Tupperware Party Game Ideas: Fun Activities & Icebreakers

Tupperware Party Game Ideas
Three-letter Body Parts:
Give prize to guest that can write down the most 3-letter
body parts in one minute
How Well do you Know your Hostess?
Have your hostess carry around a tray with 7-8 gift items
on it and show it to all of her guests. Let her go slowly explaining
any that are necessary. Then have her go to another room out of
sight from the guests. As soon as this is done, tell the guests you
want to see how observant they are! Instead of asking questions
about the tray, ask questions about the hostess’ appearance…
What color eyes does she have
Is she wearing any jewelry
Does she have any nail polish on…etc
Left-Right Game
Give each guest a prize and ask them to pass it to the right
or left as they hear the word left or right.
Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there was a
Tupperware Party right here in this neighborhood! I know what
you are thinking there isn’t anyone left in this neighborhood to
have a Tupperware party, but it was down right fun! Everyone left
their house, left their kids, left the dogs, left the cats, left
their spouse and came right in.
We had a great time right here in the living room. We played the
right games no one was left out. We heard about the right way
to plan, cook and store our food in Tupperware, and of course, we
had the right consultant to help us with the Tupperware we
already had. We were left to write up our orders. The only thing
left to do was to date our own demonstration with the right
consultant and invite all the right people. Are you free next
Tuesday at 7:30, 3 doors down on the left? It won’t feel right
without you!
Taste of Tupperware left right game:
When (name of hostess) booked a show, I knew RIGHT away that
working with her would make my day. She made up her list of
whom to invite, and went over it twice to make sure it was RIGHT.
As replies came in, she checked them RIGHT off her list, until no
one was LEFT and no one was missed! She chose the RIGHT menu
for her friends to eat, and LEFT it to me to make it a treat! She
had done all the RIGHT things and is waiting to see what she will
get from her wish list for free.
As I packed up my tools for this show tonight, I hoped that
everything would go just RIGHT. With everything packed, I
LEFT RIGHT away, thinking about the show and the RIGHT
things to say. I arrived RIGHT on time and set up my things, and
spoke of the joy that cookin’ with Tupperware brings. You have
learned that with Rock N Serve, everything comes out just
RIGHT, and a whole lot more you didn’t know until tonight. The
RIGHT tool for the job is what you found. You can’t wait to cook
brownies that are evenly browned. The FridgeSmart, the
Modular Mates, what’s the RIGHT thing to choose? Do it RIGHT,
host a party, there’s nothing to lose!
The show felt RIGHT and the food was a hit. There was nothing
LEFT no even a bit. You’ve seen and heard what cookin’ with
Tupperware can do. Now the choice is LEFT up to you. That’s all
I have LEFT to say for tonight, except the winner is LEFT on the
Guess the Number Game
Count out pieces of seasonal candy (or any item) and place them in
a small container such as a midget, snack cup, or packable. Ask
you guest to guess how many are in the container and the person
who comes closest without going over will win the container with
it’s contents as well as a couple of Tupper Tickets.
Pass the Gift
Give the gift to the Hostess then begin calling out the list.
 That arrived first
 With the most children
 Who is the tallest
 That’s been married the longest
 With the largest earrings
 With the most grandchildren
 With the most buttons
 With the bluest eyes
 With the most rings
 With the longest hair
 That walked through the door last
 On the right – and she wins!
The Lap Sitting Game
Ask these statements to the guests. When a person can answer
yes to the questions, that person moves to the next seat on their
right. The first person that gets back to their original seat wins.
By the way, there will be several sitting on laps, even 4 at a time.
If you are wearing shoes that tie
If you are wearing a watch
If you have on a button
If you went to church on Sunday
If you own any Tupperware
If you kissed your significant other today
If you are wearing heels
If you are wearing a ring
If you have ever hosted a Tupperware party
If you are having fun
If you are wearing yellow
If you made the bed you slept in today
If you have a zipper
If you are wearing pants or shorts
If you have a son or step-son or grandson
If you would consider hosting a Tupperware party
If you have green eyes or contacts
If you have ever sold Tupperware
Valentine Game
Song Titles
Pass out a piece of paper or index card to each guest. Have them
number their index card. You will call out the beginning of a song
title that pertains to Love. They have to write down the rest of
the title. The person with the most correct wins.
1. Don’t Go Breakin my
2. Butterfly
3. Let me call you
4. Pour some
5. I Honestly
6. My Love, My
7. It’s your
Sugar on Me
Love You
8. Jesus
9. I Can’t Help
10. Sugar Pie
Loves Me
Falling in Love with You
Honey Bunch
Game to End Party (Possibly in Lieu of Smidget Game)
Read this at the end of your demo. The person with the most points wins!
If you’re playing this rather then the Smidget Game to book parties, show
the prize in advance and make it something special.
I wonder who came here from afar,
Give yourself 5 points of you came by car.
