Ancient China Study Guide 2015

Ancient China Study Guide
Test Date: January 16th, 2015
Chinese History Timeline
1,766 B.C.
Shang Dynasty (writing/calendar/silk/bronze objects)
1,600 B.C.
Oracle Bones (1st ex. of writing)
1,122 B.C.
Zhou Dynasty
500 B.C.
Confucius (philosopher)
221 B.C.
Qin Dynasty (1st Chinese Empire)
214 B.C.
Construction of the Great Wall
202 B.C.
Han Dynasty (Silk Road)
581 A.D.
Sui dynasty (Grand Canal built)
618 A.D.
Tang Dynasty (literature / arts)
960 A.D.
Sung Dynasty (unified country)
1279 A.D.
China controlled by the Mongols
1368-1644 A.D.
Ming dynasty (drove Mongols out)
Mandate of Heaven
Dynastic Cycle
Filial Piety
Environmental Challenges
Yellow R. unpredictable flooding
Invasion from the N & W
Geographically isolated
What are the 3 ways people should treat each other?
What are the 5 relationships according to Confucius?
The most important social unit according to Confucius?
How did Confucius believe that people could be molded & improved?
1st Emperor of China
Shi Huangdi accomplishments during his rule of a united China
Shi Huandi defeated which other state to finally unite China
Shi Huangdi's impact on Chinese society: the positive and negative
Great Wall of China
Reason it was built & location in China
Terracotta Warriors
Purpose for them / total amount found
Han Dynasty
How did the 1st emperor of the Han Dynasty restore the peace & stability back to China?
What were some inventions that developed during the Han Dynasty that improved their society?
Be able to identify reasons for the downfall of the Han Dynasty.
Sui Dynasty
What was the greatest accomplishment made by the Sui Dynasty and in what ways did it improve their society?
Tang Dynasty
How did the Tang rulers further strengthen the central government under their rule?
What caused the downfall of the Tang dynasty?
Song Dynasty
What technological advances were made during the Song Dynasty?
Ming Dynasty
Why were substantial additions made to the Great Wall during the Ming Dynasty?
What was the negative impact that isolationism had on China?