
General Teaching Outline for
Principles of Chemical Engineering
Course Number:
Suitable for: Majors of chemical engineering and technology, biochemical engineering, food
engineering, environment engineering, applied chemistry, industry equipment and control
engineering, pulp and paper, polymer and inorganic material engineering.
Course character: Basic course for technology
Academic Credits: 7
Academic Hours: 114
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Section ⅠBasic requirements
1. The Course objective
The ‘principles of chemical engineering’ is a requirement course for general chemical
engineering speciality. It is suitable for undergraduate students in the senior years who have the
usual training in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and mechanics. It includes the principles of a
fluid flow, heat transfer, principles of mass transfer and separation processes, the construction and
operating principle of typical equipment, the experimental and researching methods of unit
operation, and the calculation and selection of typical equipment. The course aims are to train and
educate students to know or understand basic unit operations of chemical engineering. The course
emphasizes the combination between the theory and practices, and ability of analysis and solution
to practical process.
2. Previous courses
Advanced mathematics, physics, physical chemistry, mechanics, mechanical drawing
3. The basic requirements and contents for each chapter
Chapter 1 Definitions and principles
Basic law; Material balance; Law of motion; Energy balance; Equilibrium; Units and dimensions;
Physical quantities; Primary and secondary quantities; Dimensions and dimensional formulas;
Conversion of units; Dimensionless equations and consistent units; Dimensional equations.
Chapter 2 Fluid statics and its applications
Nature of fluids; Hydrostatic equilibrium; Applications of fluid statics; Manometers continuous
gravity decanter.
Chapter 3 Fluid flow phenomena
The velocity field; Laminar flow; Shear rate, and shear stress; Newtonian and non-Newtonian
fluids; Viscosity; Kinematic viscosity.
Turbulence; Laminar and turbulent flow; Reynolds number and transition from laminar to
turbulence flow; Nature of turbulence; Deviating velocities in turbulence flow; Eddy viscosity;
Flow in boundary layers; Laminar and turbulent flow in boundary layers; Boundary-layer
formation in straight tubes; Boundary-layer separation and wake formation.
Chapter 4 Basic equations of fluid flow
One-dimensional flow; Mass balance; Macroscopic momentum balance; Layer flow with free
surface; Momentum balance in potential flow; Discussion of Bernoulli equation; Bernoulli
equation: correction for effects of solid boundaries; Kinetic-energy correction factor; Correction of
Bernoulli equation for fluid friction; Pump work in Bernoulli equation.
Chapter 5 Incompressible flow in pipes and channels
Shear stress and skin friction in pipes; Relation between skin friction and wall shear; Relations
between skin-friction factor; Laminar flow of Newtonian fluids; Velocity distribution in a pipe;
Average velocity for laminar flow in a pipe; Hagen-Poiseuille equation; Relations between
maximum velocity and average velocity; Laminar flow in an annulus; Friction factor in flow
through channel of noncircular cross section; Turbulent flow in pipes and channels; Effect of
roughness; Hydraulically smooth; The friction factor and friction coefficient chart; Friction from
changes in velocity or direction; Friction loss from sudden expansion of cross section; Friction
loss from sudden contraction of cross section; Effect of fittings and valves; Form-friction losses in
the Bernoulli equation.
Chapter 6 Flow past immersed bodies
Drag, Drag coefficients; Drag coefficients of typical shapes; Mechanics of particle motion,
Equation for one-dimensional motion of particle through fluid; Terminal velocity, drag coefficient,
movement of spherical particles; The terminal velocities at the different Reynolds number;
Criterion for settling regime.
Chapter 7 Separation equipments
Gravity settling processes; Centrifugal settling processes; Separation of solids from gases;
cyclones, filtration; Clarifying filters; Gas cleaning; Liquid clarification, discontinuous pressure
filters; Filter press; Shell-and-leaf filters; Continuous pressure filters; Principles of cake filtration;
Pressure drop through filter cake; Filter medium resistance; Constant-pressure filtration;
Continuous filtration; Washing filter cakes.