Were you on time? Not one minute late?
Punctuality pays so give yourself 8.
A watch is 6 and each ring is 2.
10 more points if your eyes are not blue.
Score yourself 5 if you show any pink
But take away 10 if you left dishes in the sink.
Count all of your buttons…each gives you 1
Except if they are white and then you get none.
For each bow that you have add on 2
(Note: shoelace bows count)
But safety pins are taboo,
So for each one you’re wearing
You must subtract 2.
1 point for each year you have been wed,
But take away 5 if you have on red.
Now sons are neat, on that we agree
So for each one you have you may now add 3.
But when adding up points, girls are worth more.
So for each one you have go ahead and add 4.
If you kissed your husband or boyfriend today, add 12.
But into your personal life we must delve.
If you kissed them both you must subtract 20
Because you’re in trouble and trouble aplenty!
Now that’s all there is so total your score
Except if you’re a special friend, there’s more.
It’s 50 points bonus for a V.I.P.
If you’ll be a Hostess and get Tupperware for free!
The Ice Game
The answer to each of these riddles ends with a word that ends
in the three letters I C E. Give one thousand tupperbucks for
the person who shouts out the correct answer first.
An ice that is thrown at weddings
An ice that is fixed by the merchant
An ice that directs traffic
An ice that gives flavor
An ice that you do not want to catch
An ice that is easier to give than to receive advice
An ice that you drink
An ice that you cut
An ice that squeaks
Now demonstrate the ice cream scoop with a piece of ice!
The T game:
Give guests one minute to write down all of the items in their
kitchen that begin with the letter T. Give tupperbucks to the
guest with the most items…give tupperbucks to all that wrote
The Cleaning Game
1 Bird of peace (Dove)
2 Elephant tusks (Ivory)
3 Stroke gently (Caress)
4 Solar rays (Sunlight)
5 Sunrise (Dawn)
6 Grab and knock down (Tackle)
7 Immaculate gentleman (Mr. Clean)
8 Great happiness (Joy)
9 A shout or yell to encourage (Cheer)
10 Short run (Dash)
11 Disappear (Vanish)
12 Emergency message (S.O.S.)
13 Comes in; goes out (Tide)
14 Flower season in Dublin (Irish Spring)
15 Brave and daring (Bold)
16 Everyone and everything (All)
17 Food beating tool (Wisk)
18 Full of energy (Dynamo)
19 Give your word (Pledge)
20 Speak loudly (Shout)
Tup tupper ware
All answers rhyme with “tup” “tupper” or “ware”
1.it grows on your head
2.the meal that you eat in the evening
3.to look deeply at something
4.2 of something
5.a young dog
6.hardly cooked
7.to feel deeply for someone
8.a ghost does this
9.truth or
10.you drink from it
(Have guests count the number of TV show names that you read during the
game. Give the guest that gets the right number...or the most right ...a gift.)
Who wants to be a Millionaire?? We all do! I was Thirty-Something and living
through the Wonder Years, with my family and my husband/wife, taking it
One Day at a Time. We were doing okay, but the Facts of Life were that we
were not born with Silver Spoons in our mouths. Our savings were in
Jeopardy, and we didn't want to be in debt for the rest of the Days of Our
Lives. I finally told my husband/wife that it was time to get out of This Old
House, or at least start making some kind of Home Improvement! I didn't
want to start a Family Fued, and wind up in the ER, but it was time to Get
Smart! Without being The Critic, I was in search of America's Most Wanted
job. Family Matters to me, and I don't want to miss out on Prime Time with
my kids by hiring The Nanny to raise them. Tupperware offers a great
opportunity! The Price is Right, and Who's the Boss?? I AM!! I remember
thinking....could I get up in front of a Full House of Perfect Strangers for 60
Minutes, and show people these wonderful products?? Of course, I have
experienced some Growing Pains, but soon I was able to spread my Wings,
and watch my business Blossom! Tupperware has made me feel like I am a
part of the A-Team. I have Good Times at home with All My Children. My
family has the extra income needed, and my husband/wife Cheers when I
come home from a show with the dough!! Soon, I'll Fly Away to paradise, on a
Dream Vacation for which Tupperware will pay!! My husband/ wife and I will
be like Honeymooners again, sharing Happy Days in Another World!
Tupperware may not be for everyone, as they say "Different Strokes for
different folks". If you are Married With Children, with strong Family Ties,
then I feel obligated to share with you the opportunity of a career with
Tupperware!! If you would like more information, or if you have any
questions, please talk with me after the party!!
There are 38 TV shows mentioned!!
How many words can you come up with using
only the letters in TUPPERWARE?
