iraq as a stateless nation
D. The country of Russia helping Russian speaking people in the Crimean Peninsula
E. B and D
38. The ethnic problems in Somalia, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Sudan and Eritrea have what similarity?
A. based on religious conflict
B. creation of refugees
C. spawned terrorist cells in other regions D. affecting the global economy
E. conflicts over political boundaries
South Africa
39. What was apartheid?
A. the dialect of Dutch spoken in South Africa
B. South Africa’s governmental system
C. The existence of landlocked states in southern Africa
D. The geographical separation of races in South Africa by laws
E. A program of racial mixing
40. The white government of South Africa declared what fact about the “homelands” that had been
established for the blacks?
A. They were now given voting rights within the country
B. The lands were confiscated by the government of South Africa
C. They were ordered to pay taxes
D. They would be invaded if they did not submit to white rule
E. They were independent states
South Asia
41. large scale migration occurred in South Asia after 1947 primarily because of the
A. numerous boat people
B. communist victory
C. failure of monsoon rains
D. separation of religious groups
E. the fall of the Hindu government
42. Which of the following statements regarding Pakistan and Bangladesh is true?
A. Pakistan and Bangladesh share the same majority religion
B. The area that is now Bangladesh balkanized from Pakistan
C. The majority language for both countries is Hindi
D. The countries currently form a single nation-state
E. A and B
F. A and D
43. Control of the region known as Jammu and Kashmir is contested between what two nations?
A. India and Bangladesh
B. Bangladesh and Pakistan
C. Pakistan and India
D. Sri Lanka and India
E. Sri Lanka and Pakistan
44. Which of the following is NOT a difference between the ethnic groups in Sri Lanka?
A. religion
B. language
C. ethnicity
D. colonial power
E. distribution
45. Partitioning of the south Asian sub-continent in 1947 resulted in
A. the creation of two new nation-states
B. mass migration of millions of people
C. the elimination of ethnic conflict in the region
D. separate countries for Hindus and Sikhs
E. a Pakistan in which Muslims had a slight majority
Ethnicity in the United States
46. Most Africans shipped as slaves were sent to
A. Caribbean islands
B. Central America
C. North America
D. Australia
E. the U.S. West Coast
47. Which of the following pairs represents the largest groups of Asians and Hispanics in the U.S.
A. Chinese and Mexican
B. Japanese and Puerto Rican
C. Indian and Cuban
D. Chinese and Puerto Rican
E. Japanese and Mexican
48. From 1910 to 1950, population density of African Americans in ghettos
A. increased
B. remained the same
C. decreased
D. disappeared
49. What two ethnic groups in the U.S. are currently largest (after white)?
A. African American and Latino
B. Latino and Asian
C. Asian and Native American
D. Asian and African American
E. Latino and Native American
50. African-Americans predominantly live in
A. urban areas
B. rural areas of the South and Midwest
C. the South and northern U.S. cities
D. urban areas in California
E. none of the above
51. The largest minority group in the United States is
A. African-Americans
B. Jews
C. Asian-Americans
D. Latinos
E. Native Americans
52. Which of the following is NOT one of the ethnic groups in the United Kingdom?
A. English
B. Breton
C. Welsh
D. Scottish
E. Irish
53. One ethnic group which currently forms a portion of the state of Denmark (though it does have significant
autonomy) is
A. the Dutch
B. the Balts
C. the Inuit
D. the Walloons
E. all of the above
54. Which of the following regions is populated by ethnic Albanians, but dominated by a majority ethnic group
of the country which controls it?
A. Chechnya
B. Kosovo
C. Dagestan
D. Quebec
E. Basque
55. In an effort to solve some of the ethnic problems in Lebanon, the country adopted a unique system in which
what aspect of the country was divided up based on religion?
A. the tax code
B. the armed forces
C. participation in various economic activities
D. export zones
E. leadership within the government