How to convert raw ECHAM5 GRIB files to CLM4 conformal int2clm pre-processable NetCDF files a user manual by Andreas Dobler Hans-Jürgen Panitz 28.04.2008 1 1. Introduction This manual describes how to convert raw ECHAM5 GRIB files to global NetCDF files. These files are constructed such that they can be converted with the int2clm tool to CLM forcing data. 2. Versions in use netcdf library version: 3.6.0-p1 of Apr 25 2005 GRIB library version: 1.0.6 of Jul 31 2007 Climate Data Operators version: of Oct 22 2007 NCO netCDF Operators version: 3.1.6 of Aug 23 2006 3. Application An example script automatically doing conversion for several years year can be found in Appendix A. The present application is designed for int2lm version: 1.7.3_clm_2 from Feb., 05, 2008 and higher COSMO-CLM version: 4.0 from May, 25, 2007 and higher The script can be run on the DKRZ front-end (cross) directly. A batch version which can be submitted to the pre-processing queue at DKRZ is also available (, 4. Additional input For successful conversion the following files are needed: trunc.cdl: Basic structure for the cas-files and dimensions. See Appendix B for an example. tab.txt: GRIB variable number description (NetCDF name, long name and units). See Appendix C for an example. grid.txt: Grid description for the cas-files. See Appendix D for an example. FR_LAND.grb: Land-sea mask, invariant. Can be generated using the following file archived on the DKRZ front-end (cross): /ut/k/k204076/EXP000/run009/echam5_t63/31009_S09/output/output200/31009_S09_200001.01 with 'cdo -r selcode,172 -invertlat -sp2gp -seltimestep,1 file FR_LAND.grb'. 2 5. How it works Conversion consists of the following steps: 1. ncgen -o trunc.cdl Generate the NetCDF file from the CDL (network Common Data form Language) file trunc.cdl. 2. cdo splitday grb-file day_ Split the input ECAHM5 GRIB file into single days. The output file names are day_DD.grb. 3. For each day: cdo splithour day_DD.grb YYYYMMDD Split the single days into single time steps (6h). The output file names are YYYYMMDDhh.grb. 4. For each time step: cdo dv2uv YYYYMMDDhh.grb YYYYMMDDhh_uv Convert divergence and vorticity to U and V wind. cdo selcode,129,130,131,132, 134,141, 193-invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp1.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variables FIS, T, U, V, PS, W_SNOW, and W_I cdo selcode,102,103,210 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp2.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variables TSI, TSW and FR_SEA_ICE. cdo selcode,139 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp3.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variable TSLM1. cdo expr,"var1=seaice*tsi+tsw-seaice*tsw;" tmp2.grb tmp_t_sea.grb Calculate sea surface temperature. cdo expr,"var1=tslm1;" tmp3.grb tmp_t_land.grb Calculate land surface temperature. cdo ifthenelse FR_LAND.grb tmp_t_land.grb tmp_t_sea.grb tmp_t_s.grb Merge land and sea surface temperature according to land-sea mask. cdo selcode,140,229,207 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp4.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variables W_SO, WSMAX and T_SO. cdo setcode,2 -expr,"var2=tsoil-tsoil+ws/wsmx;" tmp4.grb tmp5.grb Calculate volumetric soil water content and set variable number to 2. cdo gtc,1 tmp5.grb tmp_vw_so_gtone.grb Generate mask with volumetric soil water content >1. cdo ifthenelse tmp_vw_so_gtone.grb tmp_vw_so_gtone.grb tmp5.grb tmp_vw_so_land.grb 3 Limit soil water content to 1. cdo ifthen FR_LAND.grb tmp_vw_so_land.grb tmp_vw_so.grb Set soil water content over sea to missing value. cdo selcode, 207 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp6.