
A. Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables
Closed half-plane: sign is > or < ; points on the boundary line are part of the solution set (solid line)
Open half-plane: < or > ; points on the boundary line are NOT part of the solution set (broken line)
Boundary line: divides the plane & describes the limit of the graph of an inequality
Boundary points: points on the boundary line
Solution region: part of the Cartesian plane where you will find the solution set
Half plane: how a solution region looks like
-x + y – 4 = 0
-x + y = 4
(-4 , 0)
(0 , 4)
Equivalent equation
Standard form
x - intercept
y - intercept
Inequality symbol
How to shade
-x + y – 4 < 0
-x + y – 4 = 0
-x + y = 4
(-4 , 0)
(0, 4)
Inequality symbol
y < mx + b
y > mx + b
y < mx + b
Kind of boundary line
How to shade
Below the line
Direction of line
Slant to the right
Above the line
Kind of slope
Slant to the left
(2 , 0)
(0, 2)
y > mx + b
If y is negative, don’t forget to FLIP the inequality symbol.
Ex. -4x – 3y > 18  -3y > 4x + b
 -3y > 4x + 18
 y< 
x –6
B. Systems of Linear Inequality in 2 Variables
Solution for the system: set of all points that satisfy ALL the given inequalities in the system and is located
WITHIN the overlapping
regions of inequalities & the solid boundary line.
To check if a point is a solution for the system, substitute the values into ALL the inequalities in the system.
Ex. (5,4)
 y  2x  7
3x  2y  4
 y  2x  7
(4) 2(5)  7
4  10  7
14  7
3x  2y  4
3(5)  2(4)  4
15  8  4
7  4
since both are true, then (-5,4) is a solution of the system
Graphing System of Linear Equations in Two Variables
x  y  1
2x  y  7
Ex. 1 
first identify the x- and y-intercepts of each inequality.
(-1,0) and (0,1)
( ,0) and (0, 7)
next, graph the lines and shade their respective solution regions
Since the inequalities use the > and < symbols,
the boundary lines are solid.
For x – y > -1, since y is negative, you flip the
symbol so it becomes <. Since it is LESS than,
you shade downwards. (blue part)
For 2x + y > 7, since y is positive, you retain the
symbol. For GREATER than, you shade
upwards. (red part)
The part where the red & blue regions overlap is
the solution region.
Ex. 2
y  4
x  6
21x  14 y  42
(0,4)  horizontal line
(6,0)  vertical line
(2,0) ; (0, 3 5 )
For y > 4 and x < 6, use solid lines. For the third
inequality, since the symbol is < , use a broken line.
For y > 4, there is no x intercept and the slope is 0 that’s
why we use a horizontal line intercepting only the y axis.
Shade upwards. (blue)
For x < 6, there is no y intercept therefore the slope is
undefined. We use a vertical line intercepting only the x
axis and shade to the left. (red)
For 21x + 14y < 42, the symbol is LESS than, so you
shade downwards. (green)
The part where the red, blue and green regions overlap is
the solution region.
C. Solving word problems
In basketball, a player scores 2 points for a basket and 1 point for a free throw. Suppose a player has scored no
more than 20 points in a game. How many baskets (b) and free throws (f) could the player have made?
I. Let f be the # of free throws
b be the # of baskets
2b  f  20
II. b  0
f  0
find the intercepts...
2b  f  20
2b  20
b  10  (10, 0)
f  20  (0, 20)
The answer can be any of the points found in
the solution region. Don’t forget to check
your answers!
Solution region
x and y axes are
supposed to be
BROKEN because
of > symbol.
Therefore, the
points on the axes
are NOT part of
the solution