Request Forms - CMPE Wiki Start

Computer Engineering Department
Graduate Student Request Forms
Category 1 – International Students
1.1 CPT
1.2 OPT
1.3 Reduce course load
1.4 Letter for change of status to F1
Category 2 – Program Admission
2.1 Transfer from other program
2.2 Reinstatement after disqualification
Category 3 – Curriculum
3.1 Establish and update Program of Study
3.2 Take non-CMPE department or program course
3.3 Transfer non-SJSU or Open University course
3.4 Waive a core course
Category 4 – Project and Writing Requirements
4.1 Waive technical writing requirement
4.2 Take CMPE 298 to extend CMPE 295 and 295B
Category 5 – Enrollment
5.1 Remove advising hold
5.2 Overlapping course registration
5.3 Late Enrollment
Category 7 – Graduation
7.1 File Candidacy form
7.2 Course substitution
7.3 Apply for graduation
Category 8 – Leave
8.1 Leave of absence
8.2 Withdraw from the university
Category 9 – Do not Process
9.1 Request to change classification
9.2 Request to enroll in a class without prerequisites
9.3 Update program of study
9.4 Late drop
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1.1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) (Students on an F1 or J1 visa)
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A completed IPSS CPT form*
 The offer letter
 A completed CMPE 298I Form
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 2 copies of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
* For question #2, fill in
The MS degree program in computer/software engineering prepares the student for a
career as a computer/software systems engineer within the framework of an IT
development or support organization. Acquiring industrial experience and an exposure to
a professional engineering work environment speaks directly to the objectives of the
degree, and reinforces the learning objectives of other classes in the degree program.
* For question #3, fill in
Work experience is an intrinsic and absolute requirement for a passing grade in CMPE
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Department Chair
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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1.2 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (Students on an F1 or J1 visa)
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A completed OPT form
 A copy of the unofficial student record
 A completed Computer Engineering department OPT memo
 Two copies of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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1.3 Reduce course load (Students on an F1 or J1 visa)
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 Completed IPSS Request to Reduce Course Load form
 Completed Computer Engineering department Reduced Course Load memo
 A copy of the unofficial student transcript from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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1.4 Letter for change of status to F1
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of Program of Study
 A completed Computer Engineering Department Academic Standing memo
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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2.1 Transfer from other program
(1) Student submits a Change of Major Application form to SJSU Graduate Studies
Office (not department office)
(2) Student checks with SJSU Graduate Studies Office about the status
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2.2 Reinstatement after disqualification
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A completed Petition for Reinstatement package
 All supporting documents
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
 Ask the student to make an appointment with Program Director
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Department Chair
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(5) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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3.1 Establish and update Program of Study
Department office doe not process this request
For a MS in CMPE student, a Program of Study must be established during the
orientation session. It will be updated only for exceptional situations.
For a MS in SE student, a Program of Study will be established only for exceptional
Exceptional situations are
 Take non-CMPE courses (see non-CMPE section)
 Transfer non-SJSU courses (see non-SJSU section)
 Apply for CPT (see CPT section)
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3.2 Take non-CMPE department or program course
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
Note: A MS in CMPE student can take at most two non-CMPE Program courses.
Courses pre-approved for CMPE Program are posted at
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 Two copies of Program of Study with proposed courses to be taken
 A copy of the non-CMPE course description
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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3.3 Transfer non-SJSU and Open University course
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of Program of Study
 A copy of the non-SJSU course description
 A copy of the transcript for the non-SJSU course
 A SJSU Request for Validation of Transfer Credit
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
 Ask the student to make an appointment with Program Director
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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3.4 Waive a core course
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the transcript containing the equivalent course
 A copy of the course description
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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4.1 Take CMPE 298 to extend CMPE 295 and 295B
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A complete CMPE 298 form with project advisor’s signature
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
 Ask the student to make an appointment with Program Director
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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4.2 Waive technical writing requirement
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A letter to describe the request
 All supporting documents
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
 Ask the student to make an appointment with Program Director
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the package
Time Stamp: _____________________________
 Delivers package to AVP Graduate Studies and Research
(5) AVP Graduate Studies and Research
 Notifies student about the decision
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5.1 Remove advising hold
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Department Office
 Removes “hold”
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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5.2 Overlapping course registration
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the unofficial student transcript from
 A copy of Program of Study
 Completed Computer Engineering department Course Registration memo
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Department Office
 Removes “hold”
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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5.3 Late Enrollment
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A completed Late Enrollment form with instructor’s signature
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the form
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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7.1 File Candidacy form
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
Currently enrolling in:  CMPE 295  CMPE 295A
 CMPE 295B  CMPE 299
(1) Student submits
 An original and completed Candidacy form with filled prerequisite section
(Exact 30 units; enter Prerequisites; enter 295, 295B, or 299 in section B)
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of Program of Study*
 A copy of Request for Validation of Transfer Credit form†
 A documented proof of waiving core courses†
 A documented proof of waiving prerequisite course†
 A documented proof of waiving technical writing requirement†
 A documented proof of approval of taking non-CMPE department course†
 A documented proof of approval of taking non-CMPE program course*†
* for MSCMPE students only
† if applicable
(2) Department Office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Department
 For approved form
 File a copy of approved form and student document in pick-up drawer
 Forward the original form to SJSU Graduate Studies Office, or
 File disapprove form and student document in pick-up drawer
(5) Student
 Picks up the form
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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7.2 Course substitution
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
A course substitution form is necessary only after an approved Candidacy form has been
submitted to SJSU Graduate Studies office.
(1) Student submits
 A copy of the approved Candidacy form
 An original Request for Course Substitution form
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the form
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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7.3 Apply for graduation
(1) Student submits following forms to SJSU Graduate Studies Office (not department
Request for Award of Masters Degree
Course Substitution form if necessary
(2) Student contacts SJSU Graduate Studies Office for the status
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8.1 Leave of absence
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A completed Leave of Absence form
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of SJSU admission letter
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the form
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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8.2 Withdraw from the university
Last name: __________________ First name: _______________ SID: ______________
Email: __________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Program:  MSCMPE MSSE
(1) Student submits
 A completed Request to Withdraw from the University form
 A copy of the unofficial student record from
 A copy of Program of Study
(2) Department office
Tracking Number: ____________ Time Stamp: _____________________________
(3) Program Director
Decision: ____________________________________ Initial: _______ Date: ______
(4) Student
 Picks up the form
Time Stamp: _____________________________
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9.1 Change classification status
 Department office does not process such requests
 Upon the approval of a candidacy form, a student’s status will be automatically
changed to “Classified”.
9,2 Enroll in a class without prerequisites
 Department office does not process such requests
 This is the decision of individual instructor.
9.3 Update program of study
 Department office does not process such requests
 Refer to requests from other categories
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