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variable T_SO. cdo ifthen FR_LAND.grb tmp_ tmp6.grb tmp_t_so.grb Set soil temperature over sea to missing value cdo selcode, 133 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp7.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variable QV. cdo gec, 0.0 tmp7.grb tmp_qv_gezero.grb Generate mask with 1 if QV >= 0., with 0 if QV < 0 cdo ifthenelse tmp_qv_gezero.grb tmp_ tmp7.grb tmp_qv_gezero.grb tmp tmp_qv.grb nullify negative values of QV. cdo selcode, 153 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp8.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variable QC. cdo gec, 0.0 tmp8.grb tmp_qc_gezero.grb Generate mask with 1 if QC >= 0., with 0 if QC < 0 cdo ifthenelse tmp_qc_gezero.grb tmp_ tm8.grb tmp_qc_gezero.grb tmp tmp_qc.grb nullify negative values of QC. cdo selcode, 154 -invertlat -sp2gp YYYYMMDDhh_uv tmp9.grb Transforms fields with spectral coefficients to Gaussian grids, invert latitude and select variable QI. cdo gec, 0.0 tmp9.grb tmp_qi_gezero.grb Generate mask with 1 if QI >= 0., with 0 if QI < 0 cdo ifthenelse tmp_qi_gezero.grb tmp_ tm9.grb tmp_ic_gezero.grb tmp tmp_qi.grb nullify negative values of QI. cdo settaxis,YYYY-MM-DD,hh:00 FR_LAND.grb FR_LAND_timeset.grb Correct time axis in land-sea mask file. cdo merge tmp1.grb tmp_qv.grb tmp_qc.grb tmp_qi.grb tmp_t_s.grbtmp_t_so.grb tmp_vw_so.grb FR_LAND_timeset.grb tmp_merge.grb Merge variables FIS, T, U, V, QV, PS, W_SNOW, QC, QI, W_I, T_SO, T_S, VW_SO, FR_LAND to one file. cdo -r -t tab.txt -f nc remapbil,grid.txt tmp_merge.grb Convert to a NetCDF file (with a relative time axis) using the GRIB variable number 4 description in tab.txt and set the longitude to span from -180 to 178.125 instead of 0 to 358.125. cdo setmissval,-1e20 Set missing values to -1e20. ncrename -d ilev,level1 ncrename -d mlev,level ncrename -d depth,soil1 Rename dimensions in cas-file ncks -A Append variables and attributes from to cas-file ncatted -O -a standard_name,T,c,c,"air_temperature" \ -O -a missing_value,T,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,U,c,c,"grid_eastward_wind" \ -O -a missing_value,U,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,V,c,c,"grid_northward_wind" \ -O -a missing_value,V,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,PS,c,c,"surface_air_pressure" \ -O -a missing_value,PS,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,QV,c,c,"specific_humidity" \ -O -a missing_value,QV,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,QC,c,c,"mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air" \ -O -a missing_value,QC,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,QI,c,c,"mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air" \ -O -a missing_value,QI,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,FIS,c,c,"surface_geopotential_height" \ -O -a missing_value,FIS,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,T_S,c,c,"temperature_at_bottom_of_snow" \ -O -a missing_value,T_S,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,W_SNOW,c,c,"surface_snow_amount" \ -O -a missing_value,W_SNOW,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,FR_LAND,c,c,"land_area_fraction" \ -O -a missing_value,FR_LAND,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,W_SO_REL,c,c,"relative /scaled to max. field capacity) volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture" \ -O -a missing_value,W_SO_REL,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,T_SO,c,c,"soil_temperature" \ 5 -O -a missing_value,T_SO,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,W_I,c,c,"canopy_water_amount" \ -O -a missing_value,W_I,c,f,-1e20 Change some attributes in cas-file 6 Appendix A: An example script (for SRES scenario A1B) #!