
Food and Nutrition
Safety Quiz
Multiple Choice. Read the following questions and chose the best answer.
______1. Heavy Pots and Pans should be stored…..
a. in the oven when it is not in use c. out of the reach toddlers
b. on low shelves
d. in the cabinets above the range
______2. When uncovering a pan, to avoid burns from escaping steam, you should….
a. lift the cover straight up.
b. lift up near the edge of the cover first
c. lift up the far edge of the cover first
d. tip the pan to one side, then remove the lid
______3. When a fire starts in a pan on top of the range, you should first turn off the
heat, and put out the burning fire by using any of the following methods EXCEPT?
a. pour salt on the flames
c. pour baking powder on the flames
b. pour baking soda on the flames d. put a cover on the flames
______4. The collective name for tiny living creatures visible only through a microscope
a. Bacteria
c. Staphylococcus
b. Microorganisms
d. Viruses
______5. The “Danger Zone” often refers to temperatures of ________ at which bacteria
multiply very rapidly.
a. 140F -165F
b. 40F-140F
c. 60F-140F
d. 70F-145F
______6. Food may be safely thawed by using all of the methods EXCEPT:
a. thawing in the refrigerator
b. thawing in the sink with cold running water
c. thawing in the microwave
d. thawing on the counter
_______7. Which of the following would you shop for first?
a. ice cream
c. bread
b. butter
d. milk
_______8. When getting ready to handle food how long should you wash your hands?
a. 30 seconds
c. 20 seconds
b. 1 minute
d. it doesn’t matter as long as the water is hot
_______9. How do you make sure food is fully cooked and safe to eat?
a. when the juices run clear
b. when the color of the food changes to golden brown
c. Use a thermometer to check the proper internal temperature
Answer the following statements true or False. T/F
_______10. Marinades used for raw meats should be reused in a sauce to add flavor.
_______11. Bacteria that caused food borne illness can have no taste or odor.
_______12. Using sharp knives will increase the likelihood that you will injure yourself
while chopping vegetables.
_______13. Foods left out over two hours should be promptly refrigerated so they can be
used as leftovers for tomorrow.
_______14. Ground beef should be cooked to a higher internal temperature that a steak.
_______15. Chemical Hazards that can contaminate food are bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
_______16. Botulism can occur when meat has been contaminated by feces.
_______17. Cross-contamination is when food comes into contact with anything that
contains a harmful substance.
_______18. Use a knife to open cans when there are no can openers available.
_______19. Reheat cooked food to 165 F to be safe.
_______20. The acronym FIFO stands for first out first in.