Small Business Administration (SBA) Major
Competency Mapping Document
C1. Demonstrate concepts and processes associated with successful entrepreneurial performance/
Entrepreneurial Processes/SBAmn.C1
Objective 1: Describe for basic business concept development and self-assessment. Concept
Lesson 1: Examine the entrepreneurial process in which the entrepreneur generates ideas, recognizes
opportunities, and determines the feasibility of ideas, markets and ventures. (BBA 405-0.3 NAUY
300W-0.6, ENTY 430-0.6, BBA 440-0.3) Determining Feasibility/SBAmn.C1.O1.L1
Topic 1: Explain the need for entrepreneurial process/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Discuss entrepreneurial discovery processes. Discovery Process/
Topic 3: Assess global trends/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Determine opportunities for venture opportunities/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_ Mastery: Student will analyze business venture trends and opportunities to create a
self-assessment profile to develop a small business proposal./Mastery/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L1.TM
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562,ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
 "Understanding the Basics of Small Business Market Research,"
 Six Thinking Hats, Edward DeBono
 The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Malcomm Gladwell,
Back Bay Books, 2002
 Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore, New York
Lesson 2: Identify entrepreneurial processes and strategies to plan the venture. (ENTY 320-0.3)
Venture Planning Strategies/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L2
Topic 1: Assess opportunities and resources for venture creation and start-up requirements.
Assess opportunities/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Describe idea-generation methods. Idea-Generation Methods/
Topic 3: Generate venture ideas. Generating Ideas/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Determine feasibility of ideas. Feasibility/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L2.T4
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Topic 5_Mastery: Analyze and conceptualize a synopsis for business development, to include
concept, feasibility, opportunity and comprehensive analysis of the processes for creation and
implementation./Mastery/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L2.TM
 “Person, Process, Choice: The Psychology of New Venture Creation”, Kelly G. Shaver,
Linda R. Scott
 Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6/E, Norman M.
Scarborough, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0136109594, ISBN-13: 9780136109594)
 "Learn About Business Ownership Structures,"
Objective 2: Examine business strategy planning and analysis for business feasibility. Business Resources
Planning/ SBAmn.C1.O2
Lesson 1: Examine capital resources needed for a business venture. (ENTY 320-0.3) Examining
Capital Resources/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L1
Topic 1: Describe external resources useful to entrepreneurs during concept development.
External Resources / SBAmn.C1.O2.L1.T1
Topic 2: Assess the need to use external resources for concept development. Assess External
Resources/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L1.T2
Topic 3: Describe strategies to protect intellectual property. Intellectual Property/
Topic 4_Mastery: Assess and explore the costs/benefits associated with resources and small
business startups. /Mastery/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L1.TM
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 320 required textbook
 The Ten Faces of Innovation: Strategies for Heightening Creativity, Tom Kelley, Profile
Business, 2008. (ISBN-10: 184668031X, ISBN-13: 978-1846680311)--ENTY 320
recommended textbook
 Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher, William L. Ury,
and Bruce Patton, Penguin Books, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0143118757, ISBN-13: 9780143118756)--ENTY 320 recommended textbook.
 "An Introduction to Value Innovation," --ENTY 320 recommended reading
 "What is Value Innovation?", -- recommended
 (project management templates)
 --ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 (project-based
learning)--ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 Center for Creative Learning: (problem-solving styles)-ENTY 320 recommended online resource
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"How to kill creativity: Keep doing what you're doing. Or, if you want to spark innovation,
rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people, T. M. Amabile, Harvard
Business Review , (September-October): 77- 87.
Lesson 2: Select sources to finance venture creation/startup (BBA 405-0.3) Finance Venture
Planning/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L2
Topic 1: Describe entrepreneurial planning considerations. Planning Considerations/
Topic 2: Explain tools used by entrepreneurs for venture planning. Planning Tools/
Topic 3: Assess start-up requirements. Assessing Requirements/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L2.T3
Topic 4: Determine risks associated with venture. Determining Risks/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L2.T4
Topic 5:_Mastery: Implement strategic planning processes to identify venture resources,
market research opportunities and methods for concept development for a selected
venture./Mastery/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L2.TM
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 320 required textbook
 The Ten Faces of Innovation: Strategies for Heightening Creativity, Tom Kelley, Profile
Business, 2008. (ISBN-10: 184668031X, ISBN-13: 978-1846680311)--ENTY 320
recommended textbook
 Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher, William L. Ury,
and Bruce Patton, Penguin Books, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0143118757, ISBN-13: 9780143118756)--ENTY 320 recommended textbook.
 "An Introduction to Value Innovation," --ENTY 320 recommended reading
 "What is Value Innovation?", --ENTY 320
recommended reading
 (project management templates)
 --ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 (project-based
learning)--ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 Center for Creative Learning: (problem-solving styles)-ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 "How to kill creativity: Keep doing what you're doing. Or, if you want to spark innovation,
rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people, T. M. Amabile, Harvard
Business Review, (September-October): 77- 87.
Lesson 3: Analyze the business acquisition strategic issues to gain an understanding of the private
transaction process from multitude of corporate and personal business acquisition settings. (BBA 4050.3) Business Acquisition/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L3
Topic 1: Synthesize the acquisition process in context of a new business venture creation.
Acquisition Process/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L3.T1
Topic 2: Examine pros and cons franchising. Franchising/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L3.T2
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Topic 3: Exploring single business and split and sell acquisitions. Types of Acquisitions/
Topic 4: Differentiating the external impact of business acquisition at the local, national and
global levels. External Impact/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L3.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Examine pros and cons of buying an existing business in context of the
single business acquisition, affiliate and/or the split and sell. Identify a target market segment
and examine the franchise approach of acquiring a business. Compare and analyze this
approach against the single and/or split and sell approach./Mastery/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L3.TM
 Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6/E, Norman M.
Scarborough, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0136109594, ISBN-13: 9780136109594)
 "Business Types,"
 "Buying a Franchise,"
 Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies. Third Edition by
 Copeland, Koller and Murrin (McKinsey & Co.), John Wiley & Sons, 2000;
 Valuation for M&A by Evans & Bishop, John Wiley & Sons, 2001;Deal Terms by Alex
Wilmering, Aspatore Books, 2005 The New York Times , Business Section (online:
 Wall Street Journal, (online:’s , Dow Jones & Company, weekly
 “The Economist”
Lesson 4: Examine the key elements of a business plan. (BBA 405-0.3) Business Plan/
Topic 1: Describe the purpose of a business for new concept development. Purpose of
Business Plans/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L4.T1
Topic 2: Identify the key elements and style of a business plan. Key Elements of a Business
Plan/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L4.T2
Topic 3: Describe the components and style of an executive summary. Executive Summary/
Topic 4: Describe the purpose of a business plan as a management tool for expansion growth.
Management Tool/ SBAmn.C1.O2.L4.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Analyze key business information in the body of a business plan, to
evaluate feasibility and expansion strategies. Evaluate key elements, to include marketing
plan, the operational management and organizational structure./Mastery/
 "Elements of a Good Business Plan,"
 FT Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan: How to win backing to start up or grow
your business, Vaughan Evans, 2011. (ISBN13: 9780273757986, ISBN10:
 The Ernst & Young Business Guide, 3rd Ed., Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford and Jay M.
Bornstein, Wiley, 2007. (ISBN-10: 0470112697, ISBN-13: 978-0470112694)-ENTY380 required textbook
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Business Plans for Dummies, 2nd Ed., Peter Tiffany and Steven D. Peterson, John
Wiley & Sons, 2004 (ISBN: 978-0-7645-7652-2)--ENTY 380 recommended textbook
Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward de Bono, Back Bay Books, 1999. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY recommended textbook
"A Simpler Plan for Startups":
"Business Plan for a Startup Business,"
"Business Plan/Template for a Startup Business," Microsoft Office:|
"Making an Effective Presentation,"
C2. Examine the personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance/
Entrepreneurial Traits/Behaviors / SBAmn.C2
Objective 1: Breakdown the traits, characteristics and difference needed for successful business ownership,
management and leadership. Traits and Characteristics/SBAmn.C2.O1
Lesson 1: Assess the traits and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. (BBA 405-0.3,
NAUY 300W-0.6, ENTY 440-O.6) The Successful Entrepreneur/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L1
Topic 1: Identify the functions and roles of ethics in management. Ethics in management/
Topic 2: Examine behaviors and skills of successful leaders. Behaviors and Skills/
Topic 3: Describe and compare desirable entrepreneurial personality traits. Personality
Traits/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Evaluate personal capabilities and self-assessment processes to determine
entrepreneurial potential. Self-assessment/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Develop a personal leadership profile using the Leadership Challenge
Model./Mastery/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L1.TM
 "Is Entrepreneurship for You?",
 Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6/E, Norman M.
Scarborough, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0136109594, ISBN-13: 9780136109594),
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
 What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
 The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
 Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992????
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The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)-NAUY 310 recommended textbook
Lesson 2: Examine leadership skills and behaviors for successful entrepreneurial and managerial
effectiveness. (BBA 405-0.3, NAUY 310-0.6, ENTY 430- 0.3) Leadership Skills/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L2
Topic 1: Issues of leadership entrepreneurship and sustainability in the workplace.
Leadership Sustainability/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Key value-driven principals and functions in leadership and management. Valuedriven leadership and management/ SBAmn.C1.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Practicing leadership and managerial functions in the small business environment.
Leadership in small business/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Employ effective management and leadership skills, behavior and ethical practices.
Employing leadership/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Students will develop a personal assessment plan in the workplace to
determine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits, interests, biases and
capabilities./Mastery/ SBAmn.C2.O1.L2.TM
 The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
 What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
Crown Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0609608398, ISBN-13: 978-0609608395)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
 The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
 Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992????
 The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)-NAUY 310 recommended textbook
 Winning, Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, HarperBusiness, 2005. (ISBN-10: 0060753943,
ISBN-13: 978-0060753948)
 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don’t Jim Collins,
HarperBusiness, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook.
C3. Examine fundamental business concepts that affect business decision-making/ SBAmn.C3
Objective 1: Examine the role of the small business in society and the global marketplace in context of
theoretical perspectives and theory. Business Theoretical Perspectives/SBAmn.C3.O1
Lesson 1: Research the community-based small business social responsibility issues. (BBA 300-0.6)
Social Responsibility Issues/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L1
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Topic 1: Identify types of business activities and business structures to promote social
responsibility. Community-based social responsibility/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Explore opportunities for creating added-value opportunities. Creating addedvalue/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Explain and describe the need for and the impact of ethical business practices.
