95 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067 860-721-1060 f: 860-721-7406 fpact@snet.net GUIDELINES FOR SPEAKER AND TOPIC PROPOSALS FPA Connecticut State Conference, April 27, 2016 Please read the following information and use the form attached when submitting a proposal for a speaker or session. Overview The FPA Connecticut State Conference is the premier event organized by three chapters of the FPA in Connecticut. The conference experience features an outstanding series of educational sessions and an opportunity to network with hundreds of like-minded individuals, organizations, and leaders in the field of financial planning. The 2015 conference is expected to attract 250 participants. The audience is diverse and includes financial planners, attorneys, insurance representatives, and accountants from both large and small firms. Each session proposal should be clearly defined as to whether it is beginner, medium or advanced level material. Discussion can be intense, and presenters should expect to be challenged with difficult questions. Sessions should be structured so that they are interactive and participants can ask questions. The Request for Proposals (RFP) process generally results in four or five times as many proposals as we have sessions available. Sometimes ideas are accepted as proposed; sometimes proposals on similar topics are combined into expert panels; sometimes proposals are rejected outright; and sometimes the Conference Committee will identify a topic of interest that was not reflected in any submitted proposal and design a session around it. The Committee reserves the right to be creative in the effort to build the strongest conference agenda possible. Conference sponsors and FPA members are given priority if a like topic with similar speaker experience is presented. Agenda Tracks The conference agenda includes two types of sessions. Keynote sessions have exclusive time slots— nothing else is scheduled concurrently. In addition, the agenda features 3 concurrent track speakers with 60 minute presentations (12 presentations total). Speaker Honorarium, Travel and Accommodations Unless a sponsor can be secured, we do not provide honorariums for speakers. Speakers receive publicity and exposure to our audience via our website, conference flyer and broadcast emails. Speakers are expected to arrange their own travel to and from the conference. Coach airfare and travel incidentals are negotiable terms. Selection Criteria • The topic is of interest to FPA members. • The topic is timely. • The presenter is an excellent public speaker. • The presenter and/or topic can attract new participants to the conference. • The presenter and/or topic have not been featured recently at the conference, or the session builds on a popular session from the previous year. • The presenter and/or topic enhances the diversity of the conference. Deadlines For keynote speaker proposals: October 27, 2015. For breakout session proposals: November 30, 2015. Proposal Submission Please e-mail your proposal to fpact@snet.net. accepted may take several months. Notification as to whether or not your proposal has been Questions Call 860-721-1060 or email fpact@snet.net. SPEAKER PROPOSAL 1. Session Title: ____________________________________________________________ 2. Submitted by: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ 3. Are you an FPA Member? (please circle) Yes No 4. Are you an FPA Sponsor or Exhibitor? (please circle) Yes No 5. Type of Session (please circle) Keynote Breakout 6. Session Format (please circle) Panel Participative Lecture 7. Session Presenter(s) (Provide the name and attach a brief bio –no more than 100 words– for each proposed presenter) ________________________________________________________________ 8. Do you know the speaker(s)? ________________Have you seen this speaker present? _________ 9. Where, when, and for what organization, has this speaker presented for recently? 10. Session Objective and Description (Please limit to 100 words) 11. Please provide any links to video or articles, or any other relevant information to your proposed topic or speaker, for the Committee to review. Thank you for providing a complete picture of the session and/or speaker you are suggesting for the FPA Connecticut State Conference. We sincerely appreciate your thoughtful recommendation.