This booklet comes to you with the compliments
of St Michael the Archangel Church, Brantham.
We hope the information within is helpful to you and helps you to feel settled and welcomed.
© Fourth Edition 13th July 2012 St Michael the Archangel Church, Brantham
Details correct (as far as we can tell!) on print date.
To include your details/ make corrections in this booklet, please contact the Rector 01206 392646
All rights reserved
Welcome to Brantham
Doctor’s Surgeries
Veterinary Practice
East Bergholt High School
Brooklands Primary School
Child and Family:
Baby Clinic
St Michael’s Parent and Toddler Group
St Michael's with Brooklands Young Explorers Childcare
Sure Start
Brantham Scout and Guide Group
Leisure Facilities:
Brantham Village Hall
Brantham Leisure Centre
Brantham Bowls Club
Brantham Over 60’s Club
U3A – Stour Valley University of the Third Age
Workers’ Educational Association
Brantham Women’s Institute
Brantham Amateur Dramatic Society (BATS)
Ipswich Budgerigar Society
Shopping Facilities:
Braiswick Imaging Centre
The Cooperative Store
Post office
Acacia Carpets
Guys and Dolls 2
Torch Garage
Farrier and Blacksmith
Food and Drink:
The Fontana Chinese Restaurant
Oriental Cuisine Chinese Restaurant
Barry’s Fish And Chip – Mobile Service
The Kezbar Mobile Pizza/Burger van – Mobile Service
Public Houses:
The Bull
The Crown
Library Services
Annual Events
Community Help Numbers
Suffolk County Council Social Services
Refuse Collections
Useful Telephone Numbers
Welcome to Brantham a large village covering 2,482 acres of which 560 are water.
The village
runs alongside the River Stour and near Cattawade (behind ITW) lies Decoy Pond. Across the River Stour
is the least populated town in England, Manningtree, neighbouring Mistley and Lawford. Brantham
neighbours East Bergholt, (the village which shares our Church of England Benefice), and the village of
The large towns of Colchester, Essex and Ipswich, Suffolk are approximately each 10 miles away and
there are local buses to them. There is a railway station at nearby Manningtree, ideal for London
commuters and other travellers.
In 1880 there were only 445 people occupying 98 properties in Brantham, but during the past 130 years
there has been a steady growth of new houses increasing the population to over 1270. We are very lucky
in this scenic village to be within the Stour Valley, which has in the past inspired great artists such as John
Constable, who was commissioned to paint Brantham Church and Thomas Gainsborough. The area is now
home to a number of well known authors and actors.
We are fortunate to have good welcoming churches, two pubs, some local shops, a garage as well as a
post office, village hall and a popular leisure centre. There are several playing fields for football, cricket,
tennis as well as playgrounds for the younger child.
There is easy access around the village for walkers via well marked public footpaths, exposing scenic
views across fertile, mainly arable farmland and overlooking the Stour Estuary.
Brantham has it own bi-monthly informative independent magazine, The Bugle, delivered to every home
which also gives much village ‘what’s-on’ information.
St Michael the Archangel (St Michael’s) C of E Church, Church Lane.
Contact the Rector: Rev Mrs Stephne van der Toorn 01206 392646
or e:mail - revstephvdt@googlemail.com
Services are most Sundays at 11.00am. Worship at St Michael’s is relaxed and friendly and we are keen to
try new things. There is a music group led by Jane Pavitt (01473 328512) which plays at Family services
and they welcome new members. Several Bible Studies meet during the week. M:youth caters for those
11-16 and is run by Len and Issy Smith (tel 01206 393321). They meet on a Sunday evening. If you are
unable to attend Church but would like to receive communion or be visited, please contact the Rector. We
love doing weddings and baptisms and these can be arranged by (you’ve guessed it) contacting the
Rector. There are notice boards inside the Church porch and by the lych-gate. St Michael’s Church is well
marked from the A137. A recently formed sociable and friendly group the ‘Friends of St Michael’s Church’
does sorely needed fundraising for our beautiful damp- damaged building and we periodically host
wonderful concerts. The church is open all day, every day except Christmas Day. For large services the
Watsons at Brantham Place kindly allow us the use of their paddock for parking.