Ethical business practices/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Demonstrate the importance of social responsibilities to the small business
owner at local, national and global level. Use case study to illustrate how companies use and
implement social responsibility./Mastery/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L1.TM
 The Ropes to Skip and the Ropes to Know: Studies in Organizational Behavior, 8th Ed., R.
Richard Ritti and Steven Levy, Wiley, 2009. (ISBN-10: 0470169672, ISBN-13: 9780470169674)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
 Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems, 5th Ed., W. Richard
Scott and Gerald F. Davis, Prentice Hall, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0131958933, ISBN-13: 9780131958937)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
 Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance, Charles Lusthaus,
Marie-Hélène Adrien, Gary Anderson, and Fred Carden, IDRC Books, 2002. (ISBN-10:
0889369984, ISBN-13: 978-0889369986)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
 Qualitative Studies of Organizations (The Administrative Science Quarterly Series in
Organizational Theory and Behavior), John Van Maanen, Sage, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0761916954, ISBN-13: 978-0761916956)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
Lesson 2: Explore applications of organizational theory practices in business management and
operations. (NAUY 300W-0.3) Organizational theory/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L2
Topic 1: Identify theoretical perspectives relevant to understanding organizations. Theoretical
perspectives/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Examine organizational perspectives in the small business environment. Contrasting
organizational perspectives/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Examine the small business organizations in context of organizational theory.
Applications of organizational theory/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Examine organizational best practices in theoretical perspectives for dynamic
organizations. Organizational best practices/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Apply theoretical perspectives to an existing organization to examine
organizational dynamics. /Mastery/ SBAmn.C3.O1.L2.TM
 Images of Organizations, Updated Edition, Gareth Morgan, Sage, 2007. (ISBN-10:
1412939798, ISBN-13: 978-1412939799)--NAUY 300W required textbook.
 Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis, Gibson Burrell and Gareth
Morgan, Ashgate Publishing, 2007. (ISBN-10: 1857421140, ISBN-13: 9781857421149)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
 The Ropes to Skip and the Ropes to Know: Studies in Organizational Behavior, 8th
Ed., R. Richard Ritti and Steven Levy, Wiley, 2009. (ISBN-10: 0470169672, ISBN-13:
978-0470169674)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
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Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems, 5th Ed., W.
Richard Scott and Gerald F. Davis, Prentice Hall, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0131958933, ISBN13: 978-0131958937)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance, Charles
Lusthaus, Marie-Hélène Adrien, Gary Anderson, and Fred Carden, IDRC Books, 2002.
(ISBN-10: 0889369984, ISBN-13: 978-0889369986)--NAUY 300W recommended
Qualitative Studies of Organizations (The Administrative Science Quarterly Series in
Organizational Theory and Behavior), John Van Maanen, Sage, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0761916954, ISBN-13: 978-0761916956)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
Southwest Airlines (Corporations That Change the World), Chris Lauer, Greenwood,
2010. (ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W required
Nuts! Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success, Kevin
Jackiega, Crown Business, 1998. (ISBN-10: 0767901843, ISBN-13: 978-0767901840)-NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
Objective 2: Explore best practices, key drivers, and characteristics of successful, dynamic organizations.
Exploring best practices/ SBAmn.C3.O2
Lesson 1: Examine strategic management best practices of successful, dynamic organizations. (NAUY
300W-0.3) Best practices in management/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L1
Topic 1: Create a list of common characteristics of successful, dynamic organizations to
identify fundamental business activities as related to of operational “best practices”. Identify
best practices/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L1.T1
Topic 2: Compare and contrast how Apple, Google, Nike, Harley Davidson Motor Company
and Toyota changed the business as usual using organizational theoretical perspectives.
Comparing organizational perspective/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L1.T2
Topic 3: Analyze and compare fundamental business concepts in context of operations,
strategic planning and process improvement practices. Fundamental concepts in practice/
Topic 4_Mastery: Contrast fundamental business concepts to explain the nature and scope of
operations management and strategic planning./Mastery/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L1.TM
 Images of Organizations, Updated Edition, Gareth Morgan, Sage, 2007. (ISBN-10:
1412939798, ISBN-13: 978-1412939799)--NAUY 300W required textbook.
 The Southwest Airlines Way, Jody Hoffer Gittell, McGraw Hill, 2005. (ISBN-10:
0071458271, ISBN-13: 978-0071458276)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
 Images of Organizations, Updated Edition, Gareth Morgan, Sage, 2007. (ISBN-10:
1412939798, ISBN-13: 978-1412939799)--NAUY 300W required textbook.
 Google (Corporations That Change the World), Virginia Scott, Greenwood, 2010.
(ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended
 Nike (Corporations That Change the World), Tracy Carbasho, Greenwood, 2010.
(ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended
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Toyota (Corporations That Change the World), K. Dennis Chambers, Greenwood,
2010. (ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W
recommended textbook.
Apple (Corporations That Change the World), Jason D. O'Grady, Greenwood, 2010.
(ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended
Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Misty Scott, (ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13:
978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
Lesson 2: Examine key drivers correlated to organizational effectiveness and mission success.
(NAUY 300W-0.3, ENTY 440-0.6) Organizational effectiveness/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L2
Topic 1: Identify key factors of organizational effectiveness. Key drivers/
Topic 2: Building best practice for effective management and mission success. Building
best practices/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L2.T2
Topic 3: Describe crucial elements of a quality culture/continuous improvement.
Continuous improvement practice/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Determine crucial elements of a quality organizational processes,
culture and continuous quality improvement in a workplace environment/Mastery/
 Images of Organizations, Updated Edition, Gareth Morgan, Sage, 2007. (ISBN-10:
1412939798, ISBN-13: 978-1412939799)--NAUY 300W required textbook.
 Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis, Gibson Burrell and Gareth
Morgan, Ashgate Publishing, 2007. (ISBN-10: 1857421140, ISBN-13: 9781857421149)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
 The Ropes to Skip and the Ropes to Know: Studies in Organizational Behavior, 8th
Ed., R. Richard Ritti and Steven Levy, Wiley, 2009. (ISBN-10: 0470169672, ISBN13: 978-0470169674)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
 Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems, 5th Ed., W.
Richard Scott and Gerald F. Davis, Prentice Hall, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0131958933,
ISBN-13: 978-0131958937)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
 Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance, Charles
Lusthaus, Marie-Hélène Adrien, Gary Anderson, and Fred Carden, IDRC Books,
2002. (ISBN-10: 0889369984, ISBN-13: 978-0889369986)--NAUY 300W
recommended textbook.
 Qualitative Studies of Organizations (The Administrative Science Quarterly Series in
Organizational Theory and Behavior), John Van Maanen, Sage, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0761916954, ISBN-13: 978-0761916956)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook
Lesson 3: Understand characteristics in successful and dynamic organizations. (NAUY 300W- 0.3,
BBA 405-0.3, ENTY 430-0.3) Successful dynamic organizations/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L3
Topic 1: Examine organizational behavior characteristics of successful, dynamic
organizations. Organizational behavior/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L3.T1
Topic 2: Describe the role of management in the achievement of process improvement,
productivity and change in the workplace. Role of Management/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L3.T2
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Topic3: Discover the role of management in the achievement of quality, control and
productivity. Managing quality, control and productivity/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L3.T3
Topic4_Mastery: Identify and synthesize elements of “best practice” organizational behavior
in the areas of managerial operations, change, productivity and sustainability in the
workplace./Mastery/ SBAmn.C3.O2.L3.TM
 Images of Organizations, Updated Edition, Gareth Morgan, Sage, 2007. (ISBN-10:
1412939798, ISBN-13: 978-1412939799)--NAUY 300W required textbook.
 Google (Corporations That Change the World), Virginia Scott, Greenwood, 2010. (ISBN10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
 Nike (Corporations That Change the World), Tracy Carbasho, Greenwood, 2010. (ISBN10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
 Toyota (Corporations That Change the World), K. Dennis Chambers, Greenwood, 2010.
(ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended
 Apple (Corporations That Change the World), Jason D. O'Grady, Greenwood, 2010.
(ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 978-0313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended
 Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Misty Scott, (ISBN-10: 0313378630, ISBN-13: 9780313378638)--NAUY 300W recommended textbook.
Objective 3: Examine business ownership structures and types of business models. Business ownership/
Lesson 1: Describe business ownership structures. Ownership Structures (BBA 405-0.3)
Topic 1: Describe different business structures. Business structures/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L1.T1
Topic 2: Compare and contrast the different business structures, including Sole Proprietor,
General and Limited Partnerships, Corporations, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability
Partnership, Nonprofit Corporations, and Cooperatives. Comparing business structures/
Topic 3: Describe he pros and cons of each type of business structure for the small business
owner. Pros and cons of business structures/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Formulate a business model structure for a small business venture,
including an analysis of the fundamental business concepts, such as functions of control,
productivity, and successful entrepreneurial practices./Mastery/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L1.TM
 Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6/E, Norman M.
Scarborough, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0136109594, ISBN-13: 9780136109594)
 "Learn About Business Ownership Structures,"
"Choosing the Best Ownership Structure for Your Business,"
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Lesson 2: Distinguish types of small business models in context with local, national and global
economic trends (BBA 405-0.3) Small business models/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L2
Topic 1:. Current business development concepts/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L2.T1
Topic 2: Determine issues and trends in business across industry and a global economy. Issues
and trends across industries/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L2.T2
Topic 3: Examine business sectors, global opportunities and niche market opportunities for
concept development and for a new business venture. Exploring market opportunities/
Topic 4_Mastery: Formulate a one page business plan proposal for a startup and/ or
expansion opportunity for an established business./Mastery/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L2.TM
 "Business Types,"
 "Buying a Franchise,"
Lesson 3: Evaluate financial data and investment opportunities. (ENTY 320-0.6)
Financial/investment Opportunities/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L3
Topic 1: Identify funding/investment resources for new and existing business development.
Investment resources/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L3.T1
Topic 2: Contrast franchise contractual agreements in contrast to new concept development.
Comparing franchising and new concept development/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L3.T2
Topic 3: Assess strengths and weaknesses of supporting data and financial investment
resources. Strengths and weakness/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L3.T3
Topic 4: Evaluate key supporting information and contractual agreements for new and
business expansion. Examining information and contracts/ SBAmn.C3.O3.L3.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Review a business proposal using case study resources to assess strengths
and weaknesses of supporting financial data and investment resources./Mastery/
 "Guide for Writing a Business Plan,"
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward de Bono, Back Bay Books, 1999. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)
 "Introduction to the e-Business Tutorial,"
 FT Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan: How to win backing to start up or grow
your business, Vaughan Evans, 2011 (ISBN13: 9780273757986, ISBN10:
 The Ernst & Young Business Guide, 3rd Ed., Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford and Jay M.
