Economic Systems anssh - cutlcEN122eapEN170esapCIS

1. Quest, Chapter 2, The Global Economy
Part 3, Academic reading. Economic Systems, page 49-50
1. Guessing the meaning from context
2. Finding the Topic Sentence
(1) Text Title:
Economic Systems
(2) Whole text thesis statement (topic sentence):
Economists have identified four types of economic systems: traditions, command (or controlled),
market (or capitalist), and mixed.
(3) Topic of thesis statement:
Economists have identified four types of economic systems:
(4) Controlling ideas (details) for thesis statement: number and which ones they are (which link
the introduction to the rest of the text)
traditions, command (or controlled), market (or capitalist), and mixed.
(5) Text subtitles (4):
(a) traditions,
(b) command (or controlled),
(c) market (or capitalist), and
(d) mixed.
(6) Give the definition given in the book of "Economic decisions are based on customs, beliefs,
and religions"
- that is, the traditional way of doing things. (line 11)
(7) Describe the example
The San people of southern Africa, for example, are nomadic hunters and gatherers…
(8) Give the definition of "Command System":
(or controlled) System
(9) Give the definition of "Market System"
(or Capitalist) system
(10) Give the definition of "pure market economic system":
- or capitalism…
(11) Describe the example
… people often bring gifts when invited for dinner…
(12) Describe the evidence (2 examples) given of Mixed System
(a) the United States…
(b) the People’s Republic of China…
(13) Reading Strategy: Using Organisers: Charts
(14) System, Definitions/Characteristics/Example (page 51)
(15) Vocabulary check (page 52)
1. economists
2. controlled economy
3. capitalism
4. trade
5. labor
6. exchanges
7. bribe
8. tends
(16) Discussion
(17) Making Connections (page 53)