St Michael’s Church forms a Benefice with St Mary’s Church in East Bergholt. The first Sunday of the
month we have a benefice service either at East Bergholt or in Brantham. There is a BCP communion
every Sunday at 8.00am in St Mary’s and the main service there is at 10.00am. There is a BCP
communion at 9.30am on the first Wednesday of the month in St Mary’s (not in August.) We have a
friendship Lunch quarterly in the Cattawade Hall. Contact Chris Gough 393137.
The Benefice Mother’s Union meets at 2.30pm on the second Thursday each month (not in August) in the
West End of St Mary’s Church East Bergholt. New members welcome. Contact Chris Jacob on 01206
298552 or call at 81 Chaplin Road, East Bergholt CO76RN.
Holy Family Catholic Church, Ipswich Road. Contact Fr Christopher Smith 01473 684963, email
office@stmarksparish.org.uk. Mass is celebrated at Holy Family at 9.00am on Sundays and 10.00am on
Brantham Methodist Church, Gravel Pit Lane. Currently in interregnum as Rev Ian Gardner has just
left (July 2012). Contact person Jean Chambers Email: jean.chambers21@hotmail.co.uk or Sheila Clark
393780. Services are at 11.00am on most Sundays.
The Congregational Church, Cemetery Lane, East Bergholt. Contact the Secretary – John Jeffreys – Tel
01206 298737 / Email j.jeffreys.eb@btinternet.com. Services every Sunday at 10.30am. Coffee Morning
every Thursday at 9.30am
Colchester and District Jewish Community
The nearest synagogue is in Fennings Close, off Priory Street, Colchester. Tel: 01206 866553
Ipswich and District Islamic Communities
The nearest mosques are both located in central Ipswich.
The Ipswich Mosque is located at 32-36 Bond Street (Tel: 01473 226879).
The Shah Jalal Mosque is to be found in St Helen’s Street (Tel: 01473 412983).
Doctor’s Surgeries
The Medical Centre, Heath Road, East Bergholt CO7 6RT
Tel: 01206 298272
The medical centre has six GP consulting rooms, a nursing suite, conference room and four rooms
privately rented for allied medical professions.
Services currently available are:-
Smoking Clinic
Minor Illness Clinic
Minor Injuries
Minor Surgery
The surgery is open from 8.00 am to 6.30 pm, Monday-Friday inclusive.
Patients should register with the practice as soon as possible by calling into the
centre to complete the appropriate forms and make an appointment to meet a nurse for a New Patient
Appointments -
Appointments with doctors are available from 8.30 am and 3.30-5.50 pm. There are
some surgeries at 2.00 pm. Telephone appointments are available on request and the receptionist will
give an approximate time when the doctor or nurse will call you back.
A team of female nurses run their own daily clinics and appointments can be booked in advance and if
available on the day. The nurses are trained to deal with many minor ailments and injuries.
Out of Hours -
From 6.30 pm to 8.00 am, weekends and bank holidays, the care of patients is the
responsibility of the Primary Care Trust. This practice belongs to a co-operative service, Suffolk Doctors
on Call (SDOC). Should you require urgent medical telephone the surgery number and your call will
automatically be transferred to SDOC.
You can also call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for advice or go online at www.nhsdirect.uk. In addition, the
NHS Direct self-help guide is printed at the back of your Thomson Local Directory.
Patient Representative Group -
A Patient Representative Group has been set up to aid communication
between the practice and its patients. Your views and comments can be passed to your representatives.
(Names and contact details are displayed in the waiting room).
Brantham Patient representative: Jim King
The Pharmacy, Gaston Street, East Bergholt
Telephone – 01206 298267
There is a delivery service to nearby villages, including Brantham available from the pharmacy.
Other pharmacies are available at Tesco’s Supermarket, Highwoods, Colchester;
Tesco, Copdock, Ipswich; Boots and by the Riverside Clinic Manningtree, and at Dedham.
Station Road, Manningtree, Essex CO11 1AA
Tel: 01206 397070 or Fax: 01206 391570
There are three partners, a practice manager, three nurses, a health care assistant, two phlebotomists, 2
administrators, a secretary, two dispensers, 2 receptionists.
Opening Hours –
Monday – Friday
8.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 6.00pm
Dispensary opening hours
Monday – Friday
8.30am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 6.00pm
Baby Clinics are held on Tuesdays from 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Minor Surgery Clinic 2nd and 4th weeks on Wednesday 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Ante-Natal Clinic on Thursdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm
There is an appointment system for all clinics with a 48 hour access to see a doctor.
