Math Summer Assignment G (Entering into AP Probability and

Math Assignment F
Summer Assignment for those students who are
entering into AP Probability and Statistics
Cumberland High School
2600 Mendon Road, Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864
401/658-2600 Fax No. 401/658-0880
June, 2014
Dear Student,
This year’s summer math assignment will focus on the things that you will need to know
as you begin your next math course (this upcoming fall). The material in this assignment is
designed to “refresh your memory” on the major concepts that you have learned in previous
math classes. The math department has provided some examples and practice problems that will
help reinforce these concepts to make sure you remember them before starting your class next
year. If after reviewing the examples, you still do not remember how to do the problems, there
are numerous websites available to help you which are provided below. When you return to
school in the fall, your math teacher will be available for extra help after school for any questions
that you may have. In addition, all teachers have school emails in the form: first name.last
name Please feel free to email if you have questions. (Note: it is
vacation time so some teachers may be away or not checking email as frequently as they would
in school so please be patient if you email during the summer.)
This summer assignment will not be graded. However, within the first week of school,
you will have a short summative assessment on the material in the packet. If you make an honest
attempt at the packet, you will be allowed to revise this assessment if you perform below
standard. Please make your best effort and be sure that you know this material since it will be
important to your success in your next math class. Your math teachers are always happy to help
you - all you need to do is ask!
Have an enjoyable summer! We look forward to working with you in the fall.
CHS Math Department
Core Values and Belief Statement
The Cumberland High School community promotes development of a culture in which students
are respectful, responsible, and ready to succeed. We guide our students to be actively involved
in a learning process that combines academic depth of understanding with higher-order thinking,
problem-solving, risk-taking, and creativity. We offer opportunities for students, as members of
a 21st century world society, to become life- long learners and informed, productive citizens.
Learner Expectations
Cumberland High School Students will:
1. Communicate effectively and critically through reading, writing and speaking
2. Exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills related to information
media and technology
3. Apply effective reasoning and problem-solving skills independently and
4. Analyze and evaluate a variety of sources for reliability and credibility
5. Act with respect, tolerance, courtesy and compassion
6. Act responsibly and display good citizenship
 Complete each problem.
 Use the space provided to carry out the work (attach
additional pages if necessary).
 Show all work.
REMEMBER: If you find that you are having difficulty
completing any of the problems, try using some of the suggested
online resources, or carry out a web search on the topic that is
presenting you difficulty.
AP Statistics Summer Homework Assignments:
You will find that AP statistics is unlike many other math classes. The class is very
student driven, where you will be required to read the chapters in the book ahead of time, and
come in with questions about the material that you did not understand. Particularly at the
beginning of the course, a large portion of the concepts are review, and it is up to you as the
student to ask when you do not understand. The class also has a great deal of vocabulary and
writing in comparison to other math classes. You will be asked to not only find the answer, but
to explain what it means in the context of a problem.
The usual setup for the chapters in the book is to read the chapter and take notes. In
class we will answer questions on the reading. You will be expected to do and check the odd
problems (the answers are in the back) on your own. The purpose of the odds is to be sure you
understand the concepts being discussed. I am more than happy to go over any or all of the
odd problems as needed. Once you are sure that you understand the odd problems, you will be
assigned some of the even problems to be handed in for a grade.
In order to complete all the chapters required before you take the AP test, the first
three chapters of the book are going to be assigned for the summer. Chapter 1 is an
introduction to the book and the course and there are no problems associated with it. For
chapters 2 and 3, you should read each of these chapters and take notes on them. Assignment
sheets for each are attached so you know what the key concepts are that you should focus on
when you are reading. Once you have read the chapter, please complete the odd problems on
the assignment sheet and check your answers in the back. When we return to school, we will
discuss the two chapters and answer any questions that you may have. You may, if you feel
confident with the material, start working on the even problems as well. The even problems
for both chapters will be due sometime in the first week of school and you will have a test on
these two chapters (dates will be announced when we return). I will return your even
homework graded to you before the test to clear up any issues before you take the test.
Please stop by my room, H242, before leaving school for the summer to pick up a book. I can
be contacted by email over the summer at if you have
any questions.
I’m looking forward to having you in class. Have a great summer!
Mrs. Gesualdi
AP Statistics Chapters 1&2
Statistics –
Data –
6 questions you should ask about data:
( be able to identify each of these when given data)
RespondentsSubjects/participantsExperimental units-
Sample –
Variables –
Measurement units –
Categorical variable –
Know the difference between these two and
be able to identify which type.