Chapter 8 Transportation and metering of fluids
Pipe and tubing; Selection of pipe sizes; Fluid-moving machinery; Developed head; Power
requirement; Suction lift and cavitation; Suction lift; Positive-displacement pumps; Volumetric
efficiency; Rotary pumps; Centrifugal pumps; Centrifugal pump theory; Head-flow relations for
an ideal pump; The relation between head and volumetric flow; Effects of speed and impeller size
change; Characteristic curves; Head-capacity relation; Efficiency; Centrifugal-pump
characteristics; System head curve; Operating point; Operating point change; Operation in parallel
and in series of centrifugal pump; Multistage centrifugal pumps; Pump priming; Fans; Blowers.
Measurement of flowing fluids; Full-bore meters; Venturi meter; The basic equation for venturi
meter; Venturi coefficient; Flow rate; Pressure recovery; Orifice meter; Pressure recovery; Area
meters: rot meters; Theory and calibration of rotameters; Insertion meters; Picot tube.
Chapter 10 Heat Transfer
Nature of heat flow; Heat transfer by conduction; Basic law of conduction; Unsteady-state
conduction; Steady-state conduction; Thermal conductivity; Steady-state conduction; Compound
resistance in series; Heat flow through a cylinder.
Chapter 11 Principles of heat flow in fluids
Typical heat-exchange equipment; Countercurrent and parallel-current flows; Single-pass
shell-and-tube condenser; Energy balances, heat flux and heat transfer coefficient; Heat flux,
Average temperature of fluid stream; Overall heat-transfer coefficient; Mean temperature
difference; Individual heat-transfer coefficients; Special cases of the overall coefficient.
Chapter 12 Heat transfer to fluids without phase change
Regimes of heat transfer in fluids; Heat transfer by forced convection in turbulent flow; Empirical
equation; Effect of tube length; Estimation of wall temperature tw; Cross sections other than
circular; Heat transfer in transition region between laminar and turbulent flow; Heating and
cooling of fluids in forced convection outside tubes, fluids flowing normal to a single tube;
Natural convection; Natural convection to air from vertical shapes and horizontal plates.
Chapter 13 Heat transfer to fluids with phase change
Heat transfer from condensing vapors; Dropwise and film-type condensation; Coefficients for
film-type condensation; Vertical tubes, Horizontal tubes; Effect of noncondensables; Heat transfer
to boiling liquids; Pool boiling of saturated liquid.
Chapter 14 Radiation heat transfer
Fundamental facts concerning radiation; Emission of radiation; Wavelength of radiation; Emissive
power; Blackbody radiation; Emissivities of solids; Practical source of blackbody radiation; Laws
of blackbody radiation; Absorption of radiation by opaque solids; Radiation between surfaces.
Chapter 17 Principles of Diffusion and Mass Transfer Between Phases
Theory of diffusion; Comparison of diffusion and heat transfer; Diffusion quantities; Velocities in
diffusion; Molal flow rate, velocity, and flux; Relations between diffusivities; Interpretation of
diffusion equations; Equimolal diffusion; One-component mass transfer (one-way diffusion).
Prediction of Diffusivities; Diffusion in gases; Diffusion in liquids; Turbulent diffusion.
Mass transfer theories; Mass transfer coefficient; Film theory; Two-film theory.
Chapter18. Gas Absorption
Definition of absorption; Principles of absorption; Material balances; Limiting gas-liquid ratio;
Rate of absorption; Calculation of tower height; Number of transfer units; Alternate forms of
transfer coefficients; Effect of pressure; Temperature variations in packed towers; Stripping factor
method for calculating the number of transfer units; Absorption efficiency A.
Empirical correlations for mass transfer coefficients in absorption.
Chapter 19 Introduction to Mass Transfer and Separation Processes
Definition of separation processes; Importance and variety of separations; Economic significance
of separation processes; Categorizations of separation processes; General separation process;
Technological maturity of processes; Terminology and symbols.
Phase equilibria: Phase rule; Equilibrium and equilibrium stage; Thermodynamic relationships:
Equilibrium ratio ( or equilibrium constant or K value); Relative volatility----key separation factor
in distillation; Ideal system and Dalton’s law, Raoult’s law; Phase equilibrium diagrams for ideal
systems(t-x-y diagram; x-y diagram); Henry’s law; Azeotropes; Effect of total pressure on
vapor/liquid equilibrium.