Out of Hours care is the responsibility of Colchester Out of Hours at Colchester Walk-in Centre at
Middleborough (the old Royal London Building at the bottom of North Hill).
Both surgeries dispense to Brantham residents.
Brantham is covered by the Suffolk Health Authority.
Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, Heath Road, Ipswich
01473 712233
Web: www.ipswichhospital.nhs.uk
This is a general hospital with full accident and emergency facilities.
Colchester District General Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester
01206 747474
Web: www.colchesterhospital.nhs.uk
Harwich Hospital
The Suffolk Nuffield Hospital, Foxhall Road, Ipswich
01473 279100
Web: www.nuffieldhealth.com/ipswichhospital
The Oaks Hospital, Oaks Place, Mile End Road, Colchester
01206 752121
Web: www.oakshospital.co.uk
This is a private hospital with full In-Patient, Out-Patient and Day Care Facilities.
C Clamp and Partners, 17a High Street, Manningtree
Tel: 01206 393744
RS Hems and P Wilson, 17 High Street, Hadleigh
Tel: 01206 823092
Capel Dental Practice, 63 Thorney Road, Capel St Mary
Tel: 01473 311130
Dr Lawrence Werber, 62 High Street, Hadleigh
Tel: 01473 823003
Country Park Dental Practice, Highwoods Square, Colchester
Tel: 01206 751175
Veterinary Practice
Highcliff Veterinary Practice
Factory Lane, Cattawade, Nr Manningtree, Brantham CO11 1QL
01206 391511
01206 391466
Email: vets@highcliffbran.plus.com
Surgery Hours:
Monday to Friday
8.30 – 10.00am, 2.30 – 3.30pm, 4.30 – 6.00pm
6.20 – 8.00 pm
8.30 – 10.20 and 11.00 – 12.00 pm
The practice opened an air-conditioned, purpose built centre with X-ray facilities, ultrasound and in-house
laboratory testing services on blood and urine specimens. We have separate dog and cat wards. Our two
fully qualified Veterinary Nurses have established regular Nurse Clinics. Home visits can be arranged.
In emergency please call 01473 822704.
There are also branches at Hadleigh and Ipswich.
East Bergholt High School
Heath Road, East Bergholt, Colchester CO7 6RJ
01206 298200
Headteacher: currently Mr Colin Turner
East Bergholt High School (EBHS) is a co-educational 11-16 community comprehensive school in Suffolk,
midway between Ipswich and Colchester and close to the A12 on a 20 acre site. The school catchment
area covers the Bentley, Brantham, Capel St Mary, Copdock, East Bergholt and Stratford St Mary primary
schools. There are a significant number of pupils from outside the designated catchment area. The school
caters for approximately 880 pupils.
EBHS became a Specialist Science College in 2004 and was proud and delighted to add Applied Learning
as the second specialism when designated a High Performing Specialist School in 2009. The school holds
a Sportsmark Award and is recognised as an Investor in People.
EBHS is committed to working in partnership with other educational organisations and the local
community. It is an enthusiastic and active member of SWISS (South West Ipswich and South Suffolk)
Partnership and engages positively with the community it serves. The school is significantly involved in
teacher training.
Further information can be obtained via the website
Brooklands Primary School – a community school on Palfrey Heights, Brantham. The first
school in Suffolk to achieve the NACE Challenge Award for excellence in provision for able, gifted and
talented pupils. Head teacher Mrs Bridgette Gough Tel: 01206 392291 email ht.brooklands.p@talk21.com
Child and Family:
Baby Clinic
contact Sarah Hawkley on 01206 299623
Or attend St Michael’s Institute (next to Brantham Church) on third Tuesday of the month from 9.30 –
St Michael’s Parent and Toddler Group held at St Michael’s Institute on Tuesdays 9.3011.30am. All are welcome. Contact Lynn (01206 392059).
St Michael's with Brooklands Young Explorers Childcare
functioning at two venues in the Village:
St Michael's Institute
Open to all children aged 2 - 5 years old on Monday and Wednesday 9.15-3.15
and Thursday mornings 9.15 - 12.15
These times may vary please contact one of the leaders for up to date times
and prices. Contact Karen 01206 395865 or Hayley 01473 328695.
