hamilton girls softball association

P.O. BOX 3430
609-587-8011 (FIELD HOUSE)
HGSA - Home of the 2009 12U Babe Ruth World Series Quarterfinalist
2008 12U Babe Ruth World Series Champions!
Dear Sponsor,
We look forward to your continued support of the 2010 Hamilton Girls Softball Association. With your help each year, we are able to service our
community by allowing young girls the unique opportunity to participate in one of the area’s fastest growing sports.
Our organization’s focus is on instruction and training for every girl. From the beginner to advanced player, clinics for hitting, pitching, fielding and
catching are offered - each being taught by professional instructors. Managers and coaches are also trained in the same manner. These clinics can be
attended year round in our indoor training facility. With the help and cooperation of all our volunteers, the girls have grown and developed into some
of our finest athletes, along with understanding the importance of focus and teamwork.
As you can see from above, the 2009 Hamilton Girls Softball Association playing season resulted in a very productive finish once again this year.
Our 12-year-old all-star team competed against some of the best competition in the country and finished as quarterfinalist. Our other Hurricanes allstar teams competed in many tournaments during the 2009 season, ranging in age from 8-years through the 18 years old. We are proud to be the
home of district, state, and regional champions in various tournaments and in all age groups. Our program remains one of the finest in the area!
This is not all we do. HGSA creates opportunities for our players to reach out to our local community. We recently hosted the Playing for Pink
tournament to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Princeton YMCA Breast Cancer Resource Center. It was a huge success, involving
all of HGSA and over 60 teams from 3 states. This event raised over $40,000 to benefit cancer research! We have also developed a mentoring
program that encourages senior players to support and coach their younger peers. These programs are just a part of what keeps HGSA a step ahead of
other organizations involved with the development of our children and their interaction with the community. Much of this would not be possible if it
weren’t for you, our sponsors.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our new and returning sponsors for their support. All of this could not be possible without you. It would
be appreciated if you could remit payment, payable to HGSA, PO BOX 3430, MERCERVILLE, NJ 08619, attention Kathie Soss Prihoda. Payment
is required on or before December 30, 2009. If you sponsored a team in 2009 and can not or do not wish to sponsor again in 2010 or you have
additional questions, please call 890-2196 or email kprihoda@optonline.net.com as soon as possible.
There is also an option of purchasing a field sign to be posted along the fence at one of our two fields. What a great way to advertise your business to
the families of over 400 registered players!! If you wish to purchase a sign, please check the appropriate box below. Please ensure that your business
card is enclosed with this form so that the sign can be created. If you cannot sponsor a team but wish to assist us financially in any way, your
donation would be greatly appreciated.
Once again, thank you for your cooperation.
Kathie Soss Prihoda
Chairperson, Sponsor Committee
Hamilton Girls Softball Association
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sponsor name
I wish to sponsor a team. Enclosed is my check for $250.00.
I wish to renew my field sign. Enclosed is my check for $95.00.
I wish to purchase a new field sign. Enclosed is my check for $175.00. (Includes setup fees and artwork. Additional fees may be charged
for more detail.)
I wish to purchase/renew a scoreboard sign. Enclosed is my check for $400.00. (Covers a two- (2) year period).
Please accept my donation to HGSA.
* New field signs will be in banner form with a white background and 2 color
Amount enclosed___________________________________
If you have a preference in which division you sponsor, please circle below:
T—Ball (5 to 7)
Instructional (8 to 9)
Minor (10 to 12)
Major (13 to 16)