Bornstein, Wiley, 2007. (ISBN-10: 0470112697, ISBN-13: 978-0470112694)
 Business Plans for Dummies, 2nd Ed., Peter Tiffany and Steven D. Peterson, John
Wiley & Sons, 2004 (ISBN: 978-0-7645-7652-2)
Page 11 of 50
FT Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan: How to win backing to start up or grow
your business, Vaughan Evans, 2011. (ISBN13: 9780273757986, ISBN10:
"Business Plan/Template for an Established Business," Microsoft Office:|
C4. Employ concepts, strategies, and systems needed to interact effectively with others to ensure high
performance in the workplace/ Workplace Competencies /SBAmn.C4
Objective: 1: Identify strategic business planning process and implementation. Strategic implementation
planning/ SBAmn.C4.O1
Lesson 1: Determine business startup basics. (NAUY 300W-0.6, BBA 405-0.3) Business basic
startups/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L1
Topic 1: Examine and develop a personal business implementation plan. Implementation
plan/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Explore community and local business regulations and resources. Regulations and
resources/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Compare and contrast problem-solving, decision-making strategies and logistics.
Strategies and logistics/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Identify networking and team-building support for small business. Networking and
team-building resources/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Develop a strategic business plan outline to identify brand, target market
and five year budget projections. Review and format a business planning framework to
identify the description of the business, the Mission Statement, Goals and
Objectives./Mastery/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L1.TM
 Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6/E, Norman M.
Scarborough, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0136109594, ISBN-13: 9780136109594)
Lesson 2: Explore attributes of the “whole-person” paradigm approach model to leading and
managing in the workplace. (NAUY 310 - 0.6) The “whole-person” in the workplace/
Topic 1: Identify and describe the parts of the whole person paradigm. Identifying the “whole
person” paradigm/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Describe the whole person paradigm and its impact on organizational and team
effectiveness. Impact of organizational and team effectiveness/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Leadership approaches and applications of the whole person paradigm models in the
workplace. Leadership and applications/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Contrast and compare leadership and management functions in context of the
“knowledge worker” era trends in the workplace. Trends in the “knowledge worker” era/
Topic 5_Mastery: Examine and isolate trends in management and leadership in context of the
whole person paradigm and effective team processes in “knowledge worker” environment.
/Mastery/ SBAmn.C4.O1.L2.TM
Page 12 of 50
The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
Crown Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0609608398, ISBN-13: 978-0609608395)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992????
The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)-NAUY 310 recommended textbook
Winning, Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, Harper Business, 2005. (ISBN-10: 0060753943,
ISBN-13: 978-0060753948)
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't, Jim Collins,
Harper Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
Objective 2: Examine function and strategies of teams and organizations in small business. Team functions
and strategies/ SBAmn.C4.O2
Lesson 1: Evaluate an action team planning for a successful team organization (BBA 440-0.3, ENTY
430-0.3, ENTY-440-0.3) Team action planning/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L1
Topic 1: Describe fundamentals of group dynamics. Fundamental group dynamics/
Topic 2: Examine the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful teams and organizations./
Topic 3: Clarify the different stages of team development. Stages in team development/
Topic 4: Outline characteristics of successful and unsuccessful team and organizations. Team
characteristics/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Analyze an unsuccessful team through a business case and describe group
dynamics, stage of development, and characteristics, as well as team members assigned or selfimposed roles. In your analysis, suggest what the team and its members did well, and what the
team and its members need to do turn the team into a successful one./Mastery/
 The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
Page 13 of 50
What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
Crown Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0609608398, ISBN-13: 978-0609608395)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992
The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)—
NAUY 310 recommended textbook
Winning, Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, HarperBusiness, 2005. (ISBN-10: 0060753943,
ISBN 13: 978-0060753948)
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't, Jim Collins,
HarperBusiness, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
Lesson 2: Develop a system plan aligned to meet the purpose of the team or organization. (NAUY
310-0.6) Systems plan/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L2
Topic 1: Describe why a statement of purpose is important for a team or organization.
Statement of purpose/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L2.T1
Topic 2: Identify and compare the purpose statement (Mission Statement) across industries in
different sectors. Identifying Mission purpose/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L2.T2
Topic 3: Compare and contrast characteristics, traits and values of successful systems and
successful teams. Successful traits and values/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Create a statement of purpose for a small business and demonstrate what
leadership and managerial functions are required in context of the group dynamics and
different stages of team development. Create a personal action plan using the SMART Goals
system to determine successful leadership and management behaviors, skills, and
practices./Mastery/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L2.TM
 The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
 What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
Crown Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0609608398, ISBN-13: 978-0609608395)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
 The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
 Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992
 The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)-NAUY 310 recommended textbook
Page 14 of 50
Winning, Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, HarperBusiness, 2005. (ISBN-10: 0060753943,
ISBN-13: 978-0060753948)
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't, Jim Collins,
HarperBusiness, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
Lesson 3: Develop talent and distinguish between those people on a team or organization that can best
contribute to the development of the team or organization. (NAUY 310-0.6) Identifying team
contributions/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L3
Topic 1: Describe strategies for developing skills and behaviors for effective contribution to
successful teams and organizations. Development strategies/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L3.T1
Topic 2: Identify the leadership behaviors, skills, and tools needed to lead and manage
effective teams. Leader Behaviors, skills and Tools./ SBAmn.C4.O2.L3.T2
Topic 3: Describe the role of communication in leading effective teams. Team
Communications/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L3.T3
Topic 4: Explain how to identify and coach high-potential individuals. Coaching HighPotential Individuals/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L3.T4
Topic 5: Analyze team dynamics and its impact to organizational effectiveness. Team Impact/
Topic 6_Mastery: Create a personal leadership development plan using SMART goals to
further develop your leadership and management behaviors, skills, and practices./Mastery/
 The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
 What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
Crown Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0609608398, ISBN-13: 978-0609608395)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
 The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
 Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992
 The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)-NAUY 310 recommended textbook
 Winning, Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, Harper Business, 2005. (ISBN-10: 0060753943,
ISBN-13: 978-0060753948)
 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don’t, Jim Collins,
Harper Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
Page 15 of 50
Lesson 4: Examine team dynamics in organizations. (NAUY 310-0.6) Team Dynamics/
Topic 1: Describe the roles of team members and fundamentals of group dynamics. Roles and
Fundamentals/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L4.T1
Topic 2: Explain characteristics of successful and unsuccessful team and organizations.
Successful Team Characteristics/ SBAmn.C4.O2.L4.T2
Topic 3: Clarify the different stages of team development. Stages of Team Development/
Topic 4_Mastery: Critique a case study to analyze an unsuccessful team in the context of
group dynamics principles, stage of development, and the impact to the organization./Mastery/
 The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
 What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works, Ram Charan,
Crown Business, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0609608398, ISBN-13: 978-0609608395)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
 The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster,
2005. (ISBN-10: 0743287932, ISBN-13: 978-0743287937)--NAUY 310 recommended
 Principled-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Schuster, 1992
 The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth, Fred Reichheld, Harvard
Business School Press, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1591397839, ISBN-13: 978-1591397830)-NAUY 310 recommended textbook
 Winning, Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, HarperBusiness, 2005. (ISBN-10: 0060753943,
ISBN-13: 978-0060753948)
 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't, Jim Collins,
HarperBusiness, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0066620996, ISBN-13: 978-0066620992)--NAUY 310
recommended textbook
 The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, Stephen M.R. Covey, Free
Press, 2008. (ISBN-10: 1847392717, ISBN-13: 978-1416549000)--NAUY 310 required
 Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications, Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (ISBN-10: 047008698X, ISBN-13: 978-0470086988)--NAUY
310 recommended textbook
C5. Acquire concepts and procedures needed for basic computer operations in a small business setting/
Digital Skills/ SBAmj.C5
Objective 1: Create automated business process in the small business environment. Automated business
Page 16 of 50
Lesson 1: Building a collaborative culture as a support system for small business operations/ (BBA
300-0.9, BBA 291-0.6) SBAmj.C5.O1.L1
Topic 1: Examining primary activities as critical leverage to enhance competition and
operational excellence. Creating Leverage for Operational Excellence/
Topic 2: Explain the elements of total quality management. Elements to TQM/
Topic 3: Identify business primary and support activities in a business operation. Primary and
Supportive Activities/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Explore the Value Chain Model to improve customer relations and supply chain
system processes. Value Chain Model/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Design a systems model to track primary and support activities, such as
purchasing procedures, inventory control, and computerized accounting operations. /Mastery/
 Management Information Systems, 12/, EKen Laudon, Jane Laudon ISBN-10: 0132142856
ISBN-13: 9780132142854, Publisher: Prentice Hall, Copyright: 2012
Lesson 2: Examine the integration of information systems and technology in operations and supply
chain management. (BBA 330-0.3) Integration of Information Systems/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L2
Topic 1: Describe the importance of information in an integrated supply chain management
environment. Importance of Information Integration/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Demonstrate an understanding technology in operations and supply chain
management. Understanding Technology in Management/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Explore information and technology applications for supply chain management./
Topic 4: Analyze how a small business integrates technology to help manage operations and
supply chain process and activities. Technology and Small Business/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Integrate the concept of value chain model to examine how a company
performs value-added activities and improve management, production, and distribution,
operations and customer services./Mastery/ SBAmj.C5.O1.L2.TM
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and Robert
B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13: 9780132747325)
 Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.,
Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
Objective 2: Examine innovation in the business environment. Innovation in Business/ SBAmj.C5.O2
Page 17 of 50
Lesson 1: Explore methods/processes for ongoing opportunity and innovative change.
(ENTY 360-0.3) Exploring Processes for Innovation/ SBAmj.C5.O2.L1
Topic 1: Describe business creativity and the role of the manager in the creative process, using
the Harvard three component models. Business Creativity Harvard Models/
Topic 2: Explain characteristics of innovative companies. Characteristics in Innovation/
Topic 3: Determine how innovation helped Toyota become one of the most successful
companies in the world. Toyota Innovation Model/ SBAmj.C5.O2.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Describe a prototype being developed by IDEO, a lab dedicated to
innovation and creativity./Mastery/ SBAmj.C5.O2.L1.TM
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 320 required textbook
 The Ten Faces of Innovation: Strategies for Heightening Creativity, Tom Kelley, Profile
Business, 2008. (ISBN-10: 184668031X, ISBN-13: 978-1846680311)--ENTY 320
recommended textbook
 Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher, William L. Ury,
and Bruce Patton, Penguin Books, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0143118757, ISBN-13: 9780143118756)--ENTY 320 recommended textbook.