We have a baby unit so can take babies and young toddlers.
Brooklands Young Explorers (BYE)
Wraparound childcare situated at Brooklands School. Breakfast club . 7.30-9.00am.
Early years provision 9.00-3.30pm. After school club with secure play area.
Contact Hayley Aherne 01473 328695 or 07892877743
Sure Start – Stay and Play - held at the Brantham Village Hall from 9.00am to 10.30am on specified
dates. Come and meet other parents and carers and their children at our free Stay and Play sessions for
children from birth to 5 years. For further information please contact Elayne Grover on 07850 908719
Brantham Scout and Guide Group
Rainbows (girls 5-7)
Contact Odette Nobbs
tel: 01206 397052
Brownies (girls 7-10)
Contact Odette Nobbs
tel: 01206 307052
Guides (girls 10-15)
Marian Dann
Contact Alison Hobson
Samford District Senior Section (young women 14-26)
tel: 01206 395285
tel: 01473 327201
tel: 01473 327201
Contact is Ali – to find out more sss@adts.co.uk
Beaver Scouts (boys 6-8)
Contact Roger Dann
tel: 01206 395285
Cubs (boys 8-10.5)
Contact Ruth Clark
tel: 01206 393076
Scouts (boys 10.5 -14)
Contact Simon
tel: 01206 397246
Cattawade Explorer Scout Unit (14-18)
Contact Roger Dann - rogerdann@madafish.com
tel: 01206 395285
The above groups can often be full and are always looking for additional assistants.
There is a section for young people to become members of the Wildlife Explorer Club. More information
may be obtained from RSPB, Unit 13, Court Farm, 3 Stutton Road, Brantham, CO11 1PW or
stourestuary@rspb.org.uk or tel: 01473 328006
Playgrounds – the village has a small playground for very young children on the corner of Brooklands
Road and Merriam Close and a larger playground behind the sports club near Temple Pattle. A new
baseball practice court has recently been installed for use by all residents.
Leisure Facilities:
Brantham Village Hall – Brooklands Road, Brantham
The hall is large, holding up to 150 people and welcomes private use. The hall has a stage, so plays and
pantomimes can take place. There are regular hall users, eg the W.I., drama groups and Sure Start.
There are good kitchen facilities plus glassware and crockery. Please ring Liz Evans, the Parish Clerk on
01206 393652 for further assistance.
Brantham Leisure Centre- Off Brooklands Road, (on the private road by the turning at
the village hall) Brantham
This active sports centre is awaiting further funding from the Football Association and Parish Council to
increase it already popular sporting and leisure facilities. There are two bars and meeting rooms available
to residents. The centre is owned by the Parish Council.
Football, (for both boys and girls) with many home and away matches and plenty of practice.
Cricket, (www.brantham.play-cricket.com or on Facebook under Brantham Cricket Club) Tennis and
Netball (contact Jenny 01206 399061) all feature as well as a meeting place for majorette troupes,
The centre hosts parties, an annual pantomime, race nights and discos etc.
For more information the Brantham Leisure Centre telephone number is 01206 392506 or call in to the
An active committee ensures that the centre is well used and holds a very popular annual Firework Display
and huge bonfire. Events are advertised in the Bugle.
Clubs for Adults:
Brantham Bowls Club
Indoor and outdoor games are facilitated and more information can be obtained by visiting
www.branthambowls.org or email – mail@branthambowls.org or telephoning the Press Officer Stephen
Cheek on 01206 230429.
Brantham Over 60’s Club
Established in 1955 and ‘still going strong’
Aims To foster friendship and goodwill and to provide social activities with a varied programme os
speakers plus occasional coach outings.
Weekly meetings are held in the Brantham Leisure Centre on Tuesdays (bar first in the month) – 2.30pm
to 4.30pm. Transport by Community Bus can be arranged.
There is a friendly atmosphere and visitors are welcome to all events. Don’t be put off by the title –
membership is open to any person over the age of fifty and further information can be obtained from the
Secretary on 01206 396242.
U3A – Stour Valley University of the Third Age
These meetings are held at the Constable Memorial Hall, Gandish Road, East Bergholt at 2.25pm. Contact
Ian Rose on 01206 392870.
