National Student Nurses' Association 2012 House of Delegates

National Student Nurses’ Association
2012 House of Delegates
Proposed Resolutions Abstracts
The 2012 House of Delegates will have an opportunity to debate the following topics during
Resolutions Hearings and in the House of Delegates where they will have the chance to amend and
vote to adopt these important policies. Once the Resolutions Committee has met with all of the
authors at the Convention, the full text of each resolution will be available to delegates and posted on
the NSNA Convention mini website. Watch your Friday broadcast email for link prior to convention.
In Support of Behavioral Pain Scale Use with Ventilated Patients During Invasive and Noninvasive
Procedures in the Intensive Care Unit
Oregon Student Nurses Association
The purpose of this resolution is to inform Nursing students, faculty, healthcare institutions and
organizations about the use of the Behavioral Pain Scale. For ventilated patients, use of the Behavioral
Pail Scale is supported by evidence-based articles in accurately assessing pain experienced during
invasive and noninvasive procedures in the Intensive Care Unit. Pain management is paramount to this
vulnerable population who cannot verbalize wishes using the normal pain scale of 1-10. Currently, there
is no standardized pain scale tool available for this population. By addressing this topic, patient
satisfaction, quality, and the cost of healthcare will be influenced positively.
In Support of Implementation of Standardized Guidelines for ICD Deactivation Management with
Regards to End-of Life Issues
Mineral Area College Student Nurses Association, MO
This resolution supports the implementation of standardized guidelines for implantable cardioverterdefibrillator (ICD) deactivation management for end-of-life issues. The use of ICDs to prevent sudden
cardiac death has increased due to the expanded Medicare and Medicaid coverage and the increasing
geriatric population. Clients with ICDs have periodic follow-up to ensure safety and optimal device
performance. Before, during, and after device implantation, ongoing education regarding end-of-life
issues and device deactivation should occur.
In Support of Advocating the Use of the Concussion Signs and Symptons Checklist from the Concussion
in High School Sports Tool Kit from the CDC by all High School Nurses to Distribute to Students,
Parents and Athletic Directors
Nursing Student Association of South Dakota
This resolution aims at raising awareness of the immediate and long-lasting effects of traumatic brain
injuries in high school aged children, therefore reducing the potential of misdiagnosis and treatment
plan that can incur.
In Support of Increased Job Incentives to Address Nursing Faculty Shortages
University of Pennsylvania, PA
This resolution promotes the return of qualified nursing faculty by increasing salaries and funding for
higher nursing education. It calls for NSNA to encourage its constituents to recognize and promote
incentives to attract qualified, experienced nursing faculty. NSNA programming and publications will be
used to encourage nursing students to consider the nurse eductor role when planning their nursing
In Support of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 10
Ohio Nursing Student Association
As the amount of technology and patient acuity increases, the education of Registered Nurses needs to
increase as well. Research shows that hospitals with greater proportions of baccalaureate prepared
nurses experience lower mortality. Through the Affordable Care Act, federal funding has been allocated
to support Associate and Diploma prepared nurses to obtain their BSN within ten years of initial
licensure. This resolution requests that the National Student Nurses Association support the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing (BSN) in Ten Initiative.
In Support of Increased Awareness Toward the Negative Health Effects of Hookahs
Florida Nursing Student Association
Hookah use is becoming more popular, and it carries with it the misconception that it is a healthy
alternative to cigarette smoking. However, research has shown that it is actually more harmful. This
resolution will raise awareness by the general public about the negative health effects associated with
hookah use. This can be accomplished through increasing knowledge about it in nursing school
educational programs and having student nurses and new graduates use that knowledge to educate
their patients and community members.
In Support of Implementing Practices Suggested in the Joint Commission Report, "Advocating Effective
Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient-and Family-Centered Care for the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community: A Field Guide"
The University of Illinois-Chicago
The purpose of this resolution is to build upon a resolution written by the Johns Hopkins University in
BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER (LGBT) INDIVIDUALS. This population is still imperiled by health inequalities
and discrimination, and this has been recognized by a myriad of organizations including the Institute of
Medicine and the Joint Commission. This resolution will combat the previously mentioned health
inequalities and discrimination through implementing strategies proposed by the Joint Commission in
In Support of Increasing Awareness for Standardized Patient Care Handoff
Midlands Technical College, SC
Effective communication during patient care hand-overs from ambulance to Emergency Department
personnel is critical to patient safety. This resolution aims to raise awareness among EMS personnel,
emergency department nursing staff, and those to training to serve in these areas.
Increased Awareness of Prevention and Management of Concussions in Student Athletes
Johns Hopkins University, MD
This resolution will improve prevention and management of concussions in student athletes by raising
awareness and supporting legislation, thereby reducing the incidence, severity, and long-term negative
consequences of TBIs among youth.