Quantitative variable –
Identifier variables –
Entering data into calculator (see p. 14-15)
For practice: p. 16-18 #1, 3, 7-25 odds
For grade: p. 16-18 # 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 18, 26
AP Statistics Chapter 3
Frequency Table –
Relative Frequency Table –
Area Principle –
Bar Chart – (also relative frequency bar chart)
Pie Chart –
Contingency table –
Marginal distribution –
Conditional distribution –
Independent variable –
Segmented bar chart –
What can go wrong?
For practice: p. 37-43 # 5–15 odd, 21-27 odd, 31, 35, 39
For grade: p. 37-43 #1-4 (choose 1 of these depending on what you find), 12, 22, 24, 30, 32
Please note: all graphs/charts should be done neatly and accurately, using a ruler. (colored
pencils also recommended)
Web Based Resources
Khan Acacademy – Modules/video tutorials that provide overviews and steps for completing math
Factoring with Mr. Yang and Mosley the alien - A comics based lesson for Algebra
National Library of Virtual Mathematics -
The National Library of Virtual Mathematics, with K-12 activities in operations, geometry, algebra, measurement, data analysis, and
Purplemath - Online algebra resource.
The Math Forum Home Page - This site can be searched by resource type (lesson plan), math topics, grade levels,
and key sites.
CTAP Region 4: Middle School Math Project - CA Technology Assisted Program Region 4 has
developed this site for middle school math.
Seeing Math - Seeing Math has developed interactive software Java tools to clarify
key mathematical ideas in middle and high school mathematics. Each interactive provides a real-time connection between
representations of the mathematics (symbolic, graphical, etc.), so that changes in one representation instantly cause changes in the other.
Enjoy Mathematics in 3D - This site, created by the Department of Mathematics Education,
Faculty of Education, Shinshu University, welcomes users to the three-dimensional mathematics world described as "the world of space
figures learned with the three-dimensional dynamic geometry software."
Math Slice - These math games (including Math Jeopardy and MathMillionaire) are complemented by a
wide selection of online multiple choice activities that test class knowledge of math concepts from basic counting to algebra and
The Educator's Reference Desk - Hundreds of mathematics lesson plans
organized by subject and grade level.
Geometry and its Applications (GeoMAP) - Eight complete high school
geometry units created by the Consortium of Mathematics and its Applications.
Mudd Math Fun Facts - Fun math facts created by the Harvey Mudd College math department that
teachers can use to enrich their lessons.
PBS TeacherSource - Math lessons and activities organized by grade and topic.
Johnny Money - Now available from the NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation, Johnny Money Online
Game is a FREE Internet-based small business simulation game that engages students as they explore the risks and rewards of business
ownership. Johnny Money is the newest of the Entrepreneur-in-the-Classroom programs, which are designed to enable educators to talk
about entrepreneurship in their classrooms. This online community includes teachers, students, researchers, parents and educators who have an interest in
math and math education. The site includes Ask Dr. Math, Problems of the Week, discussion groups and much more. Customized by grade level and topic, AAA Math features explanations of various mathematical topics, practice
problems and fun, challenging games. This fully interactive site and allows the user to sharpen basic math skills, play games and explore new math
concepts. Created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this site helps families enjoy mathematics outside
school through a series of fun and engaging challenges. Math Cats provides playful explorations of important math concepts through games, crafts and interactive projects.
Includes a magic chalkboard and an art gallery. This South African Community website for teachers, parents and students is complete with lessons, tests, exams,
worksheets, study skills and much more. This lively, interactive Web site, based on the popular BBC Schools Television
series “Megamaths,” is for practicing and testing times tables. The Math League, designed for students in fourth grade through high school, specializes in math contests, books
and computer software. The “Help Facility” is handy reference guide for math topics complete with examples, definitions and
explanations. FleetKids games teach elementary children several different aspect of money management. Games include
Windfall, where a child can run an imaginary business and BuyLo/SellHi, where children can play the stock market. Students can sign up
as an individual or as part of an elementary school team. This site includes 17 original games based on soccer, car racing and much more Other games
include Math Baseball, where a child can score runs with correct answers and Operation Order, where students can build pyramids with
their knowledge of algebra.
The Math Dude Tutorials on various mathematical concepts.
Videos are downloadable. Math videos and pod casts. Teacher who created a website that has various math concepts set to rap music. Check out “Fractions!”