ALLANDALE HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL 124 Bayview Drive, Barrie, 0N L4N 3P4 H.Smith Principal Telephone: 728-3601 Fax: 728-8882 @AllandaleKnight/@AllandaleVP P.Hamilton Vice-Principal OCTOBER 2015 READY, STEADY, GO! A big thank you goes to our students, staff and parents for a fantastic start up. We are so proud of our students for their enthusiasm and resilience. We are now settling into routines and we appreciated your patience as we went through some changes. Thanks to Mrs. Green and Mrs. Forrest for coaching our cross country team who are doing a fantastic job getting prepared and showing excellent sportsmanship. We wish them luck as they participate in their race this Friday at Sunnidale Park. Thanks to Mr. Charters for coaching the Flag Football team and to Mr. Ffrench for taking on coaching the Intermediate Boys Volleyball. Positive comments keep coming our way with our students demonstrating excellent character. Way to go Knights! RE-ORGANIZATION BALANCES CLASS SIZES TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD'S SUCCESS Each year our school starts off with a certain number of classes and teachers - these numbers are based on estimates made the previous spring about how many students will be enrolled during the next school year. As you may be aware, the Ministry of Education has class size goals that all school boards are required to meet. When the Simcoe County District School Board organized its’ schools in the spring, they adhered to this ministry expectation. Each September, the board compares actual enrolment numbers to the numbers projected by the board in the spring. At times it is necessary to re-organize classes. After re-organization, some students may move to another class in order to balance class sizes. In some cases, it may be necessary to move teachers to a new school. If your child was affected by a change, you would have received a letter with details following re-organization. Please be assured that these changes will not affect the quality of education your child will receive at Allandale. Our staff have the skills, training and resources to work effectively with students in a variety of settings. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP STUDENTS SAFE AT ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL The safety of our students is our top priority. Arrival and dismissal are busy times at our school. We need to work together with parents/guardians and childcare providers to make sure students are safe. Here are key points to be aware of when planning pick up and/or drop off of students: Supervision starts fifteen (15) minutes before bell time and ends fifteen (15) minutes after bell time. School staff will contact the parent/guardian, followed by emergency contact, for any student who is not picked up within this time. If late pickup happens often, additional support services may be involved. If parents/guardians arrange for other people to pick up their children, like a private childcare provider, the parent/guardian is responsible to ensure the alternate person/program is picking up on time. Designated bus loading zones are out-of-bounds during arrival and dismissal times, with the only exception being Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium buses. Private childcare providers will be asked not to use these areas. Unattended vehicles must be parked in an approved parking space with the engine turned off. A full description of the Supervision, Arrival and Dismissal Procedures is available at – Parents – Safe and Healthy Schools – Procedures. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IS OCTOBER 4 TO 10 “HEAR THE BEEP WHERE YOU SLEEP” Did you know that roughly half of home fire deaths result from fires reported between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., when most people are asleep? Working smoke alarms save lives. If there is a fire in your home, smoke spreads fast and you need smoke alarms to give you time to get out. In fact, smoke alarms can increase your chances of surviving a fire by up to 50%. The key message of this year's Fire Prevention Week campaign, October 4-10, is to install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement. Larger homes may need more alarms. Make sure you and your family: Test smoke alarms monthly. Change the batteries once a year. Replace smoke alarms after 10 years. Develop and practice a home fire escape plan with everyone in your household. For more information and fun resources for kids, visit: OCTOBER IS INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL MONTH Did you know that October is International Walk to School month? It is a great way for children to get their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day and also gives parents and staff a chance to be part of a worldwide event that celebrates the many benefits of walking. Get in on the fun and try these activities: Create a walking group/“bus” to and from school Create a fun walking challenge for your school community involving students, parents and teachers Create and sign a Walk to School pledge Check out the website at for more information. You can also call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and speak with a public health nurse or visit the health unit website at A REMINDER FROM THE HEALTH UNIT: KEEPING YOUR CHILD’S IMMUNIZATION