3. This physical unit is equal to 1 watt

ACF Regionals 2000
Questions by Illinois A (Subash)
1. In this novel the narrator’s insecurity is evident when he explains to Georgette the reason why he cannot have sex
with her. Secondary characters include the wise Count Mippipopolous and the strong-willed American woman,
Frances Clyne. The narrator is in love with the central female of the novel, who has a brief affair with young Romero.
Set during one week in Pamplona, other characters include the writer Bill Gorton, a friend of the narrator, and another
writer, Robert Cohn. Michael Campbell is the drunken fiancé of Lady Brett Ashley in this story told by Jake Barnes.
FTP, identify this novel by Ernest Hemingway.
Answer: The Sun Also Rises
2. We first meet this character when he sings the aria “Dunque io son,” (doon-kay ee-oh sohn) telling of his poor
cousin named Lindoro. In a later section he sings of how nothing is more stimulating in the world than gold and
proceeds to use his guile to arrange the marriage of Rosina. In another opera he pretends to be Cherubino, as part of
a plan he hatches because he cannot repay Marcellina, who turns out to be his mother. Eventually this valet of Count
Almaviva is united with his beloved Susanna. FTP, identify this character, a former barber, whose wedding is the
subject of a Mozart opera.
Answer: Figaro
3. This man suppressed a revolt led by Gaetulicus and Aemilius Lepidus, his sister’s widower. The previous year he
had ordered the execution of Naevius Macro, prefect of the Praetorian Guard. Four months after returning to Rome
from Gaul he would be assassinated, along with his wife Caesonia, at the Palatine Games. He had received his
moniker, meaning Little Boot, from the soldiers of his father, Germanicus. FTP, identify this Roman emperor who
supposedly made his horse a consul, the successor to Tiberius, who would be succeeded by his uncle, Claudius.
Answer: Caligula (prompt on “Gaius Caesar Germanicus”)
4. Peter Mitchell first enunciated its mechanism of action in 1961. All the clusters involved are non-heme proteins and
are Iron-Sulfur conglomerations. All four transitions possess a negative delta G in this series of reactions that were
the centerpiece of Mitchell’s chemiosmotic theory. The b-c2 complex follows ubiquinone in this pathway that also
utilizes NADH dehydrogenase and several cytochromes. The final step results in the production of two water
molecules, FTP, in this pathway that follows the Krebs cycle in aerobic metabolism and releases energy for ATP
Answer: electron transport chain (prompt on "oxidative phosphorylation”)
5. This author described his childhood education at the “Bluecoat School” in his essay Christ’s Hospital
Five-and-Thirty Years Ago. He criticized his own play Mr H. when it was performed at Drury Lane, and was also
dissatisfied with his Elizabethan tragedy, John Woodvil. Rosamund Gray is the best known novel of this author, who
often ended up drunk under the table after an evening with his friends Wordsworth and Coleridge. Meanwhile, his
sister, Mary, stabbed their mother in the heart and wounded their father as well. FTP, identify this man best known for
his Essays of Elia and Tales from Shakespeare.
Answer: Charles Lamb
6. Inhabited primarily by the Khoikhoi and San peoples, this area possesses remarkable mud flats that are caused by
the pooling of water from heavy rains. The whole region is marked by vertical-walled hills known as kopjes, and the
Black Nossob River transverses its. The Makgadikgadi [muk ga dee ga dee] Plains lie in its north, and the Okavango
and the Boteti Rivers cross this region, which occupies most of Botswana. FTP, identify this desert, the largest in
southwestern Africa.
Answer: Kalahari Desert
7. After John Neville had his house surrounded, his men killed Oliver Miller, touching off this incident. The next day
saw the shooting death of John McFarlane, which when coupled with a lack of cooperation from Governor Thomas
Mifflin, resulted in a national crisis. It temporarily interrupted the political career of “Light-Horse” Harry Lee, who was
given the military command and ordered to end it. The primary cause of the incident was Alexander Hamilton’s excise
tax passed into law three years earlier. Quashed by George Washington, FTP, identify this 1794 revolt in western
Pennsylvania caused by dissatisfaction with a certain liquor tax.