EX: Indian burial ground – Mounds
1. A Galaxy – Milky Way
2. The Red Planet – Mars
3. Happy, but NOT laughing – Snickers
4. Can’t hold anything – Butterfingers
5. Famous Baseball player – Babe Ruth
6. Famous New York street – 5th Avenue
7. Sweet sign of affection – KISS
8. Favorite day for working people – Pay Day
9. Charlie Brown’s friend – Peppermint Pattie
10. Present and Past – Now & Later
11. Sun Explosion – Star Burst
12. Can’t think of the name of it – Whatchamacallit
Fill in the blanks:
1. Tiptoe through the….. – Tulips
2. Not purple, but…. – Lilacs or Lavendar
3. The Eye of the….. – Tiger Lily
4. A …… by any other name – Rose
5. Instant breakfast – Carnation
6. Happy flowers – Gladiolas
7. I’ve got my eye on you…. – Iris
8. She must have gotten in a fight …. – Black-Eyed Susan
9. Just can’t wait… - Impatiens
10. The “KING” of all flowers – Dandy-LION
Have guests write the 1st word that comes to mind.
Whoever matches the most with the Hostess wins.
1. Husband
2. Trip
3. Laugh
4. Cold
5. Coat
6. Money
7. Animal beginning with R
8. Early Spring Flower
9. Something marked GRADE A
10. Musical instrument
11. Home
12. Toy
13. Candy
14. Music
15. Dog
16. Run
17. Famous brother
18. Type of insurance
19. Wood for making furniture
20. Pastel color
Name the FAMOUS MOTHER who:
1. was the 1st First Lady – Martha Washington
2. made the 1st flag – Betsy Ross
3. her cupbard was bare – Old Mother Hubbard
4. joined the peace corp at age 70 – Lillian Carter
5. her husband was a civil rights leader – Coretta Scott King
6. her husband was shot at Ford’s theatre – Mary Todd Lincoln
7. became an artist at age 70 – Grandma Moses
8. J.F.K.’s Mom – Rose Kennedy
9. Princess Diana’s Mother-in-Law – Queen Elizabeth
10. Mommie Dearest – Joan Crawford
11. Mother of ALL mankind – Eve
12. you DON’T MESS WITH her – Mother Nature
Give a line of a Christmas carol:
1. Just like the ones I used to know (White Christmas)
2. Dashing through the snow (Jingle Bells)
3. Joyful and triumphant (O Come All Ye Faithful)
4. No room for a bed (Away in the Manger)
5.Glory to the new born King (Hark the Herald Angels Sing)
6. Come they told me (Little Drummer Boy)
7. A happy, jolly soul (Frosty the Snowman)
8. Had a very shiny nose ( Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
9. It’s Christmas time in the City (Silver Bells)
10. Fa La La La La, La La La La (Deck the Halls)
11. And Heaven and nature sing ( Joy to the World)
12. Eight Maids a Milking (12 Days of Christmas)
1. Have it your way (Burger King)
2. You’ll be tempted to eat it with a fork (Campbell’s Chunky
3. Melt’s in your mouth, not in your hand (M&M’s)
4. America spells Cheese (Kraft)
5. Oh! What a relief it is (Alka-Seltzer)
6. The stain lifter (All)
7. It’s the pea nuttiest (Peter Pan Peanut Butter)
8. Give me a light (Bud Light)
9. You deserve a break today (McDonald’s)
10. Double your pleasure, double your fun (Doublemint
1. Gets out ring around the collar (Wisk)
2. The breakfast of champions (Wheaties)
3. You’ve come a long way, baby (Virginia Slims)
4. Look for the box with the big red spoon (Betty Crocker)
5. The uncola (7-up)
6. Chow. Chow. Chow… (Purina Cat Chow)
7. Babies are our business, our ONLY business (Gerber)
8. You can’t eat just one (Lay’s Potato Chips)
9. Poppin fresh (Pillsbury)
10. Good to the last drop (Maxwell House Coffee)
1. The quicker picker upper (Bounty)
2. Brush your breath with (Dentyne)
3. The right choice (A T & T)
4. Where’s the beef? (Wendy’s)
5. Be all that you can be (U.S. Army)
6. Sorry Charlie (Starkist)
7. It softens your hands while you do dishes (Palmolive)
8. It’s mountain grown (Foldgers)
9. The few, the proud, the …. (Marine’s)
10. Plug it in... plug it in….. (Glad Plug-ins)
1. Come and knock on our door – Three’s Company
2. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back – Welcome Back
3. Here we come, walkin down the street – Monkees
4. We’re movin on up – The Jefferson’s
5. Love…..Exciting and New – The Love Boat
6. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, Schameel, Schamauzel – Laverne and Shirley
7. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and
ther you have – Facts of Life
8. This is it…This is it…This is it… - One Day at a Time
9. Now the world don’t move to the beat of just one drumDifferent Strokes
1. Pen/Pencil
2. Checkbook
3. Credit Card
4. Receipt
5. Bill
6. Sales Flyer
7. penny
8. Business card
9. Calculator
10. Finger-nail File
11. Mirror
12. Lipstick
13. Notepad
14. Flash Light
15. Any TUPPERWARE item