
Part I
Part II
Syllabus of MATH- A100
(Text: Elementary Algebra 3rd edition, by Sullivan, Struve & Mazzarella)
Suggested Odd Problems (Please try to include
application problems in homework)
1.3 Review: The number systems & the Real number line
Sec. 1.3: odd 25-69
1.4 Review: Adding, subtracting, multiplying & dividing
Sec. 1.4: odd 43-135
1.5 Review: Adding, subtracting, multiplying & dividing
Sec. 1.5: odd 37-133
rational numbers expressed as fractions & decimals
1.6 Properties of Real Numbers
Sec. 1.6: odd 29-63
1.7 Exponents and Order of operations
Sec. 1.7: odd 29-109
1.8 Simplifying algebraic expressions
Sec. 1.8: 39-109
2.1 Linear equations: The addition &multiplication properties
Sec. 2.1: odd 25-103
2.2 Linear equations: using the properties together
Sec. 2.2: odd 21-79
2.3 Solving linear equations involving fractions & decimals
Sec. 2.3: odd 27-97, 105, 107
2.4 Evaluating formulas and solving formulas for a variable
Sec. 2.4: odd 33-61, 65-71
2.5Introduction to Problem solving: direct translation problems Sec. 2.5: odd 27-81
2.6 Problem solving: direct translation problems involving
Sec. 2.6:odd 19-55
2.8 Solving linear inequalities in one variable
Sec. 2.8: odd 37-87
3.1 The Rectangular coordinate system and equations in two
3.2 Graphing equations in two variables
3.3 Slope
3.4 Slope-intercept form of line
3.5 Point slope form of line
3.6 Parallel and perpendicular lines
4.1Solving systems of linear equations by graphing
4.2 Solving systems of linear equations using substitution
4.3 Solving systems of linear equations using elimination
4.4 Solving direct translation, Geometry and uniform motion
problems using systems
4.5 Solving mixture problems using systems of linear equations
Sec. 3.1: odd 19-63
5.1 Adding and subtracting polynomials
5.2 Multiplying monomials: the product and power rules
5.3 Multiplying polynomials
5.4 Dividing monomials: the quotient rule and integer
5.6 Applying exponent rules: scientific notation
6.1 Greatest common factor & factoring by grouping
Sec. 5.1: odd 29-117
Sec. 5.2: odd 21-97
Sec. 5.3: odd 35-95
Sec. 5.4:odd 33-119
6.2 Factoring trinomials of the form x  bx  c
Sec. 3.2: odd 25-109
Sec. 3.3: odd 13-61
Sec. 3.4: odd 21-95
Sec. 3.5: odd 13-69
Sec. 3.6: odd 21-89
Sec. 4.1: odd 17-69
Sec. 4.2: odd 13-41, odd 53-59
Sec. 4.3: odd 11-57, odd 69-73
Sec. 4.4: odd 9-25
Sec. 4.5: odd 9-29
Sec. 5.6: odd 27-85
Sec. 6.1: odd 27-93
6.3Factoring trinomials of the form ax  bx  c
6.4 Factoring special products
6.5 Summary of factoring techniques
6.6 Solving polynomial equations by factoring
6.7 Modeling quadratic equations
7.1 Simplifying rational expressions
7.2 Multiplying & dividing rational expressions
7.3 Adding & subtracting rational expressions with a common
7.4 Finding the LCD & forming equivalent rational
7.5 Adding & subtracting rational expressions with unlike
8.1 Introduction to square roots
8.2 Simplifying square roots
Sec.6.2: odd 23-87
Sec. 6.3: odd 23-85
Sec. 6.4: odd 29-47, 59-69, 75,77,81,83,85
Sec. 6.5: odd 17-21, 27-51, 57-63, 67-85
Sec. 6.6: odd 25-89, odd 91-99
Sec. 6.7: odd 7-27
Sec. 7.1: odd 21-75
Sec. 7.2: odd 15-59
Sec. 7.3: odd 17-75
Sec. 7.4: odd 13-41
Sec. 7.5: odd 23-61
Sec. 8.1: odd 29-97
Sec. 8.2: odd 21-91, 97, 99
8.3 Adding and subtracting square roots
8.4 Multiplying expressions with square roots
8.5 Dividing expressions with square roots
8.6 Solving equations containing square roots
8.7 Higher Roots and Rational exponents
Sec 8.3: odd 13-65
Sec. 8.4: odd 29-93
Sec. 8.5: odd 17-47
Sec. 8.6: odd 23-65
Sec. 8.7: odd 29-129
9.3 Solving quadratic equations using Quadratic formula
10.1 Quadratic equations in two variables (optional)
Suggestion for Evaluation:
Besides giving 3 or 4 exams, please try to give quizzes also. In addition to assigning the regular homework department
requires you to assign about 10% of your total grade as homework on MyMathLab. Try to keep the ratio of course work &
final exam close to 65-35. Another idea is to have some attendance points embedded in your score system to encourage them
to come. Please try to follow departmental guidelines for course syllabus.
Also, look over the policies about passing, attendance, graphing calculator, note cards and bonus points.
Two models for point distribution, if you need them for ideas.
Model 1:
3 exam (100 points each)
On-line homework
Final Exam
Attendance & participation
Model 2:
4 exam (90 points each)
On-line homework
Final Exam
Attendance & participation
300 points
150 points
150 points
300 points
100 points
1000 points
360 points
120 points
120 points
300 points
100 points
1000 points
Suggested coverage of topics per week for A100 model 1
Week 1: Sections 1.3-1.6
Week 2: Sections 1.7-1.8 & 2.1-2.2
Week 3: Sections 2.3-2.5
Week 4: Sections 2.6, 2.8; 3.1-3.2
Week 5: Sections 3.3-3.4; Exam 1
Week 6: Sections 3.5-3.6 & 4.1-4.2
Week 7: Sections 4.3-4.5 & 5.1
Week 8: Sections 5.2-5.4; 5.6
Week 9: Sections 6.1-6.2; Exam 2
Week 10: Sections 6.3-6.5
Week 11: Sections 6.6, 6.7 & 7.1
Week 12: Sections 7.2-7.5
Week 13: Sections 8.1-8.3
Week 14: Sections 8.4-8.5; Exam 3
Week 15: Sections 8.6-8.7
Suggested coverage of topics per week for A100 model 2
Week 1: Sections 1.3-1.6
Week 2: Sections 1.7-1.8 & 2.1-2.2
Week 3: Sections 2.3-2.5
Week 4: Sections 2.6, 2.8; Exam 1
Week 5: Sections 3.1-3.4
Week 6: Sections 3.5-3.6 & 4.1-4.2
Week 7: Sections 4.3-4.5 & 5.1; Exam 2
Week 8: Sections 5.2-5.4
Week 9: Sections 5.6 & 6.1-6.2
Week 10: Sections 6.3-6.6
Week 11: Sections 6.7 & 7.1; Exam 3
Week 12: Sections 7.2-7.4
Week 13: Sections 7.5 & 8.1-8.3
Week 14: Sections 8.4-8.5; Exam 4
Week 15: Sections 8.6-8.7
Updated July 2015