 "An Introduction to Value Innovation," --ENTY 320 recommended reading
 "What is Value Innovation?", --ENTY 320
recommended reading
 (project management templates)--ENTY 320
recommended online resource
 (project-based
learning)--ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 Center for Creative Learning: (problem-solving styles)-NTY 320 recommended online resource
 "How to kill creativity: Keep doing what you're doing. Or, if you want to spark innovation,
rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people, T. M. Amabile, Harvard
Business Review , (September-October): 77- 87.
 "How Toyota became the Most Creative Company in the World," Dominic Balsuto, 2007,
 "The World's Most Innovative Companies," BusinessWeek online, April 4, 2006,
 "25 Most Innovative Companies," Bloomberg Report online, 2010.
Lesson 2: Identify best practices of innovation while collaborating, coordinating, scheduling and
communicating in a business setting. (ENTY 380-0.3) Interactive Best Practices in Innovation/
Topic 1: Identify challenges of collaborating, coordinating, scheduling and communicating in
a business setting/ SBAmj.C5.O2.L2.T1
Page 18 of 50
Topic 2: Demonstrate opportunities for innovation while collaborating, coordinating
scheduling and communicating in a business setting. Opportunities for Innovation/
Topic 3: Create a list of 'best practices' of innovation while collaborating, coordinating,
scheduling and communicating in a business setting. Identifying Best Practices in
Communication/ SBAmj.C5.O2.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Develop an innovative solution to a challenge related to a startup
concept or opportunity to demonstrate an innovative solution when collaborating, coordinating,
scheduling, and communicating a business function or activity./Mastery/
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 320 required textbook
 The Ten Faces of Innovation: Strategies for Heightening Creativity, Tom Kelley, Profile
Business, 2008. (ISBN-10: 184668031X, ISBN-13: 978-1846680311)--ENTY 320
recommended textbook
 Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher, William L. Ury,
and Bruce Patton, Penguin Books, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0143118757, ISBN-13: 9780143118756)--ENTY 320 recommended textbook.
 "An Introduction to Value Innovation," --ENTY 320 recommended reading
 "What is Value Innovation?", --ENTY 320
recommended reading
 (project management templates)--ENTY 320
recommended online resource
 (project-based
learning)--ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 Center for Creative Learning: (problem-solving styles)-ENTY 320 recommended online resource
 "How to kill creativity: Keep doing what you're doing. Or, if you want to spark innovation,
rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people, T. M. Amabile, Harvard
Business Review , (September-October): 77- 87.
 "Creating Value through Business Model Innovation, Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott,
MIT Sloan Management Review, March 20, 2012.
C6. Evaluate the economic principles and concepts fundamental to entrepreneurship/small-business
Objective 1: Examine the economic principles and concepts fundamental to entrepreneurship/small business
ownership. Economic Principles and Fundamentals/ SBAmj.C6.O1
Lesson 1: Examine the nature of economics and economic activities that impact small business.
(ENTY 240-0.3, BBA 330-0.3, ENTY 380-0.9, BBA 291-0.6) Economic Activities/
Page 19 of 50
Topic 1: Explain the types of economic systems. Types of Economic Systems/
Topic 2: Determine forms of economic utility created by business activities. Economic Utility/
Topic 3: Distinguish between economic goods and services. Economic Goods and Services/
Topic 4: Determine the relationship between government and business. Government and Business
Relations/ SBAmj.C6.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Identify factors affecting a business’s profit and the relationship local, national
and global economics systems has on small business, demonstrate the impact of the principles of
supply and demand on small business. Select four measures of economic conditions and prepare a
presentation which explains those measures and their importance to business activities./Mastery/
Lesson 2: Examine economic indicators and trends in small business. (BBA 408-1.8, BBA 300-1.2)
Economic Indicators/ SBAmj.C6.O1.L2
Topic 1: Analyze productivity and growth in the context of economic indicators and trends.
Productivity and Growth Indicators/ SBAmj.C6.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Explain the law of diminishing returns. Law of Diminishing Returns/
Topic 3: Determine factors affecting business risk. Risk Factors/ SBAmj.C6.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4 Explain measures used to analyze economic conditions. Measures for Economic
Conditions/ SBAmj.C6.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5: Explain the nature and relationship of the Consumer Price Index and of the Gross
Domestic Product. CPI and GDP Factors in Economics/ SBAmj.C6.O1.L2.T5
Topic 6_Mastery: Explain the concept of Gross Domestic Product Research for the growth of
entrepreneurial businesses in command economies, such as China and Vietnam. Identify three
reasons for this growth, and relate those reasons to the US economic growth./Mastery/
Material: Trends, Cycles, and Fads in Economic, Martin Bronfenbrenner, “The American
Economic Review,” Vol. 56, No. 1/2 (Mar. 1, 1966), pp. 538-552
C7. Analyze personal money-management concepts, procedures, and strategies/Financial
Objective 1: Explore financial and business literacy of small and micro entrepreneurs. Business Financing/
Lesson 1: Examine the functions of money basics for a small business owner. (BBA 290-0.6, BBA
320-0.3) Money Basics for Small Business/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L1
Topic1: Explain forms of financial exchange. Forms of Exchange/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Describe the sources of income and explain the costs associated with use of financial
services. Income and Cost of Finance/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L1.T2
Page 20 of 50
Topic 3: Analyze financial documents for the small business. Analyzing Financial
Documents/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4 _Mastery: Develop a personal budget for 12 months to apply basic personal financial
management principles and correlate it to the budget for a startup venture proposal./Mastery/
Lesson 2: Evaluate the cash flow processes for managing debt and business operations. (BBA 320-0.3,
ENTY 360-0.6, ENTY 240-0.3) Cash Flow Processes/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L2
Topic 1: Define elements of the cash flow statement. Cash Flow Statement/
Topic 2: Analyze cash flow and financial planning. Understanding Cash Flow Planning/
Topic 3: Identify the steps in the financial planning process and discuss the importance
of forecasts and pro forma financial statements. Financial Planning Processes/
Topic 4: Examine cash flow statements for debt and budget planning. Debt and Budget
Planning/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Analyze a financial statement and identify the major elements to
correlate and identify gross revenue, net income, and profit and estimated cash-flow needs.
/Mastery/ SBAmj.C7.O1.L2.TM
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA 320 required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
C8. Explore concepts and strategies needed for career exploration, development for co-requisites for
becoming a successful entrepreneur/ Professional Development. SBAmj.C8
Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of transferring learned skills to the workplace. Transferring
learned skills / SBAmn.C8.O1
Lesson 1: Apply knowledge and skills to small business in the workplace. (ENTY 380-0.6, NAUY
470C-1.5, BBA 408-1.5) Applying Knowledge and Skills/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L1
Topic 1: Evaluate employment opportunities in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship
Opportunities/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Analyze employer expectations in the business environment Expectations in the
Business Environment/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Seek out internship opportunities that allow transfer and practice of learned
skills and knowledge to the workplace. Mastery/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L1.TM
 Workplace Companion: A Student Work-Based Learning Notebook, Carl G. Sargent,
Prentice Hall, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0130931063, ISBN-13: 9780130931061),
Page 21 of 50
Lesson 2: Examine job-search resources and networking techniques. (ENTY240-0.3, ENTY 360-0.3,
BBA440-0.3) Job-Search and Networking/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L2
Topic 1: Utilize job-search and networking strategies Utilize Job-Search and Networking
Strategies./ SBAmn.C8.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Design a competency-based resume for a targeted business venture. CompetencyBased Resume/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Research alternative paths for job growth and advancement. Alternative Paths/
Topic 4_Mastery: Utilize a variety of job-search strategies to design a business professional
portfolio./Mastery/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L2.TM
 Career Focus: A Personal Job Search Guide, 3/E, Helene Martucci Lamarre, Prentice Hall,
2006 (ISBN-10: 0131149725, ISBN-13: 9780131149724),
Lesson 3: Examine portfolio-style, project-based job-search strategies to highlight employable skills,
to include both oral and written skills. (NAUY 470C -1.5, BBA 408-1.5) Portfolio and ProjectBased Strategies./ SBAmn.C8.O1.L3
Topic 1: Examine on-the-job learning experiences, including internship work, to enhance
knowledge and skills-set for small business planning. Examining Skill-Set and Experience/
Topic 2: Evaluate a portfolio process, including supporting documentation for the business
planning process and administration for e.g. market analysis, finance plan, human resource
plan, marketing plan, and finance plan. Defining the Portfolio Process/
Topic 3_Mastery: Develop a formal presentation to business professionals in a mock
"deal flow' setting where you must present personal portfolio, to provide a case for
funding./Mastery/ SBAmn.C8.O1.L3.TM
 Guide to Portfolios: Creating and Using Portfolios for Academic, Career, and Personal
Success, Mary Robins, Prentice Hall, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0137145330, ISBN-13:
 "Making an Effective Presentation,"
C9. Examine the financial concepts and tools used in making business decisions/ Financial
Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of financial management and planning. Financial management /
Page 22 of 50
Lesson 1: Examine financial statements and financial planning. (ENTY 360-0.6) Financial Planning/
Topic 1: Examine the elements of financial planning Elements of Financial Planning/
Topic 2: Analyze the elements of a financial statement. Analyzing Financial Statements/
Topic 3: Describe how financial statements integrate into a business plan. Integrating Financial
Statements/ SBAmj.C9.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Prepare a simulated estimated/projected income statement utilizing case
study resources./Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O1.L1.TM
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA 320 required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything,
Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13: 9781591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
Lesson 2: Examine time value of money. (BBA 320-0.3) Time value of money/ SBAmj.C9.O1.L2
Topic 1: Define the concept of “time value of money” and examine the relationship to longterm owner investment, growth and productivity. Relationship to Investment and Growth/
Topic 2: Examine the role of interest rates, net cash flows, and investing for company growth
and productivity. Rates, Cash Flow and Productivity/ SBAmj.C9.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Examine the concepts of present and future value to business owner investment
growth and long-term business success. Present and Future Values/ SBAmj.C9.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Synthesize variables such as the interest rate, time value; net cash flows,
and opportunity cost and return on investment helps determine a company’s feasibility in
making worthwhile investments to create long-term equity and business profitability. Mastery/
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA 320 required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
Business Values - How To Information |
Objective 2: Examine budgeting strategies and money management in the small business environment.
