ECONOMIC FACTORS EVIDENCE: Zollverein (details of membership, transport etc from nationalism essay) Acquired Rhineland from Austria in 1814/15: provided Prussia with most profitable piece of land filled with supplies of iron deposits. Make point clear that economic strength was needed to fund technology, transport, military etc. N.B. Economy, military and Bismarck are essentially inter-linked. All played a part in each factor leading to unification. ANALYSIS: ENCOURAGED: OTHER FACTORS: German – especially Prussian – industrial Highlight the importance of other factors. strength is regarded as crucial to German E.G. Economy being used correctly etc. So, unification. Bismarck’s guidance – forcing Landtag to Zollverein provided Prussia with technical & increase taxes. Had this never happened, then military superiority over its enemies in the wars would the economy have continued to thrive in of 1864-1871 the way that it did? Economic strength allowed Prussia to dominate Importance also of urbanisation – cities the Zollverein – an essential preliminary to its required people to man factories to increase subsequent domination of Germany. industrialisation Isolated Austria and got southern states to join north confederation. HISTORIOGRAPHY No historian disputes the importance of the economy. They all recognise it as crucial to Prussia’s development. William Carr: The Zollverein was the “mighty lever of unification”. JM Keynes “unification was gained only through coal and iron” BISMARCK EVIDENCE: Bismarck’s ultimate aim: to increase power and strength of Prussia by whatever means possible! Bismarck was a junker, conservative, anti-nationalist. According to Aronson “Contrary to what he was to claim later in life, the unification of Germany was never one of his original ambitions.” Bismarck had great influence on Prussian King (as Chancellor from 1862) – seen with the dispute with Landtag army dispute. ANALYSIS: ENCOURAGED: OPPORTUNIST; SO OTHER FACTORS STILL IMPORTANT: Engineered a war with Denmark over the Schleswig-Holstein question gaining support and Economic development was taking place – could giving the opportunity to quarrel with Austria have led to unification without Bismarck? Picked moment to argue with Austria and But…Bismarck made sure it happened. defeated her in war – BUT, did not claim much Decline of Austrian power and influence in the from her as hoped for neutrality 1850s – falling behind Prussia in particular. Ems Telegram & French war Isolating Austria: Deal with Italy – Italy would help against Austria if Prussia helped Italy gain Venezia in return. Alliance with France - promised Napoleon III to invade & control Belgium Alliance with Russia – Bis. refused to help Poland when it rebelled against Russia. BISMARCK HISTORIOGRAPHY O Pflanze “Only under the stimulation provided by Bismarck for his own political ends did German nationalism begin to move the masses.” Craig: “If he never risen to the top in Prussian politics, unification of Germany would never have take place anyway.” Williamson “Bismarck did not fashion German unity alone. He exploited powerful forces, which already existed; the industrial revolution in Germany, the growth of if liberalism and nationalism …the increasing determination of Prussia…to reassert her influence over Germany” Sheeves “Bismarck was fortunate, when he came to power the economic, diplomatic, military and intellectual foundations for German unity had already been laid.” ‘WARS OF UNIFICATION’: DENMARK, 1864 EVIDENCE: Showed Bismarck to be both opportunist and master planner First step in Bismarck weakening Austria’s power – move towards Kleindeutsch The recently formed Prussian army was tested in an ‘easy’ war before taking on Austria Territorial dispute over 2 small German states – Schleswig and Holstein. These were both under control of Denmark. King of Denmark declared that in 1863. 1864: Prussia and Austria teamed up & declared war on Denmark. Easy win! Bismarck had engineered a treaty with Austria (Treaty of Gastein - which he knew wouldn’t work. Prussia was to control Schleswig and Austria control Holstein. ANALYSIS: ENCOURAGED: OTHER FACTORS: Treaty of Gastein was designed by Bismarck to Military factors just as important. Bismarck just encourage hostility as it meant that Austrians used what was available to him. Without the would have to go through Prussia to get to skill of the army, Bismarck’s career would have Holstein! been over and potential that unification would not have been achieved in same way – with Prussian dominance. HISTORIOGRAPHY Bismarck on fighting with Austria: “I hitched the Duke as an ox to the plough to get it moving, once it was moving I unhitched the ox” – shows he was using them for Prussian advantage. Treaty of Gastein referred to as: “paper over the cracks” Medlicott: “Had the Prussian army not been as good as Bismarck believed it to be, he would have been a dead man before the day of the battle was over.” – highlights military power as unifying factor. Why did Germany unite? ‘WARS OF UNIFICATION’: AUSTRIA, July 1866 EVIDENCE: Bismarck used the unresolved situation left afer Gastein – Schleswig/Holstein to complain that Austria was not running Holstein properly! He complained that Austria was stirring up anti-Prussian feelings in Schleswig. So…Prussian troops marched into Holstein. When Austria was given support from southern states against Prussia, Bismarck used it as an excuse to attack. When Prussia defeated Austria at Koniggratz, Bismarck suddenly declared end to war. He did only what was required to achieve his aim – nothing more. ANALYSIS: ENCOURAGED: OTHER FACTORS: Treaty of Prague created a North German Military strength Confederation - mainly Prussian territory. Prussian domination of Austria. Kleindeutsch had been created – a north Germany without Austrian influence Germany seemed close to unity. Pre-planner? Removed Austria from German affairs! HISTORIOGRAPHY Bismarck: “Blood and iron” Bismarck: “We have to avoid wounding Austria too severely.” Waller: “If he played his hand with great skills, it was a good one in the first place.” ‘WARS OF UNIFICATION’: FRANCE EVIDENCE: Revolution in Spain led to search for new ruler & the Hohenzollern Candidature in 1868 Distant relative of Spanish was found – Leopold of Hohenzollern – he was Prussian which worried the French because if there was a future conflict she would be trapped between Prussia and Spain! The French protested about it and insisted that the Hohenzollerns give up their claim to the throne ANALYSIS: ENCOURAGED: OTHER FACTORS: Bismarck altered the telegram William intended Wouldn’t have won without strong military – to send to the French and sent his version military wouldn’t have existed had it not been for economy Bismarck’s telegram resulted in the French Von Moltke and Von Roon had been declaring war. Bismarck got what he wanted. strengthening the military before Bismarck! Prussian victory led to German unification being Situation of the Spanish throne – chance! declared in Hall of Mirrors (Versailles), 18th January 1871 HISTORIOGRAPHY Mosses: “German unification on Bismarck’s part was a series of favourable situations.” Stiles: “Bismarck did not make Germany, Germany made Bismarck”