BOOKING SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS General Qualifications The system supplier shall provide a list of references of systems of similar scope to the proposed system and must be able to demonstrate a minimum of 10 years of development experience. Right to choose system in department’s best interest. Only fully networked versions of the will be considered. Only multi-user versions will be considered. Structure/Development/Platform Front-end: The proposed system must be designed with a Microsoft 32-bit development environment such as Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual C++ and run on a Windows 95 or later or Windows NT 3.51 or later platform. The proposed solution must be non-proprietary and shall be constrained to industry standard off-the-shelf components. The system must be completely open and accessible. Back-end database: Fully ODBC capable, relational database system such as Microsoft’s SQL Server 6.5 and later. The applications must adhere to a true client/server model. Data integrity must be maintained through the use of formal referential integrity constraints including cascading updates and deletes. Compatibility Year 2000 (Y2K) compatible National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) compliant Description “Booking” allows a user to store a person’s demographic, physical, and other information and images into a temporary storage system. Once positively identified, this temporary record is posted to a known persons database. Persons already in the known persons database will have their records updated with the most recent information and images. Because the known persons database is fully normalized, the existing information is not replaced but complemented. The following categories of information must be normalized; Addresses, Aliases, Dates of Birth, Employers, Guardians, Personal Identifiers, License Numbers, Social Security Number, Photographs, and Telephone Numbers. The booking system must provide the ability to capture and store digital photographs during the booking process. These images should be stored as Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) in the database itself, not as separate files. The number of images allowed should be limited only by the available disk space and should not be a limit imposed by the software provided. The user must be able to associate the following information to each image: 1) the aspect; e.g. frontal, profile, etc., 2) a memo, 3) a NIBRS personal descriptor, 4) the eye wear status; e.g. Glasses, No Glasses, 5) the age of the person at the time the photo was taken. The system must accommodate adults and juveniles and support their segregation throughout the booking process and their subsequent record storage. The system must also allow authorized users to treat select juveniles as adults. Required Fields Booking ID Date of Booking Time of Booking State BCI ID CCR Number Last Name First Name Middle Name1 Alias Date of Birth Social Security Number Driver’s Licence Number Driver’s Licence State Address Prefix Address Street Address Suffix City State Zip Code Country Home Telephone Number Alternate Telephone Number Gender Height Weight Build Complexion Eye Color Hair Color Hair Style Facial Hair Personal Identifiers 2 3 Occupation Employer Employer Address Lines (2) Employer City Employer State Employer Zip Code Employer Telephone Employer Fax Number Supervisor City of Birth State of Birth Country of Birth Marital Status Citizenship Residence Status Ethnicity Race Guardian 1 Last Name Guardian 1 First Name Guardian 1 Middle Initial Guardian 1 Role Guardian 2 Last Name Guardian 2 First Name Guardian 2 Middle Initial Guardian 2 Role Guardian Address Lines (2) Guardian City 1 NOT just middle initial. Normalized. Must support unlimited number of associated records. 3 Consists of NIBRS code, category, and location. 2 Guardian State Guardian Zip Code Guardian Telephone Guardian Alternate Number School Attending Photographs 1 (Associated fields: Aspect, Memo, Personal Descriptor, Eye Wear, Age at time of photo) Relational Design – all tables must be fully normalized and must use non-proprietary data types. Normalized known persons database tables: Known Persons Addresses Aliases Dates of Birth Employers Guardians Personal Identifiers License Numbers Social Security Number Telephone Numbers Images System Tables These tables will provide the user with choices from a drop-down list (e.g. a combo box) and should be populated with NIBRS defined data elements, the administrator, however, must be able to add to, modify, or delete elements of the lists at any time. Address Suffixes Citizenships Complexions Ethnicity Eye Colors Eye Wear Facial Hair Types Genders Guardian Roles Hair Colors Hair Styles Height Feet Height Inches Marital Statuses Personal Descriptors (NIBRS) Photo Aspects Races Residency Resident Status States and their abbreviations Zip Codes and their associated cities and states User Interface A “Lookup Screen”, which displays all records that have not been posted, displaying at a minimum, the Primary Key, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Date of Birth, Arrest Date, and Cell Number fields must be provided. This list should be sorted alphabetically by