In Support of Increasing the Awareness for the Need to Improve the Care for Young Adults with
Diabetes Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care Systems
The University of Illinois, Urbana
The current healthcare system fails to support the transition from pediatric to adult care for emerging
adults with diabetes. The lack of a transitional process puts this vulnerable population at high risk for
preventable complications. The purpose of this resolution is to educate healthcare workers about the
need to better transition this population and subsequently reduce major complications, mortality, and
the associated healthcare costs.
In Support of the Education and Adoption of Allow Natural Death (AND) to Replace do not Resustitate
(DNR) Orders in Healthcare Facilities
Drexel University, PA
Allow Natural Death (AND) is an emerging concept to making end of life choices less difficult for patients
and their family. This resolution advocates for establishment of AND orders to replace existing DNR (Do
Not Resuscitate) orders. The change in terminology puts a positive connotation on what is thought to be
a negative decision. Where a DNR is commonly viewed as taking away care from a patient, the term AND
can be seen as allowing the natural process of death to take place without losing that care for the
In Support of Promoting Mandated Screening for Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Along with Continued
Assessment and Initiation of Treatment for those Inmates in Need at all Correctional Settings
Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland
By focusing on the incarcerated population and their need for mandated screening, continued
assessment, and thorough treatment of substance use disorders, we will touch a large number of those
affected and potentially address the root cause for many arrests and imprisonments. This resolution
addresses the management of the often-neglected disease of addiction to substance use disorders
(SUD), which is a public health issue effecting the entire population.
In Support of Responsible Social Networking in Healthcare
Ashland University,OH
Social networking is a tool used by millions of active users' every day to bridge information gaps, search
for potential employment, build professional relationships, and strengthen personal relationships. As
nursing professionals it is vital to understand our responsibilities regarding the practice of safe
communication. The purpose of this resolution is to educate nursing students, educators, and
professional nurses on the responsible use of social networking in healthcare.
In Support of Increasing Awareness to Prevent Tubing and Catheter Misconnection Errors
California Nursing Student Association
Tubing misconnections have long been documented as the primary cause of many healthcare-related
injuries in America. The intended outcome of this resolution is to increase awareness about the dangers
of tubing misconnections in the hospital setting.
In Support of Promoting the Professional Responsibility of Nursing Students to Participate in the
Education of Low Income Children Regarding the Importance of Healthy Eating
Grand Valley State University, MI
This resolution aims to involve nursing students in the education of low income children on the topic of
healthy eating. It explores the mutual benefits of these two populations coming together for the
purpose of education to reduce the overall childhood obesity rates.
In Support of Increased Awareness of Mental Health Funding Deficits and Fund-Raising Organizations'
Duquesne University, PA
The amount of funding that mental health receives is minuscule compared to that received by other
health conditions. Nurses have a role in educating the public about the facts of mental illness, and ways
to contribute to the treatment and research of these debilitating diseases. Federal funding is needed to
achieve an optimal level of care for mental illness. This resolution fosters greater awareness of funding
deficits, and encourages participation in organizations that work to increase spending for mental health.
The Path to Better Health: Increasing Awareness of Wellness Programs in Order to Shift from
Managing Diseases to Preventing them
University of Alabama, Birmingham
The purpose of this resolution is to raise awareness for wellness programs research, practices, and
activities and to encourage NSNA constituents to provide wellness screenings and to promote wellness
programs through university-based activities.
In Support of Ongoing and Increased Awareness of the Importance of School Nurses
Salisbury State University, MD
This resolution seeks to reduce the elimination of school nurse positions and the delegating of RN
school-nurse duties to non-licensed personnel. Increasing the awareness of the value of school nurses
will improve the health and safety of school children.
Increased Awareness of the Psychosocial Needs of Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Villanova University, PA
Young adult survivors of childhood cancer are at increased risk for psychosocial sequelae due to their
treatment and overall cancer experience in the formative years of childhood. This resolution encourages
nursing students to recognize the unique needs of young adult childhood cancer survivors and work to
develop nursing interventions to promote health related quality of life these young survivors.
In Support of Development of Regulated Safety Standards Inflatable Houses and Slides
Emory Student Nurses Association, GA
This resolution raises awareness about the lack of regulated safety standards for inflatable bounce
houses and slides and encourages the development of safety regulations for this category of the
amusement industry. It is intended to promote the accountability of states to report related failures and
accidents associated with inflatable bounce houses and slides thus gaining more accurate data to
prevent adverse occurrences.