RECORD UP-TO-DATE The Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) states that The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is required by law to keep an up-to-date immunization record on file for every student who attends elementary or secondary school. As of July 1, 2014 ISPA has been updated and includes the following vaccines: Varicella (chickenpox) two doses for children born in or after 2010 Meningococcal (meningitis) Tetanus, diphtheria, polio and pertussis (whooping cough) - at least 4 doses Measles, mumps and rubella - after the first birthday The health unit does not receive immunization information directly from doctor’s offices. Parents need to contact the health unit each time students receive a vaccine from their health care provider. If a student’s immunization record on file with the health unit is not up to date, the health unit will mail a notice asking for immunization information or proof of a valid exemption. If the information requested is not given to the health unit, the student may be suspended from school. If your child is due for immunizations, an appointment can be made with your health care provider or at a health unit immunization clinic by contacting Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520. Up-to-date immunization information can be provided to the health unit by a secure online form, mail, fax or by dropping off a copy at a local health unit office. For more information, visit FREE MATH HELP FOR STUDENTS IN GRADE 7 TO 10 Homework Help is a free online math help resource for students in Grades 7-10. Homework Help provides FREE, live one-on-one tutoring from Ontario teachers, and is funded by the Ontario government and administered by TVO. Students can ask their math questions during chat room hours, Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. For more information and other math resources, visit: WASTE REDUCTION WEEK: OCTOBER. 19 TO 25 Waste Reduction Week aims to inform and engage Canadians about the environmental and social ramifications of wasteful practices. It strives to educate, engage and empower Canadians to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Waste Reduction Week in Canada further provides information and ideas to reduce waste in all facets of daily living, creating the solutions to the many environmental challenges we face including climate change, water pollution and preservation of natural resources. Our school is participating in this week by encouraging litterless lunches. For more information about Waste Reduction Week, visit: VOLUNTEERS ARE APPRECIATED! Volunteers wanted!! Allandale Heights relies on its’ volunteers to run many of our programs/services. (e.g. breakfast program, reading, library, helping out with school events etc.) Please let us know ASAP if you are interested. Parents wishing to volunteer on class trips or drive students to sporting events must have attended training and submit a criminal records check. STUDENT ENTRY ROUTINES We thank all of our parents and guardians for their co-operation with dropping their children off in the appropriate areas in the morning. Ask your child about boundaries on the yard. We have certain areas for different grades and all students must remain in their assigned zones. Please remember that the yard is not supervised until 8:40 each morning. DOG REMINDER We have had a number of parents raise concerns about dogs on school property. Many of our families have dogs and other pets. Most of them are friendly and obedient members of your families. However, in order to respect the safety and sensitivities of all our families, dogs (leashed or not) are not permitted on school property. This includes puppies and purse pooches. Please help us to keep the school property a safe and welcoming environment for all our students, parents and staff. TERRY FOX RUN On Friday October 9th, our school will participate in the Terry Fox walk/run. We look forward to seeing our students, parents and staff running and walking for a great cause! We ask that students bring a “Toonie for Terry” which will be collected by volunteers each morning this week. Watch for the total raised for the Terry Fox Foundation in our November newsletter. SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS AND OTHER WHEELS We have many students who ride bikes, skateboards or scooters to school. Once on property, the expectation is that bikes are to be locked in the racks, skateboards or scooters are to be parked. This is to ensure that no one is hurt. Please follow these guidelines as it is nice to be able to ride to school. Those who cannot follow the rules will be asked to leave their wheels at home. SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM Please be sure to call the safe arrival line if your child is going to be late or absent. This message service is available 24 hours, every day of the week. The Ministry also requires a note be sent to the teacher stating the reason for absences after three days. Call: 705 728 3601 Press: 1 Leave: child’s name and classroom teacher and the reason for the absence. BUS CANCELLATION INFORMATION IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER Although fall has just arrived, winter is just around the corner in Simcoe County. With it comes the possibility of severe weather, challenging winter driving conditions and, as a result, possible