Answer: Whiskey Rebellion
8. Though discovered by William Lassell in 1846, little was known of it until August 25, 1989, when Voyager 2 flew
within 24,000 miles of it. It revolves so slowly that each of its seasons lasts 40 years, and its unique landscape was
created by a phenomenon termed “icy volcanism.” The seventh of eight satellites of its parent planet, it is the only one
that is regularly shaped and the largest as well. In addition, it is the largest solar system satellite that moves in a
retrograde orbit. FTP, identify this largest moon of Neptune.
Answer: Triton
9. This man’s first published book, German Social Democracy, was initially dedicated to his longtime mentor, the
metaphysician J.M.E. McTaggart. His versatile career included the book Is Modern Marriage a Failure?, inspired by
his four failed marriages, and his famous “Man’s Peril” radio broadcast, condemning the Bikini Atoll H-bomb tests. His
philosophical system of logical atomism permeated the books The Analysis of Matter and The Analysis of Mind.
Winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1950, FTP, identify this logician and philosopher best known for a
collaboration, Principia Mathematica.
Answer: Bertrand Russell
10. This author’s former teacher, Pierre Nicole, once accused him of having no more redeemable virtues than a
“public poisoner.” Ironically this author of The Litigants and The Thebiad would later be charged with poisoning his
mistress, the Marquise du Parc. He was urged by Madame de Maintenon to write his final two plays, Esther and
Athalie, which do not reflect the Hellenistic leanings that mark his early subject matter. FTP, identify this
contemporary of Corneille best known for his tragedies Andromache and Phaedra.
Answer: Jean Racine
11. The main points of attack were designed to be through Kum Kale and Suvla Bay, though operations would stall at
both sites. Otto Liman von Sanders trained and commanded the troops that repulsed it. It led to the resignation of
Admiral Lord Fisher and the recall of Sir Ian Hamilton who had been in command for half of it. During it, several
divisions of the ANZAC corps were butchered, and the withdrawal, on January 9, 1916, was the only successful part
of the operation. FTP, name this failed World War I campaign, an Allied operation against Turkey.
Answer: Gallipoli Campaign or Dardanelles Campaign
12. When Manet first saw the works of this painter, he painted the canvas Le Bon Bock and dedicated it to this man.
The most successful student of Karel van Mander, his gypsy girl, La Bohémienne, is considered his first masterpiece.
His broad brushwork and alla prima are easily seen in such group works as Regents of the Old Men’s Alms House
and Banquet of the Officers of the St. George Militia Company. FTP, identify this Northern artist best known for the
jovial spirit of such portraits as The Jolly Toper and The Laughing Cavalier.
Answer: Frans Hals
13. Shin Inouye (IN-oo-ay) was involved in the observation of the first Feshbach resonance and super radiance within
it. The Gross-Pitaevskii equation is used to analyze those substances capable of its formation, which occurs when de
Broglie wavelengths of the involved atoms begin to overlap. Wieman, Cornell, and Ketterle first experimentally
verified this shared quantum state that occurs when bosons making up a substance merge into the lowest energy
level. FTP, identify this “fifth” state matter, named for the two scientists who proposed it in 1925.
Answer: Bose-Einstein condensate
14. Beginning her writing career as a reporter in Wisconsin, this author’s early books introduced the traveling
petticoat saleswoman, Emma McChesney. Her autobiographical works include A Peculiar Treasure and A Kind of
Magic, and she collaborated with George S. Kaufman on the plays Dinner at Eight and Stage Door. One of her works
told the story of Selina and Dirk Dejong and won the Pulitzer Prize. She was primarily known for her treatment of the
Midwest in such novels as Cimarron. FTP, identify this American author, best-known for the novels So Big and Show
Answer: Edna Ferber
15. Of the four known accounts of it, the one of the chronicler Fulcher of Chartres is believed to be the most accurate.
During this parley, King Phillip of France was excommunicated for adultery, and Bishop Adhemar of Le Puy was
chosen as a papal legate at its conclusion. The famous exclamation of Deus vult, or “God wills it” was first introduced
there as well. Its primary decision was the result of a request for envoys by the Byzantine emperor Alexius I
Comnenus. Called by Urban II in 1095, FTP, identify this church council that became the occasion for initiating the
First Crusade.