Budgeting and Money Management/ SBAmj.C9.O2
Lesson 1: Determine capital budgeting cash flows. (ENTY 360-0.3, ENTY 240-0.3) Capital
Budgeting/ SBAmj.C9.O2.L1
Page 23 of 50
Topic 1: Define capital budgeting cash flows. Capital Budgeting Cash Flows/
Topic 2: Explain how capital budgeting cash flows impact the small business. Capital Cash
Flow Impact/ SBAmj.C9.O2.L1.T2
Topic 3: Examine and analyze cash flow statements as function of budgeting and financial
reporting. Cash Flow Statements and Financial Reporting/ SBAmj.C9.O2.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze of the capital budgeting cash flows using the business case study
resources to explain the difference between accounting net income for the firm and cash
flow./Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O2.L1.TM
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA 320 required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
Lesson 2: Examine capital budgeting to evaluate decisions and long-term business planning. LongTerm Planning and Decision Making/ SBAmj.C9.O2.L2
(BBA 320-0.3, ENTY 360-0.3)
Topic 1: Describe different types of capital budgeting decisions. Capital Budgeting Decisions/
Topic 2: Analyzing cash flows impact on small business decisions. Cash Flow Impact/
Topic 3: Examine uncertainty and risk affect capital budgeting. Uncertainty and Risk/
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze capital budgeting, cash flows and projected long-term budget
planning for a new business venture and evaluate the costs and benefits of capital investments.
Identify net present value (NPV), cash flow activities and the net cash investment position and
profitability. /Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O2.L2.TM
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN10: 0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA 320 required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
Objective 3: Explore leverage and capital structures to maximize company profits and growth. Leverage
and Capital structuring/ SBAmj.C9.O3
Lesson 1: Examine how leverage and capital structures define business budgeting and planning. (BBA
320-0.3, ENTY 240-0.3) Analyze leverage and Capital Structure/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L1
Topic 1: Examine a company’s leverage options and capital structuring. Options and
Structuring/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L1.T1
Topic 2: Correlate leverage cost of capital structure and important to business operations and
management. Correlating Leverage Costs/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L1.T2
Page 24 of 50
Topic 3: Discuss the role importance of breakeven analysis (cost-volume-profits). Breakeven
Analysis/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Identify and explain the types of capital and the optimal capital structure
capital structure and examine the “leverage”, operating costs and breakeven point/Mastery/
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA 320 required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
Lesson 2: Evaluate and analyze Return on Investment (ROI) in a business environment. (BBA 320
0.3) Return on Investment/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L2
Topic 1: Analyze Return on Investment (ROI) for management and operations. ROI in
Management and Operations/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L2.T1
Topic 2: Evaluate financial criteria for Return on Investment (ROI) Financial Criteria/
Topic 3: Planning and implementing the ROI process in the organization. Planning ROI/
Topic 4_Mastery: Examine a balance sheet/ income statement to identify cash flow net
revenue, profit/loss, owner equity, and cost of operations using case study resources. Prepare
an analysis on your findings./Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L2.TM
 Risk Management: Fast Track to Success, Keith Baxter, Pearson, 2010, (ISBN13:
9780273732860, ISBN10: 0273732862),
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook.
Lesson 3: Examine the bond market and the impact on operations management and organizational
success. (BBA 320-0.3) Bond Market/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L3
Topic 1: Examine the principles of interest rates and bond valuation. Interest Rates and
Valuation/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L3.T1
Topic 2: Distinguish the difference between stock and bond valuation. Differences in Stock
and Bond Valuation/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L3.T2
Topic 3: Analyze the key factors of bond valuation: par value, market interest and bond
maturity. Key Factors in Valuation/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L3.T3
Topic 4: Contrast the costs and risks in investing--explicit, implicit, and hidden costs. Costs
and Risks/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L3.T4
Topic 5: Explain how interest rates and bond valuation influence on the role of stockholders,
decision-making and operations management. Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Influence/
Page 25 of 50
Topic 6_Mastery: Explain and evaluate the concept of shareholder wealth maximization and
how it relates to the decision making process faced by a financial manager. Explain the impact
of inflation on interest rates, net cash flow, cost opportunity and time value has on company
growth and investment gains./Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O3.L3.TM
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA320 required textbook.
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook.
Objective 4: Demonstrate reporting of typical business transactions and the preparation of financial
statements. Reporting Financial Statements/ SBAmj.C9.O4
Lesson 1: Analyze balance sheet reports to identify assets and of a company. (BBA 320-0.3, BBA
290-0.6) Identifying Assets/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L1
Topic 1: Examine a balance sheet to determine a company’s asset, liabilities and equity
position. Examining a Balance Sheet/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L1.T1
Topic 2: Review a cash flow statement to identify sources and use of cash activities.
Reviewing Cash Flow Activities/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L1.T2
Topic 3: Analyze a company’s cash position and income statement. Understanding a Cash
Position/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze a company’s income, equity, cash flow statements and balance
sheet. Prepare a comparative evaluation of five years of balance sheets to illustrate long-term
obligations, retained earnings, ROI, assets and liabilities and total net worth. Mastery/
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
 Financial Statements: A Step-by-step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial
Reports. Ittelson, Thomas R.
Lesson 2: Prepare a list funding sources with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). (ENTY 380-0.3, ENTY 360-0.3) SBDC Funding Sources / SBAmj.C9.O4.L2
Topic 1 Describe the Small Business Association's (SBA's) role. SBA Role/
Topic 2 Determine the purpose of the SBA Loan Programs. SBA Loan Programs/
Topic 3 Outline steps of preparing for a SBA loan application. Preparing SBA Applications/
Page 26 of 50
Topic 4_Mastery: Identify what government financing programs may be available to help you
start or expand your business ( SBAmj.C9.O4.L2.TM
 The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford, and Jay M.
Bornstein, 2007. (ISBN-10: 0470112697, ISBN-13: 978-0470112694)--ENTY 380
required textbook
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 380 recommended textbook
 "SBA's Role,"
 "What SBA Offers to Help Small Businesses Grown,"
 "SBA Loan Programs,"
 "Business Loan Application Checklist,"
 "SBA Loan Application Checklist,"
 "Credit Scores and Factors for Acquiring Financing, "
 "How to Prepare Your Loan Application,"
Lesson 3: Identify sources for funding small business and entrepreneurial startup at the state and local
level. (ENTY 380-0.3) Identifying Funding Sources/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L3
Topic 1: Research sources of funding at the state and national levels Funding Sources/
Topic 2: Determine if any of these sources of funding would be a good fit with your business
startup concept/opportunity or your own business, if established. Determining Funding
Sources/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L3.T2
Topic 3: Research sources of funding with financial institutions. Institutional Funding/
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze an entrepreneur or small business owner seeking financing at the
state and local level business case study resources/Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L3.TM
 The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford, and Jay M.
Bornstein, 2007. (ISBN-10: 0470112697, ISBN-13: 978-0470112694)--ENTY 380
required textbook
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 380 recommended textbook
Lesson 4: Examine venture capital resources and programs. (ENTY 380-0.6) Capital Resources and
Programs/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L4
Page 27 of 50
Topic 1: Analyze the venture capital process and role of venture capital. Venture Capital
Process/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L4.T1
Topic 2: Explain "angel" investors. Angel Investors/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L4.T2
Topic 3: Distinguish between the New Markets Venture Capital (NMVC) Program and the
Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program. NMVC and the SBIC Programs/
Topic 4_Mastery: Compare and contrast new venture capital opportunities for small, micro
and expanding business environments. Examine a variety of options from grants and bonds to
investor-based venture capital as a preparation for seeking funding from government agency,
financial institution, or venture capitalist for your concept/opportunity for a new business.
/Mastery/ SBAmj.C9.O4.L4.TM
 The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford, and Jay M.
Bornstein, 2007. (ISBN-10: 0470112697, ISBN-13: 978-0470112694)--ENTY 380
required textbook
 Six Thinking Hats, 2nd Ed., Edward De Bono, Back Bay Books, 1998. (ISBN-10:
0316178314, ISBN-13: 978-0316178310)--ENTY 380 recommended textbook
 "Venture Capital,"
 "The New Markets Venture Capital Companies,"
 "All SBIC License by State,"
 "The New Markets for Venture Capital Markets,"
 Entrepreneurial Finance: A Casebook, Paul A. Gompers and William Sahlman, Wiley,
2001. (ISBN-10: 0471080667, ISBN-13: 978-0471080664)
 "Making an Effective Presentation,"
 Principles of Management Finance, Brief, 5th Ed., Lawrence J. Gitman, 2008. (ISBN-10:
0321524128, ISBN-13: 978-0321524126)--BBA required textbook
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
C10. Investigate the concepts, systems, and strategies needed to acquire, motivate, develop, and
terminate staff/ Human Resource Management/SBAmn.C10
Objective: 1: Describe key human resource management processes and legalities for the small business
setting. HR Processes/ SBAmn.C10.O1
Lesson 1: Examine the strategic role of human resources in an organization. (BBA 440-0.3, ENTY
430-0.6, BBA 330.0.3, ENTY 240-0.3) HR in the Organization/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L1
Topic 1: Describe the primary functions of human resource manager. Primary Functions/
Page 28 of 50
Topic 2: Explain important aspects of a personnel organizational plan. Personnel Organization
Planning/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Identify organizational objectives to manage the recruitment, training and ensure
equitable employee opportunities, motivation and performance. HR Organizational Objectives/
Topic 4: Examine the connection between performance and talent management. Performance
Management/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Examine and compare three local small businesses and develop a rubric of
effective practices to evaluate and propose a system and strategy for change and
improvement./Mastery/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L1.TM
 Managing Human Resources, George W. Bohlander and Scott A. Snell, South-Western
Cengage Learning; 15th Ed., 2009. (ISBN-10: 0324593317, ISBN-13: 978-0324593310)-BBA 440 recommended textbook
 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 2/E, Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall, 2012
(ISBN-10: 0132555905, ISBN-13: 9780132555906),
Lesson 2: Examine employee compensation planning and strategies for the small business (BBA 4400.3, ENTY 440-0.9) Compensation Planning/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L2
Topic 1: Clarify options and potential costs of employee benefits. Costs and Options/
Topic 2: Explore pay-for-performance as a key to employee and organizational success. Payfor-Performance/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Evaluate employee incentive performance programs and systems Incentive
Programs/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Identify a small community business that is a “mom and pop” style and
interview the owner about their HR activities. Prepare to examine incentive programs,
organizational plan, staffing, training and development, and overall managerial style and
assessment of HR practices./Mastery/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L2.TM
 Managing Human Resources, George W. Bohlander and Scott A. Snell, South-Western
Cengage Learning; 15th Ed., 2009. (ISBN-10: 0324593317, ISBN-13: 978-0324593310)-BBA 440 recommended textbook
 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 2/E, Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall, 2012
(ISBN-10: 0132555905, ISBN-13: 9780132555906),
Lesson 3: Evaluate a business owner's legal responsibilities. (ENTY240- 0.3, BBA 330-0.3, BBA
440-0.3) Legal Responsibilities/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L3
Topic 1: Describe wage and hour laws. Wage and Hourly Legalities/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L3.T1
Topic 2: Examine the compliance and the legal issues in human resources management.
