Poverty Diet Project

Poverty Budget Project
Without actually living in poverty, it is difficult if not impossible to fully grasp what that would be like. The purpose of this project is to,
in a tiny way, simulate some of the challenges those in poverty face concerning basic needs such as food. Currently, the poverty line for a
family of four is $_____________ and $____________ for a single person. The Federal Government comes up with these figures by
estimating the bare minimum food costs necessary to keep a person nourished and then they multiply that figure times three. Clearly,
when living on such a low income, a family or individual must think carefully about what food they can afford.
1. The project lasts 48 consecutive hours, starting in the morning.
2. You have a total of $_________ during that 48 hours to spend for everything you eat (includes gum, candy, beverages other
than tap water, etc.).
3. All food must be purchased (at market prices) and accompanied by a receipt. Since store loyalty cards at supermarkets such as
Safeway are easily obtainable, you may use such cards to obtain their “discounts.” Coupons are also acceptable.
4. Receipts for all purchases must be turned in to receive credit. Receipts must include the name of the store and the date.
Without receipts (for everything you ate) that include the date(s) you shopped and the store name(s), you will not
receive credit for this assignment. No exceptions. Do not lose your receipts! Make sure the information on the receipt(s) is
inline with your write up. If inconsistencies are found you will receive no points for this project unless the controversy can be
cleared. Please be honest.
5. You must do your own shopping.
6. No begging, borrowing, getting things for “free” allowed. (Before you ask all the “what if’s” remember the purpose of this
assignment is to try and experience just one small part of what being in poverty feels like… that means, what it feels like to
NOT have the privilege to know you will be fed as you want and need).
7. NO FASTING and no “pop-tart food plans.” These are not sustainable for more than a few days, and they do not give you the
opportunity to reflect on food selection and how it affects people This is not an exercise in just getting through two days;
again, it is about experiencing what it is like to live within spending constraints that are uncomfortably low, as those in poverty
must live with. The highest grade one could get by following such a plan is a C-.
8. Some among you may have in the past and/or currently may be living below the poverty line, perhaps supported by food
stamps and/or other government assistance. There is no shame in this. If this is true for you, you have already had this
experience in real life and I encourage you to come talk to me about doing an alternate project.
Due Date: ______________
Points: ________________
Please provide thorough, reflective responses to the following. Your paper must be at least 3 pages typed, double spaced, 12
point font.
1. Expectations: Write a paragraph explaining your expectations of what might happen BEFORE beginning.
2. Grocery Shopping: Describe your grocery shopping experience. Where did you go and when? How did you decide what items to
buy? What observations did you make about the costs of different foods?
Eating Patterns: Give a detailed account of what items you ate and when you ate throughout the 48 hours.
Your Reaction: Discuss your personal reactions and feelings during the 48 hours.
Other’s Reactions: How did others react to your diet? Include the reactions of friends and family.
Cheating: So did you? Please admit and reflect on any of the ways you cheated.
Nutrition: How nutritious were your food choices? What if your diet was for 30 days or for years instead of two days? Compare
what you ate to the daily intake “MyPyramid” recommendations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA recommended
amounts depend on various factors—see MyPyramid.gov ).
a. Grains: wheat, rice, oats (at least ½ should be whole grains)
b. Dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt, soy
c. Protein: meat and beans, especially low fat and lean meats like fish, beans, nuts, and seeds
d. Vegetables, especially dark green and orange ones, more beans, peas
e. Fruits, including a variety of types and emphasizing whole fruits as opposed to juices
At least 1 ½ pages required for this section. Put some real thought into it, not just “it must be
really hard to live in poverty.” Based on this activity, what do you think are some of the major struggles faced by people living
below the poverty line? In what profound ways does not having enough to eat affect a person physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.?
With this simulation, you were only limited with your food choices. This is just one component of living below the poverty line.
Reflect deeply on the other struggles poor people and families must face and what that must be like.
9. General Thoughts: What are your general thoughts/observations about this assignment. Include a discussion about what this did
or did not teach you about the struggles of the poor. Again, I’m looking for self-reflection and growth.
8. Reflection:
Permission Slip:
This permission slip must be signed by a parent or guardian and turned in with your paper. There is an alternative assignment if you
cannot do this one.
Your name
Parent Signature