Answer: Council of Clermont
16. His namesake paradox, which resulted from a study of the Hecksher-Ohlin theory, states that, in the U.S., capital
rather than labor is the relatively scarce factor of production. After serving as an advisor on railroad construction to
the Chinese government, he emigrated to the U.S. in 1931. While at Harvard, he was credited with the development
of linear programming in economics, a vital tool in his system. The core of that system is a grid like table showing
what individual industries buy from and sell to one another. FTP, identify this formulator of input-output analysis, the
Russian winner of the 1973 Nobel Prize in economics.
Answer: Wassily Leontief
17. Leonard Euler discovered that this curve, the evolute of a tractrix, forms the only minimal surface of revolution
when it is revolved about its asymptote. It can be defined as the locus of the mid-point of the vertical line segment
between the curves “e to the x” and “e to the negative x.” With the general equation of “y equals a times the
hyperbolic cosine of the quantity x over a,” this curve can be generated as the locus of the focus of a parabola rolling
along a straight line. FTP, identify this shape that is formed by a chain suspended by its endpoints and only acted on
by gravity.
Answer: catenary
18. Sarah Tansey, Susan Brady, and Honor Blake are three village girls with speaking roles in this play that takes
place on two successive Autumn days. As Act 1 opens we meet fat Shawn Keough, a young farmer and cousin to
Widow Quin. Shawn is talking with Pegeen Mike, a young girl who at various times flirts with the protagonist. That
protagonist mistakenly believes that he killed his father with a blow to the head. Set in County Mayo and centering on
Christy Mahon, FTP, identify this play by John Millington Synge.
Answer: The Playboy of the Western World
19. Before his death, this man drew a cross of his own blood on the ground, kissed it, and cried “Jesus” as he fell.
After traveling to Hispaniola, he had enrolled in the service of the explorer Alonso de Ojeda (oh-HAY-da). Three years
later he participated in Balboa’s expedition to the Pacific and served as governor of Panama for five years. His most
famous exploits were conducted with Diego de Almagro, his future betrayer. It was at the town of Cajamarca
(ca-ha-MAR-ca) in November of 1530 that this man revealed his own treachery by surprising the guards of
Atahualpa. Considered the founder of Lima, FTP, identify this Spanish conquistador and conqueror of the Inca
Empire of Peru.
Answer: Francisco Pizarro
20. Like the thymus, this gland is larger in children and begins to shrink with the onset of puberty. It can be easily
seen on X-rays due to small deposits of calcium that it receives, and it can be alternately referred to as the epiphysis
cerebri. In lower vertebrates it functions as a light receptor and is believed to be the predecessor to the human eye.
Its primary endocrine function in humans is the secretion of melatonin. FTP, identify this tiny gland, which derives its
name from its pine-cone shape.
Answer: pineal gland
OT1. Richard Morris Hunt suggested that this man take up a job with Furness and Hewitt, with whom he worked until
joined the atelier of Emile Vaudremer. His ideal design, the Fraternity Temple was never built, and his first major
design was the Schlesinger & Mayer store, the first of the Carson Pirie Scott & Company buildings. A lifelong
collaboration with Dankmar Adler resulted in such designs as the famous Guaranty Building in Buffalo. FTP, identify
this mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright, best known for his Wainwright Building.
Answer: Louis Sullivan
OT2. The author based this story on a tale told to him by the clergyman H.L. Connolly. He gained the inspiration for it
from the 1755 event known as Le Grande Derangement. The title heroine and her lover dwell near the lakes of
Atchafalaya [aa cha fa lye aa] in the towns of St. Maur and St. Martin. After Ms. Bellefontaine is taken to New
England, she learns that her lover went to the Ozarks. Working as a nurse in Philadelphia she finally meets up again
with a dying Gabriel Lajeunesse. FTP, identify this story about the titular Acadian woman, a narrative poem by Henry
Answer: Evangeline
OT3. The name’s the same. One was the younger son of Pandion and uncle of Theseus, who tried to usurp the
throne of Athens from Aegeus before Theseus killed him. Another was the Titan son of Crius and Eurybia and
married Styx. That union gave rise to his children, Zelus, Cratos, Bia, Nike, and possibly Eos. The third was a
daughter of Triton, who was killed while playing with a goddess. The fourth was a giant and the father of that same
goddess, who was killed when he tried to violate her. She took his skin and made it into a shield, the Aegis. FTP,
identify this figure whose name often precedes that of Athena.