/bin/bash #Convert raw ECHAM5 GRIB data to global NetCDF files #which can then be converted with int2clm to files used to drive the CLM model #INPUT: RAW ECHAM5 GRIB files (e.g. files 31012_S12_200101.01 to 31012_S12_200112.01) #OUTPUT: Global NetCDF files # #usage: #the script can be run on the DKRZ frontend (cross) directly #adapt the variables in the userdefinition section according to your needs # #the following files are needed: # -trunc.cdl: basic structure for the cas file and its dimensions # -tab.txt: GRIB var number description (NetCDF name, long name and units) # -grid.txt: grid description for the cas file # -FR_LAND.grb: Land sea mask (invariant!). # Can be generated from file /ut/k/k204076/EXP000/run009/echam5_t63/31009_S09/output/output200/31009_S09_200001.01 # with e.g. cdo -r selcode,172 -invertlat -sp2gp -seltimestep,1 file FR_LAND.grb # -and of course the echam5 grib files! # #Contact:, # #Version: 1.0 #Date: 2008-04-28 ########################################################################################### ############################# # # Variables in user defintion section # # indir: Directory where to find this script # sourcedir: Directory where to find the source data which will be converted to CLM4 compatible format # targetdir: Directory where the converted data will be stored; don't include the of year; will be added by the program # # remotehost: Name of a remote host to where the converted data can be transferd using scp; # to enable this work it is necessary to create a "password free" connection to the remote host using ssh-keygen # see "man ssh-keygen" for further details # furthermore it is useful to creat an ssh-agent # if you don't want to transfer the converted data to remote host, set remotehost=dummy # remotedir: Name of directory on remote host where the data will be stored; Name will be extended by the number of the corresponding year # # archivedir: directory for long-time archiving the data; the data can be gathered by year and month in a tar-file # some editing might be necessary!! Look close to the end of the scripts # head_archive_file: head of name of tar-file; the filename will be extended by "cas$year$month" # # year_first: first year that will be treated # year_last : last year that will be treated # filehead: header of source data files without number of year; denotes the experiment no. of ECHAM5 # filetail: tail of source data files without number of year # ########################################################################################### ############################# # nco and cdo are needed ########################################################################################### ############################# export PATH=$PATH:/pool/ia64/cdo/bin/:/pool/ia64/netcdf/nco/bin # 7 dummy=dummy # ########################################################################### # # User definition section begin # indir=/import/ds9b/ipf2/b/b364034/Programme_Panitz/ECHAM5_to_cas sourcedir=/ut/3/k204098/EXP000/run012/echam5_t63/31012_S12/output/output targetdir=$WRKSHR/Daten_Panitz/echam2cas_a1b_1 remotehost=hlrs remotedir=/nfs/nas/scr/ws/imkclm1-Daten_20080415-0/ECHAM5_T63L31_A1B_1_CLM4_Daten/cas archivedir=/ut/10/prj/bm0162/b364034/EH5_T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A1B_1_CLM4/ head_archive_file=ECHAM5_31012_S12_CLM4 year_first=2036 year_last=2041 # # Structure of name of Inputfile with global data # $filehead_$year$month$filetail # filehead=31012_S12_ filetail=.01 # # User definition section end # ########################################################################### for ((year=${year_first};year<=${year_last};year++)) do # # create the archive directory for the current year # archive=${archivedir}/${year} mkdir -p ${archive} # loop over years # # create the target directory on remote host if desired # if [ ${remotehost} != ${dummy} ] then ssh ${remotehost} mkdir -p ${remotedir}/${year} fi work_dir=${targetdir}_${year} mkdir -p ${work_dir} cd ${work_dir} mkdir -p cas/${year} mkdir -p tmp mkdir -p grib/${year} cp ${indir}/trunc.cdl ${indir}/tab.txt ${indir}/grid.txt ${indir}/FR_LAND.grb . ncgen -o trunc.cdl cp ${sourcedir}${year:0:3}/${filehead}${year}* ./grib/${year}/ # # untar the sourcefile if necessary # cd ./grib/${year}/ tar -xvf *.tar rm *.tar cd ${work_dir} ##################################### # all months and days 8 ##################################### for ((i=1;i<13;i++)) do # loop over month if(($i <10)) then month=0$i else month=$i fi #get number of days in month MM of year YYYY nod=`cal ${month} ${year} | grep -v '[A-Za-z]' | wc -w` ##################################### ##################################### # #one day only (debugging) # cp /ut/3/k204098/EXP000/run012/echam5_t63/31012_S12/output/output${year:0:3}/31012_S12_${year} 01* ./grib/${year}/ # #month=01 #let "nod=1" #for ((i=1;i<2;i++)) #do ##################################### file=./grib/${year}/${filehead}${year}${month}${filetail} if [ -s ${file} ] then echo echo File $file will be treated echo else echo File $file does not exist echo Stop Conversion Program exit fi cdo splitday $file ./tmp/day_ for ((day=1;day<=nod;day++)) do # loop over days if ((day < 10)) then day2=0${day} else day2=${day} fi date=${year}${month}${day2} cdo splithour ./tmp/day_${day2}.grb ./tmp/${date} rm ./tmp/day_${day2}.grb done # loop over days for ((t=1;t<=nod*4;t++)) # loop over hours do let "hour=($t-1)*6 % 24" let "day=(($t-1)*6 - hour)/24+1" if ((hour < 10)) then hour2=0${hour} else 9 hour2=${hour} fi if ((day < 10)) then day2=0${day} else day2=${day} fi d=${year}${month}${day2}${hour2} cdo dv2uv ./tmp/${d}.grb ./tmp/${d}_uv # # T_SO (Code 207) not selected here; select it in an own tmp-file # QV (Code 133), QC(Code 153) and QI(Code 154) not selected here, they will be selected in # an own file each cdo selcode,129,130,131,132,134,141,193 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp1.grb cdo cdo cdo cdo selcode,102,103,210 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp2.grb selcode,139 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp3.grb expr,"var1=seaice*tsi+tsw-seaice*tsw;" ./tmp/tmp2.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_sea.grb expr,"var1=tslm1;" ./tmp/tmp3.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_land.grb cdo ifthenelse FR_LAND.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_land.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_sea.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_s.grb cdo selcode,140,229,207 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp4.grb cdo setcode,2 -expr,"var2=tsoil-tsoil+ws/wsmx;" ./tmp/tmp4.grb ./tmp/tmp5.grb cdo gtc,1 ./tmp/tmp5.grb ./tmp/tmp_vw_so_gtone.grb cdo ifthenelse ./tmp/tmp_vw_so_gtone.grb ./tmp/tmp_vw_so_gtone.grb ./tmp/tmp5.grb ./tmp/tmp_vw_so_land.grb # cdo ifthen FR_LAND.grb ./tmp/tmp_vw_so_land.grb ./tmp/tmp_vw_so.grb # # select T_SO (Code 207) here at its own; set T_SO over water to missing value cdo selcode,207 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp6.grb cdo ifthen FR_LAND.grb ./tmp/tmp6.