ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Clearwater Campus Welcome to St. Petersburg College: Fall 2015 EET 1015C – DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS with LAB - SYLLABUS - Section 2054 Tu 6:00 P.M. – 9:40 P.M. CR191 & CC101(Lab) INSTRUCTOR OFFICE CONTACT INFO Edwin R. Homan, CR178 Tel.:727-791-2542; email: Website: PROGRAM DIRECTOR LOCATION CONTACT INFO Lara Sharp Clearwater Campus, CL-104 727-341-4378/ DEAN OF NATURAL SCIENCE LOCATION CONTACT INFO Dr. John Chapin Seminole Campus, LI -280 727-394-6995/ TEXT LAB MANUAL Introductory Circuit Analysis. Twelfth Edition, Robert L. Boylestad, Prentice Hall ISBN: 978-0-13-714666-6 Lab Manual to Accompany Introductory Circuit Analysis Twelfth Edition, Robert L. Boylestad/Gabriel Kousourou, Prentice Hall ISBN: 978-0-13-506014-8 Library: COURSE DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: MAT 1033, or appropriate score on the SPC Placement test, or permission of the program director. This course will cover the direct current (DC) characteristics of electric and magnetic circuits, using Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws, with the use of related theorems, including Thevenin, Norton, superposition, nodal and mesh equations, for solving DC circuits. The laboratory exercises cover the measurement and analysis of direct current (DC) circuits, including the verification of the related network theorems. 62 contact hours IMPORTANT DATES Course Dates: Aug 17 – Dec 10, 2015 Drop/Add and Audit Deadline: Friday, Aug 21, 2015 Withdrawal Deadline: Wednesday, Oct 22, 2015 Financial Aid Deadlines: COURSE REQUIREMENTS TESTING There will be four (4) tests. The lowest grade on any of the four tests will be dropped and the lowest lab score. There will also be a Final Cumulative Exam which can’t be dropped. All tests are timed. As more tests are taken, labs handed in, and scores entered into MyCourses, the system will in real time determine your overall grade average. At the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest test & lab score. Make-up tests will be given in only extreme circumstances (i.e. family emergencies, injury, etc.). If an exam is missed without prior consultation the score for that exam is a “0.” (Exceptions being the reasons listed above) ATTENDANCE AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum The policy notes that each instructor is to exercise professional judgment and define “active participation” in class (and therefore “attendance”), and publish that definition in each syllabus. For this class, attendance is defined as arriving to class on time and participating in classroom activities (lectures, exams, labs, etc.) 60% of the class time, by 60% semester reporting attendance date. If a student fails to participate as defined above, they will be automatically dropped from the class and receive a WF for the grade. HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned for each section but it’s not graded or collected. Homework questions will be reviewed the first 15 minutes of class. GRADING POLICY The average of the 3 highest tests will count for 46% of the grade and the Final Exam will count for 18% of the grade. The labs will count for 36% of the grade. 90% – 100% = A 80% – 89% = B 70% – 79% = C 60% – 69% = D Below 60% = F LABORATORY GRADING Laboratory reports are due one week from assigned date Laboratory reports will be downgraded one letter grade for each week late. BASIC SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR: Needed. Ex. Sharp, Casio, TI-30, etc. (under $20) SCANTRON FORM NO. 882-E is used for the quizzes and tests. Please purchase at least six (6) of these forms LIBRARY HOURS: Monday-Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. BOOKSTORE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 7:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ACADEMIC TESTING CENTER HOURS: Located in the Administration Building, room AD-118, Tel. 791-2491 Monday & Thursday: Tuesday & Wednesday: Friday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. − 11:00 am STUDENT’S EXPECTATIONS AND INSTRUCTOR’S EXPECTATIONS College-wide student expectations are located in the Syllabus Addendum: STUDENT SURVEY OF INSTRUCTION (SSI) The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement. The survey will be available on MyCourses under the Lessons tab. It will be active towards the end of the semester. HURRICANE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS In the event that a hurricane or other natural disaster causes significant damage to St. Petersburg College facilities, you may be provided the opportunity to complete your course work online. Following the event, please visit the college web site for an announcement of the College’s plan to resume operations. SYLLABUS This Syllabus is currently available in MyCourses for your convenience. Log in to MyCourses to confirm that you have access, reporting any difficulty to the SPC Student Technical Call Center at 727 341-4357 or via email at Unit Date Topic (Lecture Period) CR191 Labs, Homework, and other Coverage Chp (Will advise on any changes as needed) Standards* Hwk1: Problems (p28): 11, 18bde,19abe, 1 2 3 8/18/2015 8/25/2015 9/1/2015 Introduction ; Math Review 1 Voltage and Current 2 Series Resistance (CC101 Lab) 3 Resistance 3 Resistors and the Color Code (CC101 Lab) 3 21ef, 23cf, 31ab, 33bce, 48, 49, 50 Exp 1 Math Review (p1): Exercises: 4,5,8a,10b,11-13,15,16,18-20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 38, 43, 48, 50, 54, 57, 60, 61 ,64 Hwk2: Problems (p60): 2abd, 9,18, 24, 28, 35, 38, 40 Exp 4 Series Resistance (p45): Parts: 1, 2, 4-7 Hwk3: Problems (p96): 2abd, 9, 18, 19, 28, 40, 50 Exp 2 – Resistors and the Color Code (p21): Parts: 1-4 09.0, 13.02 13.03, 13.04 13.07,13.08, 13.12,13.16 13.04,13.06, 13.09 13.07, 13.16 Exam 1 ( Chp 1-3) 4 5 6 7 8 9/8/2015 9/15/2015 Ohm’s Law, Power and Energy 4 Series DC Circuits (Pt.1) 4 Ohm’s Law (CC101 Lab) 5.1-5.8 Series DC Circuits (Pt.2); Parallel DC Circuits (Pt.1) 5.1-5.8 Series DC Circuits (CC101 Lab) 5.95.13; 6.1-6.3 9/22/2015 9/29/2015 Parallel Resistance (CC101 Lab) 6.1-6.3 Parallel DC Circuits (Pt.2) 6.46.13 Exp 3 Ohm’s Law (p31): Parts: 1-4 Hwk5: Problems (p176): 1ac, 2ac, 3b, 4, 9,13, 20b, 21, 26 Exp 5 – Series DC Circuits (p59): Parts: 1-3 Hwk6: Problems (p176): 27b, 31, 37, 43; Problems (p233): 2, 6, 10, 16 Exp 6 – Parallel Resistance (p69): Parts: 16 Hwk7: Problems (p233): 19, 24, 28a, 30, 37, 40, 41 10/6/2015 10/13/2015 10/27/2015 6.46.13 Series-Parallel DC Circuits 7 Rheostats & Potentiometers (CC101 Lab) 7 10/20/2015 ----- 10 53 13.05 13.01, 13.10 13.07,13.08, 13.10, 13.12, 13.16 13.01, 13.06, 13.09,13.13 13.07,13.08, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12,13.16 Exam 2 (Chp 4,5,6.1-6.3) Parallel DC Circuits (CC101 Lab) 9 Hwk4: Problems (p131): 4, 22, 23, 27, 37, 51, 13.07,13.08, 13.13,13.14, 13.15, 13.16 13.05,13.13 3 13.07,13.08, 13.13,13.14, 13.15,13.16 Hwk8: Problems (p275): 2, 10, 23, 26, 30 13.10,13.11 Exp 8 – Series-Parallel DC Circuits (p93): 13.07,13.08, 13.13,13.16 Exp 7 – Parallel DC Circuits (p81): Parts: 1- Parts: 1, 3, 4 No Class – College Day – No Class ------ 10/20/2015 Exam 3 (Chp 6.4-6.13,7) Methods of Analysis & Selected Topics (DC) Pt.1 8.1-8.8 Hwk9: Problems (p333): 2, 4, 7b, 8a, 10, 11, 16 * Florida Department of Education Student Performance Standards -Program Title: Engineering Technology – Specialization Tract: Electronics; Standard Occupational Definition (SOC) Code: 17-3023 13.18 Unit 11 12 13 14 Date Topic (Lecture Period) CR191 11/3/2015 Methods of Analysis (Pt. 2) Methods of Analysis (Pt. 1) (CC101 Lab) 11/10/2015 11/17/2015 11/24/2015 