Answer: Pallas
Its namesake publicly enunciated it two months after he heard a lecture by Francois Arago reporting the work of
another scientist. Maxwell’s resolution of a dilemma within it resulted in his formulation of displacement current. It can
be formally stated as the line integral of the magnetic field around an arbitrarily chosen path is proportional to the net
electric current enclosed by the path. It is an alternate expression of the more general Biot-Savart law. FTP, identify
this relationship named for its French discoverer.
Answer: Ampère’s Law
One of this piece’s quirks is that audiences often forget etiquette and applaud after its third movement, a powerful
march. The mood is set by an introduction in a dark register of the bassoon with a drone bass and sighing strings.
The second movement, in uneven 5/4 time, might not be as memorable as the brass chorale interruption in the first
movement, which features a melody from the Russian Requiem. It was named by the composer’s brother as a
reference to a sonata of the same name by Beethoven. FTP, identify this symphony of Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
Answer: Pathétique Symphony or Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 (accept just “Symphony No. 6” after
Tchaikovsky’s name has been given
ACF Regionals 2000
Boni by Illinois A
1. Given a third party candidate and the year, identify the party that he ran under for the stated number of points.
1. (15 points) George Wallace, 1968
Answer: American Independent Party
2. (10 points) Strom Thurmond, 1948
Answer: Dixiecrats or States’ Rights Party
3. (5 points) Teddy Roosevelt, 1912
Answer: Progressive Party or Bull Moose Party
2. Identify these scientific things from descriptions FTP each.
1. This principle states that the temperature of a gas falls when it expands without expending energy.
Answer: Joule-Thomson effect
2. This law states that the amount of heat produced each second in a conductor by a current of electricity is
proportional to the resistance of the conductor and to the square of the current.
Answer: Joule’s Law
3. This physical unit is equal to 1 watt-second or 10 million ergs.
Answer: joule
3. Given a description, identify the women involved with the following authors for the stated number of points.
1. (10 points) First believed to have been seen in the St. Claire Church in Avignon in 1327, this woman is believed to
have more than 300 sonnets written to her. She is most famously the subject of the Canzoniere.
Answer: Laura
2. (15 points) It was theorized that this woman was actually Maria d’Aquino, daughter of King Robert of Naples. We
do know that she dominates Boccaccio’s literary activity up to the Decameron.
Answer: Fiammetta
3. (5 points) Much of The Divine Comedy is dedicated to this woman, who guides Dante through Paradiso.
Answer: Beatrice
4. Identify these German artists from descriptions FTP each.
1. This man’s most famous portrait might be Edward VI as a Child, which was painted during his time as court painter
to Henry VIII of England.
Answer: Hans Holbein the Younger
2. This painter of Nymph of the Spring and Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion also painted some portraits of his
good friend Martin Luther.
Answer: Lucas Cranach the Elder
3. Probably the only well-known German romantic painter, this man is best known for his controversial oil landscape
The Cross in the Mountains.
Answer: Caspar David Friedrich
5. Identify these 17th century European treaties from descriptions for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) 1648 saw this treaty that brought an end to the Thirty Years War.
Answer: Peace of Westphalia
2. (10 points) The signing of this treaty in 1697 ended King William’s War.
Answer: Peace of Ryswick
3. (15 points) This 1659 agreement established a solid boundary between France and Spain and promised Philip IV’s
daughter, Marie Therese, to Louis XIV of France.
Answer: Peace of the Pyrenees
6. Identify the female American authors from short stories FTP each or better-known works for 5 points.
1. (10 points) “Desiree’s Baby”
(5 points) The Awakening
Answer: Kate Chopin
2. (10 points) “The Gilded Six-Bits”
(5 points) Their Eyes Were Watching God
Answer: Zora Neale Hurston
3. (10 points) “Maria Concepción”
(5 points) Ship of Fools
Answer: Katherine Anne Porter
7. Answer the following about a functional group in organic chemistry for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) This group is characterized by a carbon chain bonded to a hydroxyl group. The simplest one is methanol.
Answer: alcohols
2. (10 points) With formula C-6-H-5-OH, this compound is an alcoholic benzene derivative.