Chapter 20 Equilibrium-Stage Operations
Cascades. Ideal stage/equilibrium stage/theoretical stage; Equipment for stage contacts; Principles
of stage processes; Terminology for stage-contact plants; Material balances; Enthalpy balances;
Graphical methods for two-component system; Operating line diagram; Ideal contact stages;
Determining the number of ideal stages; Absorption factor method for calculating the number of
ideal stages.
Introduction to distillation: Process description; Equilibrium/flash distillation; Principles and flow
diagram of distillation.
Chapter 21 Distillation
Continuous distillation with Reflux. Material balances in plate columns: Overall material balances
for two-component systems; Net flow rates; Operating lines
Number of ideal plates; McCabe-Thiele Method. Constant molal overflow; Reflux ratio;
Condenser and top plate; Bottom plate and reboiler; Feed plate; Feed line; Construction of
operating lines; Optimum feed plate location; Heating and cooling requirements; Minimum
number of plates/total reflux; Minimum reflux/infinite number of plates; Invariant zone; Optimum
reflux; Nearly pure products; Some special cases of distillation (Multiple feeds and side-stream
drawoffs; Direct steam heating); Use of Murphree efficiency/determining the number of actual
Batch distillation. Simple distillation; Batch distillation with reflux. Calculation and analysis
for the operation of a distillation column.
Chapter 24 Drying of Solids
Introduction to methods for removing liquid from solid materials; Purposes and applications of
drying; Classification of drying processes; Drying conditions for convective dryers.
Properties of moist air and humidity chart. Moist air properties: Humidity; Relative humidity;
Humid volume; Humid heat; Total enthalpy of moist air; Dry-bulb temperature and wet-bulb
temperature; Adiabatic saturation temperature; Dew point. Humidity chart of Air-Water system.
Applications of H-I diagram.
Material and energy balances; Expressions of water (moisture) content of solids; Material
balances; Heat balances; Thermal efficiency of drying process; Air states when passing through
the drying system.
Phase equilibria and drying rates. Phase equilibria: Equilibrium water(moisture) and free
water(moisture); Equilibrium-moisture curves; Bound and unbound water; Drying curves and
drying rate curves under constant drying conditions; Drying mechanism of wet solids and the
influencing factors: Constant-rate period (Period of controls of surface water vaporization);
Drying in the falling-rate period (period of controls of water diffusing from interior to solid
surface); Critical water(moisture) content and its influencing factors. Methods for increasing rate
of drying.
Calculation of drying time under constant drying conditions.
4. Textbook and reference books
Unit operation of chemical engineering (Sixth edition) Author: Warren L. McCabe, Julian C.
Smith and Peter Harriott
Reference books:
[1]. 姚玉英主编. 化工原理(上、下册)(新版)[M] . 天津: 天津大学出版社, 1998
[2]. 赵汝溥 , 管国锋. 化工原理[M] . 北京: 化学工业出版社, 1995.
[3]. 大连理工大学化工原理教研室编. 化工原理(上、下册)[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社,
[4]. 陈敏恒,丛德滋,方图南,齐鸣斋编. 化工原理(上、下册)[M].(第二版).北京: 化学
工业出版社, 1999
[5]. 朱家骅,叶世超等编. 化工原理(上、下册)[M]. 北京:科学技术出版社, 2002
[6]. 姚玉英. 化工原理例题与习题[M](第三版). 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2003
[7]. 柴成敬,王军,陈常贵,郭翠梨编.化工原理课程学习指导 [M]. 天津: 天津大学出版社,
[8]. 匡国柱. 化工原理学习指导[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社, 2002
5. Periods for Every Unit
Fluid flow
Fluid transportation
Separation of heterogeneous mixture
Heat transfer
Gas Absorption
Drying of Solids
6. Evaluation Methods of the Course
The assess method: quiz, homework and course report et al. which are determined by the teacher,
and the unified final examination