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_so.grb # select QV (Code 133) here at its own; nullify negative values cdo selcode,133 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp7.grb cdo gec,0.0 ./tmp/tmp7.grb ./tmp/tmp_qv_gezero.grb cdo ifthenelse ./tmp/tmp_qv_gezero.grb ./tmp/tmp7.grb ./tmp/tmp_qv_gezero.grb ./tmp/tmp_qv.grb # select QC (Code 153) here at its own; nullify negative values cdo selcode,153 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp8.grb cdo gec,0.0 ./tmp/tmp8.grb ./tmp/tmp_qc_gezero.grb cdo ifthenelse ./tmp/tmp_qc_gezero.grb ./tmp/tmp8.grb ./tmp/tmp_qc_gezero.grb ./tmp/tmp_qc.grb # select QI (Code 154) here at its own; nullify negative values cdo selcode,154 -invertlat -sp2gp ./tmp/${d}_uv ./tmp/tmp9.grb cdo gec,0.0 ./tmp/tmp9.grb ./tmp/tmp_qi_gezero.grb cdo ifthenelse ./tmp/tmp_qi_gezero.grb ./tmp/tmp9.grb ./tmp/tmp_qi_gezero.grb ./tmp/tmp_qi.grb cdo settaxis,${year}-${month}-${day2},${hour2}:00 FR_LAND.grb ./tmp/FR_LAND_timeset.grb # # merge also the file with T_SO, QV, QC , and QI # cdo merge ./tmp/tmp1.grb ./tmp/tmp_qv.grb ./tmp/tmp_qc.grb ./tmp/tmp_qi.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_s.grb ./tmp/tmp_t_so.grb ./tmp/tmp_vw_so.grb ./tmp/FR_LAND_timeset.grb ./tmp/tmp_merge.grb cdo -r -t tab.txt -f nc remapbil,grid.txt ./tmp/tmp_merge.grb ./tmp/ cdo setmissval,-1e20 ./tmp/ cas${d}.nc rm -f ./tmp/t*.* 10 rm -f ./tmp/FR_LAND_timeset.grb ncrename -d ilev,level1 cas${d}.nc ncrename -d mlev,level cas${d}.nc ncrename -d depth,soil1 cas${d}.nc ncks -A cas${d}.nc ncatted -O -a standard_name,T,c,c,"air_temperature" \ -O -a missing_value,T,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,U,c,c,"grid_eastward_wind" \ -O -a missing_value,U,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,V,c,c,"grid_northward_wind" \ -O -a missing_value,V,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,PS,c,c,"surface_air_pressure" \ -O -a missing_value,PS,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,QV,c,c,"specific_humidity" \ -O -a missing_value,QV,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,QC,c,c,"mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air" \ -O -a missing_value,QC,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,QI,c,c,"mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air" \ -O -a missing_value,QI,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,FIS,c,c,"surface_geopotential_height" \ -O -a missing_value,FIS,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,T_S,c,c,"surface temperature" \ -O -a missing_value,T_S,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,W_SNOW,c,c,"surface_snow_amount" \ -O -a missing_value,W_SNOW,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,FR_LAND,c,c,"land_area_fraction" \ -O -a missing_value,FR_LAND,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,W_SO_REL,c,c,"relative (scaled to max. field capacity) volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture" \ -O -a missing_value,W_SO_REL,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,T_SO,c,c,"soil_temperature" \ -O -a missing_value,T_SO,c,f,-1e20 \ -O -a standard_name,W_I,c,c,"canopy_water_amount" \ -O -a missing_value,W_I,c,f,-1e20 cas${d}.nc rm -f ./tmp/${d}_uv rm -f ./tmp/${d}.grb mv cas${d}.nc cas/${year} echo echo File cas${d}.nc finished echo done # loop over hours cd cas/${year} liste=$( ls "cas"${year}${month}*".nc" ) # # # for each month copy the converted data to remote host if desired if [ ${remotehost} != ${dummy} ] then nohup scp $liste ${remotehost}:${remotedir}/${year} fi # # # # # # # # tar the converted data on a monthly base and move the tar-file to the archive afterwards delete the cas-files in work-directory in order to save storage space (max. 150GB) tar -cvf ${head_archive_file}_cas${year}${month}.tar $liste mv ${head_archive_file}_cas${year}${month}.tar ${archive} mv $liste ${archive} 11 rm $liste cd ${work_dir} done # loop over month rm -r trunc.cdl tab.txt grid.txt FR_LAND.grb rm -rf grib tmp done #loop over years 12 Appendix B: trunc.cdl netcdf trunc { // netCDF specifications dimensions: lon = 192 ; lat = 96 ; level = 31 ; level1 = 32 