May 15, 2008, 3:00 pm
Spring Lake Family Resource Center
1. The meeting was called to order by Breeden Blackwell at 3:00 pm and a quorum was
Executive Committee (Voting Members) in attendance: Ethel Clark (Cumberland County), Greg
Martin (Bladen County and At-Large Rep), Tony Chavonne (Cumberland County), Breeden
Blackwell (Cumberland County), Lesa Price (Lee County), Ken Windley (Robeson County),
Bob Zschoche (Alt for Cary McSwain – Moore County), Paul Dordal (BRAC RTF)
Additional attendees: Renee Siemiet (BRAC RTF), John Bellamy (BRAC RTF), Dr. Curtis
Charles (FSU), Vanessa Cogdell (East Carolina University), John Harbison (BRAC RTF),
Renee Lane (BRAC RTF), Jane Smith (BRAC RTF), Corliss Udoema (Contract Solutions, Inc.),
Jim VanBuskirk (Booz Allen Hamilton), Steve Wilkins (BRAC RTF), Tim Moore (BRAC RTF),
Jean Wooten (NC Department of Commerce), Cecil Hammonds (US Falcon INC), Dr. Larry
Keen (FTCC), Kevin Klug (Concurrent Technologies Corporation), Shevelle Ramirez (Ft. Bragg
School Liaison Services), Henry Cuningham (Fayetteville Observer), Greg Phillips (Cumberland
County Emergency Services), M. Engin Konanc (NC Department of Public Instruction), Debra
Ensminger (Moore County), James Belmont (V.A. Hospital), Karen Brown (Sanford Real
Estate), Debbie Bryant (The Ferguson Group), Denny Czejdo (Fayetteville State University),
Debra Daubenspeck (FrontGate Properties), Wayne Grant (Booz Allen Hamilton), Robert
Grover (Embarq), Wayne Freeman (TDA), Dr. Joe Kilgore (InovaTech), Dr. Jane Smith (BRAC
RTF), Dr. Mary Majors (Fort Bragg Schools), Bruce Marion (Sanford Real Estate), Mike Miller
(TDA & NCSU), Leslie Mozingo (The Ferguson Group), Grant Price (First South Bank),
Brandon Deleeuw (Robeson County Public Schools), Jeff Tsai (TDA & NCSU), Sherwood
Sutherland (Fayetteville, NC), Gus Weber (Cumberland Regional Improvement), Brenda
Williamson (Vocational Rehabilitation, Raleigh, NC), Jean Wooten (NC Department of
2. ACTION: Minutes of the April 17, 2008 meeting were approved.
MOTION: A motion was made by Ken Windley to approve the minutes. The motion was
seconded by Bob Zschoche. The motion was carried unanimously.
3. Chairman’s Report. Breeden Blackwell welcomed everyone to the meeting.
4. Schools Assessment Update (Training Development and Associates). Wayne Freeman
highlighted several changes since the February 2008 release of the Preliminary Impact
Assessment. These include increases in the number of both Air Force active duty and
contractors, with a reduction in the number of active duty Army personnel. The
multiplier used for school-age children associated with the contractor personnel was also
updated. The Richmond County schools land-use study has been completed. TDA has
also completed interviewing each school district regarding their current classroom
capacity. Jeff Tsai provided an overview of the new student numbers and stated that they
were likely on the low end. The new construction estimate for meeting capacity needs
for incoming students has increased to $293 million. Additionally, the local expenditure
gap for student spending has increased by $2 million from the February White Paper.
Paul Dordal stated that counties will likely not be able to hire teachers in advance of
BRAC growth. Mr. Engin Konanc stated that the state has reserved money to cover the
impact of hiring additional teachers to accommodate growth, but these funds cannot be
committed to specific counties prior to the need. Mr. Konanc stated that the funds are
there, but questioned the ability to fill teaching positions after the start of the school year.
5. Executive Director’s Report:
a. Trip Report: Washington D.C. Paul Dordal was accompanied on the trip to
Washington D.C. by Geoff Cramer of Futures and Bill Philbrick of Cisco. The group
met with General Dynamics, Harris Corporation, and Booz Allen Hamilton – all
companies wanting to expand. Cisco hosts a networking academy at Fayetteville
Technical Community College. Dr. Keen stated that they are updating the academy
to mirror Cisco’s technology needs. The focus of the Washington, D.C. meetings was
on the hiring of separating military. Dordal stated that military separations vary
based on deployment cycles and that approximately 12,000 soldiers are expected to
separate this year due to so many Ft. Bragg units returning home.
b. Golden Leaf. The Golden Leaf Foundation will support regional plans focused on
community assisted grants. The Foundation recently invested $100M to Spirit AeroSystems and the Global TransPark. The Foundation has indicated they will accept
high priority funding applications for each county individually. Grant applications
are due the end of July for equipment and infrastructure grants. Grants focused on
employment needs are accepted year-round.
c. Rural Center. Paul Dordal met with Billy Ray Hall, President of the NC Rural
Center and other staff. Mr. Hall indicated the Rural Center would like to stay
informed on BRAC RTF activities and would welcome grant applications from the
BRAC RTF. As a side note, Don Belk, BRAC RTF Regional Planner, was selected as
a member of the NC Rural Economic Development Institute.
d. I3D & AACWI Update. A demonstration of the i3D capability will be held at FTCC
on 22 May in the morning beginning at 10:00 am. The Board meeting will begin at
1:30 pm in the Culinary Dining Room. Dr. Keen stated that this center is one of only
two i3D centers in the nation; the other is at Epcot Center at Walt Disney World. The
media has been invited to visit the center on May 29th to see the center. A special VIP
tour will be the evening of June 2nd with the actual ribbon cutting on June 3.
e. June 17 TDA Regional Growth Plan brief: Snyder Baptist Church. Training,
Development and Associates, Inc (TDA) released their initial Community preliminary
Impact Assessment (PIA) Report on February 29, 2008. This report is posted on the
BRAC RTF website. It provides specific data describing the impact on BRAC
Counties due to upcoming growth. The draft comprehensive regional growth plan
will be released on June 17, 2008 at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church at 10:00 am. Lt
Governor Beverly Purdue will be the keynote speaker, and approximately 400 people
are expected to be in attendance.
6. Workforce Demonstration Program Update (Steve Wilkins & Dr. Jane Smith & Tim
Moore BRAC RTF):
a. OEA Education Site Visit April 22. The purpose of this Technical Pre-visit is to
provide program stakeholders with knowledge of issues surrounding mission growth
and improve communications among all partners, to identify/document any gaps or
lags in capacities, and to define a reasonable federal share of educational assistance.
The follow-up to the April visit will be a Senior Federal Staff Economic Adjustment
Committee visit on June 26th & 27th. EAC will visit with representatives from each
county, tour Ft. Bragg and local schools, and then meet with a focus group of parents,
teachers, and students. In preparation for this meeting, each county is preparing a
report on the status of their school. County reports are due May 23rd.
Joint Education/Workforce Advisory Committee Update. Most recent meeting
was held on April 23rd at UNC-Pembroke. At this meeting Dr. Freda Porter (Porter
Scientific) identified 14 areas needing workforce development training to support
business growth.
Real Game. The Real Game Online Pilot program has been run at several schools.
Students received career assignments with education required, gross monthly salary,
hours of work per week, and annual vacation day allotment. Students were free to
choose their home, care, and recreation activities and told to set aside savings for a
vacation. Schools currently involved in the pilot program will expand the programs
within their schools and the program will likely be implemented region wide.
I3D Center @ FTCC. The Community College Presidents toured the center on May
14th. All other institutions are invited to one of two presentations on June 24th –
though there is limited seating and reservations are required.
Expanding the AAWCI Hub. In April, the Executive Committee approved $90K in
DOL funds towards the purchase of software and equipment at each outlying
community college and two additional for BRAC RTF use. Further research has
determined that it is premature to invest in this technology and instead, the BRAC
RTF recommended approval of an additional $15K to purchase 7 – i3D interactive
stereoscopic systems in lieu of the original nine computer and wide screen monitors,
for a total of $105,000. With this change, additional students will benefit at one time
from the technology.
ACTION: The Executive Committee recommended the motion be brought forward
at the Board of Directors meeting on May 22nd.
MOTION: Tony Chavonne motioned for the recommendation to be brought forward
to the Board of Directors. Breeden Blackwell seconded. The motion carried.
Defense Business Association. The next meeting of the DBA will be in mid-June
with the Director of Ft. Bragg Contracting. The meeting will focus on FORSCOM
contracting procedures.
Economic Developers Committee. The next meeting will be June 10 and will have
an emphasis on trade show participation and a selecting a display.
Steering Group Meeting. The last meeting was held on 1 April. The next meeting
will be held on 11 June regarding the Center of Excellence and Pipeline Request for
Wounded Warrior Pipeline Demonstration. Currently the program is training Fort
Bragg counselors and will begin engaging soldiers this week.
Job Connection Construction Cluster. Last meeting was 7 May and very
productive. The cluster is working on linking local construction workers to
construction jobs. Focusing on this as an advertising campaign may be an appropriate
and beneficial use of the original $18,000 allocated.
Military Spouse Program – Career Advancement Accounts. The program has
recently been expanded to allow spouses of all ranks to apply to the program.
Regional Rural Entrepreneurship Grant. A grant application has been submitted
by UNC-Pembroke. The grant would provide $100K over 3 years to fund a Full-Time
coordinator for 3 – 8 counties. Initial feedback indicates that this grant will be
favorably considered. The BRAC RTF will work with UNC-Pembroke to leverage
their program through the DOL grant.
7. Defense Business Special Trade Zone. BRAC RTF has had initial conversations with
selected General Assembly members concerning the creation of a special trade zone. This
zone would increase the likelihood of defense and homeland security businesses moving into
the region. Comments by members are supportive and encouraging. The BRAC RTF would
solicit $750K in state funding to conduct mapping and gap analysis of defense resources and
ACTION: The BRAC RTF requests approval to continue dialog with the NC General
Assembly and other state agencies for the creation of a defense friendly special trade zone.
MOTION: Ken Windley moved that the Executive Committee approve continued work on
a Defense Business Special Trade Zone. Tony Chavonne seconded. The motion was carried
8. Funding for 22 May Board Meeting. On May 22nd, the BRAC RTF Board of Directors is
invited to a presentation at FTCC in the morning and asked to stay through lunch and into the
Board of Directors meeting. As such, the BRAC RTF requests funding for lunches for the
Board of Directors and staff.
ACTION: Request funding up to $500 for lunches.
MOTION: Bob Zschoche moved to approve funding up to $500 for lunches on May 22nd,
pending approval from the DOL or to use funding from the Marketing funds. Ken Windley
seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.
9. Next Scheduled Executive Committee Meeting:
Thursday June 19, 2008 at 3:00 pm
Spring Lake Family Resource Center
Next Scheduled Board of Directors Meeting:
Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 1:30 pm
Fayetteville Technical Community College
10. Meeting adjourned 4:15 pm.
Submitted by Paul Dordal
Executive Director, BRAC RTF