Workers’ Educational Association
Learning for life with the WEA offers a broad range o courses all over the country. Lectures are held on
the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm at the Brantham Methodist Church, Gravel Pit Lane. There is
a fee for these lectures.
Brantham Women’s Institute
The W I, the largest organisation in England and Wales, is open to women of all ages, creed or religion.
The sociable monthly meetings provide friendship and good company as well as excellent speakers. Light
refreshments and raffles are available at each meeting. General monthly meetings are held every second
Wednesday at 7.30 pm at Brantham Village Hall.
Brantham W I members have a supper club so they can
enjoy meals out at various local hostelries. Please contact Mrs Doreen Hill on 01206 395710 for further
information or just turn up on the meeting evening. All guests will be given a warm welcome.
(Details of each meeting can be found on the Village Hall Notice Boards).
Brantham Amateur Dramatic Society (BATS)
Annual musical pantomimes take place at the Brantham Village Hall towards the end of February. Men,
women and children are all welcome to join this society and auditions for the next show are notified in the
Bugle magazine.
Ipswich Budgerigar Society
Meets in Brantham every third Wednesday from 7.45 - 10.15. From January 2011 every fourth
Wednesday in the Lambe School, East Bergholt.
Contact Sandra Holden: 01206 393815 sandra.holden4@tiscali.co.uk
Shopping Facilities:
Braiswick Imaging Centre
The Print House, Cattawade Street, Brantham, CO11 1BZ
Opening Times
Monday to Friday
9.00a.m. – 5.30p.m.
9.00a.m. – 5.00p.m.
We do not close for lunch
We sell digital cameras, memory cards, photographic cases and bags for cameras.
We have a wide range of picture frames and picture albums.
We do digital printing of photographs with two kiosks in store providing gifts, such as key rings, fridge
magnets, calendars, photo books and many more items. We have recently purchased machines which will
provide our customers with tee shirts, mugs, mouse mats and lots of other great gift ideas with their own
personal pictures or messages on.
Our priority is to provide a personal service with excellent value whilst also giving helpful and friendly
advice. We have over 40 years of experience.
The Cooperative Store
Acacia Court, Blenheim Close, Brantham
This is the largest food store in Brantham. The store is open every day, early to late and stocks the whole
range of foods, fresh, local, frozen as well as a wide range of confectionery, freshly cut flowers and holds a
licence to sell alcoholic drinks. The store also sells stationery, toys and household goods.
and magazines are delivered to homes.
Post office – This operates within the Coop Store.
Open Monday to Saturday 9.00am – 5.30pm with
halfday closing on Wednesday and Saturday.
Acacia Carpets
No. 2 Acacia Court, Blenheim Close, Brantham, Essex CO11 1TR
01206 397475
07802 646970 or
01206 391930
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9.00am – 5.00pm
9.00am – 1.00pm
Acacia Carpets is owned by Mr Shane Mower, who is assisted by his son Jason and daughter Jo Fox and
the company has been established for 30 years.
The company is experienced in the sales of domestic and contract work, supplying and fitting carpets,
vinyls, Karndean patterned and Amtico and laminated wood flooring. The company now has a full range
of blinds. All work is carried out by fully trained construction skilled and certified fitters.
Guys and Dolls 2
Acacia Court, Blenheim Close, Brantham CO11 1TR
Tel: 01206 396406 Closed Mondays. Pedicures, manicures, reflexology and massage. Wednesdays open
till 9.00pm
Slough Road, East Bergholt CO7 6XP. Closed Mondays. Late opening Thursdays.
Tel: 01206 392517
Torch Garage
Cattawade, Brantham, CO11 1RE
01206 392755
Torch Garage has a 24 hour manning service for emergencies and towing.
It is staffed by fully qualified fitters and this is a local garage with a reputation for quality workmanship at
competitive prices.
Fixed price servicing and MOTs.
Vehicles can be collected and courtesy cars and vans provided. Chassis work, welding and respraying
facilities are available as well as refitting of tyres and exhausts.
Farrier and Blacksmith
MR EDWARD J WOOD (known as Ted)
The Forge, Ipswich Road, Brantham (opposite The Bull Public House)
01206 393736
Specialising in wrought iron work, welding and repairs – please call in for your requirements.
