NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 1 SÃO PAULO AND NET 10 FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY COOPERATION PROGRAMM URB-AL FINAL DOCUMENT SÃO PAULO CITY HALL MUNICIPAL SECRETARIAT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SEPTEMBER, 2005 This document was prepared with financial support by the European Union. The contents are under total responsibility of Network 10 Coordination and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Coordination of URB-AL Program. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 2 SUMMARY I. Presentation Letter of São Paulo Mayor, JOSÉ SERRA II. Presentation Letter of International Relations Secretary, HELENA GASPARIAN III. Introduction: the cities international role in the XXI Century IV. Globalization and urban poverty combat: the cities’ great challenge V. The URB-AL Program: an innovative proposal of international cooperation VI. São Paulo and the Net 10 (2002-2005) VII. Conclusion: experiences in urban poverty combat and new challenges VIII. Bibliography IX. Appendix NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 3 I. Presentation Letter of São Paulo Mayor, JOSÉ SERRA SÃO PAULO AS A GLOBAL ACTOR Over the last years, sets of changes have made the cities look for foreign resources to guarantee a sustainable economic development. The objective made possible the creation and the implementation of public policies turned to solve problems derivatives from urban growth. São Paulo is always a pioneer when it has to face a challenge. The international actuation of the city, that has these characteristics of a big metropolis, is, in the sense of modernization, focusing the improvement of life quality of its population. As a cause of that, São Paulo was always ahead of its time, looking for cooperation, the affirmation of a detach place in the world. The extern actuation of São Paulo City Hall has been detached, because of the conventions assigned or internationals pacts, or because the strategies of creation divulge activities, investments attraction and participation in the main nets of cities. Because of this all, São Paulo reached its place in international scenario. The Cooperation Program URB-AL, promoted by European Commission, represents an important project of international cooperation in which took place our city, whose results, is it show in this Document, are positive in what concerns to the debate of urban poverty. This program proposal – in which São Paulo coordinate Net 10, Urban Poverty Combat – incentive more the approach with other cities in Latin America and Europe, producing innovative proposals and detaching the leadership of the city of São Paulo. Through this cooperation, during these three years, we realize that is possible look for united solutions to problems that are common in several areas, and for those, the collective action could come as the best alternative. The approach with several cities results in a new NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 4 way to do politics, in what adopts the cooperation as a central axle to build common values. On Net 10 the URB-AL Program, São Paulo could offer its experiences to small cities, and learn with new partners. The Net growth and the possibility to share experiences mark the several activities of São Paulo City Hall and the Secretariat of International Relations. We keep on working in order to amplify the city net of cooperation, and to this partnerships results in the creation of better public policies, in the poverty combat, in the development and economic growth of São Paulo and the inclusion of its citizens. São Paulo does not stop to grow and because of this, look to the world with the objective of building a better future. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 5 II. Presentation Letter of International Relations Secretary, HELENA GASPARIAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND CITIZENSHIP The cooperation has became, over the last decades, one of the central activities of new actors that started to get space in international scenario. The cities are included in this roll of new international actors that got to project interesting, got results that had positive impacts on the citizens life, either guarantee a bigger society inclusion, either improving the democracy quality. In the case of the cities, cooperation has became one of the ways of finding share solutions to common problems. One of the main problems that we are following is the urban poverty. To fight against it, several studies show the implementation of governmental policies that could be improved, though the knowledge and understanding of successful internationals experiences. With the objective to solve problems and create sustainable policies, that promote the growth of the city, and the welfare of population, the São Paulo City Hall faced and assumed initiatives in several areas in the international field during the last years. One of the main experiences of URB-AL Program, a cooperation decentralized program of European Union that has as a target incentive the interchange between the cities of European Union and Latin America. The proposal is develop direct partnerships among local governments, regional and civil society, creating an environment to interchange new experiences and knowledge. The city of São Paulo had the privilege of participating in this innovative program, assuming the coordination of Net 10, on August, 2002, promoting the thematic debate “Fight Against Urban Poverty”. We could, during these last years, collaborate with the NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 6 debate about the improvement of quality of local public policies to combat the urban poverty in the cities, and stimulate reflections about the alternatives to reinforce the citizenship. This final document of Net 10 of URB-AL Program is a result of three years of work, that was looking for development of solutions to local problems and regional common to different cities, The stimulation of cooperation and the search for set solutions is detached in the whole projects and activities developed during this period. This report shows that the City of São Paulo, though its International Relations Secretariat, has been working for the improvement of society quality of life, count on the cooperation as a parameter to more effective international action. With the conscious that is necessary continuous working in order to give to all citizens a better life and warranty rights, São Paulo keeps the commitment of incentive the debate about the urban poverty combat. And continuous looking for new partnerships to amplify, each time more, its net of cooperation. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 7 SÃO PAULO AND NET 10 – FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY FINAL DOCUMENT By: Janina Onuki1 International Relations Teacher of PUC/SP and researcher of CAENI/USP. September, 2005 III. INTRODUCTION. THE CITIES INTERNATIONAL ROLE IN XXI CENTURY The cities roles in politic and economic international scenarios. The new paradigm of contemporary international relations. The international acting in the city of São Paulo. INTRODUCTION The target of this report is showing the activities results of “Net 10 - Fight against urban poverty”, a member of Cooperation Program URB-AL. This program started in 1995 and has the objective to incentive the decentralized cooperation between cities in Europe and Latin America. The proposal of URB-AL program is creating an international net of cities, organized thematically, stimulated in exchanging experiences and establishing cooperation around common themes of interest among cities. Besides the cities direct involvement – without the intervention of the central government – at this initiative, the other program objective is to stimulate the participation of non-governmental actors (foundations, union organizations and academic institutions). The job methodology is based on organizations of common projects that seek to deepen the debates of a common theme among the several partners. The members of a Net are coordinated by a city that shows the project in one of the convocatories calls by European Union. 1 This report counted on Karoline Antunes collaboration (graduation student at International Relations Course at USP and assistant researcher of Caeni/USP). NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 8 In the case of NET 10, coordinated by the city of São Paulo, since August, 2002, the proposal is to debate the theme “Combat the Urban Poverty”. The Net has the objective to improve the quality debate of local public policies to combat urban poverty in the cities involved in the project. The Launch Conference of Net 10 took place in São Paulo, on April, 14 thru 16, 2003, when the work groups were organized due to the elaboration of the projects. During this two-year period, Net 10 advanced in the debate of common project of decentralized cooperation and in the formulation of new public policies that allow a search for alternatives to combat urban poverty and the reflection of options to straighten citizenship. The URB-AL program experience, and its several Thematic Nets, revealed that in the last decade the perspectives of cooperation among the subnational units, the cities in particular. The incentive to cooperation, for regional and international organizations, took a bigger approximation between the cities, and emerged strongest as an alternative to the development and solution of local problems, in a complementary operspective of local government actions. The deepen of economic interdependency took the necessity to search for alternatives for the non-governamental and subnational organizations to solve social problems. It became clear that the poverty question demands intervention, not only of public policies in a federal level, but also, in the regional and local levels, able to realize more specifically the problems dealed by its populations. This final document reports the main advances conquered by Program URB-AL Initiative and “Net 10 – Fight against urban Poverty” and confirms that programs like this from European Union could stimulate more the cooperation and the search for mutual solutions for common problems. The results of this analyses shows the possibility to spread this cooperation, the creation of patterns to bigger participation of the cities as international actors, and the definition of concepts that could be a model to reflect about the possibilities to spread the citizenship and reduce social exclusion and the poverty levels. This report is divided in three main parts: NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 9 I - The first part debates how the cities won a stand outed role in the international plan in the last years, and how the cooperation wide this space. The first parts of this report also give us an analysis of how the academic literatures of Internationals relations adopt this theme as a research object. II - The second part debates the concept of urban poverty and social exclusion, emphasizing the evolution of studies in this field, and the subsidy of this researches to the proposals elaboration and the new policies to combat social problem of poverty. III - The last part explains how the cooperation URB-AL program works and the projects developed by Net 10, its evolution and results. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 10 THE INTERNATIONAL ROLE OF THE CITIES In the last years, the counties started to protagonist a never seen before role in the international scenario, as organizers of a new foreign policies agenda or as entities of public power with own interests and policies, destined to serve demands in local level so far inexistant. This movement started with the debate of globalization since the 80’s, and with the entrance of new actors in the international relations: NGOs, labor unions and civil public or private associations that started to influence national States, the multilateral organisms and the transnational companies. At that period not much attention was given to the counties and states governments debate, as new actors of international relations. But in the last years, the fact of subnational units look for own resources to their development, made it get a straight attitude in the regional or international integration process. The increase of interdependency and the expansion of globalization process started to locate the subnational units in a new level that all are considered agents in the economic development, qualified to look for own resources and act internationally. (VIGEVANI, 2005). The counties involvement in the constitution of an own international agenda has two main vectors. The first refers to intermediate of interests, by municipal secretariats responsible for policies representation, throughout projects, intermediate resources that deals with public policies on interest of the County, in several different areas (health, education, social programs, administrative staff training, etc); the second refers to the international insertion properly, starting from a new agenda of elaboration and obtaining results from public policies that were introduced in the municipal level. Not so much time ago, the counties international activities were to represent the County in events and follow the protocol requested. Some few Counties, the biggest ones, could get resources in financing agencies for social programs and the International Relations Adviser articulates the local power involvement in this projects. Regarding the subnational units limitations in terms of formulation process of foreign policies (constitutional limitations), in the last years the arise of International Relations Secretariats in several Counties and State Governments, put it as an independent actor of NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 11 international relations, in the way it started to act not only in the foreign representation, but also in what refers to the resources caption policies in investments area and trade. We should mention also the emergency of new themes in internationals relations (investments, human rights, terrorism, environment degradation, etc), in the line of counties and State government attributions. The grow of cities actions in the international level create academic studies and a debate among different theories lines in Social Sciences. But it’s still insufficient the debate about this sbject in the field of International relations. Because the main theories lines of International relations, emphasize the National State role as the main actor in the international system and dedicate zero weight to subnational entities. Some lines of studies emphasizes the role of interest and pressure groups, but do it having in mind other groups (ONGs, businessman, ecc.). Nevertheless, starting from the 80’s, it emerges two new generations of studies dedicated specifically to understanding the role of subnational entities in the international plan. The first generation of studies about this subject was dedicated specifically to understand the relation between federalism and foreign policies, it means, was worried about analysing the subnational units competence in international relations. The second generation of studies in this area, about the emergency of cities as international policies actors in front of the globalization process and economic internacionalization, become strong in the 90’s, and it was made properly in the theoric field of Sociology. This way of thinking tries to understand the emergency of global cities, most of all in the role of transnational net formation. The central worry of the first chain – “federalist” – was to understand the emergency phenomenum in the subnationals entitities in the international relations plan, under the optica of “competence spheres”. It means, understanding the inter-relation between the subnational powers (in the state and municipal level) and the Central Government in the formulation process and the conduction of foreign policies of countries2. 