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (4 currently) soil1 = 5 ; bnds = 2 ; soil = 4 ; variables: float lat(lat), lon(lon), ak(level1), bk(level1), soil1(soil1), soil1_bnds(soil1,bnds), soil(soil); double time(time), time_bnds(time, bnds) ; // variable attributes lat:axis = "Y"; lat:standard_name = "latitude"; lat:long_name = "latitude"; lat:units = "degrees_north"; lon:axis = "X"; lon:standard_name = "longitude"; lon:long_name = "longitude"; lon:units = "degrees_east"; ak:axis = "Z" ; ak:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate"; ak:long_name = "hybrid coordinate (sigma-pressure)" ; ak:units = "Pa" ; ak:positive = "down" ; ak:formula-terms = "ap: ak b: bk" ; bk:axis = "Z" ; bk:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate"; bk:long_name = "hybrid coordinate (sigma-pressure)" ; 13 bk:units = "Pa" ; bk:positive = "down" ; bk:formula-terms = "ap: ak b: bk" ; soil1:standard_name = "depth" ; soil1:long_name = "depth of soil layers" ; soil1:units = "m" ; soil1:positive = "down" ; time:calendar = "standard" ; data: lat = -88.57217, -86.72253, -84.86197, -82.99894, -81.13498, -79.27056, -77.40589, -75.54106, -73.67613, -71.81113, -69.94608, -68.08099, -66.21587, -64.35073, -62.48557, -60.6204, -58.75521, -56.89001, -55.02481, -53.1596, -51.29438, -49.42915, -47.56393, -45.69869, -43.83346, -41.96822, -40.10298, -38.23774, -36.37249, -34.50724, -32.64199, -30.77674, -28.91149, -27.04624, -25.18099, -23.31573, -21.45048, -19.58522, -17.71996, -15.8547, -13.98945, -12.12419, -10.25893, -8.393669, -6.528409, -4.66315, -2.79789, -0.9326299, 0.9326299, 2.79789, 4.66315, 6.528409, 8.393669, 10.25893, 12.12419, 13.98945, 15.8547, 17.71996, 19.58522, 21.45048, 23.31573, 25.18099, 27.04624, 28.91149, 30.77674, 32.64199, 34.50724, 36.37249, 38.23774, 40.10298, 41.96822, 43.83346, 45.69869, 47.56393, 49.42915, 51.29438, 53.1596, 55.02481, 56.89001, 58.75521, 60.6204, 62.48557, 64.35073, 66.21587, 68.08099, 69.94608, 71.81113, 73.67613, 75.54106, 77.40589, 79.27056, 81.13498, 82.99894, 84.86197, 86.72253, 88.57217 ; lon = -180, -178.125, -176.25, -174.375, -172.5, -170.625, -168.75, -166.875, -165, -163.125, -161.25, -159.375, -157.5, -155.625, -153.75, -151.875, -150, -148.125, -146.25, -144.375, -142.5, -140.625, -138.75, -136.875, -135, -133.125, -131.25, -129.375, -127.5, -125.625, -123.75, -121.875, -120, -118.125, -116.25, -114.375, -112.5, -110.625, -108.75, -106.875, -105, -103.125, -101.25, -99.375, -97.5, -95.625, -93.75, -91.875, -90, -88.125, -86.25, -84.375, -82.5, -80.625, -78.75, -76.875, -75, -73.125, -71.25, -69.375, -67.5, -65.625, -63.75, -61.875, -60, -58.125, -56.25, -54.375, -52.5, -50.625, -48.75, -46.875, -45, -43.125, -41.25, -39.375, -37.5, -35.625, -33.75, -31.875, -30, -28.125, -26.25, -24.375, -22.5, -20.625, -18.75, -16.875, -15, -13.125, -11.25, -9.375, -7.5, -5.625, -3.75, -1.875, 0, 1.875, 3.75, 5.625, 7.5, 9.375, 11.25, 13.125, 15, 16.875, 18.75, 20.625, 22.5, 24.375, 26.25, 28.125, 30, 14 31.875, 33.75, 35.625, 37.5, 39.375, 41.25, 43.125, 45, 46.875, 48.75, 50.625, 52.5, 54.375, 56.25, 58.125, 60, 61.875, 63.75, 65.625, 67.5, 69.375, 71.25, 73.125, 75, 76.875, 78.75, 80.625, 82.5, 84.375, 86.25, 88.125, 90, 91.875, 93.75, 95.625, 97.5, 99.375, 101.25, 103.125, 105, 106.875, 108.75, 110.625, 112.5, 114.375, 116.25, 118.125, 120, 121.875, 123.75, 125.625, 127.5, 129.375, 131.25, 133.125, 135, 136.875, 138.75, 140.625, 142.5, 144.375, 146.25, 148.125, 150, 151.875, 153.75, 155.625, 157.5, 159.375, 161.25, 163.125, 165, 166.875, 168.75, 170.625, 172.5, 174.375, 176.25, 178.125 ; ak = 0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 9976.13671875, 11820.5390625, 13431.39453125, 14736.35546875, 15689.20703125, 16266.609375, 