Video clip assignment

Bon Qui Qui is Just Like Me!
Stereotypes and Generalizations
After being presented with the video clip and taking part in the discussion about
stereotypes and generalizations, you are now ready to create an informational pamphlet about the
creation, repercussion and reasons behind stereotypes. This is meant to not only get you thinking
about the implications of stereotypes in various cultures, but also in how it is present in your own
world and the effects it has on you personally. This is an individual assignment that is to be
completed in Microsoft Publisher or Word.
Create an informational pamphlet discussing both generalizations and stereotypes.
Provide examples of each, as well as examples of counter stereotypes. You MUST choose a
specific stereotype to explore and research. Include the group(s) that is specifically targeted, the
development of that particular stereotype and the influence it has on people’s view of others.
Some ideas are:
job/career (work status)
socioeconomic status
Monday: Watch video and discuss stereotypes/generalizations both in the clip and those that
exist in today’s world. Decide stereotype of focus
Tuesday: Begin research on stereotype and begin creating pamphlet
Wednesday: Classtime to work on pamphlet and ask questions. Finish for homework if needed.
Thursday: Final product is due at the beginning of class.
-Generalization definition:
"Generalization." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.Merriam-Webster Online. 13 April
-Stereotype definition:
"Stereotype." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.Merriam-Webster Online. 13 April
-How to make a brochure/pamphlet using Microsoft word:
“Microsoft Word: How to Make a Brochure in a Word Document.” 13 Apr 2010.
-How to make a brochure/pamphlet using Microsoft Publisher:
“Creating Brochures using Microsoft Publisher.” 13 Apr 2010. Jaymelong.
Final Product:
This should be a professional looking piece of literature. Seriously. It should be well
researched, creative, neat and have examples. Examine the rubric below to see how you will be
graded and plan the assignment accordingly. Please ask if you have questions!!
Displays clear understanding of generalizations and stereotypes (provide definitions as well as articulating the
differences between the two)
25 pts./ _____
Provides effective examples backing up research
25 pts./ _____
Provides at least TWO Properly documented MLA cited sources for research
15 pts./ _____
Participation in classroom discussion
15pts./ _____
Overall appearance and layout
10 pts./ _____
Mechanics, spelling, grammar, etc. (three or fewer mistakes)
10 pts./ _____
Total Points: _______pts./ 100 pts.
Behind-the-scenes thinking for teachers
Teaching Context:
10th grade Literature and Composition
Mini research project, introduction to technology and writing informational pieces
Insight into teacher’s thinking:
1. We selected this video clip because not only is it well known and funny, but it does an
excellent job of portraying a wide range of stereotypes that are alive in today’s culture.
2. The students will be able to differentiate between stereotypes and generalizations, as well as
identify examples of each. They will also be getting their feet wet with the research and
documentation process, which will serve as a diagnostic tool for us to see where the students
stand with these skills. Technology will also be incorporated through their choice of either
Publisher or Word, which will allow them to explore not only various computer programs,
but also how to create a professional looking product.
3. We would begin class by asking for what the students think the definitions of both
generalizations and stereotypes are. Without confirming or denying their responses, we will
show the video to them, after which we will then ask if their ideas about the words have
Some questions used to spark discussion are:
What is a stereotype/generalization?
How are we affected by them?
Do you have personal stereotypes?
What do you believe the basis for stereotypes/generalizations are?
What are some examples present in the video clip?
4. One of the biggest realistic challenges that we could face is access to technology. We may
not have a projector or computer lab, or the students may not have access to the computers.
The hope is to prevent the students from having to do any of the work at home in case they
do not have technology in their household. Another challenge could be not having the time
to dedicate to reviewing research methods in class because we would be focusing on the
outcome, not the journey. Assuming we are teaching in a diverse classroom, students may
become offended by the discussion or the video. The way to deal with/avoid that is to create
a safe space and discuss what the video means to the assignment.
GPS Standards
ELA10RL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in literary works
and provides evidence from the works to support understanding. The student
a. Applies knowledge of the concept that the theme or meaning of a selection represents a
universal view or comment on life or society and provides support from the text for the
identified theme.
ELA10RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly.
The student
a. Demonstrates an understanding of contextual vocabulary in various subjects.
b. Uses content vocabulary in writing and speaking.
c. Explores understanding of new words found in subject area texts.
ELA10W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student
a. Formulates clear research questions and utilizes appropriate research venues (i.e., library,
electronic media, personal interview, survey) to locate and incorporate evidence from
primary and secondary sources.
b. Uses supporting evidence from multiple sources to develop the main ideas within the body
of a researched essay, a composition, or a technical document.
c. Synthesizes information from multiple sources and identifies complexities and
discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium
(i.e., almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals,
technical documents).
d. Integrates quotations and citations into a written text while maintaining the flow of ideas.
e. Uses appropriate conventions for documentation in the text, notes, and bibliographies by
adhering to an appropriate style manual such as the Modern Language Association
Handbook, The Chicago Manual of Style, Turabian, American Psychological Association,
f. Designs and publishes documents, using aids such as advanced publishing software and
graphic programs.