2 See: MICHELMAN, H. e SOLDATOS, P. (eds.). Federalism and International Relations: the role of subnational units. Oxford: Oxford UniSeesity Press, 1995. ALDECOA, F. e KEATING, M. (eds). Paradiplomacy in action: the foreign relations of subnational goSeenments. Frank Cass Publications, 2000. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 12 What is stand outed in this chain is the effort of conceptual definition to subnational units actions. Two concepts were used to understand and distinguish these actions: the paradiplomacy (considered as legal activity, inside the subnational actors role of competency (municiples and state governments, called by the literature of “non-central governments”) constitucionally estabilished). And the protodiplomacy (that is defined by the set of called illegal activities )3. The second generation of studies turned specifically to analyse the role of subnatinals units (particularly the cities), is the corrente sociologic that become strong starting from the 90’s (Saskia Sassen, Borja e Castells etc.)4. This approach is focused on the simultaniety of State-Nation crises in front of the toughness of globalization process and the emergency of transnational powers, which them, the cities as global actors. According these studies, the cities emergency as key global actors came from a whole of process in distitive dimensions: interdependency increase between cities; share of common problems tipically pertinant to local circuit, the concentration of power resources (population, investiments, trade transactions, ecc.) and the identity criation. THE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN THE CITY OF SÃO PAULO Taking the change context in international relations and the definition of subnationals units as international actors, the city of São Paulo started to act more organized in the sense of a paradiplomacy. Some Brazilian cities had already counted on the experience of a Secretariat (or assistance in some cases) turned exclusivelly to international relations. São Paulo created its International Relations Secretariat (SMRI) in 2002. Since then, the city created an agenda, starting from the definition of some prioritary axles of actuation that it would organize all the activities in the City Hall of the city. The main objective of this 3 . See BACHE, Ian e MITCHELL, James. Globalization and UK Regions: the Prospects for Constituent Diplomacy. Paper apresentado na seção de workshops, Mannheim, 26-31, março, 1999. . See CASTELLS, M e BORJA, J. “As cidades como atores políticos”. Novos Estudos CEBRAP, n º 45, julho de 1996, pp. 152 a 165; BORJA, J. e CASTELLS, M. Local y global: la gestión de las ciudades en la era de la información. Taurus Pensamiento, 1997 e SASSEN, Saskia. “Whose City Is It? Globalization and the Formation of New Claims”. In: LECHNER, Frank J e BOLI, John (Eds.). The Globalization Reader. Blackwell, 2000. 4 NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 13 Secretariat was “amplify the participation and the city interaction as a actor paradiplomatic of internationals relations”. It means, its creation emphasizes a project that englobava all the policies developed to the city had an amplified participation in international spaces often by several internationals actors non-states, whose the acting was incrising in the last years. Since then, the actuation of International Relations Municipal Secretariat is amplifying and covering several areas. Among the main activities developed by IRMS since 2002, we could stand out four items: 1- Internationals Cooperation. 2- Relations with Foreign Comunities 3Participation in International Nets of Cities 4- Development Promotion and Foreign Investments Atraction.5 From this list, the item that should be stood out is the cooperation area. It’s clear the attribution priority to international insersation policies and to perform it totally, the responsabilities were divided between the responsable coordinations for the international cooperation development in specific areas in the world, counting on also with the direct participation of International Relations Secretary and the Gabinete Chief in several contacts and actions inside this field. We could affirm that the biggest project of internacional cooperation developed by the City Hall, from 2002 to 2004, was the URB-AL Program (which for was created a exclusive coordination), counting on the techinical and financial support of European Union. In what concerns to the importance of policies of international insersation, the participation in international nets of cities and local authorities should be stood out. These internatinal nets have the objective of joining cities to acting together in several important themes to international relations. There are specific nets, as the ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) that is concentrated in the sustenable development, in more amplified nets, as the CGLU (Cities and Local Governments United) that has the representation assured in cities all over the continents and seach for act in a more active way next to United Nations Organiztions and its agencies turned to the urban development. São Paulo also participates activelly in the 5 Maurício Fronzaglia organiza e analisa, na sua dissertação de mestrado, todos os sete eixos de atuação da Secretaria de Relações Internacionais da Prefeitura de São Paulo. See: FRONZAGLIA, Mauricio. Unidades subnacionais e Relações Internacionais. O caso da cidade de São Paulo (2001-2004). Unicamp, 2005. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 14 Mercocities Net, that act in the circuit of regional integration, followed by the well succed example of Eurocities, that had an important role to cities inclusion and local governments in the policies and administrative struture of European Union. Analyzing, in a more amplified way, the whole activities developed by IRMS during the last three years, it’s clear that the emphasis of actions in the first two years looked for amplification and concretization of international decentralized cooperation, was it in thecnical caracther or financing and, in the last year, to the development promotion and foreign investments atraction. Part of the positive results of these actions could be seen in the evaluation of the main activity which envolved the São Paulo City Hall: the URB-AL Program, object of this report. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY THE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AS A - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 15 PRIORITY The international cooperation got importance in the 80’s, it’s because of the arise of several regimes and international organizations that started to regulate the actors behavior in several areas, or because the non-governmental actors start to use cooperation to increase the legitimazy and the positive results of its actions. In the case of subnationals actors – the city of São Paulo, in particularly – the cooperation is used to deepen the relationship among other actors, and the financial resources transfers and techinical knowledge. The ccoperation emerge as the main tool to incentive the development of set projects that attends to search solutions to common problems. The fact is that the cooperation was always stronger in the nationals state level, most of all because the prerrogative of taking decisions alsways belonged to this actor.Nevertheless, we could say that the cities started a new pattern of cooperation, that is llegal limitated, it has showed specific results in what concern to resources conquer and technology experiences and policies came from developed countries. It has gotten an increasement in decentralized cooperation, which takes place on the subnational units, and has resulted in the identification causes of main problems and in the looking for new public policies. The decentralized cooperation become na important channel to resources transfer and exchange experiences, as much that European Union created its own agency to decentralized cooperation, the URB-AL Program.6 In the case of Subnationals units, and in the specific case of the city of São Paulo, the international cooperation happened as one of the main axles of actuation. The cooperation is dentify in the agreement or convention signature, intention letters, and other complementary activities to the agreements cooperation stabilished between Brazil and the other governments or organizations. About the development way, the cooperation could be technical (transfer and exhanging experiences and/or knowledgement), financing (envolving the financing resources transfer) or could contemplate these two dimensions. In what concerns to cooperating partners, it 6 Also the World Bank keeps na agency to this kind cooperation, the Cities Alliance. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 16 could configurate in horizontal cooperation (the one immplemented by the other subnational units) or as a vertical cooperation (designed by the cooperation done between the subnational units and States or International Organizations). Since its creation, the Municipal District of São Paulo, throught of IRMS, assigned several international cooperation agreements having as partners, the subnationals units, central governments and multilaterals organiztions. The reach areas of these agreements are also diverse, envolving big part of municipals secretariat. As we will notice on this report, the cooperation became one, among others, of the ways to do the international activites of São Paulo City, obtaining positive results in a short period of time. And, in this area, the URB-AL Net become the main program under the responsability of International Relations Secretariat. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY IV. GLOBALIZATION - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 17 AND FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY: THE GREAT CHALLENGE TO THE CITIES Conceptuals aspects of urban poverty. Public Policies and fight against poverty experiences. The Net 10 – Fight Against Urban Poverty. CONCEPTS ASPECTS OF URBAN POVERTY In the last years, we’ve had lots of advancement in the debate and in the definition of a poverty and social exclusion concept. This advance accompanish the problems evolution arising from the cities urbanization and the asocial assimetry and the economic growing, even though it has not been always accompanied by the implementation of strong enough public policies to combat it. The debate around the poverty question increased in the 80’s, starting more dynamic studies that searched to cover the complex thematic that this subject demanded. These studies represented a step ahead in the researches about urbanization theme, so far concentrated in literature produced by urban sociology. (MARQUES 2005). Overcoming this emphasis that prevailed during the 70’s, these new studies looked for debating the poverty question not only as position diveded by international position of National State as subdeveloped actor, made by its dependency condition in relation to rich countries. But developed works that had the focus on the attempt to identification of poverty reasons and debating colecttive intervention manners that could give better conditions of living to a specific population.. “The predominant tedency in the studies field was replaced by this structure without a subject to subject without structure”.7 Meanwhile, as showed by Eduardo Marques8, is not possible homogeneity the poverty concept, and create na unique way to mesure it. It’s because the heterogeneidade of problems, its origin, the locality that it refers, creates “multiple dimensions of 7 8 KOWARICK, Lucio. Escritos Urbanos. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2000. Apud MARQUES, 2005. MARQUES, Eduardo e TORRES, Haroldo (orgs.). São Paulo: segregação, pobreza e desigualdades. São Paulo: Editora SENAC, 2005. Capítulo 1. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 18 poverty”9.”The dificulty to define a unique form to mesure the poverty and socila exclusion is clear in the sevaral proposals showed for countries and for international organizations.10 It’s possible consider the general pattern to guide evaluations in studies therms (what sevaral agencies are trying to do to evaluate in a comparative wy, the level of poverty and exclusion), but is not possible to ignore the sevaral ways and poverty origins that demand interventions and distinguish public policies. Several agencies of international organizations, governments and non-government organizations, are searching for define general criteria to calculate the urban poverty11. There are several factors that try to explain the poverty determination: since the low scholarity, low salaries, unumployment, dificulties to have a residence, halth, ecc. In fact, the variables should be considered, according to the area, and the conditions of each locality, looking for situate the poverty in time,”considering the social structure and institutional valid, not only express in funtion of gains”.12 Vasconcelos and Batista13 put attention on a concept defined by the economist Amartya Sen: “so important as having their own basic necessities answered is have conditions – ways to function and a set of habilities- that allows to satisfact this necessities”. It means, the level of well-being and the social inclusion conditions should be consider not only the property of materials goods, but also avaiable conditions to real access opportunities to realization of necessities. For this reason is difficult to keep criterias of comparison between developed countries and in development. But to assure therms of comparison, it is necessary to adopt an analyses methodology. In this sense the literatures have adopted, more commonlly, the poverty line as an analitic structure. Generally, poverty lines are defined in absolute therms or relative. The absolutes 9 ROCHA, S. Pobreza no Brasil: afinal do que se trata? São Paulo: Editora FGV, 2003. It’s necessary to remember that poverty and social exclusion concepts are concepts treated, many times, in a separeted level. Nevertheless, their treatment in a associated way, as mentioned by Eduardo Marques (2005), from the idea that they are a process built together, makes as they can be thought only in a dynamic way. 10 11 For a global sight about the measurement models of urban poverty conducted by different international agencies and the diferentiation of variables that must be included on the evaluation of the coutries from Latin America and Europe, See: VASCONCELOS, Fredimir e BATISTA, Sinoel. Documento de Base. Coordenação da Rede 10 – Luta contra a pobreza urbana. 2004. 12 LAVINAS, Lena. Documento de Base. Rede URB-AL 10 – Luta contra a pobreza. 2004. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 19 poverty lines adopt as defining elements of poverty level “the minimum gains necessaries to a family survive”. Instead the relative poverty lines adopt “ the wider definition of poverty, normally associate to specific public policies”. The adopted methodology in the last decades took some basic elements: employment, residence, education, health and adolescence. During the 90’s, there were some advances in the debate about criterias to define poverty levels, including new themes, as a definition of a bigger participation in decisory process of a social life14. This criterias has been built and adopted as common mesures to calculate the diference between countries, with the objective of search coordinated activites to improve quality life in diferent populations. The result of this debates was shown, inicially, in the World Cupula about Social Development, organized by United Nations (ONU) in 1995. This meeting was central to the stabilishment of a commitment among the 117 participants countries, in the sense to erradication poverty until 2015. Creating a general criteria, it’s possible to assure therms of comparison, including countries in Europe and Latin America. This evaluation is relevant in the sense that also guarantee the possibility to improve cooperation proposals between actors in diferent areas, as it is the experienced case of URB-AL Program. The PNUD (United Nations Program to Development) propose the creation of Human Development Indicator to mesure poverty. The IDH consider non-monetary factors and mutidimensions that allow comparisions in international level answering the necessity of a pattern to mesure poverty.15 Besides the advance in serveral studies, it seems that there isn’t a single information about what poverty and exclusion are. But it is necessary to deal with these themes as a social question related directilly to the city, and strating from this conscious, looking for the implementation of specific public polices distinguished to these areas. 13 VASCONCELOS, F. e BATISTA, S. Op. Cit. VASCONCELOS, F. e BATISTA, S. Op. Cit. 15 Vasconcelos e Batista stand out a new qualitative methodology created by three entities – NEPSAS from PUC/SP and the NGOs INPE e Polis – that proposes the built of an index of social inclusion (defined by a set of variables – autonomy, life quality, human development, equity, democracy, citizenship and happiness) for the elaboration of local strategies due to reducing poverty. 14 NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 20 The recent studies stand out the necessity of a complementation to these two proposals. “The poverty could not only be defined in terms of surviving material levels, but also it should consider individuals that, despite of the fact that they could survive above the minimum, don’t have access to important benefits of urban modern society, as education, basic sanitation, health, culture and social integration”.16 PUBLIC POLICIES AND EXPERIENCES OF FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY The work advance, in the 80’s, about the urban poverty subject, was followed about the fact that its combat was strictally related to the subnationals units cpacity in the implementation of public policies, in a way to complete the actuation of federal governments, considered more efficient to solve problems and criation of social citizenship. This perception was incrising in the manner that the cities and the municipals got to mobilizate in a fast way, other actors, private or non-governamental organizations. It became more evident that the policies to combat poverty and exclusion should configurate a “mix national-local”17, and the cities – however with specifities in what concers to local problems – could exchange its experiences in a way to acquire new tecnologies and implement new policies whose the results showed positives. Some examples of public policies to combat urban poverty that were succed, are mentioned in the Document Guide of Lena Lavinas, at that time, senior econmist of OIT: the program example of minimun wage in Portugal is interesting. Starting from the program, it was created Local Companions Comissions (CLAS), formed by a net of partners with the objective to promote social inclusion, increasing the autonomy of beneficiaries families (with trainning ocupational courses, support in searching for a job, formation, health, residences, ecc.). This experience shows the programs consistences whose management and implementation are decentralized. The programs of minimun wage concepeted by central government in MINGIONE, E. “Urban PoSeety in the Advanced industrial world: concepts, analysis and debates”. MINGIONE, E. (org.). Urban PoSeety and the Underclass. London: Blackwell, 1996. Apud MARQUES, 2005. 16 NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 21 countries as France, Belgium, Portugal and some areas of Spain, are success because the decentralization in the implementation process. Lavinas also shows that in the case of Brazil, some strategies more well succeed to combat poverty, come from local iniciative. THE NET 10 – COMBAT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY The São Paulo City, counting on the support of several European cities and Latin American, conquered in 2002, the net 10 coordination of URB-AL Program, called “Fight Against Urban Poverty”. The main objective of Net consists, basically, in the quality improvement of local public policies to combat urban poverty in the european and Latin America cities. Throught the constitution of a Net of partners cities, the proposal was the implementation of exchange experience information developement and the knowledge of public policies between the several local government envolved. Preceding the Net lauch conference, the sending of a questionnaire to the partners, to evaluate the urban poverty concept, in a way to verify if it was possible some kind of pattern (conceptual and in the measure way) to starting from this point, starting to debate ways to overcome this problem. With the questionnaries answers, made by the European and Latin American members of Net, it was possible to create a map of how each partner cities interpretate the poverty and exclusion notion. Verifing that there are several concepts, always directlly associated with the main problems that each city face of. So, we could reaffirm the fact that poverty comprehension cross multidimensions factors. Vasconcelos and Batista, already mentioned, synthetize in a Net 10 base document, the evolution of work and partners contacts: On Net 10, the concept of “poverty was defined as lack of citizenship. In such case, its combat pass though the building of citinzenship, democracy and empowerment, give voice to populations in poverty situations”. This definition came from the perception that “the seach for multisectorials indicators and multidimensions is a demand for the majority of projects turned to build local strategies to See: LAVINAS, Lenas. Rede 10 URBAL – Luta contra a pobreza urbana. Document guide. Mimeo, 2004. SARACENO, C. Social Assistance Dynamics in Europe. UK: THe Polity Press, 2002. 17 NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 22 reduce poverty, as pointed in the final conclusions of Special Program for Public Management and Citizenship ”18. These were the objectives that guide the actions in the city of São Paulo, in the program URB-AL. 18 Summary document. Práticas Públicas e Pobreza. São Paulo: FGV, 1999. Apud VASCONCELOS E BATISTA. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 23 V. THE URB-AL PROGRAM: AN INOVATIVE PROPOSAL OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Cities Net and inernational cooperation. Historical of creation and fuctioning of Net URBAL, its proposals and activities. Approved projects and developed. Concluded Projects. CITIES NET: NEW PATTERNS OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION In the last decade, we could identify the capacity amplificationof non-state in the international plan. The most part of these actions are conducted by identification and coodination of interests, and seardh for information that could contribute to local and regional development. This coordination happens, generally, with the formation of nets. This nets are manners to overcome the relative local isolation produced by the process of globalization. Some actors call attention to a the fact of existence of cities net – and other nets too is an indicative of creation and streighten of civil global society, accept that is through cities net organizations canalize the citizen actuation, and if create concrete institutional spaces to coletives actions.19 The cities nets represent, therefore, a high level of organization that shows a horizontality relation, breaking this way the common hierarchyzation to tradicional international entities. Mauricio Fronzaglia20 stand out the “main characterists of cities net: a) Absence of a central command – in the cities net, the relation among them, happens in a horizontal way, don’t have na hierarchy. There is a division of fuctions and responsabilities, principally in the part related to financial control of net and the adhesion control. There is a thematic nucleous around the cities that meet and mobilize in the search for common objectives. b) Geographic Global Reach and Regional Mark – the cities net act in an international scenario with a reach never before immagined, its principal net – CGLU – has a global reach and is a source of cooperation with the international comunity. In the same way, the macro regional of nets has influenced the regional integration process. And, even the nets 19 TEIXEIRA, E. “Participação cidadã na sociedade civil global”. Lua Nova, 46, 1999. 20 FRONZAGLIA, Mauricio. Op. Cit. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 24 with more specific objectives, has the mundial reaching cohesion and proximity to its partners. c) Agility – As its horizontal structure na the new techonoliges use, the nets are fast as taking decisions. d) Actors Wealth – the nets aglomerate and insert in the international scenary, lots of policies actors – governamentals or not – that, in another, way would have a fragile insertation. The wealth of actors- several cities and foreign partners, as in the case of URBAL- stimulates the dialogue and the democratization of big international themes. e) Democratization of Knowledgement – conffirmed by the characteristics listed above, the nets allow the knowledgement sharing that is in fact, a democratization to combat some specific problems that are common to its members. Besides, it has became vital to stand out through nets the smallest cities that without too much experience in international area could participate in international cooperation activities. f) Members proximity – fundamental characteristics to deepen democratic dialogue in the looking for common objectives”. Starting from this characteristcs, we could identify a new pattern of cooperation among the subnational units, marking the paradiplomatic action in an efective way in what concerns to the results. The experience conduct by European Union, with the cooperation program URB-AL, that we will read about in the next chapter, shows the way the cities, particularlly, the city of São Paulo, started to wide its actions in the international scenary. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 25 THE URB-AL PROGRAM Among all the international cooperation activities developed by the city of São Paulo in actual management, the URB-AL deserves special attention. First of all, because is the first knowing program and exclusivelly developed to increase the decentralized cooperation among cities of Latin America and European Union, there are no participation or interference of central government. Second, is not only a resources fund that should be sent to projects elaborated by a specific city. The URB-AL Program is a trully international net of decentralized cooperation, where the cities should be organized in groups, debate the projects elaboration, to then receive the financial resources avaiable to this.i The URB-AL is a decentralized cooperation program of European Union turned to main area of urban public policies, destinated to Latin America and Europe local collectivities participation, as well other urban sectors that demonstrate interest to come in. The criation of URB-AL Program, in 1995, answered the demand for development of decentralized mechanisms of cooperation, in local level, keeping in mind the increasing role performed by cities, as European cities as well Latin America cities, in the improvement of social-economical conditions and in the population quality of life. Become, strating from this point, a reference in the international area among cities of different continents, being recognized in Cimeira of Rio the States Chiefs and Government of these two areas, as an important toold to concretization of priorities related, most of all, to fighting against poverty and the social exclusion, the promotion and the protection of human rights and the development of na information society. The URB-AL Program is included among the policies priorities of coopertion between European Union and Latin America, defined in three Comission communications: “European Union- Latin America - actuality and perspectives of partnership reinforcement (1996/2000)”, “A new partnership European Union/ Latin America in dealbar of century XXI”, “First and Second Cimeira between Union”. Latin America, the Caibas and European NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 26 Its laws bases are structured in the CEE nº 113/92 Regulament, of European Council, on February,25, 1992, that deals with the financial and technical support and economic cooperation with the in development countries in Latin America and Asia. Participating in the project local collectivities, named cities, urban aglomeration, regions and provinces since their authorities has been elected in a democratic way. It’s also possible the participation in another entities that are not classified in the local collectivities categories, but are dedicated to work in urban sector, for example ONGS, associations, foundations, universities, companies, unions. In European Union, the program embodies inicially the following countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherland, Portugal, United Kingdom and Sweden. In Latin America, the creation of Net, it could participate collectivities of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The basic idea consists in interchange the experience between several localities as a way to search fixed solutions to main challenges faced by the cities. Its proposal embodies a decentralized developement system and activites managements, allowing the free clustering of participants, according to theirs tune in, in one or more themes related to the cities. As a result, expect the increasing of international contacts betwen the two regions, which will serve as a base to development of new projects. The main objective is stregthen the locals collectives capacity action to promotion of economic social and policies development. The viability of this effort is conditioned, by one hand, to formation and capacitation of human resources next to local authorities, and, by the other hand, the partnership promotion between the local collectivities and civil society representants. Obviouslly, the development proposal should be role by observance of local specificities. There is a special worried to garantee to small and medium cities more space in cooperation in international level. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 27 The URB-AL is in its second phase. The first phase was a result of European Union decisions on December,20,1995 and on February,19,1998, that determineits organization around eight themes (Nets): NET COORDINATED CITY 1- Drugs and city Santiago of Chile 2- Conservation of urban history contexts Italian Province of Vicenza 3- Democracy in the city Issys-les-Moulieaux, France 4- The city as promoting economic Madrid, Spain development 5- Urban Social Policies Montevideo, Uruguay 6- Urban Environment Malaga, Spain 7- Management and Urbanization Control Rosario, Argentina 8- Urban Mobility Control Stuttgart, Germany The fuctioning structre is the following : to each theme, is created a net, that embodies all the participants interested on cooperating together in this area, being coordinated by only one local collective. To the net coordinator competes garantee the indformation difusion among the participants, organize periodical meetings of work and keep permanents contacts. Inside de thematic nets are elaborate and execute common projects, that aim at to deep the central theme in relation to specific themes. The exchange experience is key factor to look for possible solutions and concrete to main problems around the phocus theme. In the first phase of the program, it was developed more than 50 common projects, involving thematics, such as: the information system about drugs, the municipal NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 28 management guide about the impact of turism in historical context, the mechanisms of consultation to reinforce the democracy in the city, the creation of democratics schools and participatives to youth, transnational agency to employment, health promotion, solidary economy, and others. These themes consolidate as a important field research about the urban problems, among several common projects. The total budget for this first phase, that took 4 years long, was E 14 million euros. Common projects role were priorized by a geography diversity, counting with a cofinancing of 50%, until the limit of E100 thousand euros each. There was just one kind of common project, turned essencially to good pratices difusion, with the maximum duration of 3 years long. The direct consequence of efforts was the program consolidation as a field of urban problems investigationc without precedents in Europe and Latin America, counting with the participatin of more than 1200 localities. The projects sucess of first phase made with European Comission decided in December, 2000, gave continuity to URB-AL program, wider and diversification its activies and increasing its financing resources. The second program phase results from the decisions of December, 19,2000 and July, 31,2001, has been choiced five new themes to complete the first phase,as show21: NET COORDINATED CITY 9- Local Financing and participative budget Porto Alegre 10- Fight against urban poverty; residence São Paulo 11- Women Promotion in the local decisions Barcelona, Spain instances 12- Cities and information society 21 Bremen, German The formation of Net 11 was foreseen, Habitation in the city, but there was no candidate city approved by European Union. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY 13- Citizen Security in the city - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 29 Valparaiso, Chile The second phase reach a period of 5 years long, with an amplified budget of 50 million euros. To this phase, was built a net to each theme, coordinated by a local collectivity, grouping, in the maximum,200 local collectivities. The comunitary financing conceded to nets coordination cover, in the maximum, 70% of costs, could reach the amount of 500 thousand euros, including a period of 3 years. The coordinator of thematic net will assume the other 30% of costs. Inside of the thematicss nets, are developed two types of projects:A and B, with the maximum duration of two years. The participants have wide autonomy to choice the common projects to be developed inside the thematics nets, since it keeps relation with the focus theme. The number of participants of a common project could vary from 5 to 15, respecting the geographic distribution beetween European Union and Latin America. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 30 There are two common projects type: The type A projects aim at develop experiences exchange between the participants and allow the pratices difusion, corresponding to common projects of first phase. The type B projects, that consist on the news at URB-AL Program, dedicated to concretization, by realizations, of the results in exchanging experiences, should occour, necessarilly, in projects of first phase or projects of type A of second phase already conluded. The type A projects have as main targets the exchange experiences, the lectures realization, elaboration and realization of programs, everything turned to formation; the development of dignosis missions and factibility studies, also the reinforcement mesures of municipals actions visibility. Contain from 5 to 15 participants, with a minimum of two participants of European Union and 3 of Latin America; proceed from at least four diferent coutries. There is the possibility of an extern member inclusion for each group of 5 participants. The balance proporcioned between Europe and Latin America respect the proportion 1/32/3. The co-financing is at the limit of 70% of costs, respecting a maximumof 250 thousand euros. The methodology consists in the elaboration of common project, with priorization of activites consummated in the set of local collectivities. The projects type B, in it turns, turns to the functioning of services and collective equipments, the consummation of a masterplan project that could be reproduced in other local collectivites that participates in a common project, the restauration of cultural goods with a common patrimonial value and the transfer and adjusting of system information opened to local collectivites The proportional balance among the European and Latin- American participants is the same of projects type A. The co-financing is also of 70% of csts, but could reach 800 thousand euros. The methodology used consists in the colective elaboration of common project, under the responsability of coordinator and with the support, if necessary, of coordination cell, being possible the concentration of activities in a local colectivity. The participation on URB-AL Program is possible though proposal presentation, that will be evaluate by European Comission, in charge of conception, development and following the program, also deciding about the subvention of attribution. Once is select the proposal, is NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 31 celebrate a subvention contract between the Comission and the net thematic Coordinator or the common project, according to the circunstances. In January, 2001, the Federative Relations Advisory of External Relations Ministery sent to São Paulo City Hall informations about the deadline and the inscriptions conditions to the cities interested in coordinate new nets of URB-AL Program. The city of São Paulo, by IRMS, started to work in the elaboration of a project of work to coordinate the program Net 10 : “Combat the Urban Poverty”. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 32 VI. SÃO PAULO AND THE NET 10 (2002-2005) Launch Conference: São Paulo and the coordination of Net 10 (April/2003). Objectives of Net 10 (improve the quality of local public policies to combat urban poverty). Identification of common problems, work agenda.Workgroups formation. Peoject proposals showed to European Comission.Results. HISTORICAL OF NET 10 The theme of fight against urban poverty, including the second phase of the URB-AL Project, took to the creation of Thematic Net Number 10, whose the several proposals was showed to its coordination. The São Paulo locality showed a coordination project, under the title of Fight Against Urban Poverty, askig to European union the amount of 500 thousand euros, corresponding to 63% of the total cost. The imperatives in the sense of developement of policies to combat poverty is necessary in São Paulo. The locality has a population of 10,4 million people (2001), from this number 589,1 thousand families chiefs are in poverty situation and 3 million of people live in slums, tenement-houses or irregular settlements. From the 96 districts, in 73 of them, where live 8 million people, the situation is majority of exclusion. The data, speak for itself, showing the motive of interest in this thematic. The proposal essence showed consisted in the formulation of new pratices of elabortion and implementation of public policies turned to combat poverty, though a decentralized system of management, with emphasis in the exchange of participants cities, that would have access to new approach of quantitaty and quality identification of urban poverty. The expected result, in a period of 3 years, was the improvement of local public policies quality turned into the combat of poverty in Latin America and Europe. There was a prediction of building a net of cities from both areas, turned into exchanging information, knowledgement and experience, keeping in mind the construction of durable bowknots between the local autarchy to viabilize future projects, to be possible though a common NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 33 project proposal type B, coordinated by the city of São Paulo, that will be show, on April,2006. The project also showed to foresee the construction of tools and instruments to allow the local authorities identify the poor population in a qualitative and quantitative way, keeping in mind the existent problems and poverty repoduction, as also the common dificulties faced by the cities, the solutions formulation and the implementaion in a short or medium period of time. The specific objectives contained in the proposals were: 1.Incentive the permanent exhange by a fast process of comunication and information transfer between the members of Net 10 “Fight Against Urban Poverty” and reach its absolute funcioning in latin-american cities and the European Union that adhere to Net. 2.Promote partnerships and motivate the formation of sub-nets between cities to the development of common projects united with other social actors as civil society entities. 3. Identify the main problems, experiences and commmon interests of cities in the thematic of Fight against Urban Poverty. 4. Divulge and dissemintae good pratices of local public polices development, giving visibility to Net and URB-AL Program. 5. Reinforce internal structures and work pluri and intersectorial inside the São Paulo City Hall and other autarchie and local powers. 6. Become national and international in the theme of combat poverty and social inclusion and motivate a increasing number of cities to integrate the Net though the increasing of capacity to combat poverty and social development of urban areas. The local proposal of São Paulo was selected by European Comission. Since October, 2005, compete to City Hall, the coordination of Net 10 – Fight Against Urban Poverty, that has as a main target the improvement of local public polices quality to combat poverty in Latin American and Europe. With the porpose to reach this goal, act as an articulation between the local autarchies in the creation of partnerships that result in the implementation of long term actions, with support of European Union. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 34 In the quality of thematic net coordinator to combat poverty, competed to São Paulo City Hall organized it strating from a the constituion of a coordination cell, responsible for animation, management, exchange experiences and net members information,as well the promotion to abroad of its activites. Besides this, would be in charge of select a group of experts, responsabile for the elaboration of a base Document, to serve as a set reflection about the theme, offering techinical support, and for the realization of a Launch Seminary, that would mark the befinning of the activites of Net, with the forecast of two annual meetings. The Coordinator Group was composed by the International Relations Secretariat and the the Social Assistence and Development, Labor and Solidariety, Habitationand Urban Development Secretariats. Untill the end of the govern in 2004, the Executive Coordination of Net 10 count with five advisors, in several areas(projects, communications, information, accounting). At the beginning, the Net had 140 partners, of this number 108 local governments and regional, and 32 extern, composed by cooperation agencies and civil society institutions. In the total were envolved 24 countries, 17 of them were from Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela; and 7 of European Union: German, Belgium, Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal. The base document was elaborated in three guide documents, elaborated by David Gordon, of Bristol University, Lena Lavinas, of OIT/ONU and Gustavo Riofrio, of Desco, and the questionnaries answered for the partners of Net 10. In the final version, search to contemplate specially the contributions provenient of conferences. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 35 CHONOLOGY OF NET 10 PROJECT Net 10 support activally the elaboration of common projects type A to be shown in the European Comission Convocatory. The comunication and animation of Net were developed through several instruments, that helped on the work divulges, in the contact between the partners and the incentive to exchange experiences. It was constant the analyses of several indicators of poverty, adopted in the national and international circuit, whose debate were consignated in the guide and base document. It tryed to point out ways to change the actual poverty indicators of urban poverty, that envolves access to health, education, culture, citizenship exercise, social inclusion. During this project, it was adopted the following instruments of communication: daily accompany of all electronic messages sent to coordination cell of Net 10, from the partners as well the other people and entities interested on Net 10 work; periodic communication of partners by e-mail; telephone contacts with representan of cities/entities; internet website and monthly electronic bulletins and cominicates/invitations to events organized by Net 10. The Net 10 website,, transformed in an important vehicle of divulgation of work development, being available in four official languages of URB-AL Program.There was a preocupation with the continuous improviment, by reestruction layout and the facility of partners access and web visitors. On June, 2004, took place the Official Launch of new website, during the Fair and International Congress of Cities, Urbis, 2004, that count with three great areas: Net 10 ( what is the program), urb-al (the net, partners, programming, projects and coordinations)and Midia (links to interviews with specialist and partners, divulgation of events). The divulge of information occured also by bulletins sent by e-mail, translated into the four official languages of the program. The electronic bulletins were elaborated in the total of 29 and two of them were special: Andine America and Sucre. The base document had the objective of conceptuationof urban poverty and social exclusion phenomenon, pointed out its main agents and looking for ways to face it. The initial text was elaborated starting fromthree documents guide: Subsidy to the Construction of Fight NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 36 Against Urban Poverty – Lena Lavinas; Urban Poverty in Europe and Latin America: a European View – David Gordon; Poverty and Desiquality in our Cities: A vision to urban authorities — Gustavo Riofrio. After this, it was incorporated the themes debated in the Launch Conference. The sistematization of the base document was written by the economic journalist Fredimir Vasconcelos. Besides the guide documents, it was used a document elaborated by the Santo Andre City Hall and another write by Professor Antonio Elizalde, principal of University Bolivariana of Chile. The LAUNCH SEMINARY OF NET 10, took place on April, 14 thru 16, 2003, in São Paulo, Brazil. During these three days of work, 12 countries were representanted, 62 local/regional governments and 23 civil society organizations, in the total of 230 partners that contributed to the elaboration of 25 common projects. Also, some under experienced cities received some technical visits such as the cities of Diadema, Guarulhos, Santo André and São Bernardo. The debates were about the following thematic axles: a) employment, wage, micro-credit, autonomy construction and the role of emancipatories policies, b) net protection to citizenship and social risk monitorization c) social habitation, d) management of public policies of cities; e) indicator and concepts: mesure of urban poverty and evaluation of policies to combat it. The conclusion pointed some aspects and necessities, in what concerns to face problems related with poverty: 1. Articulation and constitution of social protection systems, through the formation of public policies nets, in a way to coordinate and articulate multisectorally the access to public goods and services, indispensable to social inclusion strategies construction and the stregthen of society participation in the government decisions assure this way, the absolute exercise of citizenship; NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 37 2. Formulation and management of public policies of combat poverty and social inclsuion promotionin a integrated way inter and intra sectorially; 3. Defense, next to nationals gestors of macroecomics policies formulation, of actions generates of wages, wage redistribution and iniqual combat; 4. Promotion the popular and solidary economy, to local economic development and the generation of employment and wage; 5. Stregthen of micro-credit programs destinated to small and micro companies; 6. Promotion of policies of education, health, socail habitation, basic sanitation, security and urban mobility as a way to garantee the attedance of population basic necessities and avoid the consolidation of formation cycle of urban poverty composed in great part by absence of wage and access impossibility to goods ans public essencial sevices. 7. Streghten of institutional capacity and techincal hability of public gestors,as well the the strgthen and formation of social capital next to civil society to the implementation and projects management integrated inter and intra-sectorially; 8. Streghten of participative process in the management, conception, implemetnation and public policies evaluation of goods production and public services; 9. Studies of identification of sustenable financing sources to combat poverty actions and social inclusion promotion; 10. Strategy adoption of monitoring (though indicators) and permanent evaluation of impacts produced by the action of implementation of public policies to combat urban poverty and social inclsuion promotion. Continuous efforts were made in the sense of increasing the number of partners in the net. The second step, the focus turned into the incoporation of new partners of North Europe. The Net, in this final phase, counted on 378 members, from this amount 269 local government and 109 extern partners, of 28 countries in European Union and Latin NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 38 America22, overpassing the previous number. There was special emphasis in the search of adehasion of small and medium cities. The net 10 arrives to its third year with the number of partners bigger than foreseen for the three years of activities. This is a refletion of mobilization work and continue animation on 2005, that has one of characteristics the incorporation of a big number of small and medium cities. The ampliation is most of the divulgation results of Net 10, always emphasizing the quality of net and its sustenable. Parnters AL/EU October 2003 October 2004 October 2005 Local Governments 167 228 269 Extern Partners 58 99 109 TOTAL 225 327 378 The nets URB-AL has a stipulate limit of 200 local government and any number of extern partners (entities, foundations, universities, companies, unions and NGO´s). As NET 10 shows a tendency to transpass quickly this limit, creatd the figure of observatories-partners – local governments with the same rights, but the expenses to participate in net meetings should be pay by their own. The Net 10 partners , 117 are from European union and 261 from Latin America and distributed as follow : Partners Distribution Latin America European Union TOTAL Partners of Full Powers 122 58 180 Observators Partners 64 25 89 Extern Partners * 75 34 109 * This number includes three international NGO´S) 22 To the 17 countries in Latin America, incorporated after, the Costa Rica. And the group of countries in Europe, associated to Finland, Holland and England. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 39 Partners cites origin: Latin América: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela European Union: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Holland, England, Italy and Portugal. To elaborate the diagnosis regarding to poverty combat, two questionnaries were sent to partners, whose information were tabulated. The Net 10 act in the elaboration and construction of common projects proposals introduced in the Convocatories of European Comission. Meeting were organized to debate the logic mark, structure and proposals content and have permanent contact with partners to clarify doubts. By the intermediation of Net, the local governments could show a common project proposal to European union, obtaining the financing to a project tht reunite a minimum number of cities. The porposals could be sent in the two convocatories, on April, 30 and October,31. During this three years of activities, were showed to Brussels 49 projects type A, 18 of them were approved (17 of type A and one type B). There is the foreseen to send at least six proposals in the Convocatory of October, 2005. Besides the Launch Conference and the Annual Meetings stabilished as obligatories by European Comission, were assigned partnerships to the realization and other seminaries turned to thematic debate of poverty and the difusion of concepts and methodologies adopted by Net. The national/regional meetings were possible by entities alliance, intitutions and local governments. They are looking for: Stregthen of cooperation instruments between net partners of intersectorial form, feerative and between this and the internationals agencies. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 40 Assure that net was a reference in the ambit of URB-AL Program territory in the fight against urban poverty with the realization of debates, problematic studies, information library and cooperation forms. Formation of work groups to deepen the debate in several thematic axles of faces the problem. Presentation of a dynamic fuctionament of URB-AL Program and the thematics nets. The following meetings took place: First Regional Meeting of Fight Against Urban Poverty in San Salvador (El Salvador). June,2003. Second Reginal Meeting of Fight Against Urban Poverty, on Mexico City -DC (Mexico). December, 2003. Third Regional Meeting of Fight Against Poverty, in the city of Sucre, Bolivia. September, 2004. VII Social Policies Comitee of UCCI and IV NET URB-AL 10 Meeting of fight against urban poverty( Latin America) on November,2004, São Paulo On the first convocatory of European Union, in April, 2003, it was sent a common project type A proposal, named “Methodologies and tools to creation of Social Inclusion Observatories in the cities”, coordinated by the city of Saint Denis (France). This project was approved and it already has its activites concluded. The project type B apporoved in the Convocatory of April,2005, named “Ciudades Y Ciudadanos/As Por La Inclusión Social”, coordinated by the city of Montevideo, come from the sub-net envolved in this project, from the acumalated experiences in its development. From the 27 formulated, 16 were approved to the second convocatory on October, 31, 2003, being approved 4 of them (stood out), as it is shown in the next table. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 41 PROJECT COORDINATED CITY El Municipio Como Ente Promotor del Desarroleo Local: Ayuntamiento de Alcalá Intercambio de Experiencias Sobre el Desarroleo de Estrategias la Real – Spain Económicas y Sociales Capacitación de dirigentes de la economia solidária y Ayuntamiento de fortalecimiento de los actores representativos del sector Badalona – Spain Social Inclusion though Intersectorials Policies" Belo Horizonte City Hall – Brazil Know how to care – Garantee of child and adolescence right in Campinas City Hall – personal and social risk situation to a familiar convicence Brazil La administración local como garante de la atención a los Consell Comarcal de adultos mayores y generadora de nuevos yacimientos de l’Alt Empordá – Spain empleo. Intercambio de experiencias, revisión de políticas y elaboración de propuestas Identification of instruments of incentive to work education Diadema City Hall – Brazil Integrated Management of social policies to a bigger Guarulhos City Hall – effectiveness and universality in combat of poverty Brazil. Instrumentalize the localities to combat poverty Jacareí City Hall – Brazil. Turismo de calidad: factor de identidad local y generador de Ajuntament de Lloret de empleo Mar – Spain. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 42 Intercambio de Experiencias en la administración de Bancas Municipalidad de Palpalá Sociales de Asistencia Financiera y Programas de Micro Crédito – Argentina a Micro y Pequeñas Empresas Urbanas Security Alimentary Indicators in our cities Piracicaba City HallBrazil Construcción de modelos sociales de intercambio de buenas Regione de Marche – prácticas en el area de la Planeación Social Italy Public policies Guide of health to combat poverty and improve Rio Grande da Serra City quality of life Hall – Brazil Los Nuevos Pobres - estratégias, métodos y herramientas de la Comune Di Roma – Italy lucha contra la nueva pobreza urbana y para la inclusión social Evaluación de Impacto Social de las Políticas de empleo em Municipalidad de ciudades de América Latina y la Unión Europea General San Martín – Argentina Integrated Management: new way to fight the poverty and social Santo Andre City Hall, exclusion Brazil In the second Conference of Net 10 – that took place on February,2004, result in the elaboration of 27 common projects of type A, and from this,11 were sent to appreciation of URB-AL Coordination in European Union on the third convocatory by April, 31, 2004, five of them were approved (stood out in the table). II NET 10 CONFERENCE – SÃO PAULO, FEBRUARY,2004 - Theme: Poverty as Human Rights Violation. - 176 participants: representant of 17 countires in Latin América and Europe. - 47 Organizations of Civil Society, related with the thematic Net 10. - 129 representants of local governments of Latin América and Europe. - 28 Proposal Common Projects. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 43 PROJECT COORDINATED CITY Intercambio de Experiencias de los Gobiernos Locales, en la Ayuntamiento de Alcalá Lucha Contra la Pobreza Urbana la Real, Spain Common Methodology definition to elaborate a map of social Caxias do Sul City Hall, Exclusion/Inclusion Brazil Rehabilition of metropolitan peripheric areas and socioeconomic Province of Genova, development of urban rural aglomerates Italy Use of potencialization of georefenciates information systems Guarulhos City Hall, in the projects of youth poverty combat in urban periphery Brazil. Estrategias integradas para reducir la exclusión social entre la Ayuntamiento de Lloret población joven y adulta mayor de 45 años, especialmente de Mar, Spain femenina, en el sector terciario Análisis de indicadores sociales desde uma perspectiva Ayuntamiento de territorial Málaga, Spain Paupertas in Civitatis Ayuntamiento de Antequera, Spain "PRACTICAR" - Laboratorio de prácticas para el Rome, Italy fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas locales de lucha contra la nueva pobreza urbana The study of monitoring instruments of integrated programs to Santo André City Hall, combat poverty: the implementation of social control and the Brazil tools to management and results evaluation Instruments of integrated management to face the São Bernardo do Campo multidimensionality of poverty presence in risk areas City Hall, Brazil Pobreza extrema y hambre: Respuestas participativas desde los Municipalidad Distrital gobiernos locales de Villa María del Triunfo, Peru NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 44 On the fourth convocatory, on October 22nd, 2004, it was sent nine A type commom projects more, which six of them have passed (stood out in the table below): PROJECT COORDINATED CITY Methodology for the qualification in recovering historical City Hall of Piraju Turist buildings focused on young people on poverty Ranch, Brazil Formación de personal de municipios para utilizar los Querétaro County, programas de cooperación internacional como herramientas de Mexico combate a la pobreza em sus proyectos locales Manual for the urban development of the precarious placements Comune di Latina, Italy by the children’s dimension Municipal Policies and Actions of Safe Feeding: Reality, Limits Piracicaba City Hall, and Inter Setorial Possibilities Brazil El ausentismo escolar como indicador de violación de los Municipalidad de Viña derechos humanos: un reto a las políticas públicas del Mar, Chile Bienestar social y metodologías de monitoreo y evaluacion de Municipalidad Provincial programas de renta minima Lamas, Peru Intercambio de metodologías e indicadores para la evaluación de Municipalidad de las políticas sociales de empleo en las ciudades de América General San Martín, Latina y la Unión Europea Argentina Integración de los inmigrantes em la ciudad como forma de Ayuntamiento de combate de la pobreza Granada, Spain Desarrollo local como estratégia para enfrentar la pobreza Município de San Isidro, Argentina. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 45 III NET 10 CONFERENCE – SÃO PAULO, FEBRUARY,2005 - Theme: Poverty as a violation of Human Rights: The cities role to reach the Millenium Goals and equity. - 200 participants: representants of 14 countires of Latin América and Europe. - 14 Organizations of Civil Society, related with the Net 10. - 76 representants of local governments of Latin América and Europe. - 19 Common Projects Proposals. On the fifth convocatory, in April 2005, it was sent 13 proposals of commom projects in order to be evaluated by the European Comission. They are 12 type A projects and 1 type B project. The commom type A proposal is the following: PROJECT COORDINATED CITY Análisis del impacto de la gestión participativa en Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina la lucha contra la pobreza urbana Aula de técnicos para la participación ciudadana e Diputación de Barcelona, Spain inclusión social Creación de empleo y recuperación ambiental – Província di Génova, Italy cooperación entre diferentes agentes locales Potencialidades y compromiso locales para la Municipalidad Distrital de institucionalización de un programa comun: Independencia, Peru pobreza y exclusión social cero em las ciudades Transferencias de experiencias de economia Municipalidad de Olavarría, Argentina solidária y micro crédito, como estratégia de lucha contra la pobreza urbana, TEPAM Alianza para el desarollo de las capacidades para Municipalidad de Pergamino, Argentina NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 46 la lucha contra la pobreza urbana y la inclusión de los pobres a través de los espacios públicos. (ADECIPEP) The “Ecomuseu” nets in the international Comune di Pigna, Italy experiences fighting against urban poverty. Culture, ethnic-racial relations and human rights Salvador City Hall, Brazil in the urban contexts. Formulación de uma metodologia de intervención San Isidro County, Argentina integrada para el fortalecimiento de la ciudadanía en assentamentos urbanos precarios Young people’s right to the city: survey and São Bernardo de Campo City Hall, methodologies for the formulation of public Brazil policies focused on the youth in situation of social vulnerability, as a measure of fighting against poverty. Survey about the instruments of popular Santo André City Hall, Brazil partcipation in the local governments as good measures for fighting against poverty Construción de lineamientos de intervención Ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia integral Common Project Proposal, tupe B: “Ciudades y ciudadanos/as por la inclusión social” Montevideo, Uruguay NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 47 Subjects approched in the approved common projects Social Inclusion Observatory in the cities. Intersectorials Policies. Cities role in policies to third age. Cities capacitation to combat poverty. Health policies guide to combat poverty. Stregthen public policies to fight against poverty. Territorialization of social indicators. Integrated strategies to reduce the social exclusion of youth and adults. Use of georeferency information systems in projects to young. Extreme poverty and hungry Immigrants in the city Methodologies and evaluation indicators to employment policies Policies and municipals actions of alimentary security and intersectoriality Personal Formationto international cooperation programs Urban Development of precarious settlement to child dimension The schoolar absence Employment Criation and Environmental Recuperation Cities and citizenship for social inclusion. When all the convocatorys are summed, 18 type A commom projects have passed in the European Union as it is shown on the table below: NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY Cidade Coordenadora Saint Denis - França Belo Horizonte - Brasil Alt Empordá - Espanha Jacareí - Brasil Rio Grande da Serra - Brasil Roma – Itália Málaga – Espanha Lloret del Mar – Spain Guarulhos - Brazil Villa María del Triunfo - Peru Granada – Spain General San Martín - Argentina Piracicaba - Brazil Querétaro - Mexico Latina – Italy Viña del Mar - Chile Gênoa – Italy Montevideo – Uruguay* Valor Total - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 48 Orçamento total Montante financiado pela U.E. € 385.314 € 250.000 € 261.099 € 182.769 € 357.142 € 250.000 € 144.924 € 101.447 € 371.200 € 250.000 € 490.000 € 250.000 € 250.000 € 175.000 € 355.454 € 248.818 € 295.844 € 207.091 € 409.396 € 249.996 € 366.160 € 249.500 € 357.360 € 247.350 € 277.625 € 194.337 € 335.962 € 235.147 € 309.850 € 216.895 € 306.946 € 212.930 € 381.990 € 249.821 € 1.143.000 € 800.000 € 6.799.265 € 4.571.101 The commom project “Cities and Citizens for the Social Inclusion”, is the first Type B project approved until today at the Urbal 10. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY VII. CONCLUSION. EXPERIENCE - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 49 IN THE FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY AND NEW CHALLENGE General Evaluation. International Action in the city of São Paulo. Perspectives of international cooperation between cities (European Union-Latin America). This document has the objective to present the results of the activities promoted by Net 10, coordinated by the city of São Paulo, in the scope of the international cooperation project between the cities URB-AL. In this report it was dimensioned the action perspectives of the city as an international actor, the evolution of the concept of poverty and the exchange of experiences about improvements in the creation of public policies for fighting against poverty and social exclusion. The description of all the activities developed by the Programa de Cooperação URB-AL, created in 1995, and of Net 10, entitled “Combate à Pobreza Urbana” – coordinated by the São Paulo City Hall – are examples of comtemporary iniciatives adequated to the international changes occurred in the last decades. It’s getting more and more evident the perception that the perspectives of solving social problems represents a big challenge for the sub-national actors and the non-governamental ones - general speaking -, facing the growing problems which come from the quick urbanization of the cities and the population growing. Poverty became not only the absence of basic itens that could guarantee the survival of a family, but also the fundamental indicator of citizenship. It means that the policies against poverty must also take into account the calculation of policies aimed to education, culture, leisure and all the proposals, which could lead to a bigger inclusion of the citizens in the everyday of his/her city. In this context, it’s also clear that the realization of these policies (and the search of external resources for their realization) doesn’t pass exclusively by the central government’s hands, but it has increased the responsibility of the cities. In other words, the cities started to act straighter into the resources collecting and in the atraction of investments for the solution of local problems and for the economic development. As we could observe, one of the best actions are the international cooperation agreements, conducted directly by the cities (in an action entitled ‘paradiplomacy’). On this way, the NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 50 participation of São Paulo city in nets of cities, and specialy in the cooperation program URB-AL, has revealed an important iniciative, whose results have been very positive, as it is shown on this report. The proposal of the European Union is providing resources for the realization of commom projects, encouraging the discussion of important themes for the involved cities, working as a stimulus for the articulation of them. The identification of commom problems, whose commom solutions could also be shared, is an experience that has never been seen before. The results of the URB-AL Program and the Net 10 activities, with many projects presented, and the development of the validated projects resulted in one of the mainly experiences of international cooperation among the non-central actors, which São Paulo participates. In the specific case of São Paulo City Hall, the contact with other members, the other cities’ possibility of articulating and organizing, has pointed the increasing presence of the city through the International Relations Bureau, in the international scene. This final document has resumed the projects that were developed through this period in the scope of the Net 10 of URB-AL, showing that the cooperation activities are a way of efficient action in the solution of problems linked to the cities. This experience also points to the creation of new perspectives, involving more and more sub-national actors in the field of the international relations. The stimulus to the creation of new cooperation programs and academic studies about this theme must be encouraged. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 51 VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliographic references updated: discussion of international acting in the cities, debate about urban poverty and references about the international cooperation . ATKINSON, T., CANTILLON, B., MARLIER, E. and NOLAN, B. Social Indicators. The EU and Social Inclusion. OUP, Oxford, 2002. CARVALHO, Mônica de. “Cidade Global: anotações críticas sobre um conceito”. São Paulo em Perspectiva, vol. 14, nº 4, SP: Seade, out-dez 2000, pp. 70-82. CASTELLS, M. e BORJA, J. “As cidades como atores políticos”. Novos Estudos Cebrap, nº 45, julho. SP: Cebrap, 1996, pp. 152-166. ELIZALDE HEVIA, Antonio. Ética e Democracia no combate à pobreza urbana. Documento de Guia. Net 10, URB-AL. 2004. FRONZAGLIA, Mauricio. Unidades Subnacionais e Relações Internacionais. O caso da Cidade de São Paulo (janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2004). IFCH/UNICAMP. Dissertação de Mestrado, 2005. GORDON, David e FAHMY, Eldin. Urban Poverty in Europe and Latin America: a European View. Documento de Guia. Net 10, URB-AL. 2004. KOWARICK, Lucio. Escritos Urbanos. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2000. LAVINAS, Lena. Rede URBAL 10. Luta contra a Pobreza Urbana. Documento de Guia. Mimeo, 2004. MARQUES, Eduardo e TORRES, Haroldo (orgs.). São Paulo: segregação, pobreza e desigualdades. São Paulo: Editora SENAC, 2005. MICHELMAN, H. e SOLDATOS, P. (eds.). Federalism and International Relations: the role of subnational units. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, 334p. PORCHMANN, M. (org.). Desenvolvimento, Trabalho e Solidariedade. São Paulo: Editora Cortez, 2002. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 52 RIOFRÍO, Gustavo. Pobreza e desigualdades em nossas cidades. Uma visão para as autoridades urbanas. Documento Net 10, URB-Al, 2003. RODRIGUES, Gilberto. Política Externa Federativa: Análise de ações internacionais de Estados e Municípios Brasileiros. São Paulo: PUC-SP, Tese de Doutorado, 2004. SASSEN, Saskia. As cidades na economia mundial. SP: Studio Nobel, 198 p., 1998. VASCONCELOS, Fredimir e BATISTA, Sinoel. Net 10 – Luta contra a pobreza urbana. Documento Base. SMRI, 2004. VIGEVANI, Tullo (org.). A dimensão subnacional e as relações internacionais. São Paulo: EDUC, 2004. VIGEVANI, Tullo. Problems for International Activity of Sub-National Units: the Brazilian Case. First Global International Studies Conferecence. ISA. Istanbul, 2005. WACLAC – World Associations of Cities and Local Authorities Coordination. City-to-City Cooperation: Issues arising from experience. NY: 25th United Nations General Assembly Special Session, 6-8 June 2001. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 53 IX. APPENDIX Appendix 1: Sumary framework of the approved projects FIRST CALL (April 2003): 1- Project title: “Methodologies and tools for the creation of social inclusion observation points in the cities” Coordination: Saint-Denis Participants : Buenos Aires; Montevidéu; Porto Alegre; São Paulo; Barcelona; FAMSI (Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidaridad Internacional) The project goal is to strengthen the local capacity to analyse, to evaluate and to coordinate the publics policies of social inclusion. His pertinent and big relation with the Network 10 is to permit a systematization of knowledge on the subject and a developpment and a reinforcement of the methodologies and instruments of analyse, strengthening the capacity of cities to respond to the problems and to find solutions. Contacts: Saint Denis Celine Guyon SECOND CALL (October 2003): 2- Project title: “Social Inclusion through Inter-sector Policies” NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 54 Coordination: City Hall of Belo Horizonte – Brazil. Participants: Municipal Del Partido de Azul – Argentina, Ilustre Municipalidad de El Bosque – Chile, Municipalidad Provincial de Paita – Peru, The City Hall of São Paulo – Brazil and COHRE Americas (Center on Housing Rights and Evictions), Ayuntamiento de Avilés – Spain, Ayuntamiento de Málaga – Spain and the Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António - Portugal. The project’s intention is to promote social inclusion through inter-sector policies, thus creating a methodology for integrated actions to economize resources. Contacts: Belo Horizonte Fernando Damata Pimentel (Prefeito): Hugo Vocurca Teixeira: Alexandre Rocha Araújo: 3- Project title: “The local administration guarantees attention to adults and generation of new jobs, the exchange of experiences, revision of policies and elaboration of proposals” Coordination: Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Empordá – Spain Participants: Municipalidad de Ate – Peru, Municipalidad Distrital de Chorrillos – Peru, The City Hall of Goiânia – Brazil and the Municipalidad del Rimac – Peru and CEPAD Centro para la Participación y el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible (Center for the Participation and Sustainable Human Development) – Bolivia, Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz del Tenerife – Spain, Trieste (Instituto Triestino Per Interventi Sociale) – Italy and Ayuntamiento de Málaga - Spain The proposal deals with the insertion of Senior citizens in the promotion of social activities and the job market. Contact: l’Alt Empordá NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 55 Rosa Guixé Valls: 4- Project title: “Supply instruments to the locations for the fight against poverty” Coordination: The City Hall of Jacareí – Brazil. Participants: Municipalidad de Ate – Peru, The City Hall of Campo Grande – Brazil, The City Hall of Diadema - Brazil, The City Hall of Goiânia – Brazil, Municipalidad Distrital de Rio Negro – Peru, The City Hall of Santa Maria – Brazil, Universidade Nacional de Quilmes – Argentina, Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António – Portugal and Espiral Entidad de Serveis- Spain. Intends to set up a management information system to map poverty in the regions. Contact: Jacareí Marco Aurélio de Souza (Prefeito): Maria Cristina de Paula Machado: Alexandre Amorim: 5- Project title: “Manual of public policies regarding health in the fight against poverty and betterment in the quality of life” Coordination: The City Hall of Rio Grande da Serra – Brazil. Participants: Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Government of the City of Buenos Aires) – Argentina, Ilustre Municipalidad de El Bosque – Chile, The City Hall of Mauá – Brazil, Municipio de Moron – Argentina, The City Hall of Rincão – Brazil, The City Hall of São Paulo – Brazil and The City Hall of Santo André – Brazil and the Associação de Saúde Mental José Martins de Araújo Júnior (the José Martins de Araújo Júnior Mental Health Association) – Brazil, Aversa – Italy, Provincia di Milano – Italy, Trieste – Italy, Espiral Entidad de Serveis – Spain NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 56 Focused on a section of the population in a mental health risk situation and those with handicapping illnesses, forecasting the creation of an intervention guide with suggestions for the inclusion of these people in the job market. Contact: Rio Grande da Serra Adler Alfredo Jardim Texeira: Maria Luiza Leão Salerno Malatesta: THIRD CALL (April 2004): 6- Project title: “PRACTICAR - Laboratory for the practice of strengthening local public policies in the fight against the new urban poverty” Coordination: Rome (Italy) Participants: Buenos Aires, General San Martín, Pergamino (Argentina), Sao Paulo (Brazil), San Joaquín (Chile), Aserrí (Costa Rica), Ate (Peru), Rioja (Peru), Bogotá Distrito Capital (Colombia), Valladolid (Spain), Provinzia di Prato (Italy), Vaasa (Finland), Asociación para el Desarrollo Social (Social Development Association) (Argentina), Centro para la Participación y el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible, Cepad (Center for Participation and Sustainable Human Development) (Bolivia). This intends to create and release new tools and best practices, in addition to including in the available human resources the population of the “new poor”, people with higher levels of schooling who belong to more favorable social classes and who have recently lost their spending power due to the lack of jobs, among other factors. Contact: Rome Luca Lo Bianco (pol.): Cristina Fortunato (tec): NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 57 7- Project title: “Analysis of social indicators from a territorial perspective” Coordination: Malaga (Spain) Participants: Granada (Spain), El Bosque (Chile), Navolato (Mexico), Oyon (Peru), Aserrí (Costa Rica), Fiddem (France), Lima (Peru), Feira de Santana (Brazil) This project seeks to optimize the analysis of information regarding social variables using a system of geographical information that can measure the reality, distribution and proportion of the social problems in the area. Contact: Malaga Francisco de La Torre Prados (pref): Francisca Ramos Monteiro: 8 – Project title: “Integrated strategies to reduce social exclusion among poor youth and adults over 45 years of age, especially women, in the service sector” Coordination: Lloret del Mar (Spain) Participants: Ate (Peru), Comune di Montecatini Terme, San Isidro (Argentina), Ayuntamento de Irun, Paita (Peru), Puerto Montt (Chile), Campinas (Brazil), Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Argentina), Espiral Entitat de Serveis (Spain) This project proposes the creation of integrated action models for two specifically vulnerable populations: youth and adults over 45 years of age, mainly women. Its objective is to provide better job skills, and hence more freedom of opportunity, for these people in the outsource sector. Contact: Lloret Del Mar NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 58 Blai Vinaxia: Anna Extremera: 9 – Project title: “Potential of using geo-reference information systems in projects designed to fight the poverty of youth in the urban periphery” Coordination: Guarulhos (Brazil) Participants: Goiânia (Brazil), Pergamino (Argentina), Província de Torino (Italy), Vila Real de Santo António (Portugal), Instituto Pólis (Brazil). What is proposed is the systemization of regional information to subsidize the planning and evaluation of social projects for young people, whose vulnerability makes them both victims and perpetrators of violence and other social problems Contact: Guarulhos Eloi Pietá (pref): Luis Carlos Fabbri (Sec.RI): Renata Lazaro (assistente): Elizabeth Afonso (Assessora SMRI): 10 – Project title: “Extreme Poverty and Hunger: Answers from local governments and movements / social organizations” Coordination: Villa Maria del Triunfo (Peru) Participants: Maranguape (Brazil), Las Margaritas (Mexico), Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal), Saint Gilles (Belgium), Neiva (Colombia), Urban Management Program/ Habitat/UN. The proposal is based on the identification of needs, an analysis of present policies and, following this research, the elaboration of strategies to address verified answers. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 59 Contact: Villa Maria del Triunfo Washington Ipenza Pacheco (Pref): Raquel Barriga Velazco: FOURTH CALL (October 2004): 11 –Project title: " Integration of immigrants in the city as method of fighting poverty." Coordination: Granada, Spain Participants: São Paulo (Brazil); San Salvador (El Salvador); Junín (Argentina); Quito (Equador). Nanterre (France). FAMSI (Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidariedad) – Spain. The central axis of the project is the role of the city in the migratory process. The citizens emigrate in the cities and in the cities come the citizens. In this sense, the emigrant bring differents cultures,societies, economies and, generally, identity and local developpment. Contact: Granada Eva Martin Pérez: Telesfora Ruiz Rodriguez: Jose Alfaro Gómez: 12 – Project title: "Interchange of methodology and indicators for evaluating the social employment policies in both Latin American and European Union cities" Coordination: General San Martín, Argentina NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 60 Participants: São Paulo (Brazil); San Salvador (El Salvador); Junín (Argentina); Quito (Equador). Nanterre (France). FAMSI (Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidariedad) – Spain. Contribute to the amelioration of the employment politics in the cities partners by the practice of models systematized of following and evaluation. Also, to bring together informations about the employment situation of each city member, as politics, concretes actions of fight against desemployment, evaluation programs, results obtained etc... Contact: General San Martín Ricardo Leonardo Ivoskus: Lidia Lucia Naim: Lic Maria Celia Pota: 13 – Project title: "Municipal Food Safety Policies and Actions: Reality, Limits and CrossSectoral Possibilities" Coordination: Piracicaba, (Brazil). Participants: Campinas (Brazil); Rio Claro (Brazil); São Bernardo do Campo (Brazil); Chorillos (Peru) e San Joaquin (Chile). Pigna (Italy); Mendatica (Italy); Arraiolos (Portugal); Borba (Portugal). Analyse the actions of Alimentary and Nutritional Insurance, sensitize and give the capacity to the organizations directors to the management of this actions and therefore to constitute subventions to strengthen the intersectoriality of the Alimentary and Nutritional Insurance of the cities. Contact: Piracicaba Barjas Negri: Maria Angélica Guercio (Sec): NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 61 14 – Project title: “Formation of municipal servants to use the international cooperation programs as tools to fight against poverty in their local projects” Coordination: Querétaro (Mexico). Participants: Pergamino (Argentina); Junín (Argentina); Arica (Chile); San Xavier (Bolivia); São Bernardo do Campo (Brazil); Guarulhos (Brazil). Milan (Italy); Padova (Italy) and San Sebastián (Spain). The project has the objective to strengthen the capacity of action of the cities governments and locals organizations, using the international cooperation as an instrument of fight against the poverty. In the sense that locals governments have a bigger capacity to formulate and to manage projects of cooperation, they can get more help to respond to the population needs and their programs have a bigger effect. The capacity is an essential condition to formulate projects financed by the internationals institutions or by the others cities concerned. Contact: Querétaro Sandra Schumacher Maurer: 15 –Project title: “Manual for the urban development of precarious establishments for the children’s dimension” Coordination: Latina (Italy). Participants: São Paulo (Brazil); Tres de Febrero (Argentina); Fernando de la Mora (Paraguai). Vila Real de Santo Antonio (Portugal). Ordine degli Archetti, Pianificatori, Pasesaggisti and Conservatori di Roma e Provincia. NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 62 To promote, in the big urbans aeras and in the others cities, the amelioration of the management of the urban environment in the way of the children’s dimension in the precarious aeras. Contact: Latina Vicenzo Zaccheo(pref): Maria Dolores F. Mayorales Perz: 16 – Project title: “School absenteeism as a human rights violation index: a challenge for public policies” Coordination: Viña del Mar, Chile. Participants: Belo Horizonte (Brazil); Campinas (Brazil); Aserri (Costa Rica). Comuna de Aricci (Italy); Vila Real de Santo To ameliorate the management of the locals governments about the creation of