16465.00390625, 16297.62109375, 15791.59765625, 14985.26953125, 13925.51953125, 12665.29296875, 11261.23046875, 9771.40625, 8253.2109375, 6761.33984375, 5345.9140625, 4050.7177734375, 2911.5693359375, 1954.80517578125, 1195.88989257812, 638.14892578125, 271.62646484375, 72.0635833740234, 0, 0, 0 ; bk = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000390858156606555, 0.00291970069520175, 0.00919413194060326, 0.0203191563487053, 0.0369748584926128, 0.0594876408576965, 0.0878949761390686, 0.122003614902496, 0.161441504955292, 0.205703258514404, 0.254188597202301, 0.306235373020172, 0.36114501953125, 0.41820228099823, 0.476688146591187, 0.535886585712433, 0.595084249973297, 0.65356457233429, 0.710594415664673, 0.765405237674713, 0.817166984081268, 0.864955842494965, 0.907715857028961, 0.944213211536407, 0.972985208034515, 0.992281496524811, 1 ; soil1 = 0.03, 0.19, 0.78, 2.68, 6.98; soil1_bnds = 0, 0.06, 0.06, 0.32, 0.32, 1.24, 1.24, 4.12, 4.12, 9.84 ; time_bnds = 0, 0 ; 15 time = 0; } The values for ak, bk, lat, lon and soil1 can be found in the GRIB files. Use e.g., cdo -r -f nc -invertlat -sp2gp -seltimestep,1 31012_S12_203601.01 and browse the resulting NetCDF file for the necessary values: Use ncdump -c for lat, lon and soil levels (subtract 180 in longtitude and divide depth by 100 for soil1) Use ncdump -v hyai for ak Use ncdump -v hybi for bk 16 Appendix C: tab.txt 102 TSI surface temperature of ice 103 TSW surface temperature of water 129 FIS surface geopotential height [m2 s-2] 130 T temperature 131 U U-component of wind [m s-1] 132 V V-component of wind [m s-1] 133 QV specific humidity [kg kg-1] 134 PS surface pressure 139 TSLM1 surface temperature of land 140 W_SO soil wetness 141 W_SNOW surface snow amount [m_H2O] 153 QC cloud liquid water content [kg kg-1] 154 QI cloud ice content [kg kg-1] 172 FR_LAND sea land fraction [1] 193 W_I canopy water amount [m_H2O] 207 T_SO soil temperature 210 FR_SEA_ICE ice cover 229 WSMAX field capacity of soil 1 T_S temperature at bottom of snow [K] 2 W_SO_REL relative volumetric soil water content scales to field capac. 17 Appendix D: grid.txt gridtype : gaussian gridsize : 18432 xname : lon xlongname : longitude xunits yname : degrees_east : lat ylongname : latitude yunits : degrees_north xsize : 192 ysize : 96 xfirst : -180.0 xinc : 1.875 yvals : -88.5721685 -86.722531 -84.8619703 -82.9989416 -81.1349768 -79.270559 -77.4058881 -75.5410615 -73.6761323 -71.8111321 -69.9460806 -68.080991 -66.2158721 -64.3507304 -62.4855705 -60.6203959 -58.7552093 -56.8900126 -55.0248075 -53.1595954 -51.2943771 -49.4291537 -47.5639257 -45.6986939 -43.8334586 -41.9682203 -40.1029793 -38.237736 -36.3724906 -34.5072433 -32.6419944 -30.7767441 -28.9114924 -27.0462395 -25.1809856 -23.3157307 -21.450475 -19.5852186 -17.7199615 -15.8547039 -13.9894457 -12.1241871 -10.2589282 -8.39366891 -6.5284094 -4.66314971 -2.79788988 -0.932629968 0.932629968 2.79788988 4.66314971 6.5284094 8.39366891 10.2589282 12.1241871 13.9894457 15.8547039 17.7199615 19.5852186 21.450475 23.3157307 25.1809856 27.0462395 28.9114924 30.7767441 32.6419944 34.5072433 36.3724906 38.237736 40.1029793 41.9682203 43.8334586 45.6986939 47.5639257 49.4291537 51.2943771 53.1595954 55.0248075 56.8900126 58.7552093 60.6203959 62.4855705 64.3507304 66.2158721 68.080991 69.9460806 71.8111321 73.6761323 75.5410615 77.4058881 79.270559 81.1349768 82.9989416 84.8619703 86.722531 88.5721685 The grid description can be obtained via cdo griddes FR_LAND.grb. However, note that therein xfirst is 0 and thus longitude spans from 0 to 358.125. For int2clm, longitude must be from -180 to 178.125 and thus xfirst set to -180. All other entries can be copied from the output of cdo griddes FR_LAND.grb. 18