Bus 230 week 7 quiz chapter 8,9 by mildredsmith456

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Bus 230 week 7 quiz chapter 8,9
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a year ago
Bus 230 week 7 quiz chapter 8,9
BUS 230 WK 7 Quiz Chapter 8,9 Purchase this tutorial here: http://xondow.com/BUS-230-WK7-Quiz-Chapter-89-BUS23011.htm 1. Inventory use that is determined directly by customer
orders is called: a. derived demand. b. dependent demand c. anticipated demand. d. independent
demand. a. scheduled demand. 2. “A” items in ABC analysis are: a. reviewed infrequently. b.
particularly critical in financial terms. c. normally carried in large quantities. d. ordered
infrequently. a. commonly managed by carrying inventory. 3. When the carrying cost of
inventory is expressed as a percentage: a. it is usually the same as the borrowing cost of the
organization. b. the lower it is, the lower the economic order quantity. c. it usually exceeds 57.5
percent per year. d. it must exclude the insurance cost of inventory. e. it is multiplied by the
material unit cost to calculate the per unit carrying cost. 4. On an annual requirement of 100
items spread evenly throughout the year, any purchaser has a
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