opportunities for the effect of the rights of the education of childrens in poverty’s situation. The exclusion of the schoolchild’s system is a violation of the fundamentals Rights of childrens. For that, this project offer to underline the caracteristics of the schoolchild’s systems and the responsability of the publics politics to ameliorate and to developp opportunities for the effect of the citizenship. Contact: Viña del Mar Gloria Meza Bahamondes: ; Amilkar Koenig Duffau: NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 63 FIFTH CALL (April 2005): 17 – Project title: “Cities and citizenship for social inclusion” Coordination: Intendencia Municipal of Montevideo, Uruguay Participants: Buenos Aires – Argentina; São Paulo- Brazil; Porto Alegre - Brazil ; St Denis – France; Barcelona – Spain; FAMSI – Spain (foreign partner) The proposal of this project is to promote interventions “that improve the comprehension and knowledge of new emerging phenomenon of social exclusion: they promote the definition and implantations of social inclusion observatories (…) and support some initiatives of social intervention executed by organizations of civil society that promote social inclusion at local level” The importance of the Inclusion-Exclusion Observatories is expend the dimensions of social vulnerability and check results of public policies to sort out urban poverty. Finally the project propose to involve different social segments and move society to the question of poverty and its solution. Contact: Montevideo Alessandro Repetto: Pier Paolo Tomiolo: 18 –Project title "Employment creation and Environment recuperation – Cooperation among different local agents" Coordination: Genova City, Italy Participants: Brussels Area – Belgium; Puerto Montt - Chile; Ribeirão Preto – Brazil; San Isidro – Argentina; Morón – Argentina; Rímac – Peru; COHAPAR – Brazil NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 64 This proposal is based on strait relationship between poverty and environment degradation, once these several popular illegal settlements are located in environment risk zones or in preserved areas. Besides a diagnosis, this proposal looks for solutions in public policies that privilege employment creation to improve degraded areas, recovering and valorization of environment. Contact: Genova Mariano Arana (Pref): Ruben Garcia (Coord.RI): Cristina Pacheco (RRII): Lucia Hornes (RRII): Ana Olivera Pessano (Descentralização): NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 65 Appendix 2: Partners Network 10 – Fight against urban poverty LATIN AMERICA Argentina Avellaneda Azul Buenos Aires Mendoza Palpala – Jujuy Pergamino Campana Rosario General San Martín San Salvador de Jujuy San Isidro Comodoro Rivadavia Tres de Febrero Camilo Aldao Florencio Varela Olavarria Moron Corrientes Juan José Costelli Resistencia Junin Barranqueras Fontana General Ocampo Arauco Salta Rio Tercero Tartagal La Rioja – Capital Bolivia La Paz San Xavier Sucre Cochabamba Entre Rios Brazil Belém Belo Horizonte Caxias do Sul Diadema Franca Goiania Guarulhos Juiz de Fora Maringá Piracicaba Porto Alegre Recife Ribeirão Preto Rio Claro Rio de Janeiro Lins Rincão Valinhos Jacareí Campo Grande Feira de Santana Mauá Rio Grande da Serra Ribeirão Pires Piraju Chapecó Maranguape Piraí Cachoeirinha Campos do Jordão NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY Salvador Santa Maria Santo André São Bernardo do Campo São Carlos Uberlândia Vitória da Conquista Aracaju Campinas Chile San Felipe San Joaquin Valparaíso El Bosque Rancagua Colombia Santiago de Cali Cartagena Departamento del Atlántico Medellín Bogotá D.E. - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 66 Alvorada Penápolis Jales Jaguarão Cáceres COHAPAR Nova Olinda Bom Jardim Viña Del Mar Puerto Montt Provincia de Última Esperanza Purranque Arica Neiva Valle del Cauca Tulua Manizales Costa Rica Aserri San José Cuba La Habana El Salvador San Salvador Zacatecoluca Ecuador Quito Loja Canton Mira Los Bancos San Gabriel Cantón Tulcán Cantón Celica Cantón Chunchi Jama Guatemala Quetzaltenango Usulutan Cojutepeque Limon Indanza Francisco de Orellana Paquisha Pastaza San Juan Bosco Tisaleo Pedro Vicente Maldonado Cantón Bolívar NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 67 Honduras Tegucigalpa - Distrito Central Mexico Guadalupe Estado de Chiapaz - Sec Des. Social Navolato Distrito Federal Querétaro Las Margaritas Jalisco Michoacan Puebla de Zaragoza Nicaragua Masaya Manágua Bluefields Panama Panamá Paraguay Assunção Fernando de La Mora Concepción Peru Ate Lima (Metropolitana) San Pedro de Mala Moro Provincia de Barranca San Pedro de Lurín San Luis Paita Rimac Rioja Mun. Provincial de Alto Amazona Comité Interdistr. Desarrollo del Valle de Cuzco Chorrillos Rio Negro Lamas Lince Barranco Independencia Pucyura Satipo Magdalena del Mar Puerto Bermudez Canchaque Maranõn Oyon La Molina Iparia Villa Maria del Triunfo Arequipa Nasca Vista Alegre La Union Letícia Arma Surco Uruguay Montevidéu Salto Rio Negro Tacuarembó Colonia Soriano NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY Venezuela Caracas – Libertador Baruta - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 68 Carirubana Los Taques External Partners LA Argentina ADESO - Asociación para el Desarrollo Social Unversidad Nacional de Del Nordeste Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Observatório Social Mercosur Social - Instituto Mercado Común del Sur para el Desarrollo Social Fundación de las Américas Universidad Católica de Salta CIET - Centro Interdisiplinario de Studios Territoriales Bolivia CEPAD - Centro para la Participación y el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible Fundación para la Participación Ciudadana y Alivio a la Pobreza PRAEDAC - Programa de Apoyo a la Estrategia de Desarrollo Alternativo en el Chapare Agencia Cantonal Shinahota Brazil Instituto Pensarte COHRE - Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions Agência de Desenvolvimento da Mesorregião Vale do Ribeira IBASE - Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas Instituto Acqua Care Internacional Brasil Instituto de Estudos Especiais PUC-SP Instituto de Políticas Públicas Florestan Fernandes Fundação Friedrich Ebert Instituto Polis Agência de Cooperação de Municípios Brasileiros Escola de Governo e Cidadania do Interior Paulista _ EGCIP Ass. José Martins de Araújo Jr. Instituto de Governo e Cidadania do ABC IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de SP Consórcio Intermunicipal de Saúde do Vale do Ribeira UNISOL Cooperativas FACEF - Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis de Franca ABCRED - Associação Brasileira dos Dirigentes de Entidades Gestoras e Operadoras de Microcrédito, Crédito Popular Solidário e Entidades Similares Crédito Popular Solidário Associação Reciclázaro Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais de Engenharia e Arquitetura Integrada NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 69 CADISC - Centro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento e Investimento Social Comunitário Movimento Nacional de Luta Pela Moradia Câmara Ítalo-Brasileira de Comércio e Indústria IBRADD - Sociedade Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Ltda. CEDEC - Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea Fundação Marilha Terra Nova ICA - Instituto Companhia da Água LabHab CEAO - Centro de Estudos Afro-Orientais da Universidade Federal da Bahia FINATEC - Fundação de Empreendimentos Científicos e Tecnológicos Chile Universidad Bolivariana Universidad de Valparaíso - Escuela de Trabajo Social Colombia Fundacion del Apoyo al Desarrollo Humano, Local y Regional COMFENALCO - Caja de Compensación Familiar Corporación Viva La Ciudadania Corporación para el Desarrollo Urbano – Convergencia Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CID - Centro de Investigaciones para el Desarollo de la Faculdad de Ciencias Económicas Universidad Nacional de Colombia Fundación LUKER Ecuador Programa de Voluntários das Naciones Unidas Asociación de Artesanos CIGU - Centro Internacional de Gestión Urbana - UN-Habitat ASEDAL - Asociación de Trabajadoras Domesticas Aura de la Liberdad FOGNEP - Federación de Organizaciones y Grupos Negros de Pichincha Honduras Postgrado Latinoamericano en Trabajo Social: Taller Urbano Mexico Centro de Informação e Difusão da União Européia em Jalisco ADELZAC - Asociación De Desarrollo Económico local De Zacatecas, AC. Peru Cactus - Consultoria de sistemas COPPA - Consejo Peruano para la Autogestión Centro Guaman Poma de Ayala Escuela Mayor de Gestion Municipal ASODESO - As. Acción Social y Desarrollo Sostenible IPES - Promoción del Desarrollo Sostenible Instituto Peruano de Criminalistica y Pericia NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 70 Perspectivas APEF - Ayuda para la Educación del Futuro Uruguay El Abrojo - Instituto de Educación Popular ICAE - International Council For Adult Education REPREM - Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres de América Latina y Caribe Venezuela Fundación Centro Nacional de Artes Circenses EUROPEAN UNION Germany Bonn Belgium Bruxelas Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles Saint-Gilles Spain Avilés Badalona Barcelona Granada Irun Leganés Madri Málaga Santa Cruz de Tenerife Gijón Valladolid Viladecans Consell Comarcal de L'Alt Empordá Lloret del Mar Alcalá La Real Cantabria Rubi Antequera Lucena Algeciras Córdoba Castillo de Locubín Provincia de Málaga Huelva Cádiz - Instituto de Fomento, Empleo San Sebastian Organisme Autònom Flor de Maig Sant Boi de Llobregat Ajuntament de (L´) Escala Finland Vaasa France Région Provence Alpes Côte d´Azur Lyon Nanterre Paris Saint Denis Montreuil Nantes NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 71 Greece Atenas Dodecanese England Sheffield City Council Italy Gênova Provincia di Milano Comune di Perúgia Verona Provincia de Turim Região Umbria Região Toscana Roma Veneza Provincia de Prato Comune di Ariccia Comune Cosenza Comune di Milano Comune di Montecatini Terme Comune di Firenze Comune di Montemurlo Portugal Lisboa Vila Nova de Poiares Vila Real de Santo Antonio Vila Franca de Xira Região Marche Aversa Triestina Comune di Rimini Padova Campânia Rovigo Pigna Gênova Mendatica Latina Arezzo Segrate Treviso Catania Bari Borba Arraiolos Abrantes External Partners EU Germany GEN-EUROPE - Global Ecovillage Network of Europe Belgium European New Towns Platform Spain Espiral Entidad de Servéi Fons Catalá de Cooperación al Desenvolupament Observatori Internacional de la Democracia Participativa Ayudemos a un Niño FAMSI - Fondo Andaluz de Municipios p/ la Solidaridad Internacional ICODE - Asoc. Instituto de Cooperación y Desarrollo Iberoamericano Fundación CILAE - Centro de Investigación Latinoamérica-Europa NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 72 FESALC - Federación de Societats Laborales de Catalunya France FIDDEM - Forum International Dévelopment Démocratie FMCU - Fédération Mondiale de Cités Unis Netherlands HIS - Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies Universidade de Utrecht - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais England Sheffield Italy ARCI Cultura e Sviluppo AVSI - Ass. Voluntário para o Serviço Internacional ISCOS - Instituto Sindical pela Cooperação ao Desenvolvimento Instituto Triestino Per Interventi Sociali Associazione Comunita para Giovanni XXIII Ordine Degli Architetts, Planificatori, Paesaggisti e Conser. Di Roma e Província CONFORM - Consorzio Formazione Manageriale Universitá Degli Studi di Genova Abruzzo Sviluppo INFAOP - Ist.Nazionale Formaz.Addestram.Orientamento Professionale Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane UCODEP - Unitá e Cooperazione per lo Svilluppo del Popoli Enaip Sardegna (Ente ACLI istruzione professionale) Ai.Bi. Associazione Amici dei Bambini Portugal ADIP - Instituição Solidariedade Social Rede Européia Anti-Pobreza INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Programa de Gestão Urbana da ONU para Am. Latina e Caribe - PGU-ONU-AL/C UNESCO – ONU Prorama STEP/PORTUGAL - OIT-ONU NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 73 Appendix 3: Net URB-AL 10 – Fight against urban poverty YEAR 3 – OCTOBER, 2004 THRU OCTOBER, 2005 THE COORDINATION CELL IS STILL IN THE SAME ADDRESS BY THE BUILDING CHANGED ITS NAME TO EDIFICIO MATARAZZO. Viaduto do Chá, 15 – 7º andar Edifício Matarazzo CEP: 01002-020 - São Paulo – SP – Brasil Tel: 55 11 3113-8551 ou 3113-8554 Fax: 55 11 3113-8548 Since january 2005, the permanent staff is composed by: General Coordination of Net 10: Helena Maria Gasparian Executive Coordination: Pedro Aguerre Projects Manager: Maria Fernanda Freire de Lima Information Manager: Ana Carolina Evangelista Sara Garcia Martins Mayra Pascuet (until July, 2005) Yann Le Moullec (Training from August thru December, 2005) Communication Advisor: Fredimir Vasconcelos (Until March, 2005) Camila Campanerut (Until March, 2005) Roberta Barbosa de Araújo (since April, 2005) Secretariat: Gláucia Regina Altieri Administration and management: Gilson Araújo Izide C. B. Benedito (Since May,2005) Contador: Douglas Stasionisas NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 74 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MUNICIPAL BUREAU International Relations Municipal Secretariat: Helena Maria Gasparian Adjunct Secretariat: Christian Lohbauer Gabinet´s Chief: Helton Zucconi YEAR 2 – OCTOBER, 2003 THRU OCTOBER, 2004 The permanent staff is composed by: General Coordination of Net 10: kjeld Jakobsen Executive Coordination: Pedro Aguerre (since May, 2004) Administration and management: Gilson Araújo Projects Manager: Maria Fernanda Freire de Lima Information Manager: Ana Carolina Evangelista Mayra Pascuet (Since April, 2003) Sara Garcia Martins (since September, 2004) Secretariat: Gláucia Regina Altieri Communication Advisor: Fredimir Vasconcelos Camila Campanerut Support Staff: Regina Queiroz Adriana Guimarães NET 10 - FIGHT AGAINST URBAN POVERTY - FINAL DOCUMENT PARTNERS NETWORK 10 - 75 YEAR 1 – OCTOBER, 2002 THRU OCTOBER, 2003 General Coordination of Net 10: Jorge Matoso Executive Coordination: Sinoel Batista Administration and management: Gilson Araújo Projects Manager: Maria Fernanda Freire de Lima Information Manager: Ana Carolina Evangelista Rose Mary Gottardo Mayra Pascuet (Since April, 2003) Secretariat: Gláucia Regina Altieri Communication Advisor: Fredimir Vasconcelos (since May, 2003) Support Staff: Regina Queiroz Adriana Guimarães