In Support of Diversity in Nursing Through Use of Gender Neutral Terminology Within Nursing
Seminole State College of Florida
This resolution calls for publishers, editors and authors of nursing textbooks to use gender-neutral
terminology within their literature; for educators to use gender neutral terminology within their
lectures, exams, and any and all classroom material; and for nursing students to establish peer groups in
which gender neutrality is achieved through role modeling and mentorships.
Increasing Education About and Awareness of the Effects of Third-Hand Smoke on Infants and Children
Florida State University
This resolution educates nurses and increases their awareness of third-hand smoke and the effects on
infants and children. Through education and enhanced awareness, smokers will be able to make more
informed decisions and to better protect their families and other nonsmokers from third-hand smoke.
Adoption of Social Media Policies by Nursing Programs
National Student Nurses’ Association Board of Directors
This resolution encourages NSNA constituents to advocate for social media policy inclusion in nursing
programs. Several professional nursing and healthcare related organizations have published social media
recommendations; students in nursing programs have been penalized for social media usage even when
school policies are not in place. This resolution seeks to promote ethical and professional conduct of
nursing students during social media usage.
In Support of Comprehensive Contraceptive Education for Adolescents
Georgia Baptist Association of Nursing Students
This resolution encourages comprehensive contraceptive education for adolescents, including longacting hormonal contraceptives such as intrauterine devices and implantable contraceptives. Education
about more effective contraceptive methods would help lower the teen pregnancy rate.
In Support of Education and Awareness of Cyberbullying in Adolescence
Brigham Young University, UT
This supports increased education and awareness of cyberbullying in adolescence and encourages NSNA
constituents to advocate for increased education about cyberbullying prevention and recognition.
In Support of Research and Education for Paternal Post-Partum Depression
University of Maryland, Baltimore
There is a need for both increased research and education in paternal post-partum depression. This
resolution encourages paternal specific post-partum depression research, as well as the implementation
of paternal post-partum depression education in nursing school curricula.
In Support of Increased Nursing Education Regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Harding University, AR
This resolution encourages NSNA constituents to increase awareness about the changes in the delivery
of nursing and healthcare services related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Examples
of this education includes, but are not limited to: implications of the comprehensive health insurance
reforms, accountability of insurers, lowering healthcare costs, improved healthcare choices and
enhanced overall qualiy of care.
Seek to Add Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model and Kelly's Commitment to Health Construct to
Nursing School Curriculm
Tennessee Association of Student Nurses
This resolution improves the success rate of health behavior change interventions in nursing practice
and ensures long-term compliance by seeking to add Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model and Kelly's
Commitment to Health Construct to nursing school curriculum.
In Support of Increasing Awareness of the Effects of Poverty on Health
Arkansas Nursing Students Association
This resolution addresses the devastating effects of poverty on health by increasing awareness in the
nursing community, thereby inspiring nurses to advocate for policy change and increased education.
Establish Efficient Cleaning Regimens in the Hospital Settings to Reduce the Rate of Clostridium
Difficle Infections
Texas Tech University
By establishing an efficient cleaning regimen in hospitals, the amount of Clostridium Difficile infections
will be reduced. The cleaning regimen includes incorporating bleach wipes and/or hypochlorite-based
cleanser to clean patient rooms. The cleaning regimen includes using educational materials covering the
proper protocol, posting flyers, and a mandated in-service education.
In Support of Awareness and Legislation Regarding Violence Prevention for Healthcare Workers
University of South Carolina
This resolution calls for awareness and support of the NSNA and its constituents to advocate for
legislative regulation to enforce a standard program of prevention for, and protection against,
workplace violence in the healthcare setting.
Seek to Increase Awareness of the Clinical and Educational Benefits of High-Fidelity Simulations to
Pre-Licensure Nursing Students
University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing
High-fidelity simulations are becoming more of a necessity due to the changing dynamics of
healthcare and the complex demands on nursing care to increase patient safety. This resolution
increases awareness of the potential educational and clinical benefits of using high-fidelity
simulations and encourages increased government funding for the use of high-fidelity simulators.
Reaffirmation of the Resolution of 2003 Addressing the Nusing Shortage Through Recruitment and
Retention of Men into the Nursing Profession recruitment/retention of Men in nursing
Pasco Hernando Community College- FL
This resolution reaffirms the resolution that was passed by the 2003 NSNA House of Delegates
addressing the shortage of men in nursing. It is imperative that NSNA continue its efforts to increase
men in the nursing profession.