last name then first name. The person’s BCI number must be assignable from this screen to facilitate batch processing of positively identified individuals. Choosing an individual from the list must bring the user directly to that person’s record. The system must allow a user to navigate the current set of records either sequentially, using next and previous record navigation buttons, via the previously described “Lookup Screen”, or via a “Find Record” dialogue which allows boolean comparisons on a field by field basis. A bookmark feature that allows the user to return to a record that was previously flagged is also desired. In an effort to make data entry as efficient and easy as possible, the user interface should adhere to the Common User Interface (CUA) standards and should provide the user with contemporary features such as; a tabbed dialogue, pop-up calendars, fully populated NIBRS compliant drop-down lists of choices for data entry, city/state lookup upon zip code entry, and immediate data validation feedback. In addition, the user should be able to navigate and enter data via the with or without the mouse. Data integrity should be assured by limiting data entry to list choices, where appropriate, and by the use of referential integrity techniques. Image Acquisition Module The image acquisition module captures, manipulates, and stores images associated with the current person’s booking record. The image acquisition system must have the ability to interface with any TWAIN compatible source, such as scanners, digital cameras, video capture boards, etc. and then to capture the image via the device’s TWAIN dialogue. The system must allow the user to choose from a list of available TWAIN sources at any time. Image import via the windows clipboard or an external file must also be supported. Disk file types supported must be Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Windows Bitmap (BMP), and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), at a minimum. Once the image has been imported into the image work area, image processing functions such as Histogram Equalization (Intensity stretching), Enlarge/Reduce, etc. are highly desirable. Any editing of the image should be reversible via an undo feature. An automated “Portrait Crop” feature must be included in this module. A “bounding box” of fixed size and aspect ratio must be available to the user. The user will have to simply position the box over the portion of the image that is to be stored and the program must crop and size the image automatically. The image specifications are defined below. The number of images that can be stored with the booking record should only be a function of available storage space, not a constraint of the program. All images must be normalized and provide for the following additional fields; Aspect, e.g. frontal, profile, etc., a descriptive memo, a NIBRS compliant Personal Descriptor, EyeWear type, and Age at time of photo. The booking system must support image output to the windows clipboard or export to disk file using, at a minimum, the following file types: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Windows Bitmap (BMP), and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). An Arrest and a Fingerprint card must also be provided. Posting of the Booking records to the fully normalized Known Persons system must be on-demand for completed records only. Image Specifications (Cropped Photos) Width: 323 pixels Height: 406 pixels Color depth: 16 million colors Average size stored: 11K Storage format: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Legacy Information Each vendor must provide information regarding his or her method of legacy data import capability. Configurability Configuration system must be password protected. Administrator must be able to configure: System database (system and user tables) location. Default printers for Arrest cards, Fingerprint cards. Training Two (2) Days of training shall be provided to up to 3 persons. Support The vendor shall provide, at no additional cost, telephone support for a period of one year from acceptance. Subscription Service The vendor shall provide, at no additional cost, all software updates to the proposed system for a period of one year from acceptance. OTHER ISSUES/CAVEATS Pricing Installation included? Per site cost? Additional sites? Custom programming rates for future projects. Database Provided?, what is it?, platform?, cost?, cost to integrate with existing our database?, Open architecture? Connectivity True Client/Server model?, Pass-thru queries?, Modular/Integrated? Method: RDO, DAO, Jet, ODBC API, VB/SQL? Network Supported, types, configuration included?, Concurrency?, Record Locking? Implementation Project plan? Proposed work schedule indicating work milestones, potential meetings, project personnel required, field testing, etc. When would we be fully operational? What type of error handling does your application have? Documentation Topology maps/system architecture diagrams, data dictionaries, etc.? Compatibility Is your system compatible with our existing system? Will we be able to exchange data with our existing system? Support What type of support is available? Service contracts? Help desk? Training availability?