Bulimia - Monona Grove School District

Your friends and you are sitting in the living room. No one is talking
because you are reflecting on your recent visit to the hospital. You just
returned from seeing your friend in the hospital. She is suffering from
complications (according to the doctors) from an eating disorder, bulimia.
The doctor gave you and your friends a handout on bulimia. You were
shocked to discover 10% of people suffering from bulimia will die from
starvation or other medical complications. You feel you want to do
something, but you don’t know what to do.
You and your friends approach the school principal and tell them that
you want to keep other people from battling bulimia, just like your friend
did. The principal agrees to support whatever you decide.
You want to bring the message of bulimia to your middle school
student body. After talking with your friends, you have decided that a
poster that can be displayed for the school to see or a brochure that can be
handed out to students is the best way to convey information about bulimia
to the school.
In order to complete this assignment, your poster and brochure/paper
must contain the following information.
1. What is bulimia?
2. Define bulimia.
3. Who or what type of person becomes bulimic?
4. What causes bulimia?
5. What are the signs of someone with bulimia?
6. What are the medical consequences of bulimia?
7. What treatments are available?
8. What should your do if you think someone is bulimic?
9. Provide information on the statistics of bulimia.
10. Graphics
The class will be divided into groups of three students. As a group you
will work together. The goal is to learn about bulimia and to present the
information to the school. Your group will be given a “Research Folder” that
will contain all the information you need to put your presentation together.
Your group will be graded based on a poster presentation or a
brochure. Please see the attached rubrics for a poster presentation or a
brochure presentation.
At the completion of the project, you should have a working knowledge
of bulimia and be able to recognize the symptoms of this condition. You will
have an understanding of Eating Disorders and it will allow you to
demonstrate your learning as individuals and in a collaborative setting. This
exercise will broaden and deepen your understanding of the information
sources and will allow you to examine their own feelings and opinions about