Chp 8.18.8 8.98.13 Labs, Homework, and other Coverage (Will advise on any changes as needed) Exp 14– Methods of Analysis Pt. 1 (p107): 16 12/1/2015 12/8/2015 13.18 Parts: 1-2 Hwk10: Problems (p333): 20, 32, 40, 42 Network Theorems 8.98.13 Exp 14 – Methods of Analysis Pt. 2 (p107): Methods of Analysis (Pt. 2) (CC101 Lab) 9 Hwk11: Problems (p386): 4, 12 , 24, 30, 38 13.08, 13.16, 13.17,13.18 13.18 Parts: 3-4 13.07,13.08, 13.16, 13.18 Exam 4 ( Chp 8-9) Superposition Theorem (DC) (CC101 Lab) 9 Capacitors & Inductors 1011 Hwk12: Problems (p453): 1, 6, 7, 10, 22; Capacitors (CC101 Lab) 10 Exp 15 – Capacitors (p179): Parts: 1, 2 ,4 Exp 11 – Superposition Theorem DC (p107): Parts: 1-2 13.07,13.08, 13.16, 13.18 13.17 Problems (p501): 2, 9, 11 11/25 --------- Thanksgiving Holiday (College Closed) 15 Standards* 13.05, 13.07, 13.08,13.16 ------- 11/29 Magnetic Circuits 12 Hwk13: Problems (p533): 2, 3, 6, 9 Thevenin’s Theorem & Maximum Power Transfer (CC101 Lab) 9 Exp 12 – Thevenin’s Theorem & Maximum Power Transfer (p1141): Parts: 1, 2 13.05 13.05, 13.07, 13.08,13.16 FINAL EXAM (Chp 1-12) * Florida Department of Education Student Performance Standards -Program Title: Engineering Technology – Specialization Tract: Electronics; Standard Occupational Definition (SOC) Code: 17-3023 EET 1015C DC Circuit Analysis Experiment Platform Example 1. Solderless Breadboard At right is a typical breadboard. There are several rows of holes for components. The holes on the breadboard are separated by 0.1-inch spaces, and are organized in many short rows in the center, and in two long columns down each side of the board. The short horizontal rows in the middle are separated by a center divider. On each side of the board are two long columns of holes, with a blue or a red line next to each column. The column of vertical holes next to the red line lines are connected together with a strip of metal in the back. The same is true for the column of vertical holes next to the blue lines. In the center are several short rows of holes separated by a central divider. All of the five holes in each row in the center are connected with a metal strip as well. For Ex holes: a, b, c, d, & e in row 1 are all connected together. Holes f, g, h, I & j in row 1 are also connected together but they are isolated from the a-b-c-d-e connection. This allows you to use the holes in any given row to connect components together. To see which holes are connected to which, take a multimeter and a couple of wires, set the multimeter to measure continuity, stick the two wires in two holes, and measure them with the multimeter. If the meter indicates continuity, then the two holes in question are connected. Isolating Center Divider 2. Back of Solderless Breadboard On each side of the board are two long rows of holes, with a blue or a red line next to each row. All the holes in each of these lines are connected together with a strip of metal in the back. In the center are several short rows of holes separated by a central divider. All of the five holes in each row in the center are connected with a metal strip as well. This allows you to use the holes in any given row to connect components together. EET 1015C DC Circuit Analysis Experiment Platform Example 3. Solderless 2-Panel Breadboard with Binding Posts There are 3 binding posts for convenient attachment of power sources, or input or output signals. Premium quality, this breadboard has a non-warping base, aluminum ground plates for high speed and low noise, and features a color coding Letter/Number labeling scheme to assist in circuit layout and debugging. EET 1015 - Section 2054 – DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS with Lab SYLLABUS - Fall 2015 Tu 6:00 P.M. – 9:40 P.M. CR191 & CC101 I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus Addendum. Student Signature: Date: