PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK FOR I-94/T.H. 280 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT SP 8816-1438 Background The Contractor is required to conduct all tasks as described below on I-94 from T.H. 65 in Minneapolis to Cedar Avenue in St. Paul. The project length is approximately 9.0 miles on Interstate 94. This will also include the study of T.H. 280 from I-94 to Larpenteur Avenue/Hennepin Avenue. Mn/DOT has developed two projects on I- 94 which rehabilitated the inside and outside shoulders, resurfaced the inplace roadway, upgraded the inplace drainage system, and installed lane control signals. These projects are consistent with the Minor Rehabilitation with ATM alternative developed in the I-94 Managed Lane Study completed in January of 2010. The I-94 Managed Lane Study also developed an alternative that would reconstruct I-94 to provide a managed lane through the I-94 corridor between downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul. As stated in the study, the reality of funding the reconstruction of I-94 to facilitate additional capacity is unlikely, based upon the current funding sources available to Mn/DOT. The goal of this study is to develop concepts for the reconstruction and reconfiguration of the I-94/T.H. 280 interchange to facilitate a managed lane being carried through that interchange and the development of concepts for direct connections to and from downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul to the managed lane. The tasks associated with this contract will be project management, public outreach, traffic forecasts, concept development, operational analysis, and cost estimates. 1.0 Project Management, Coordination and Meetings This task focuses on effective communication and coordination of the contract work to expedite the decision-making process and maintain the scheduled completion dates. Contractor involvement is anticipated for 18 months from Authorization to Proceed. 1.1 Project Management 1.1.1 Prepare work-planning schedule, to be updated monthly, and coordinate all required tasks. 1.1.2 Establish ongoing project coordination with all stakeholders including: Minnesota Department of Transportation Mn/DOT Project Manager Mn/DOT Functional Groups City of Minneapolis City of St. Paul Hennepin County Ramsey County Governmental Agencies Private and Public Utilities Metropolitan Transit Metropolitan Council Businesses and local residences in project area Railroad entities located within project area Other agencies as required. 1.2 The Contractor will prepare for, attend, and document the following meetings: One Project Kick-off Meeting Identifying roles of key personnel and establishing communication procedures. Review and concurrence of responsibilities of the Contractor and the State. Establishment of submittal requirements, review dates, and overall project schedule. Establishment of the frequency of ongong project team meeting/reviews. 1 Four meetings regarding the development of the Geometric Concepts. Project Development Meetings as deemed necessary by the State’s Project Manager Two Public Information Meetings Four meetings to discuss design issues with outside agencies, businesses, and property owners as necessary. 1.3 Contractor Deliverables Monitor progress and manage Contractor staff and sub-consultants Prepare and submit monthly status reports on project progress Provide timely inputs regarding issues that must be resolved regarding the design on an as-needed basis. Implement and oversee quality control plan. Prepare for and attend the meetings identified in other work tasks (including preparation of agendas (three days prior) and meeting minutes (within seven days of the meeting completion) and submit to all attendees). 2.0 Public Outreach The Contractor will manage an outreach and education component that ensures adequate and timely information is provided to the public, stakeholders and decision-makers and provides ample opportunities for input throughout the process. Outreach efforts will include giving presentations to elected officials, transportation advocacy and other interest groups, and the formation and management of community and project advisory groups as necessary. In addition, a project website will be established to provide timely information on the study, and allow for ongoing community input. 2.1 Project Forums The Contractor will conduct project forums to address critical topics related to the proposed project elements, including: Community impacts, Transit implications, Equity issues, and Revenue issues. 2.2 Project Surveys The Project Team will conduct surveys on public opinion toward project design alternatives and operational features in the Interstate 94 corridor. These surveys will be geared towards the assessment of: Attitudes towards congestion, Project financing and alternative financing solutions, Mn/PASS/HOT Lane Operation, and Express bus/bus rapid transit applications. 2.3 Focus Groups Focus Groups will be held to further probe public attitudes that need to be addressed in implementing various alternatives. 2.4 Contractor Delierables Public Forums – 9 occurances Stakeholder Workshops – 3 occurances Focus Groups – 3 occurances Surveys – 2 occurances Reports on each activity – 17 occurances 3.0 Traffic Modeling Develop 2035 daily and AM/PM peak hour forecasts for alternatives for the re-construction and 2 reconfiguration of the I-94/T.H. 280 interchange, provision of access into and out of a managed lane on Interstate 94 in Minneapolis, and provision of access into and out of a managed lane on Interstate 94 in St. Paul, using the Twin Cities Regional Travel Demand Forecast Model (TCRM). The study area includes the I-94 and T.H. 280 corridor segments between T.H. 65 in Minneapolis, Cedar Avenue in St. Paul, Larpenteur Avenue/Hennepin Avenue to the north, and I-94 to the south. The following travel demand volumes will be developed for the interchange study area: Base year existing conditions (2010) 2035 No Build (existing network plus planned improvements from current TPP) 2035 Build Alternative 1 2035 Build Alternative 2 (if needed) Year of Opening Build (2015) (Preferred Concept) 3.1 Highway network assumptions and transit network assumptions for the 2035 No Build forecast will be consistent with the Metropolitan Council 2008 Transportation Policy Plan, and will include the UPA project on I-35W south of downtown Minneapolis, and proposed I-94 MnPASS Lane between downtown Minneapolis and downtown Saint Paul. The travel demand forecasting process and files used to conduct the I-94 Managed Lanes Study completed by Parsons Brinckerhoff in November 2009 will be provided for use in this study. 3.2 Socio-economic data assumptions will be consistent with the Metropolitan Council 2008 Transportation Policy Plan. However, refinement of the Transportation Analysis Zones within the study area was completed for the I-94 Managed Lanes Study, and should be used for this effort. 3.3 A technical memorandum summarizing the travel demand forecasting methodology, assumptions, and findings will be prepared for review by Mn/DOT’s Metro District and the Metropolitan Council. This document will adhere to the guidelines and address the reasonableness checks as indicated in the May 10, 2006 Mn/DOT Memo "Revised Guidelines for Twin City Travel Demand Forecasts Prepared for the Metropolitan District". Traffic forecasts are not complete until the travel demand methodology, assumptions, and checks for reasonableness, described within the Traffic Forecasting Memo, are reviewed and approved by Mn/DOT. Traffic forecasting documentation needs to be reviewed by the Metro District Traffic Forecaster and traffic forecasts must be approved prior to use in the CORSIM modeling and analysis. 3.4 Contractor Deliverables: Document summarizing methodology and assumptions used to develop forecasts and subsequent reasonableness checks. Forecasts for the following scenarios: 2035 No Build, 2035 Alt 1, 2035 Alt 2, and 2015 Build, including average annual daily traffic, AM peak hour and PM peak hour, and estimated heavy commercial vehicle traffic. One paper and one electronic copy in MS Word of the draft report, three copies of the final report plus one electronic copy in pdf and one MS Word copy. Graphic representations (i.e. maps) of existing and forecast for all scenarios. 3.5 Optional: The Twin Cities Regional Travel Demand Model is not validated to the peak hours. At a minimum, close scrutiny needs to be given to peak hour forecasting in relation to existing travel behaviors, which is addressed in the Mn/DOT Traffic Forecasting guidelines referenced above. In addition, Mn/DOT is open to innovative ideas and suggestions for improving peak hour modeling forecasting. 4.0 Concept Development 4.1 The Contractor will develop up to three alternatives for the re-construction of the I-94 and T.H. 280 interchange. The Contractor will coordinate the development of these concepts with the State, the City of 3 Minneapolis, the City of St. Paul, Hennepin County, the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Transit, and other stakeholders. These concepts will be developed using current State standards (Including Bentley MicroStation - Version and Bentley GEOPAK – 2004 Edition Version for layout development and in accordance with the HPDP handbook. 4.2 The Contractor will develop up to three alternatives for the provision of access to and from a tolled lane on I-94 in downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul. The Contractor will coordinate the development of these concepts with the State, the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Transit, and other stakeholders. These concepts will be developed using current State standards (Including Bentley MicroStation - Version and Bentley GEOPAK – 2004 Edition Version for layout development and in accordance with the HPDP handbook. 4.3 The Contractor will identify the impacts associated with each concept developed in Tasks 4.1 and 4.2 for the purposes of performing impact analysis. These impacts will include but are not limited to Right-ofWay acquisition, Utility Impacts, Railroad Coordination, required ponding and infiltration, permits, and project cost. The Contractor will develop in impact matrix to compare each alternative developed. 4.4 The Contractor will develop cost estimates for each alternative developed in Tasks 4.1 and 4.2. This will include preliminary costs sharing for the local municipalities. 4.5 The Contractor will submit ten copies of each alternative developed in Tasks 4.1 and 4.2 for review and comment by the functional groups at the State and incorporate comments received. 4.6 The State will coordinate intermediate review of design elements by the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul (Cities), Hennepin County, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Metro Transit, and other agencies. 5.0 CORSIM Modeling and Analysis Mn/DOT will provide modeling files developed in 2009. This includes CORSIM files, link-node diagrams, and lane schematics for the existing conditions and builds scenarios studied. 5.1 Data Collection Review data for this project that relates to traffic counts, turning movements, signal timing, ramp metering, and geometrics as supplied by Mn/DOT and other agencies, by accessing Mn/DOT’s Metro website, and by accessing Mn/DOT’s data extraction workstation. If data obtained is more than 2 years old, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain more recent data. Conduct field review of the traffic operations during the AM and PM peak periods to aid in the calibration of the base model and to verify geometric and operations. Consultant has the option to review corridor operation from the Mn/DOT’s RTMC facility during both peak periods. To schedule and coordinate corridor operations, contact the RTMC Operations staff at (651) 234-7001. Develop a technical memorandum discussing the field observations. Provide information about locations of existing bottleneck conditions, high weave areas, and mainline queue lengths. 5.2 Building of Base Model Develop a link-node diagram of the existing network. Develop a lane schematic that graphically represents the existing network and includes all key design features. Interpolate bad or missing volume data, convert data into 15-minute volumes, and balance the volume data for the AM and PM time period. Develop the AM and PM O-D matrixes for all freeway entrances and exits. Build the AM and PM base models to reflect the existing freeway and arterials of the modeling limits. This includes entering volume data and traffic signal and ramp meter control data. Verify that the network data has been coded correctly and develop a freeway quality control worksheet and an arterial quality control worksheet that lists link information. 4 Submit the base models and any supportive materials to Mn/DOT for review and approval. 5.3 Base Model Calibration Calibrate the AM and the PM base models according to the current “CORSIM Calibration Parameters”, incorporated herein by reference. Submit AM & PM calibrated model and supportive materials to Mn/DOT for review and approval. 5.4 Design Year Traffic Analysis (No Build and Build Scenarios) Develop a link node diagram and lane schematic of the network for the design year Build and No Build scenarios. Convert the 2035 forecasted traffic data into AM and PM 15-minute volume data, balance the volume data, and check the volume data for capacity constraints for the Build and No Build scenarios. Develop AM and PM design year (2035) O-D matrixes for all freeway entrances and exits for the Build and No Build scenarios. Build the AM and PM design year models to reflect the Build and No Build scenarios. This includes entering volume data, traffic signal and ramp meter control data, and the appropriate calibration values. Verify that the network data has been coded correctly and develop a freeway quality control worksheet and an arterial quality control worksheet that lists link information for the Build and No Build scenarios. Perform five runs on each model using different random seeds for each run. The same random number set shall be used for each model Develop the design year (2035) arterial and freeway measure of effectiveness tables and graphics for the Build and No Build scenarios. Present modeling results of the design year Build and No Build scenarios to Mn/DOT and FHWA and highlight any operational issues and concerns. Conduct alternative analysis to address operational issues and develop arterial and freeway measure of effectiveness tables and graphics. Present findings of alternative analysis. 5.5 Opening Year Traffic Analysis (No-Build and Build Scenarios) The modeling for the opening year will include the preferred Build scenario from task 1.2.4 and the No Build scenario. Develop a link node diagram and lane schematic of the network for the opening year Build and No Build scenarios. Convert the 2015 forecasted traffic data into AM and PM 15-minute volume data, balance the volume data, and check the volume data for capacity constraints for the Build and No Build scenarios. Develop AM and PM opening year (2015) O-D matrixes for all freeway entrances and exits for the Build and No Build scenarios. Build the AM and PM opening year models to reflect the Build and No Build scenarios. This includes entering volume data, traffic signal and ramp meter control data, and the appropriate calibration values. Verify that the network data has been coded correctly and develop a freeway quality control worksheet and an arterial quality control worksheet that lists link information for the Build and No Build scenarios. Perform five runs on each model using different random seeds for each run. The same random number set shall be used for each model. Develop the opening year (2015) arterial and freeway measure of effectiveness tables and graphics for review and final approval by Mn/DOT and FHWA. 5.6 Contractor Deliverables Modeling Technical memorandums. Signal information not provided by Mn/DOT. Heavy vehicle information. Link-node diagrams and lane schematics. Balanced arterial and freeway traffic volume data sets. 5 O-D Matrices. Arterial and freeway quality control worksheets. Calibration result tables and graphs. Arterial and freeway MOE graphics, tables and summaries. Final Modeling documentation. SYNCHRO and CORSIM electronic files for all scenarios. Meeting agendas plus any other materials required for the meetings. Meeting minutes. All deliverables will be submitted in both electronic and hardcopy formats. 6.0 Items to be Provided by Mn/DOT Geometric Layout alternatives produced by the State. Provide existing turning movement and tube counts provided these are not more than two years old. Provide website links to the Data Extract and Data Plot programs for extracting detector data. Provide existing signal timings (Mn/DOT signals only). City and County signals are the responsibility of consultant to request this information. Provide ramp metering information. Provide a sample of a link-node diagram. Provide a sample quality control worksheet. Provide Calibration Procedure and Modeling Guidelines Provide samples of calibration tables and graphs. Provide samples of tabular and graphical output from past IAR reports. Provide meeting space for project meetings. Review and comment on the calibration results within fifteen working days. Review and comment on the simulation results of the proposed freeway design within fifteen working days. 6