Answer: phenol (prompt on “hydroxybenzene”)
3. (15 points) Through this reaction, alcohols combine with acids, with the help of acid catalysis, to produce an ester
and water.
Answer: Fischer esterification
8. Answer the following about the Ramayana FTP each.
1. The devotion of piety of this wife of Rama is one of the central themes of the epic.
Answer: Sita
2. Sita is kidnapped by this 10-headed demon, whose kingdom was the island of Sri Lanka.
Answer: Ravana
3. Much of the action begins after Rama is exiled for 14 years, so that this virtuous brother of his could inherit the
Answer: Bharatha
9. Identify the following insurgents in Russian history FTP each.
1. Taking advantage of the confusing interregnum following the death of Alexander I, the leaders of this rebellion
refused to swear fealty to Czar Nicholas I. It was named for the month in 1825 in which it took place.
Answer: Decembrist Uprising
2. The leader of this Cossack rebellion from 1773 to 1775 claimed to be Emperor Peter III.
Answer: Pugachev’s Rebellion
3. Organized in 1879 by members of the “Land and Freedom” Populist party, this terrorist organization assassinated
Alexander II in 1881.
Answer: Narodnaya Volya or People’s Will or People’s Freedom
10. Given some characters, identify the Henry James novels for the stated number of points.
1. (10 points) Morris Townsend, Catherine Sloper
Answer: Washington Square
2. (5 points) Gilbert Osmond, Isabel Archer
Answer: The Portrait of a Lady
3. (15 points) Rowland Mallet, Christina Light
Answer: Roderick Hudson (Christina also appears in The Princess Casamassima, but do not accept it as an
11. Identify these French composers for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) This man is best known for his opera Carmen.
Answer: Georges Bizet
2. (10 points) This man’s opera Samson et Dalila was extremely controversial, and his other famous works include
the symphonic poem Omphale’s Spinning Wheel.
Answer: Camille Saint-Saens (san SAHNZ)
3. (15 points) This man studied piano with Saint-Saens. His works include a Ballade for piano and orchestra, a
Berceuse for violin and piano, and the Elegie for cello and piano.
Answer: Gabriel Fauré (for-AY)
12. Answer the following about the stomach FTP each.
1. The stomach contains two of these types of muscles, the pyloric and cardiac, at its two ends.
Answer: sphincter
2. This thick semi fluid mass of partially digested food and digestive secretions is formed in the stomach.
Answer: chyme
3. This is the name for the upper third portion of the stomach. It is specifically the area curving up above the cardiac
Answer: fundus
13. Given a concept or theory, identify the psychologist who coined said concept or theory FTP each.
1. hierarchy of needs
Answer: Abraham Maslow
2. zone of proximal development
Answer: Lev Vygotsky
3. client-centered therapy
Answer: Carl Rogers
14. Answer the following about the geography of California for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) This highest peak in California is also the highest peak in the 48 contiguous U.S. states.
Answer: Mount Whitney
2. (15 points) Redwood National Park and Sequoia are just two of the state’s four national parks. Name one of the
other two for 5 points, or name both for 15.
Answer: Yosemite National Park and Kings Canyon National Park
3. (10 points) This lake in the desert in southern California was formerly a salt-covered sink depression. When
diversion controls on the Colorado River broke in 1905, water filled the depression, creating this 300-square-mile
body of water.
Answer: Salton Sea
15. Given the description of an epic poem, identify that work and the author. In each part, you'll receive 5 points if
you can only name one, and fifteen if you can name both.
1. Supposedly finished in 1010 AD, this work is a history of the Persian people from the creation of man to the end of
the Sassanian empire.
Answer: Sha-nameh or The Book of Kings and Firdousi or Abu Mansur
2. Completed in 1572, this work describes Vasco da Gama’s discovery of the sea route to India.
Answer: Os Lusiadas or The Lusiads and Luis de Camoens
16. Answer the following relating to a class of subatomic particles for the stated number of points.
1. (10 points) These are any of the subatomic particles that are built from quarks and thus react through the agency
of the strong force. All of them, except for protons and neutrons bound in nuclei, have short lives.
Answer: hadrons
2. (5 points each) Hadrons are split into two groups, based upon the number of quarks contained by particles in the
group. Name the two groups for five points each.