Compliance and Legal Issues/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L3.T2
Topic 3: Explain ethics, employee rights, and fair employment practices in the workplace.
Ethics and Fair Practices / SBAmn.C10.O1.L3.T3
Page 29 of 50
Topic 4: Identify safety, health regulations and environmental regulations. Health and
Environmental Regulations / SBAmn.C10.O1.L3.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Examine key processes in HR management focused on organizational
performance, productivity, service and quality./ Mastery/ SBAmn.C10.O1.L3.TM
 Managing Human Resources, George W. Bohlander and Scott A. Snell, South-Western
Cengage Learning; 15th Ed., 2009. (ISBN-10: 0324593317, ISBN-13: 978-0324593310)-BBA 440 recommended textbook
 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 2/E, Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall, 2012
(ISBN-10: 0132555905, ISBN-13: 9780132555906),
 Effective Small Business Management, 10/E, Norman M. Scarborough, Prentice Hall,
2011, (ISBN-10: 0132157462, ISBN-13: 9780132157469)
Objective 2: Explore HR managerial activities, opportunities, and challenges. HR Managerial Functions
and Challenges/ SBAmn.C10.O2
Lesson 1: Evaluate the managerial role in the selection and maximizing employee performance.
(BBA 440-0.3, BBA 330-0.3, ENTY 240-0.3) Managerial Role/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L1
Topic 1: Examine equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace. Equal Opportunity and
Diversity/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L1.T1
Topic 2: Analyze training and development and how it impacts employee and organizational
success. Training and Development/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L1.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Explore HR managerial activities in a small business setting to analyze
what activities, systems or processes are required for improvement. /Mastery/
 The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting
Anything, Guy Kawasaki, Portfolio Hardcover, 2004. (ISBN-10: 1591840562, ISBN-13:
978-1591840565)--ENTY 360 required textbook
 Effective Small Business Management, 10/E, Norman M. Scarborough, Prentice Hall,
2011, (ISBN-10: 0132157462, ISBN-13: 9780132157469)
Lesson 2: Examine contemporary global developments in the field of human resources (HR)
management facing HR business managers. (BBA 440-0.3, ENTY 320-0.9) HR Contemporary
Global Environments/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L2
Topic 1: Describe the opportunities and challenges of managing a global team. Managing a
Global Team/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L2.T1
Topic 2: Examine technological solutions to enhance HR communication among global team
members and key stakeholders. Technological Solutions and Communication/
Topic 3: Identify the external environmental factors facing a HR manager. External
Environmental Factors/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L2.T3
Topic 3_Mastery: Research the two internationally known corporate companies to examine
how HR activities impact their operations and managerial performance. Identify factors that the
company and the HR manager must consider-such as legal, political, economic, social, cultural,
Page 30 of 50
and technological when addressing HR activities and organizational performance. Consider a
brief examination of HR planning and analysis, equal employment opportunity, staffing, health
and safety and employee labor/management relations./ Mastery/ SBAmn.C10.O2.L2.TM
 Sharon Armstrong/Barbara Mitchell, Career Press, Inc.
 Managing Human Resources, George W. Bohlander and Scott A. Snell, South-Western
Cengage Learning; 15th Ed., 2009. (ISBN-10: 0324593317, ISBN-13: 978-0324593310)-BBA 440 recommended textbook
 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 2/E, Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall, 2012
(ISBN-10: 0132555905, ISBN-13: 9780132555906),
 Effective Small Business Management, 10/E, Norman M. Scarborough, Prentice Hall,
2011, (ISBN-10: 0132157462, ISBN-13: 9780132157469)
C11. Break down the concepts, systems, and tools needed to access, process, maintain, evaluate, and
disseminate information for business decision-making/ Information Management /SBAmj.C11
Objective 1: Identify the information management activities of the business environment. Information
Management/ SBAmj.C11.O1
Lesson 1: Examine everyday record management functions in a small business. (BBA 290-0.6, BBA
320-0.3, BBA 330-0.3) Record Management/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L1
Topic 1: Explain the nature of business records and record keeping. Business Record
Keeping/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Understand daily financial transactions for a small business manager. Daily
Managerial Transactions/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Examine ways technology impacts business. Technology Impact/
Topic 4: Identify Personal Information Management/Productivity applications. Personal
Information Management Applications/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Design a rubric to identify and/or implement information management
process in a small business. Include recordkeeping, technology and information acquisitions
processes to determine the impact these activities and resources play on the daily management
and operations of business./Mastery/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L1.TM
Lesson 2: Understand the technology concepts and systems used in small business management (BBA
330-.0.3, BBA 290-0.6) Technology Applications in Business/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L2
Topic 1: Explain ways that technology impacts business. Impact on Business/
Topic 2: Explore personal information management/productivity applications. Examine
Applications/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Examine information processing and database applications. Database Processing
Applications/ SBAmj.C11.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Review a variety of database and management applications for small
business. Examine how these help managers across business functions. /Mastery/
Page 31 of 50
C12. Explore the concepts, processes, and systems needed to determine and satisfy customer
needs/wants/expectations, meet business goals/objectives, and create new product/service
ideas/Marketing Management / SBAmj.C12
Objective 1: Examine role of marketing management for successful business strategies in a new economy.
Marketing Strategies/ SBAmj.C12.O1
Lesson 1: Describe the role of market management and the market-planning process. (BBA 408-.3)
Market Management Function / SBAmj.C12.O1.L1
Topic 1: Explain the concept of marketing management. Defining Market Management/
Topic 2: Determine feasibility of product/service ideas. Understanding Product/Service
Feasibility/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Identify tools to improve marketing-information management. MarketingInformation Application Tools/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Describe the nature of marketing planning. Marketing Planning/
Topic 5_Mastery: Explain the concept of market branding and market identification and the
role of situation analysis in the marketing planning process. Utilize case study to outline a
proposal for a market plan; include target market, feasibility, and product/service brand/image,
selling proposition and methods of promotion, pricing and external resources for marketing
opportunities./Mastery/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L1.TM
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Lesson 2: Describe the interrelationship between marketing, entrepreneurship, and social media
(ENTY 240-0.3) Marketing, Social Media and Entrepreneurship/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L2
Topic 1: Distinguish entrepreneurial new market media and social media campaigns strategies.
New Market Media Strategies/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Identify current and emerging trends in marketing for the entrepreneur/small business
owner. Current and Emerging Trends/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Analyze opportunities and innovation in marketing the entrepreneur or small business
owner. Innovation and Opportunities/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L2.T3
Page 32 of 50
Topic 4_Mastery: Explain the role of the entrepreneurial market research and social media as
it impacts product/service creation, marketing-information management, promotion, pricing
and internal business operations and management. /Mastery/ SBAmj.C12.O1.L2.TM
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
 ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13: 9780789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 American Marketing Association: --ENTY 430 recommended
online resource
Objective 2: Examine marketing campaigns and plans. Marketing Campaigns / SBAmj.C12.O2
Lesson 1: Examine how to build a social media marketing campaign. (ENTY 240-0.3) Social Media
Campaigns/ SBAmj.C12.O2.L1
Topic 1: Explain why a social media marketing campaign can help grow a business. Social
Media Impact / SBAmj.C12.O2.L1.T1
Topic 2: Outline key steps of building a social media marketing campaign. Key Steps to
Social Media Marketing/ SBAmj.C12.O2.L1.T2
Topic 3: Identify the various components of a social media marketing campaign. Components
in Social Media Marketing / SBAmj.C12.O2.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Describe the type of social media marketing campaign required for specific
select target market to address the strategic and tactical marketing decisions that managers and
entrepreneurs must make. Utilize case study resources, and interviews./Mastery/
Page 33 of 50
MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13: 9780789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
American Marketing Association: --ENTY 430 recommended
online resource
Lesson 2: Design a marketing plan that demonstrates entrepreneurial approaches to formulating
product, price, promotion, and distribution strategies and action programs. (BBA 300-0.3)
Entrepreneurial Approaches to Marketing/ SBAmj.C12.O2.L2
Topic 1: Describe the key elements of an entrepreneurial marketing plan, including
formulating product, price, promotion, and distribution strategies and action programs. Key
Elements / SBAmj.C12.O2.L2.T1
Topic 2: Analyze an entrepreneurial marketing plan using a business case. Business Case
Analysis/ SBAmj.C12.O2.L2.T2
Topic 3: Identify strengths and weakness to entrepreneurial marketing planning. Strengths
and Weaknesses/ SBAmj.C12.O2.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Design a marketing plan that demonstrates entrepreneurial approaches to
formulating product, price, promotion, distribution strategies, and action programs for your
business startup concept/opportunity or your own business, if established./Mastery/
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
Page 34 of 50
Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13: 9780789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
American Marketing Association: --ENTY 430 recommended
online resource
Objective 3: Explore Customer Relationship Management and its role in business success. Customer
Relations Management/ SBAmj.C12.O3
Lesson 1: Describe Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Program and the impact on business
marketing and profitability. (BBA 291-0.3) CRM Impact on Business/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L1
Topic 1: Examine Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on customer retention.
