DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: I. Divisional Goals Begin campus-wide process of implementing, integrating and converting course materials into the D2L platform. Divisional Objectives MSU reviews current MnSCU implementation status in Feb '05 and decides to proceed with D2L adoption. Convert all existing Ucompass/Educator courses over to D2L Projected Divisional Outcomes Meetings with LTR, CETL, DLTF, Colleges to determine MSU status w/D2L migration Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates 02/05 Meetings with LTR, CETL, Colleges to promote D2L migration 12/04 Create top-ten list of easy ways for faculty to begin using D2L 12/04 50% by end of Spring ’05 – 100% by Fall ’05 (over Summer) 5/05 Create workshops comparing 2 platforms similarities and differences 11/04 Provide course conversion tools 11/04 Demos of methods to migrate materials 10/04 Production support for special projects (DLTF/RFP programs) 8/04 Completed or In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria GOAL 1 (cont) Campus-wide process of implementing, integrating and converting course materials into the D2L platform. 3) Integrate D2L with other MSU campus services and information (ITS, Library, Registrar, Disability Services, Center for Academic Success etc.) 4)Provide resources and services for producing course content to be used with D2L Incorporate D2L with existing ITS services: MavMail, MavDisk, MyMSUPortal 3/05 Assimilate MSU Library resources into D2L 4/05 Meet with LTR, DL cohort group, and D2L Faculty Advisory Group to identify other MSU support services needing integration 2/05 Identify projects requiring special support (SON, DLTF approved programs) 12/04 Make staff, services, facilities and tools available through the TnT 11/04 Faculty development sessions focused on design and production of digital materials to enhance instruction 1/05 DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: II. Divisional Goals MnSCU Institution Collaboration Divisional Objectives Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates 11/15/2004 Add South Central Technical College as an institution sharing ImageNow document imaging software from MSU’s server. Work with SCTC IT personnel to install the software and hardware, configure software, and provide training at MSU offices. Add Metropolitan State as an institution sharing ImageNow document imaging software from MSU’s server. Setup user privileges and work with Metro State IT personnel and Perceptive Vision consultant to complete installation and training. 11/30/2004 Work with institutions and MnSCU to develop a system-wide LDAP service to facilitate intercampus authentication and seamless distance learning. Develop specifications and work with MnSCU to design an LDAP system that will fit the needs of various institutions and network operating systems. 12/20/2004 Test pilot system for integration with MSU authentication systems and other institutions. Collaborate with South Central Technical College and MSU to procure and install a PBX phone system that will provide integration and cost savings to both institutions. Host 2nd annual Wireless and Mobile Learning Technologies Conference Completed or In Progress 5/30/2004 Include specifications in RFP to provide remote expansion to SCTC via fiber cable. 10/30/2004 Choose vendor and begin campus preparation for installation. 1/12/2005 Complete cutover from Centrex service to PBX. 6/1/2005 Organize and host conference. 9/24/2004 Completed HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: III. Divisional Goals Modern University Divisional Objectives 1). Search Emerging Technologies for applicable Instructional Utilizations Projected Divisional Outcomes Emerging Technologies Investigated & tested for appropriateness Actual Divisional Outcomes Personal Digital Assistants integrated into curriculum. Tablet PC testing. Projected Completion Dates August 2004 Completed or In Progress Completed Fall 2004 In Progress 2). Implement a Universal Printing Solution Pharos Print system Implemented MavPrint system developed from Pharos UniPrint Fall 2004 In Progress 3). Implement & Maintain Specialized Departmental computer labs 3 new computer labs designed & created Specialized Departmental computer labs created for English, Art & Educational Technology August 2004 Completed 4). Maintain & Enhance Wireless Laptop/Mobile Computing Initiatives Wireless Coverage extended while also enhancing wireless security Wireless Access Points added. Authentication implemented. August 2004 Completed 5). Be a leader in Instructional Technologies Wireless Conference held for participants from regional institutions Wireless Conference Held September 23-24, 2004 Completed Teaching & Technology Conference held Teaching & Technology Conference Successfully held November 11, 2004 In Progress Grand opening of facilities TnT Center open and providing services Oct 15, 2004 In Progress Hire an Instructional Designer/Trainer to serve as TnT Coordinator Nov 2004 In Progress Create a production staff and available hours to support faculty projects Nov 2004 In Progress 6) Initiate the Technology and Teaching Development Center HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: IV. Divisional Goals Professional Development Divisional Objectives Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates June 2005 Completed or In Progress In progress 1) Formal training - Managers/supervisors - Team leaders - Staff -Maintain knowledge level -Improved team dynamics -Improved problem solving skills 2) Attend industry seminars and conferences -Attend and Present at MnSCU conference Spring 2005 In progress 3) In house training - Self help manuals - Trade journal subscriptions - Student mentoring and training - Guest speakers -Library of trade journals and manuals established -Improved collaboration and communication Ongoing In progress June 2005 In progress 4) Memberships and certifications -Encourage and fund memberships in industry organizations Ongoing In progress June 2005 In progress 5) Provide project management tools -Software purchased -Project management training provided -Improved project management skills HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: V. Divisional Goals Communications Divisional Objectives Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates Ongoing 1) ITS PR Publicize ITS accomplishments and offerings to all campus personnel via newsletter 2) Kiosk Investigate feasibility of informational kiosks across campus, possibly in student study areas June 2005 3) Knowledgebase Provide automated access to resolutions of common IT problems for all personnel June 2005 4) Instant Messaging - Help Desk chat Explore expanded use of IM for faster response to problem reporting and resolution June 2005 Improved overall process through coordination, communication, student and faculty involvement Spring 2005 5) Tech Fee Process 6) Video conferencing with Help Desk Increased Help Desk access Spring 2005 7) Improve orientation of new students with ITS -Produce new video(s) and update existing -Distribute DVDs Spring 2005 8) Faculty orientation Participate in new faculty meetings June 2005 9)Internal communication -Biannual division wide meetings -Increased participation in department meetings 10) Improve communications with MnSCU central and Chancellor’s Office Increase participation in MnSCU committees and conferences Spring 2005 Ongoing Completed or In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: VI. Divisional Goals Service Level Agreements (SLA) Divisional Objectives Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates Spring 2005 1) Help Desk -Review and update existing SLA for the campus through surveys and interviews -Improve individual self sufficiency 2) ResNet support -Coordinate with ResLife for enhancement of student services -Expand services to management of ResLife technology June 2005 3) College of Business Coordinate with COB for enhancement of services June 2005 4) D2L (MnSCU) Coordinate with MnSCU for expansion of services June 2005 5) Other Departmental Agreements (English, CSU) Formalize SLAs with other agencies Ongoing 6) Equipment Repair Investigate feasibility of instituting repair options for personal computers Spring 2005 7) Encourage uniform standards Establish and update standards for PDAs, Laptops, Tablets Improve existing agreements and identify new opportunities Completed or In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: VII. Divisional Goals myMSU Portal: extend features and functions Divisional Objectives Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates September 2004 Completed or In Progress Completed 1). Deploy portal with basic University information and personalization features, including MavMAIL and MavDISK. Introduction of new webbased productivity features to wide University community Fourteen campus entities have launched their own department modules for portal user home page information access. 2). Add Financial Aid award module Integration of previous estimated billing features into the portal for student control Increase in portal server traffic and user satisfaction. November 2004 In Progress 3). Add/enhance personalization functions Additional content options will extend adoption of portal by users. Portal server traffic increase. Spring 2005 In Progress 4). Desire2Learn integration with myMSU Simplified sign-on process improves user experience for both portal and IMS. Increase in portal server traffic and user satisfaction. Spring 2005 In Progress 5). Student payroll reporting Online payroll advice information for students Elimination of printed and/or mailed forms. Spring 2005 In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: VIII. Divisional Goals MnSCU data interface and reporting support Divisional Objectives Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates Within 8 work hours unless user indicates otherwise. That could be shorter or longer. Completed or In Progress In Progress 1). Provide on going Data Entry support for: -Business Affairs; student charges at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, student late fees, student installment fees, student graduation fees, student payroll work authorizations, student payroll time rosters. -Registrars Office; application for graduation information, class schedule changes, class over ride information changes. Allows user offices to get their peak data input work done in a timely manner. User offices get their peak data input work done in time to satisfy their deadlines such as a billing run, a payroll run, or getting a class schedule prepared. 