Answer: baryons and mesons
3. (10 points) Though some hadrons typically exist only between a tenth and a hundred nanoseconds, stationary
particle detectors can record the tracks they leave due to this relativistic effect.
Answer: time dilation
17. Answer the following about a certain book of the Bible for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) This woman with the help of her cousin Mordecai prevented the massacre of the Jews. Celebrated
during Purim, she was chosen to be the queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus.
Answer: Esther
2. (10 points) Esther interfered with the plans of this courtier of Ahasuerus. This man would be hanged on the gallows
he had prepared for Mordecai.
Answer: Haman
3. (15 points) Ahasuerus chose Esther as queen after he had repudiated this previous wife of his.
Answer: Vashti
18. Given a Revolutionary War battle, identify the opposing commanders for 5 points each.
1. Battle of Germantown
Answer: William Howe and George Washington
2. Battle of Saratoga
Answer: John Burgoyne and Horatio Gates
3. Battle of Virginia Capes
Answer: Thomas Graves and Comte de Grasse
19. Identify these works of F. Scott Fitzgerald for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) This novel, narrated by Nick Carraway, features such snobs as Tom and Daisy Buchanan.
Answer: The Great Gatsby
2. (10 points) Fitzgerald's second novel, it depicts Anthony Patch's marriage to Gloria Gilbert.
Answer: The Beautiful and Damned
3. (15 points) It is the story of Charlie Wales, an American businessman in Paris. All of his friends suffered in the
crash of 1929, and he is trying to regain his daughter Honoria.
Answer: Babylon Revisited
20. Answer the following about the formation of the Confederacy FTP each.
1. On February 4, 1861, delegates from the first seven secessionist states met at this city and organized a provisional
Answer: Montgomery
2. The delegates at the Montgomery Conference elected this Georgian vice-president to serve alongside Jefferson
Answer: Alexander H. Stephens
3. After the war opened with the attack on Ft. Sumter, four more states joined the Confederacy. Tennessee and
Virginia were two of them. Name either of the other two, for a final ten points.
Answer: Arkansas or North Carolina
Given a hormone, identify the gland that secretes it FTP each.
1. Oxytocin
Answer: posterior pituitary gland (prompt on “pituitary”)
2. T-4 or thyroxine
Answer: thyroid gland
3. Calcitonin
Answer: thyroid gland
Answer the following about a certain African empire FTP each.
1. Ruling from the 7th to 11th centuries, this west African empire’s most notable capital was at Kumbi Saleh.
Answer: Ghana empire
2. The Ghana empire was overrun by this militant confederation of Berber tribes in the 11 th century. This group finally
captured Kumbi Saleh in 1076.
Answer: Almoravids
3. Kumbi Saleh was situated at the headwaters of the Niger and this river.
Answer: Senegal River
Identify these 20th century philosophers from works FTP each.
A. Sein und Zeit or Being and Time
Answer: Martin Heidegger
B. Of Grammatology, Speech and Phenomena
Answer: Jacques Derrida
C. Totality and Infinity, Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Essence
Answer: Emmanuel Levinas
Identify the following about VSEPR [ves per] theory FTP each.
1. All or nothing, expand the acronym VSEPR. [MODERATOR: spell out for the teams]
Answer: Valence-Shell-Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory
2. VSEPR theory predicts this geometric arrangement for phosphorus pentachloride, P-Cl-5.
Answer: trigonal bipyramidal
3. Xenon tetrafluoride, with four bonding electron pairs and two lone pairs, adopts this geometrical arrangement.
Answer: octahedral
Answer the following about Raphael for the stated number of points.
1. (5 points) Raphael is best known for this massive fresco immortalizing the great philosophers.
Answer: The School of Athens
2. (5 points) Raphael designed 10 large tapestries for the walls of this structure, which was more famously decorated
by Michelangelo.
Answer: Sistine Chapel
3. (10 points) This final Raphael masterpiece, completed by Giulio Romano, was placed at the head of his funeral
bier before he was buried in the Pantheon.
Answer: Transfiguration
4. (10 points) Raphael’s “School of Athens” and “Disputa” are in the Stanza della Segnatura, the living quarters of this
Answer: Pope Julius II