National Aerospace Week Activities

Second to None Campaign
National Aerospace Week Sept. 11–17, 2011: The objective of National Aerospace Week is to
highlight the important contributions of the U.S. aerospace and defense industry with a series of
events during the week in Washington, D.C. and in facilities and communities across the
country. Events will feature industry’s contributions to our national security, technological
superiority and economy. National Aerospace Week is organized and supported by the
Aerospace Industries Association.
Background: Last year, the Senate and House of Representatives passed resolutions
permanently establishing the third week of September as National Aerospace Week. Events from
Washington, D.C. to Hawaii highlighted the industry and its powerful workforce. AIA member
companies and aligned organizations sponsored more than 30 events inside and outside of
Washington, D.C., thanked employees for their work and used the opportunity to encourage
young people to consider careers in aerospace. Rep. Norman D. Dicks (D-WA) received AIA’s
Wings of Liberty award, AIA released a report on the civil aviation industry and disruptive
technologies and an Inside the Beltway advertising program supported efforts.
Second to None – 2011 National Aerospace Week Theme: The nation is facing immense
budget pressures and the debt, which must be tackled, is threatening to undermine programs that
are critical to our national security, technological superiority and economy.
The Aerospace Industries Association has started an initiative called Second to None, a multiyear budget education campaign in support of our industry, which will be our campaign theme
for National Aerospace Week 2011.
National Aerospace Week offers an opportunity for industry stakeholders to provide information
to elected officials in their district and in Washington about the contributions of aerospace and
defense to our country using Second to None messages and information. It’s also an opportunity
to showcase industry’s commitment to the future high-tech workforce of America and to
sustaining high-paying jobs across the country (See National Aerospace Week messages).
More information on Second to None is available at (available midJuly).
Toolkit: Ideas for your company and community
Below are suggested ways for your company, community or organization to commemorate
National Aerospace Week.
Sponsoring an event:
If you would like to host a National Aerospace Week event, please contact Alexis Allen,
Assistant Vice President of Communications at Be creative – we
welcome new ideas! The criteria for National Aerospace Week events are simple – the event
must meet one or more of the criteria below:
 Advance understanding of the aerospace and defense industry;
 Support the aerospace and defense workforce (future and current); or
 Support a charitable cause or organization linked to aerospace.
In turn, we will provide you the National Aerospace Week logo for your use and post the event
on the National Aerospace Week website (
For companies, communities and stakeholders:
 Outreach to communities/elected officials:
o Host open houses for families, community leaders and the public
o Brief community leaders and congressional members on industry issues and the
o Sponsor an event
o Advertise in local publications
o Speak to local community organizations
o Place op-eds in local publications
o Schedule interviews with local press
o Send letters to elected officials augmenting industry information with company
specific data
Outreach to schools:
o Host “Careers in Aerospace” day in schools
o Arrange facility tours of local aerospace and defense companies for students
o Develop an industry orientation day for teachers
Outreach to employees:
o Send an email thanking employees the week of National Aerospace Week
o Encourage employees to write elected representatives about the importance of
their facility to the nation’s economy, national security or nation’s innovation
o Display posters, play videos in facilities
o Place articles and advertisements in house organs
o Link your website to
The following tools are attached to assist you in your efforts:
o National Aerospace Week messages
o Draft email to employees
o Draft press release
o Aerospace and Defense Industry Statistical Fact Sheet
For more information contact:
National Aerospace Week – Washington, D.C. events and AIA-wide Program Coordinator,
Donald R. Forest, Chief Operating Officer,, 703-358-1004
Press, partnerships and community events, Alexis Allen, Assistant Vice President of
Communications,, 703-358-1075
AIA membership, David Mandell, Vice President of Membership and Business Development,, 703-358-1005
National Aerospace Week website, Patrick Carlson, Online Communications Manager,, 703-358-1046
Industry Issues and Statistics, Bill Chadwick, Director of Research,, 703-358-1015