2). Provide scanning support for: -Registrars Office; final grade rosters. MSU Faculty; tests and analysis. Scan grades from final rosters so students grades can be loaded into the MnSCU system Scan and provide desired test analysis for MSU faculty. Load student’s final grades for their courses into the MnSCU system in a timely manner. Score tests and provide faculty test results in an efficient and timely manner. Within 4 work hours. In Progress. 3).Provide Ad Hoc reports for the University offices. Satisfy data and reporting needs of University departments where MnSCU has not provided something for them to get the desired information. Satisfy the data and reporting needs of University departments. By the users requested completion date. In Progress 4). Provide support to MSU administrative offices so they can optimize their own MS Access queries. Educate users with tips, best practices, etc. so the user can proceed in developing efficient queries or upgrade their existing queries. Educated and satisfied users. Within 4 work hours of hearing of a users problem. In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria GOAL VIII (cont) MnSCU data interface and reporting support 5). Download selected data fields from MnSCU to a secure local server in order to provide the fastest response possible to local WEB enabled applications. WEB applications that satisfy user’s needs in 2 to 5 second response time. WEB applications that respond in 2 to 5 seconds. By the time the particular application is ready for testing. In Progress 6). Support existing WEB applications; College Bulletins, Class Schedules, Mid-term Reporting, Parking Permit sales, Summer Orientation Registration. Keep these and future WEB application current as data and needs change. WEB applications that meet current needs. Complete any needed upgrades by the time the particular application is needed for production. In Progress 7). Partner with MnSCU in order to test accessing data from their new data mined Oracle databases. This should allow MSU to retrieve data from the MnSCU databases much faster than currently possible. January 2005. DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: IX.. IDivisional Goals Continue to improve voice communication system, network infrastructure, and wireless infrastructure on campus Divisional Objectives Procure a hybrid PBX system that will improve functionality beyond the current Centrex service, save costs, offer up to date voice communication technology, and position MSU for emerging communication standards. Projected Divisional Outcomes Draft RFP for voice communication system. Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates 10/30/2004 Evaluate RFP responses and choose a vendor. 1/12/2005 Begin preinstall documentation/tracing of existing lines, and preparation for system installation 1/30/2005 Complete cutover to new communication system. 6/1/2005 Improve wireless security on campus. Implement a wireless authentication system. 8/1/2004 Improve speed, security and wireless coverage to remote campus locations. Replace wireless bridges to Airport, Andreas Observatory and All Seasons Arena. 12/20/2004 Improve wireless signal coverage throughout campus. Install remaining access points and complete site surveys. 1/15/2005 Completed or In Progress In Progress Completed HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: X Divisional Goals Continue to expand and upgrade the classroom multimedia presentation systems Divisional Objectives 1) Organize an RFP for outside vendor bids on classroom equipment and installation 2) Formulate and implement equipment replacement cycle 3) Provide technical support for CSU multimedia rooms Projected Divisional Outcomes Identify remaining classrooms that require equipment Actual Divisional Outcomes Projected Completion Dates 12/04 Submit RFP to public bid 1/05 Vendor bid awarded and summer install schedule planned 2/05 Identify classrooms with heaviest use/most hours 11/04 Articulate process and procedures for cycle (yearly percentages) 12/04 Begin replacement of certain percentages and types of equipment 1/05 Provide portable carts to provide local coverage 9/04 Provide training and technical support of existing CSU rooms 9/04 Gather data about support services required and prepare service level agreement 5/05 Completed or In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria DIVISIONAL STRATEGIC GOALS: XI. Divisional Goals Quantify Measures of Success Divisional Objectives 1). Develop & Identify Measures of Success for each area Projected Divisional Outcomes Actual Divisional Outcomes Measure identified & calculated for: network traffic, Computer Store Annual Sales, Help Desk Phone Calls, ACC Usage, Video Streaming Content Developed, Classes using D2L, among many others Measures of success identified, calculated & base lines established, for each area. Projected Completion Dates Spring 2005 Completed or In Progress In Progress HLC/ AQIP Criteria