bus and school event cancellations. All information regarding cancelled buses in Simcoe County is posted on the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium’s bus information website at Our school is in the Central zone. When buses are cancelled, please remember that schools are still open (unless otherwise noted) for student learning. The Consortium, in conjunction with bus operators, will make the decision to cancel school buses before 6 a.m. and as such, will make every effort to post announcements between 6 and 7 a.m. Parents should also note that inclement weather cancellations are effective for the whole day and buses cancelled in the morning will not run at the end of the day. You can also subscribe to receive bus delay notifications here: and you can follow the Consortium on Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus. SCHOOL COUNCIL UPDATE Our first School Council meeting was held on Monday Sept. 21st at 6:00 pm. We met again Mon. Oct. 5th. Meet your Allandale School Council for 2015-2016: Co-Chairs: Lisa Robertson and Christine Miller Secretary: Linda Thomason Council Members: Bonnie Culligan, Kelly Derbyshire, Nancy Young, Jay Malandrino, Robin Malandrino, Mischa Crossman, Haidee Lopez We look forward to having the following students join us for a student report to school council as well as providing a “Student Voice” section for our newsletter. Student School Council Members: Abi Derdall. Julien Annand, Reaba Mhlongo, Ben LeMoine, Andrea Robertson, Wuliyah Hankey. This wonderful group represents you in terms of acting in an advisory role to the school administration team. All parents are welcome to attend council meetings and we invite you to join us at our next meeting which will be held on Monday Nov. 2nd at 6:00. It is a great way to get engaged in what is happening at Allandale. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE WAIVERS By now you would have received a student accident insurance form. Remember that participation in extra curricular athletics or out-of-province field trips now requires either the purchase of this insurance or a signed waiver advising that the family has other coverage. To purchase this insurance, complete the application form and return with payment directly to Reliable Life Insurance Company or apply on-line at The waiver is available on the school website at TECHNOLOGY The rule for cell phones at school and on the yard is “Off and Away”. The acceptable use of technology form has been reviewed by the students. As per this agreement computers and other technology are to be used under the teacher’s direction for specific purposes. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the privilege being removed. Please ensure that your son / daughter has had a mature discussion about respectful language and/or content when using technology (Social Media such as Facebook and text messages). ALLANDALE KNIGHTS WEBSITE Don’t forget about our website! Newsletters and school news may be obtained by visiting There are pages specifically for students and parents. If there is something you’d like to see on the site, please let us know. We are also on Twitter at the following addresses: @AllandaleKnight and @AllandaleVP. Check it out for updates and reports on events. MINI KNIGHTS PROGRAM….. Recognition for Random Acts of Kindness at Allandale Heights PS Our ‘Gotcha’ Program is back at Allandale Heights PS again this year. When students and staff want to acknowledge a ‘random act of kindness’ they have seen, they can fill out a Mini Knight Form and give it to the recognized individual. The sheets are collected at the office and posted on the halls of the school. AGENDAS….. Incentive for Using Students Agendas Every student agenda at Allandale Heights PS was stamped on a random date for this school year. When your son/daughter’s stamped day comes up, they are invited to show off their agenda at the office. If the agenda has been used daily as an organizational tool (assignments, reminders and tests), then they will receive a small treat for a ‘job well done’. Go Knights Go! ymcaofsimcoe OCTOBER – HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVING! You’re making a difference in the health and happiness of your child. Kids who have fun being active are more likely to stay active for life. Learn more about getting your child the quality coaching and instruction they deserve. This website summarizes the research and best practices in kids sport, and gives you a sense of what you should be doing. Check it out: SNACK IDEA for after school: trail mix of dried fruit, whole grain cereal, seeds, and whole grain mini-crackers with juice Visit EatRight Ontario for tips on healthy and delicious eating EatRight Ontario ( is your first stop for trusted information and advice on nutrition and healthy eating. Their information and services help you improve your health and quality of life through healthy eating. EatRight Ontario allows you to ask nutrition-related questions and receive feedback by phone or email from a Registered Dietitian. Nutrition tools and links offer many additional resources to support you in developing healthy eating habits for you and your family, including ideas for packing healthy lunches and snacks, unique fundraising ideas and information on the Ministry of Education’s School Food and Beverage Policy. Visit today!