5:00 PM, Monday, February 9, 2015

Department of Mathematics
Scholarship Application 2015-2016
1. Please type this form or print legibly in black ink.
2. Attach your typed responses to items #9 - #10.
3. Attach an OSU grade report or unofficial transcript showing all college
courses taken and grades received (at OSU and other institutions).
4. Obtain two letters of recommendation from OSU faculty members, at least
one in Mathematics, who can attest to your classroom performance.
5:00 p.m., Monday, February 9, 2015 to Dr. Lisa Mantini in her office, 410 MSCS,
or her mailbox in 401 MSCS.
(1) Full-time enrollment through the 2015-2016 academic year, except for seniors
graduating in Fall 2015 (see page 3 of this packet).
(2) 12 semester hours completed at OSU prior to the 2015 spring semester.
(3) 28 semester hours completed by the start of the 2015 fall semester.
(4) Declared major in Mathematics.
(5) Must meet minimum GPA and other award restrictions (see page 3).
(Name – Last, First, M.I.)
(Campus Wide ID Number)
(Local mailing address – include zip code)
(Email address)
(Best time to call)
Major (include 2nd major or minor if anticipated)
Anticipated date of graduation
(Semester and Year)
List the names of two OSU faculty members, at least one from Mathematics, from whom you
have requested recommendations. Indicate if the letters are included in this packet (usually
sealed in an envelope) or will be delivered by the professors directly to the address on page 2.
(Academic Department)
(Academic Department)
Please attach your typed responses to items #9 - #10:
9. Attach a list of all academic honors and awards you have received, indicating when and where
each award was earned.
10. Please prepare and attach a personal statement not exceeding one page in length which
summarizes your background, your academic and professional goals, and your efforts to
explore these. You may include information on related experiences or achievements such as
research or creative activities, professional internships or employment, or other extracurricular
or volunteer activities, if desired.
11. Attach a copy of your OSU grade report or unofficial transcript showing all college courses you
have taken (at OSU and other institutions) and grades earned.
You must sign the statement below:
I certify that the information that I have provided on this application and in the attached
responses is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I give permission to the Department of
Mathematics Undergraduate Scholarship Committee to review my OSU grade report. If I
applied for an award that considers financial need, they may also request current financial
aid information from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. I understand that, if
selected for an award, my progress will be monitored. If, during the 2015-2016 academic
year, I am no longer a full-time student making satisfactory progress towards a major in
Mathematics*, my award may be canceled.
* Exceptions are made for seniors who can fulfill graduation requirements as part-time
students in their final semester.
Return your completed application to:
ATTN: Department of Mathematics Undergraduate Scholarship Committee
c/o Dr. Lisa Mantini
410 MSCS
Remember – Applications must be submitted no later than
5:00 PM, Monday, February 9, 2015
2015-2016 Department of Mathematics Scholarships
Students will be considered for all of the awards for which they are eligible. Recipients will receive
one-half of the award in Fall 2015, and one-half in Spring 2016, pending continued full-time
enrollment at OSU and satisfactory progress overall and in courses in the mathematics major. A senior
graduating in Fall 2015 will receive an award in Fall 2015 only. Please address any other eligibility
concerns, such as career goals, in your responses to item 10.
Acceptance of an award will indicate that the recipient agrees to write a thank-you letter to the donor
or to the families of those being honored through these awards.
Scholarships may be funded in various ways, through an endowment in the OSU Foundation, through
annual gifts, or through outside foundations. In each case, awards are contingent upon availability of
funds and amounts may vary.
Scholarships awarded by the OSU Department of Mathematics:
 Hazel Bucy Scholarship – must be a full-time student with a declared major in mathematics.
 Emeritus Math Faculty Award– must be a full-time student with a GPA of at least 3.25 and a
declared major in mathematics.
 Department of Mathematics General Scholarship – must be a full-time student with a declared
major in mathematics.
 Emeriti Scholarship for an Outstanding Mathematics Education Student – must be a full-time
student with a declared major in mathematics or in mathematics education, and must have a desire to
become a math educator.
 W.N. and Jane Enger Memorial Scholarship in Honor of Professor Jeanne L. Agnew – must be
a full-time student with a GPA of at least 2.9 and a declared major in mathematics. Must be enrolled at
OSU in Spring 2015 since this scholarship is paid just once per year, in January.
 Litchenburg Family Scholarship – applicant must be a freshman or first-year full-time student.
Recipients must have a GPA of at least 3.5 and a declared major in mathematics. Students with
documented financial need are preferred. The award will be renewed for an additional two years as
long as the recipient continues to meet the criteria.
Scholarships awarded by the OSU Foundation to students in Mathematics:
 Sharon L. Daniel Scholarship –must be a full-time student with a declared major in mathematics
or computer science and a GPA of at least 3.5.
 Arlene Starwalt Jeskey Scholarship – must be a full-time student with a declared major in
mathematics or mathematics education, pursuing certification in Teacher Education. Students with
documented financial need are preferred. Recipients must have a GPA of at least 2.5 and no grade
below “C” in a math course.
This form must be received by 5:00 pm, February 9, 2015
Please mail, deliver, or fax to:
Math Dept. Undergraduate Committee
ATTN: Dr. Lisa Mantini
401 MSCS
Fax: 405-744-8275
Phone: 405-744-5688
Department of Mathematics
Scholarship Recommendation Form
I waive my right to review this recommendation. Circle your response:
Student’s Signature
____________________________ (Student Name) has applied for a scholarship to be awarded
through the OSU Department of Mathematics. The Mathematics Department Undergraduate
Committee requires two faculty recommendations. The committee is particularly interested in the
student’s academic excellence, maturity and discipline, sense of responsibility, communication skills
and potential for future success. A description of the capacity in which you know this student is also
helpful to the Committee.
Comments (please use this form or attach a separate letter on departmental letterhead):
What is your overall evaluation of this student? (Check the appropriate box)
(top 5%)
Very Good
(top 10%)
Signature of Faculty Member
(top 20%)
Academic Department
Campus Telephone
This form must be received by 5:00 pm, February 9, 2015
Please mail, deliver, or fax to:
Math Dept. Undergraduate Committee
ATTN: Dr. Lisa Mantini
401 MSCS
Fax: 405-744-8275
Phone: 405-744-5688
Department of Mathematics
Scholarship Recommendation Form
I waive my right to review this recommendation. Circle your response:
Student’s Signature
____________________________ (Student Name) has applied for a scholarship to be awarded
through the OSU Department of Mathematics. The Department of Mathematics Undergraduate
Committee requires two faculty recommendations. The committee is particularly interested in the
student’s academic excellence, maturity and discipline, sense of responsibility, communication skills
and potential for future success. A description of the capacity in which you know this student is also
helpful to the Committee.
Comments (please use this form or attach a separate letter on departmental letterhead):
What is your overall evaluation of this student? (Check the appropriate box)
(top 5%)
Very Good
(top 10%)
Signature of Faculty Member
(top 20%)
Academic Department
Campus Telephone