Ancient Greece Test Review – Chp 5

Ancient Greece and Persia Test Review – Chp 4 & 5
1. Define phalanx.
2. How did Aristotle’s teachings affect Alexander the Great?
3. How did Spartan women differ from Athenian women?
4. How did the Athenians practice democracy? What was their model?
5. How were Sparta and Athens different? the same?
6. What did 2/3 of Athenians die from during the Peloponnesian War?
7. What ended Athens golden age and ended democracy?
8. What happened at Thermopylae (hint: it was more than the 300 Spartans story)?
9. What is a democracy?
10. What is a republic?
11. What is a monarchy?
12. What is an aristocracy?
13. What is an oligarchy?
14. What is a democratic-republican form of government?
15. What was a result of the conquests of Alexander the Great?
16. Describe direct democracy.
17. What were the economic advantages of Greece’s geography?
18. What were the effects of the Peloponnesian War?
19. What were the effects and consequences of the Persian War?
20. Which astronomer calculated the earth’s circumference?
21. Which scientist is associated with the principle of the lever?
22. Which people emphasized duty, strength, and discipline?
23. Which regions did Alexander the Great conquer?
24. Which scientist calculated the value of pi?
25. Who fought the Peloponnesian War? And who won?
26. Who was the Persian king that was defeated as Salamis?
27. Who won the Persian War?
28. Who wrote The Elements for modern geometry?
29. Why did Greece have a difficult time uniting as one under a single government?
30. Why was Alexander considered “the Great”?
31. What was the Royal Road’s purpose?
32. Besides the Royal Road, what tool did Darius use to promote trade and unify Persia?
33. Which Persian ruler is famous for his tolerance of diversity?
34. How is Zoroaster and Christianity similar?
35. Which Greek philosopher was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens?
36. Ancient Greek statues reflect the Greek belief is who?
37. Which Greek city-state had an Assembly (Ecclesia) that passed laws, elected officials, and
held court?
38. Which empire established the monotheistic religion, Zoroaster?