Customer Retention/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L1.T1
Topic 2: Describe how to drive a customer focus and satisfaction. Customer Focus and
Satisfaction/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L1.T2
Topic 3: Explain how CRM impacts organizational strategy. CRM Organizational Strategy/
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze three CRM programs from different sectors./Mastery/
 "What is CRM,",
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
Page 35 of 50
How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13:
978-0789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Customer Relationship Management, Ed Peelen, Pearson, 2005. (ISBN13: 9780273681779,
ISBN10: 027368177X),
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Jill
Dyché, Pearson, 2001,
Lesson 2: Examine Key Account Management processes to establish and improve managing strategic
planning. (BBA 320- 0.3, BBA 290-0.3) Key Account Management/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L2
Topic 1: Define the processes of Key Account Management. Defining KAM Processes/
Topic 2: Identify “best practice” strategies for managing customer services and relations. Best
Practices/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L2.T2
Topic 3: Analyze Key Account Management at a small, mid-size company, and large
corporation. Analyzing Key Account Managerial Process in Companies/
Topic 4_Mastery: Identify, examine and evaluate key account structures in a small, mid-sized
and large corporate operation to understand the customer relation process, profitability factors,
and long-term strategies for growing business accounts./Mastery/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L2.TM
 "What is CRM,",
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Page 36 of 50
Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13:
978-0789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Customer Relationship Management, Ed Peelen, Pearson, 2005. (ISBN13: 9780273681779,
ISBN10: 027368177X),
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Jill
Dyché, Pearson, 2001,
Lesson 3: Describe CRM and Customer Service (BBA 290-0.3) CRM and Customer Services/
Topic 1: Explain the relation-building strategies process in the CRM program model.
Relation-Building Strategies/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L3.T1
Topic 2: Describe web-based self- service options for CRM management. Web-Based
Applications/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L3.T2
Topic 3: Examin your strengths of customer service by using a "Customer Service Checklist
for Success" Using a Customer Service Checklist/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L3.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze two different businesses to determine customer relations, services
and long-term productivity. Mastery/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L3.TM
 "What is CRM,",
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
 ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Page 37 of 50
Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13:
978-0789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Customer Relationship Management, Ed Peelen, Pearson, 2005. (ISBN13: 9780273681779,
ISBN10: 027368177X),
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Jill
Dyché, Pearson, 2001,
Lesson 4: Examine how eCRM implementation impacts a small businesses customer relation. (ENTY
360-0.3) eCRM Implementation/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L4
Topic 1: Explore the future of eCRM as a management to the entrepreneurial process. Future
of eCRM/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L4.T1
Topic 2: Examine eCRM in business-to-business (B2B) Using eCRM in B2B /
Topic 3: Look at the "eBusiness Checklist" to determine current or potential CRM needs.
Identifying CRM Needs/ SBAmj.C12.O3.L4.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze two different businesses to determine how each deployed eCRM
strategies and build customer loyalty and online services and sales./ Mastery/
 "What is CRM,",
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
 ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Page 38 of 50
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13:
978-0789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Customer Relationship Management, Ed Peelen, Pearson, 2005. (ISBN13: 9780273681779,
ISBN10: 027368177X),
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Jill
Dyché, Pearson, 2001,
Objective 4: Analyze ways to develop customer loyalty and build customer relations. Customer Loyalty and
Relations/ SBAmj.C12.O4
Lesson 1: Determine strategies to gain customer loyalty. (BBA 291-0.6) Strategies for Customer
Loyalty/ SBAmj.C12.O4.L1
Topic 1: Describe how to create customer loyalty. Creating Customer Loyalty/
Topic 2: Explain strategies to leverage customer loyalty. Leverage Customer Loyalty/
Topic 3: Research strategic CRM and the impact on customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and
market performance. Researching CRM Strategy/ SBAmj.C12.O4.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Examine customer loyalty programs/initiatives at a small, mid-size
company, and large corporation and design a CRM rubric to evaluate customer relations,
online service integration, operations and management support. /Mastery/
 "What is CRM,",
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern College
Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)--ENTY 430
required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging
Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press, 2010. (ISBN10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any
Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye Archambeau,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
 ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and Jason I.
Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13: 9781435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Page 39 of 50
2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13:
978-0789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Customer Relationship Management, Ed Peelen, Pearson, 2005. (ISBN13: 9780273681779,
ISBN10: 027368177X),
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Jill
Dyché, Pearson, 2001,
Lesson 2: Develop a customer-focused mindset (BBA 300-0.3) Custom-Focused Mindset/
Topic 1: Define customer-focused mindset. Defining Customer-Focus Mindset/
Topic 2: Describe strategies to develop a customer-focused mindset. Strategies for
Customer-Focused Mindset/ SBAmj.C12.O4.L2.T2
Topic 3: Identify ways to encourage team members and key stakeholders to develop a
customer-focused mindset. Implementing Customer-Focused Mindset/
Topic 4_Mastery: Develop a plan of action, using SMART Goals, to further develop your
customer-focused mindset. Develop a CRM plan for your business startup concept/opportunity
or your own business, if established./Mastery/ SBAmj.C12.O4.L2.TM
 "What is CRM,",
 MKTG, 5th Ed., Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair & Carl McDaniel, Southwestern
College Publishing, 2011. (ISBN-10: 1111528098, ISBN-13: 978-1111528096)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 Rethinking Marketing: The Entrepreneurial Imperative, Minet Schindehutte, Michael
Morris, and Leyland Pitt, Prentice Hall, 2008. (ISBN-10: 0132393891, ISBN-13: 9780132393898)--ENTY 430 required textbook
 Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social
Media, Liana Evans, Qur, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789742845, ISBN-13: 978-0789742841)-ENTY 430 required textbook
 How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and
Emerging Media to Grow Your Business , Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, FT Press,
2010. (ISBN-10: 0132100568, ISBN-13: 978-0132100564)--ENTY 430 recommended
 Marketing that Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to
Any Sized Company, Leonard M. Lodish, Horward L. Morgan, and Shellye
Archambeau, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (ISBN-10: 013702133X
 ISBN-13: 978-0137021338)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 Perspectives on Social Media Marketing, Stephanie Agresta, B. Bonin Bough, and
Jason I. Miletsky, Course Technology PTR, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1435456521, ISBN-13:
978-1435456525)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
 2011 Social Media Directory: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Resources, Jeffery A. Riley, Que, 2010. (ISBN-10: 0789747111, ISBN-13:
Page 40 of 50
978-0789747112)--ENTY 430 recommended textbook
Customer Relationship Management, Ed Peelen, Pearson, 2005. (ISBN13:
9780273681779, ISBN10: 027368177X),
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Jill
Dyché, Pearson, 2001,
C13. Employ and audit the processes and systems implemented to facilitate daily business operations
/Operations Management. / SBAmn.C13
Objective 1: Examine operations management in a small business environment. OM in the Business
Environment/ SBAmn.C13.O1
Lesson 1: Examine operations management from a cross-functional perspective. (BBA 440-0.6)
Cross-Functional OM/ SBAmn.C13.O1.L1
Topic 1: Explain how operations management links to all other functional areas of a business.
Identifying Functional Areas in OM/ SBAmn.C13.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Examine operations management strategies from a small business perspective,
including activities used to produce products/services sold by a business. OM Strategies for
the Small Business/ SBAmn.C13.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Compare and contrast operations management strategies for three different
types of small businesses/Mastery/ SBAmn.C13.O1.L1.TM
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and
Robert B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13:
Objective 2: Examine supply chain management. Chain Management/ SBAmn.C13.O2
Lesson 1: Describe principles and processes of supply chain management. (ENTY 440-0.6,
ENTY430-0.3) Principles and Processes/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L1
Topic 1: Describe how supply chains work. Supply Chains Function/
Topic 2: Appraise the effectiveness of supply chains, including quality of customer
satisfaction, time, cost, and assets. Effectiveness of Supply Chains/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L1.T2
Topic 3: Examine issues and challenges of managing supply chains locally, nationally, and
globally. Issues and Challenges in Supply Chain Management/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L1.T3
Topic 4: Compare and contrast approaches for analyzing and resolving Supply Chain
Problems./ SBAmn.C13.O2.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Analyze three companies (one local, one national, one global) and their
supply chains./Mastery/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L1.TM
Page 41 of 50
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and
Robert B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13:
 Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols,
Jr., Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
Lesson 2: Describe strategies for creating value through operations and supply chain management.
(ENTY430-0.3) Creating Value-Driven Strategies / SBAmn.C13.O2.L2
Topic 1: Describe business logistics of operations and supply chain management. Business
Logistics/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L2.T1
Topic 2: Outline process and layout design choices in manufacturing and services. Process
and Layout Design Applications/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L2.T2
Topic 3: Determine methods of deploying and managing quality improvement manufacturing
and services. Managing and Implementation/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze how a small business creates customer value through logistics of
operations and supply chain management./Mastery/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L2.TM
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and Robert
B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13: 9780132747325),
 Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.,
Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
Lesson 3: Describe key steps of developing and maintaining supply chain relationships. (ENTY 3200.9) Supply Chain Relations/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L3
Topic 1: Describe theory and practice of creating supply chain alliances. Supply Chain Alliance
Theory and Practice/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L3.T1
Topic 2: Explain the importance of developing trusting relationships with supply chain partners.
Developing Supply Chain Partnerships/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L3.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Examine strategies to resolve conflicts in a supply chain
relationship./Mastery/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L3.TM
Page 42 of 50
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and Robert
B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13: 9780132747325),
 Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.,
Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
Lesson 4: Describe how to manage the flow of materials across the supply chain. (ENTY430-0.3)
Material Flow Management/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L4
Topic 1: Examine of inventory systems and materials management for the small businesses.
Inventory Control and Management/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L4.T1
Topic 2: Describe the concept and steps of Material Requirement Planning (MRP). MRP
Processes/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L4.T2
Topic 3: Examine different types of inventory concepts and systems. Concepts and Systems/
Topic 4: Determine strategies for inventory valuation and measurement. Inventory Valuation/
Topic 5_Mastery: Compare and contrast how two small businesses (one manufacturing and
one service-oriented) employs inventory and material management principles and
practices./Mastery/ SBAmn.C13.O2.L4.TM
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and Robert
B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13: 9780132747325),
 Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.,
Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
C14. Examine and integrate the concepts, strategies, and systems that businesses implement and
enforce to minimize loss/Risk Management / SBAmj.C14
Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of risk and risk analysis. Risk Analysis/ SBAmj.C14.O1
Lesson 1: Explain how risk impacts small businesses. (BBA 291-0.3) SBAmj.C14.O1.L1
Topic 1: Describe types of business risks Types of Business Risks/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L1.T1
Page 43 of 50
Topic 2: Describe strategies for managing or mitigating these risks. Managing Risks/
Topic 3: Examine ways that businesses protect themselves against loss. Loss Prevention
Strategies/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Establish and implement systems to protect customer/employee confidentiality.
Customer/Employee Risk Prevention Management/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Conduct a risk analysis on an innovation within an organization using case
study resources./Mastery/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L1.TM
 Risk Management: Fast Track to Success, Keith Baxter, Pearson, 2010, (ISBN13:
9780273732860, ISBN10: 0273732862),
Lesson 2: Examine the external and internal risk factors that impact a small business operation. (BBA
2910.3) External and Internal Risk Factors/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L2
Topic 1: Analyze risk analysis process and the implications to managers and operations.
Analysis Risk Analysis/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Examine the impact of economy-based factors on small business. Economic-Based
Factors/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Identify “risk” potential sources in the organization. Identifying Risk Potential/
Topic 4_Mastery: Perform a risk analysis on an innovation within an organization. /Mastery/
 Risk Management: Fast Track to Success, Keith Baxter, Pearson, 2010, (ISBN13:
9780273732860, ISBN10: 0273732862),
Lesson 3: Demonstrate an understanding of mitigating risk with insurance. (BBA 291-0.3)
Mitigating Risk/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L3
Topic 1: Describe the types of insurance for small businesses. Insurance Types/
Topic 2: Identify a list of insurance providers who work with small businesses. Insurance
Providers for Small Business/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L3.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Perform a risk analysis for your business startup concept/opportunity or
your own business, if established./Mastery/ SBAmj.C14.O1.L3.TM
 Risk Management: Fast Track to Success, Keith Baxter, Pearson, 2010, (ISBN13:
9780273732860, ISBN10: 0273732862),
C15. Understands the processes, strategies, and systems needed to guide the overall business
organization /Strategic Management / SBAmj.C15
Page 44 of 50
Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding technology in the strategic planning process in context of
operations and supply chain management. Strategic Planning and Technology/ SBAmj.C15.O1
Lesson 1: Examine the integration of information systems and technology in operations and supply
chain management. (BBA 330-0.3) Operations Management and Technology Systems/
Topic 1: Describe the importance of information in an integrated supply chain management
environment. Integrating Systems Information/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Explore information and technology applications for supply chain management.
Technology Process in Supply Chain Management/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Analyze how a small business integrates technology to help manage operations and
supply chain process and activities. Small Business and Technology Applications /
Topic 4_Mastery: Examine the technology applications and system controls to a specific
business function and the utilization of supply chain management principles./Mastery/
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bogart and Robert
B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13: 9780132747325)
 Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.,
Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
Lesson 2: Explore future challenges for operations and supply chain management. (BBA 330-0.3)
Future challenges in Operations and Chain Management/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L2
Topic 1: Explain how green initiatives may impact small business operations and supply
chains. Green Initiatives for Small Business/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Explore intelligent information systems currently in development for the small
business. Intelligent Information Systems/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Describe future challenges that may impact your concept/opportunity for a new
business. Identifying Future Challenges/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Develop an operations and supply chain management plan for a small
business, using your own business, if established, or for your concept for a new business
venture./Mastery/ SBAmj.C15.O1.L2.TM
 Operations Management: Goods, Services and Value Chains, 2nd Ed., Evans Collier,
South-Western College Publishing, 2006. (ISBN-10: 0324179391, ISBN-13: 9780324179392)--BBA 330 required text
Page 45 of 50
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/E, Cecil Bozarth and Robert
B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2011. (ISBN-10: 0132747324, ISBN-13: 9780132747325)
Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Robert B. Handfield & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.,
Prentice Hall, 1999. (ISBN-10: 0136216161, ISBN-13: 9780136216162),
Objective 2: Examine project management concepts, skills, and best practices. Project Management/
Lesson 1: Demonstrate an understanding of project management concepts, strategic advantage, and
processes. (BBA 330-0.3) Strategic Processes and Concepts/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L1
Topic 1: Define project management. Understanding Project Management/
Topic 2: Describe the various roles of the project manager. The Role of the Project Manager/
Topic 3: Identify real-life project problems. Case Study Applications/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L1.T3
Topic 4: Explain how small business owners and managers use project management skills and
processes. Project Management Applications in Small Business/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Describe basic concepts of project management to illustrate modern real-life
project problems. Use case study resources to examine business project and prepare a rubric
outline of the strategies required to complete a multi-faceted project. /Mastery/
 Fundamentals of Project Management, 4th Ed., James Lewis, AMACOM, 2011. (ISBN-10:
0814417485, ISBN-13: 978-0814417485)--ENTY 440 required textbook
 The Definitive Guide to Project Management, Sebastian Nokes, FT Press, 2012 (ISBN-10:
0273756370, ISBN-13: 978-0273756378)--ENTY required textbook
 An Introduction to Project Management, 3rd Ed.: With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project 2010
and @task , Kathy Schwable, CreateSpace, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1451551649,
 ISBN-13: 978-1451551648)
Lesson 2: Explore of strategic performance and best practices in project management. (BBA 3300.3) Strategic Performance and Best Practices/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L2
Topic 1: Examine impact of the project management “best practices” in small business
planning. Applications in Best Practices/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L2.T1
Topic 2: Describe the strategic advantage of project management to everyday operations and
managerial functions. Strategic Advantage to Business/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L2.T2
Topic 3: Assess project management performance and management activities for business
operations, innovation and new concept development. Applications for New Concept
Development/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L2.T3
Page 46 of 50
Topic 4_Mastery: Analyze information on three area companies and their supply chains to
assess project management activities, scope analysis and implementation phases. Mastery/
 Fundamentals of Project Management, 4th Ed., James Lewis, AMACOM, 2011. (ISBN-10:
0814417485, ISBN-13: 978-0814417485)--ENTY 440 required textbook
 The Definitive Guide to Project Management, Sebastian Nokes, FT Press, 2012 (ISBN-10:
0273756370, ISBN-13: 978-0273756378)--ENTY required textbook
 An Introduction to Project Management, 3rd Ed.: With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project
2010 and @task , Kathy Schwable, CreateSpace, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1451551649, ISBN-13:
Lesson 3: Describe the processes and activities of the project lifecycle: initiating, planning, executing,
monitoring/controlling, and closing a project. (BBA 408-0.3) Project Lifecycle Processes/
Topic 1: Outline key steps of initiating projects, including project integration, scope, time, cost
management. Key Steps for Project Integration/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L3.T1
Topic 2: Explain how project quality, human resources, communications, risk, and supply
chain management are key project management issues for small business owners and
managers. Key Project Management Issues/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L3.T2
Topic 3: Describe the process of executing a project. Executing a Project/
Topic 4: Examine key issues of monitoring and controlling a project. Monitoring and
Controlling/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L3.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Analyze the challenges of the project planning process and describe steps
of closing a project. Use case study resources and project manager applications./
 Fundamentals of Project Management, 4th Ed., James Lewis, AMACOM, 2011. (ISBN-10:
0814417485, ISBN-13: 978-0814417485)--ENTY 440 required textbook
 The Definitive Guide to Project Management, Sebastian Nokes, FT Press, 2012 (ISBN-10:
0273756370, ISBN-13: 978-0273756378)--ENTY required textbook
 An Introduction to Project Management, 3rd Ed.: With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project
2010 and @task , Kathy Schwable, CreateSpace, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1451551649, ISBN-13:
Lesson 4: Examine strategies for successfully managing a project team. (BBA 408-0.3) Managing a
Project Team/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L4
Topic 1: Explain how to engage team members in the various phases of a project plan.
Building a Project Team/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L4.T1
Topic 2: Describe the challenges and opportunities of engaging team members in the various
phases of a project plan. Challenging and Opportunities / SBAmj.C15.O2.L4.T2
Topic 3: Analyze how a team performed during the different phases of a project plan. Team
Performance/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L4.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Design a rubric to demonstrate an understanding managing a project team
and the progressive scope of the project to identify goals, objectives, requirements and
limitations of the project. Identify stakeholders, teams, senior management, tasks, phrases and
Page 47 of 50
deliverables of the project based on the identified project goals and objectives. /Mastery/
 Fundamentals of Project Management, 4th Ed., James Lewis, AMACOM, 2011. (ISBN-10:
0814417485, ISBN-13: 978-0814417485)--ENTY 440 required textbook
 The Definitive Guide to Project Management, Sebastian Nokes, FT Press, 2012 (ISBN-10:
0273756370, ISBN-13: 978-0273756378)--ENTY required textbook
 An Introduction to Project Management, 3rd Ed.: With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project
2010 and @task, Kathy Schwable, CreateSpace, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1451551649,
 ISBN-13: 978-1451551648)
Lesson 5: Develop a project plan using the processes and activities of the project lifecycle: initiating,
planning, executing, monitoring/controlling, and closing a project. (BBA 408-0.3) Implementing a
Project Plan/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L5
Topic 1: Demonstrate an understanding of developing a project plan Project Planning/
Topic 2: Create written project plan using a business case. Case Study Application/
Topic 3: Prepare an oral presentation for the project plan. Oral Presentation/
Topic 4_Mastery: Create a project plan for an area of small business administration, such as
supply chain management, marketing, human resources, and include all areas of the project
management processes of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring/controlling, and closing a
project./Mastery/ SBAmj.C15.O2.L5.TM
 Fundamentals of Project Management, 4th Ed., James Lewis, AMACOM, 2011. (ISBN-10:
0814417485, ISBN-13: 978-0814417485)--ENTY 440 required textbook
 The Definitive Guide to Project Management, Sebastian Nokes, FT Press, 2012 (ISBN-10:
0273756370, ISBN-13: 978-0273756378)--ENTY required textbook
 An Introduction to Project Management, 3rd Ed.: With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project
2010 and @task , Kathy Schwable, CreateSpace, 2010. (ISBN-10: 1451551649, ISBN-13:
 (project management templates)
 "Making an Effective Presentation,"
Page 48 of 50
BBA 291: Economic Analysis and Business Law (3)
ENTY 240: Intro. to Entrepreneurship (3)
NAUY 300W: Dynamic Organizations (3)
NAUY 310: Leadership in the 21st Century (3)
ENTY 320: Innovation and Creativity (3)
BBA 320: Managerial Finance (3)
BBA 330: Supply Chain Management (3)
ENTY 360: New Venture Creation, Growth & Strategy (3)
ENTY 380: Entrepreneurial Funding and Plan Development (3)
BBA 405: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (3)
ENTY 430: Entrepreneurship & New Media Marketing (3)
ENTY 440: Project Management (3)
BBA 440: Human Resource Management (3)
BBA 290: Managerial Accounting and Financial Analysis (3)
BBA 300: Principles of Management in a Global Economy (3)
BBA408: Internship (6)
NAUY 470C: Capstone (3)
Page 49 of 50
Notes: Total Competency Units = 54 Total Credit Hours
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