Odyssey Analytical Essay Outline

Name __________________________________
Freshman Honors
Mrs. Todd
Anthem Analytical Essay Skeleton
In place of our snowed out in-class essay on Anthem by Ayn Rand, you will complete a “paper skeleton” (a form of
outline instead of a fully drafted essay) in which you will demonstrate your analytical and organizational skills.
Follow the framework below precisely for this assignment, using the exact labels for each part. Please type your
paper skeleton and include your notes and packet. Attach this page (rubric on reverse) to the back of your paper.
[Note: see sample skeleton on my web page]
Introduction List only the core elements of your introduction. Be sure to include:
 Essay prompt # ____ (1, 2, or 3 – see packet)
 Title, author
 Central idea: the original idea you are going to prove in your paper
 Thesis statement: your central idea plus effective categories for your evidence. Your thesis statement
gives a road map for your essay as it states what you will prove (central idea) and how you will prove it
(the topics of the body paragraphs). Thesis statements should be debatable as they are analytical (need
proving), not just mere observation. Make sure your thesis answers the full prompt.
For each body paragraph:
Body Paragraph #____
[Note use of bold for the labels]
Topic Sentence:
Brief context of Evidence #1:
Evidence #1 (quotation* or example)
*Cite page numbers for all quotations.
*Each paragraph should have at least one quotation.
Analysis of evidence #1: (How does it prove your point (your topic sentence)? Assume your reader has not read
the novella in a long time. Make commentary analytical and specific to the quotation/example.)
Brief context of evidence #2:
Evidence #2:
Analysis of evidence #2:
Brief context of evidence #3:
Evidence #3:
Analysis of evidence #3:
Concluding sentence: (For each body paragraph, link your evidence back to your central idea.)
Conclusion (double space)
Write a concluding paragraph to your paper. This is the only paragraph you will fully develop. Rephrase your
central idea and then broaden the discussion beyond the epic. Attempt to answer the question “So what?” about
your central idea. What makes your central idea compelling? What can we learn from it? Why should we care?
Note: This assignment requires fewer steps than a full analytical essay, BUT do not be deceived. The skeleton
demands the hardest parts of an analytical essay. It focuses on the THINKING more than the writing.
Treat this as the challenging assignment that it is. Simpler does not necessarily mean easier.
Anthem Paper Skeleton
Name _____________________________________
Thesis statement
5 – Eloquently phrased, clear statement of what you are proving; previews structure of essay
4 – Clear statement of what you are proving; previews structure of essay
3 – Rough phrasing of what you are proving; structure of body paragraphs not fully clear
2 – Unclear statement of what you are proving; structure of essay unclear
0 – No statement of what you are proving
Structure of your argument
5 – Insightful, tight structure; addresses full prompt; follows thesis
4 – Clear structure; addresses full prompt; follows thesis
3 – Clear structure; addresses most but not full prompt; may not follow thesis
2 – Unclear structure; does not address full prompt; does not follow thesis
0 – Confusing structure; does not address prompt
Evidence – quotations and examples
5 – Insightful and specific examples solidly prove your point
4 – Well-chosen examples prove your point
3 – Examples back your point, but more or stronger evidence is available
2 – Weak evidence does not convincingly or thoroughly back your point.
0 – Irrelevant or no evidence
Explanation of evidence
5 – Insightful and specific commentary analyzes how the preceding evidence proves your point
4 – Commentary explains specifically and convincingly how the example proves your point(s)
3 – General analysis explains point(s) but does not make strong, specific reference to the evidence
2 – Unclear or incomplete explanation
0 – No explanation of how the evidence proves your point
Paragraph Organization
5 – Well-structured paragraphs directly support central idea; strong topic and concluding sentences;
concluding sentences smoothly link examples back to central idea
4 – Clear topic sentences, and concluding sentences link examples back to central idea
3 – Basic topic and concluding sentences; concluding sentences do not link back to central idea
2 – Unclear/weak structure; contains plot summary; weak or no topic and concluding sentences
0 – Confusing order; unclear or lacking topic or concluding sentences
Style and Conventions
5 – Employs engaging but formal language; no errors
4 – Utilizes clear language; few or no grammar errors
3 – Understandable but wordy or choppy; language less original; some errors
2 – Rough writing distracts; unoriginal, vague or informal language; error(s) distract
0 – Errors dominate the writing
(30 total possible)
28.5 = A
24 = B
18 = C
12 = D