Increased Awareness Regarding Psychoactive Bath Salts (PABS) and their Health Implications
University of Maine
This resolution increases the awareness and knowledge of healthcare personnel regarding the increased
presence of Psychoactive Bath Salts-a Schedule 1 hallucinatory drug that creates a severe paranoia;
placing the user, hospital staff, law enforcement officials, and communities in extreme danger. By raising
awareness of the dangers, primary and secondary prevention strategies may be developed and
evaluated for effectiveness in harm reduction. Healthcare personnel may become involved in
community education efforts as well as in the development of PABS treatment protocols.
In Support of Passage of the Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Care Practitioner Act (UEVHPA) by
State's Not Enacted In
Georgia Association of Nursing students
The “Good Samaritan Law” is an established part of the common law in every state in the union to allow
health care workers the ability to give good faith assistance in an emergency situation without fear of
legal prosecution. However, this law does not allow for health care workers to volunteer working in
another state during a time of “Declared Emergency,” such as a natural disaster. The Uniform
Emergency Volunteer Health Care Practitioner Act (UEVHPA), which has been adopted in 13 states and is
being promoted in others, closes this legal gap. Health care workers from other states would be allowed
to practice during a time of “Declared Emergency,” without legal ramifications to their licenses, as long
as they were in good standing in their own state.
In Support of Increased Awareness Regarding the Need for Research and Improved Treatments for
Children with Cancers
Wallace State Community College, AL
This resolution brings awareness regarding the need for increased research and treatment options for
childhood cancers. It encourages NSNA constituents to collaborate with professional nursing and
healthcare organizations to increase evidence-based research related to childhood cancers.
In Support of Wireless, Hands-Free Communication Devices to Strengthen Communication Between
Clinicians, Improve Efficiency Among Healthcare Workers, and Decrease Costs in Healthcare Settings
Iowa Association of Nursing Students
This resolution increases awareness of the benefits that wireless, hands-free communication devices
bring to nurses and other personnel in the healthcare setting. An increased awareness allows nurses
and other personnel to realize the potential benefits of wireless, hands-free communication in
improving patient care.
In Support of Education Regarding Misuse of Prescribed Stimulants Used for the Management of
Add/ADHD in College Students
West Virginia University
This resolution increases awareness among constituents about the rising trends of misuse of prescribed
stimulants in college-aged populations. Through education focusing on identifying at risk individuals,
motives for misuse, signs and symptoms of abuse, and potential complications, this resolution reduces
the prevalence of misuse of prescribed stimulants used for the management of ADD/ADHD.
In Support of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Women and Men to Reduce Risk of HPV-Related
Maryland Association of Nursing Students
This resolution supports the vaccination of women and men of all ages to effectively reduce the risk of
HPV-related disease. It encourages NSNA constituents to collaborate with nursing and education
programs to include into their curricula new information on HPV vaccination for women and, in
particular men, in an effort to reduce further transmission of HPV viruses.
In Support for Advocating for Awareness and Education About Alternative-To-Discipline Recovery
Programs for Substance Abusers Among Nurses Handling Controlled Substances
Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania
This resolution advocates for increased awareness of behavioral changes associated with addiction in
health care providers, and calls for the education of nursing students and professionals about legal
options for reporting suspected abuse among colleagues. It encourages nursing students to learn about
alternative programs and peer assistance for substance abuse. In addition, the resolution encourages
nursing students to support increased research on the implementation of alternative-to-discipline
programs, and encourage self-reporting among addicted health care providers handling controlled
In Support of Promoting Increased Awareness of Emergency Department Staff of Charitable
Organizations Available State and Nation-Wide That are Designed to Financially Assist the Indigent
with Emergency Medical Expenses
University of Alabama, Huntsville
The intention of this resolution is to reduce the number of patients who, against medical advice, selfdischarge without receiving medical attention due to financial constraints. This can be done through
education and increased awareness of Emergency Department staff, to include nurses, on charitable
programs designed to financially assist the indigent with emergency expenses, including medical. This
resolution also intends to increase awareness among nurses and Emergency Department staff of the
potential unfavorable outcomes that may occur when patients self-discharge against medical advice.
In Support of Significantly Improving Sexual Health Education Health Assessment and Awareness in
Nursing Curricula
University of Conneticut Student Nurses Association
This resolution increases nurses’ competencies to assess, educate, and counsel patients with sexual
health and sexuality concerns. This will be achieved by an increased emphasis on these topics
throughout nursing curricula. Education on how to discuss sexual health and sexuality with patients, as
well as increased knowledge regarding these topics, will help nurses treat patients more holistically.
In Support of Increased Awareness and Education of the Detrimental Effects of Water-Pipe Smoking
New Jersey Nursing Students Inc.
This resolution advocates for the education of the general public on the detrimental effects of waterpipe smoking. Educating nursing students about the long- lasting impact of water-pipe smoking on the
health of communities will decrease the spread of the water-pipe smoking epidemic .