Food and Drink:
The Fontana Chinese Restaurant
The Street, Cattawade, Brantham, CO11 1RG
01206 396313
Open 7 days a week, Monday and Tuesday 6.00 – 11.30pm;
Wednesday to Sunday 12.00 – 2.00pm and 6.00 – 11.30pm
Owned and run by Sam and Kathy Koo.
The restaurant specialises in Peking and Hong Kong Cuisine and runs a take-away service as well as a fully
licensed restaurant. There is an extensive menu and a good choice of wines and drinks.
At the Chinese New Year children from the playgroup and local school are treated to Chinese food and
learn about Chinese traditions.
Oriental Cuisine Chinese Restaurant
Cattawade Street, Brantham CO11 1RH
01206 397269
01206 395118
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 12.00 – 2.00pm and 5.00 – 11.00pm
12.00 – 3.00pm and 5.00 – 11.00pm
Owned and run by Tommy Kwok and family
The restaurant is fully licensed with air conditioning and specialises in Peking, Szechuan and Cantonese
cooking. There is a take-away service and home delivery on orders over £10.
Once a year a buffet is arranged at the restaurant, with seating both in the restaurant and out of doors,
with the money raised going to local charities.
Barry’s Fish And Chip – Mobile Service
Every Thursday the fish and chip mobile van starts frying from 4.45pm at the Cattawade parking area –
opposite the photography business – and then drives to Palfrey Heights and onto the A137. Everything is
cooked freshly from fish to sausages and more!
The Kezbar Mobile Pizza/Burger van – Mobile Service
Every Wednesday between 4.00pm and 7.30pm at the Cattawade parking area - opposite the photography
centre. 07765093385 www.thekezbar.com
Public Houses:
The Bull
The Street, Brantham CO11 1PN .
On the A137 between Manningtree and Ipswich: On the junction of Stutton Road (B1080) to Alton Water
reservoir and Shotley Peninsula. Tel:
01473 328248
The Bull has a friendly bar and a restaurant able to seat 85 covers. The proprietors take care in providing
a range of home cooking. Outside there is a large car park and a substantial summer garden. The pub
maintains a child friendly approach. Special events will be advertised on bill boards at the front of the pub.
The Crown
Cattawade – The Street (opposite the Torch Garage and River Stour)
Mr Michael O’Brien
This pub and barn are listed buildings. The pub prides itself by being a typical old fashioned, friendly one
with a good atmosphere, catering for local residents as well as travellers. There are open fires, pool and
darts teams, Sky sports, discos and karaoke evenings.
There is seating outside and a children’s play area.
Dogs are welcome.
Lunches are available every day with a special roast for children on Sundays.
Library Services
LIBRARY – there is a mobile library service on alternate Fridays around the village.
Cattawade Old School –
11.30 – 11.40am
Palfrey Heights
11.45 – 12.05
Ivy Villas
12.10 – 12.30
Birch Drive
12.35 – 12.50
St Michael’s Church -
1.50 – 2.05
Slough Road
2.10 – 2.25
Manningtree Library, Essex can be found on the High Street, Manningtree and can be contacted on 01206
Residents of Brantham are welcome to use both the Essex and Suffolk Library Services.
Annual Events
Brantham village is well-known for its community spirit.
Garage Sales
During the past few years garage sales have been arranged around Brantham. A percentage of the
money raised aids the Hospice movement and other local charities and they are proving very popular. It’s
one way to recycle ones goods and make a little profit. The garage sales are well organised and the date
advertised well in advance. The village hall is used for indoor tables, with teas and coffees are provided
by the W.I.
Fun Chinese Meal Day
Once a year, usually a Sunday, Mr Tommy Kwok of Oriental Cuisine provides an all day Chinese buffet at a
fixed price. The profit goes to local village charities. The day is advertised by leaflets delivered to every
home. Volunteers to assist setting up tables on the day are always needed.
Fireworks and Bonfire Night
A very large fireworks display and huge bonfire is prepared on the field behind the Social Club on the first
Saturday in November. Everyone is welcome and there is no admission charge. (A voluntary collection is
made towards the cost of fireworks). Food is provided by various vendors and the bars at the club are
Teddy Bears Parachute Jump
Brave teddies like Douglas Bearder and Pebbles (and on occasion rabbits, snakes and Action Man) leap
from the St Michael’s Church Tower in aid of Church Funds once a year. Watch the Brantham Bugle for
Notice Boards
There are two notice boards, one outside the village hall and another at Acacia Court.
Please contact the Parish Clerk for further assistance.
Dogs, man’s best friends – please kindly use one of the many dog bins provided for dog waste. There are
some delightful walks around the village and it is preferred that they remain as clean as possible.
Community Help Numbers
Police – in emergency ring 999, but for less urgent matters ring 101 or Force HQ at Martlesham Heath
01473 613500.
Safer Neighbourhood Officers are: PC Jacqui Philpot and PCSO 3001 Ilona Turley –
01473 613500.
Crime Prevention Advice – Contact Les King – 01284 774313
Babergh Community Watch Liaison - Contact Tony Simpson on 01284 774313
A full list of Brantham Parish Councillors can be found in the Bugle magazine.
SARAH KEYS is the Parish Clerk. 115 Palfrey Heights, Brantham, COll 1SE. Tel No. 01206 393652
Email address: branthamparishclerk@yahoo.com
The local government representatives in Brantham are:
MR TROT WARD, 18 New Village, Brantham 01206 392060
MR DAVID WOOD, Triangle, Ipswich Road, Tattingstone 01473 328269
The Member for Parliament is MR TIM YEO, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Tel: 0207 219 3000.
Suffolk County Council Social Services
Brantham is covered by Hadleigh Area Office Social Services, The Corn Exchange, Market Place, Hadleigh
Tel no: 0845 6 023 023
Office open to callers
Tuesday 11.00am – 1.00pm
Thursday 2.00pm – 4.00pm
At Hadleigh Corn Exchange.
Refuse Collections
In Brantham black (for general refuse) and blue (recycling) bins are collected on alternate Thursdays.
Brown bins for garden rubbish is collected fortnightly on Tuesdays.
(You may need to purchase your own wheelie bins from Hadleigh district council).
Local Household Waste and Recycling Sites - Manningtree – on Lawford Industrial Site, open Monday to
12.00noon to 4.00pm and Weekends
10.30am to 4.00pm
Useful Telephone Numbers
for emergency and loss of supply – 0800 783 8838
Gas for emergency gas leaks – 0800 111 999 and new supply – 0845 955 5510
Water for emergency – 0845 714 5145 and accounts – 0845 579 19155
Social Services, Hadleigh
01473 823948
Benefits Agency
01473 267700
Citizens Advice Bureau
01206 765331 or 01473 219777
Disabled Advice Bureau
01473 217313
Disabled Shop Mobility
01206 369099 or 01473 222225
Suffolk Domestic Violence
0800 7835121
01473 254118
Buses travel to Ipswich, Colchester and Mistley. For further information about public transport to and
from Brantham call the Public Transport Enquiry Line 0870 608 2608.
Hedingham Omnibus Service No 2 to Clacton from Manningtree (Mon-Sat)
Carters Coach Services operate nos. 92 and 96 Brantham to Ipswich (Mon-Sat)
Manningtree and District Community Bus service provides travel for group outings or taking groups of
people to meetings, but not for single person travel.
A number of drivers in the village take people to the Surgery or Hospital for visiting. Please contact
Norman Williams on 01206 393377.
The Buzabout Bus Service operates via a booking service – 0845 458 1920 – Monday to Friday 8.00am to
Trains run from Manningtree Station.
And if you get lost, ask someone for directions. We are a friendly lot in Brantham!
Brantham Street Index
Acacia Court
Ash Ground Close
Bergholt Road
Birch Drive
Blenheim Close (1)
Brantham Hill
Bridge Place
Brooklands Rise
Brooklands Road
Browning Road
Cattawade Street
Cedar Close
Church Lane
Elm Close
Factory Lane
Gravel Pit Lane
Grimwade Close
Grove Road
Ipswich Road
Larman Court
Merriam Close
New Village
Park Road
Palfrey Heights
Patten Bush Close
Pine Close
Quince Close (2)
Rectory Lane
Rowley Close
School Lane
Slough Road
Snows Way (3)
Suffolk Coast Path
Sycamore Way
Temple Pattle
The Poplars
Valley Close
Welhams Way (4)
Westerns End