Name: Beach Park Paragraphs 5 Objective: In this lesson, you will

Beach Park
Paragraphs 5
In this lesson, you will learn how to recognize and use chronological order, spatial order, and
transitions in paragraphs.
Before You Begin
When a builder constructs a house, he or she follows a plan called a blueprint. This plan provides the
step by step, orderly procedure to build a strong house. When a cook bakes a cake, he or she follows a
recipe that creates a successful end product. If you have ever built a birdhouse or a doghouse, put
together a bicycle or a complicated toy, or baked a cake, you quickly learned that following a particular
order is important.
The same concept applies to writing. Without order, writing can become confusing. The proper order
holds the subject together and makes the writing understandable. The reader must be able to follow the
material easily.
Recipe for French Toast
Place bread slices in prepared skillet and cook until golden brown, turning once, about 1-2 minutes per
1 large egg
2 egg whites
1/4 cup skim milk
Preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Lightly spray a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat over
medium heat and dip 4 of the bread slices into the egg mixture, turning to coat and draining excess back
into the dish.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
Do you think you could eat French toast prepared according to this recipe? It might not even resemble
French toast!
Now look at this recipe.
1 large egg
2 egg whites
1/4 cup skim milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
8 1-inch-thick diagonally cut slices of French or Italian bread
In a shallow bowl, beat the egg and egg whites with a wire whisk until foamy. Add remaining
ingredients, beat well, and set aside.
Beach Park
Paragraphs 5
Preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Lightly spray a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat over
medium heat and dip 4 bread slices into the egg mixture, turning to coat and draining excess back into
the dish.
What is the difference in the two versions of the same recipe?
The ingredients are exactly the same. The directions are exactly the same. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE
ORDER OF THE INFORMATION! Without order, the recipe is a jumbled mess of information. When put in
logical order, the recipe makes sense.
The same is true of good writing. Several methods can be used to maintain order in written materials.
Logical Order in Writing
To use logic means to use good common sense. To write logically means to put things in the order in
which they naturally happen. Regardless of the type of writing, it should make sense and must be
arranged in a logical or sensible order. Chronological and spatial order are two kinds of order that may
be used in paragraphs and essays.
Chronological Order
Chronological is time order, or telling events in the order in which they took place. For example, if you
were writing about your routine on a normal school day, you would begin with what you did first and
proceed until the end of the day. This material is arranged from first to last or past to present. Much
narrative writing is arranged chronologically, because it relates an action or event in the order in which
it happened. We live by the clock, so readers can easily relate to chronological order. Some words
commonly used to indicate chronological order include now, then, later, first,and next.
Put the sentences in the following paragraph in the correct chronological order using the space below it.
At 13, he met an American factory owner, who often walked along the beach where Sammy and his
brother were shining shoes. Sammy Sosa was born November 12, 1968, in San Pedro, Dominican
Republic. By age 7, he was shining shoes with his brother on the streets and beaches of San Pedro. The
Florida State League in Port Charlotte was his home in 1987. He began his Major League career with the
Texas Rangers in 1989. He signed a record $42 million deal in 1997. In 1986, he played in the Gulf Coast
League in Sarasota, Florida. One of the family's gifts for Sammy was a baseball glove. The owner and his
family became close to Sammy and his brother and began to bring them treats and gifts. Sammy signed
with the Texas Rangers when he was 16. Sosa burst into the record books in the 1998 season by hitting
66 home runs. Sosa was traded to his current team, the Chicago Cubs, in 1992. Two years later, Sammy
was noticed by a pro baseball scout, but since he was only 15, the scout would not sign him to a
contract. When he was 10, he made a baseball glove out of a crushed milk carton and played catch with
friends using a wound-up sock for a baseball.
Beach Park
Paragraphs 5
Begin writing here:
Spatial Order
The word spatial is derived from the word "space." Spatial order refers to the arrangement of objects
and people as they appear in space. For example, if you described your room to a friend, you would
probably use spatial order, because you would tell where everything was located in the room such as
the bed, computer, closet, etc. You are describing the position of details in a scene. Spatial order is
particularly useful in descriptive writing.
Look at this example.
My office is a rectangular-shaped room about 12 x 14 feet in size. The outside hall entry is on the west
end of the building. To the right of the door are two rose-colored chairs separated by a small, round,
wooden table. An artificial tree stands in the corner behind one of the chairs. To the left of the door is a
black iron two-level stand holding potted plants. On the north wall are a paper shredder, a book shelf,
file cabinet, coffee cart, and a supply cabinet. The only window is located on the east wall. To the right of
the window is a desk with a computer. A work table and a second desk and computer are on the south
wall. This brings us back to the tree in the corner. The office is compact but efficiently arranged.
Notice how the details are described according to their position in the room. You might use this method
to write about your favorite vacation spot or to describe a person from head to toe.
Beach Park
Paragraphs 5
Another device that helps maintain order in a paragraph is transitions. Transitions are the glue that
holds a paragraph or essay together. Think of a transition as a link in a chain. They are words and
phrases that help connect thoughts; clause to clause, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to
paragraph. A paragraph is more than just several sentences about a single idea. The sentences must be
connected with transitions. Transitions tie ideas together and help the reader keep track of the order of
the material.
Some common transitions include:
for example
Read the following paragraph. Put ( ) around the words or phrases that act as transitions.
Long-haul truck driving is a popular career today. The United States currently has more trucks on the
road than any other country. Therefore, trucking is one of the leading industries in our nation. The driver
is in charge of 80,000 pounds of metal and cargo. As a result, he or she must know exactly what to do in
all situations. For example, the driver must watch all the other vehicles on the road, observe all gauges
and dials in the truck, and be prepared to drive in all kinds of weather conditions. In addition to driving,
the driver must also perform safety checks, complete forms about the contents and delivery of each load,
and keep log books to show how many hours were spent driving and resting. As you can see, there is
more to driving a truck than just getting behind the wheel.
Did you find all the transitions?
It is important to remember that order is necessary in writing, because it allows the reader to follow the
material easily. Using chronological order, spatial order, and transitions are excellent ways to maintain
order in your writing.
Assignment #1 for Your Student Writing Portfolio:
Select one of the topics below and write a paragraph using chronological order. Put ( ) around the
transitions in the paragraph.
1) Describe your typical school day.
2) Tell what happened during your favorite birthday party.
Begin writing here:
Beach Park
Paragraphs 5
Assignment # 2 for Your Student Writing Portfolio
Select one of the topics below and write a paragraph using spatial order. Put a ( ) around the transitions
in the paragraph.
1) Describe your room.
2) Describe one of the classrooms in your school.
Begin writing here: