Name Period CHAPTER 6-BONE MARKINGS I. Divisions of

Name ______________________________
Period __________________
I. Divisions of Skeleton
A. Axial Skeleton – (80 bones) skull, spinal column, breast bone, ribs, hyoid
B. Appendicular – (126 bones) appendages
II. Skeletal Structure
A. Axial Skeleton (80)
1. Skull (28 bones)- ***Know bones which make up eye socket***
(a) cranium (8)
• frontal (1)- Bone #1
• parietal (2)- Bone #2
• occipital (1)- Bone #3
• temporal (2)- Bone #4
• sphenoid (1)- Bone #10
• ethmoid (1)- Bone #15
(b) face (14 bones)
nasal (2)- Bone #12
maxillary (2)- Bone #13
zygomatic (2)- Bone #11
mandible (1)- Bone #20
• lacrimal (2)- Bone #14
• palatine (2)- Bone #17
• vomer (1)- Bone #38
2. Spinal Column (26)
(a) cervical vertebrae (7)
1) C1 atlas
2) C2 axis
(b) thoracic vertebrae (12)
(c) lumbar (5)
(d) sacrum (5 fused) (1)
(e) coccyx (1)
3. Sternum (Bone B) and ribs (Bone D) (25)
(a) true ribs 7 pr.
(b) false ribs 5 pr. – includes 2 floating pr.
(c) sternum (breast bone)- Bone B
B. Appendicular Skeleton (126 bones)
1. Upper extremities (64)
(a) Arm
• clavicle (2)- Bone A
• scapula (2)- Bone C
• humerus (2)- Bone E
• radius (2)- Bone F
• ulna (2)- Bone G
• carpals (16)- Bones H - O
• metacarpals (10)- Bones P - T
• phalanges (28)- Bones U - Y
2. Lower Extremities (62)
(a) Leg
• coxa/ innominate/ pelvic (2) (ilium, pubis, ischium)- Bone Z
• femur (2)- Bone AA
• patella (2)- Bone BB
• tibia (2)- Bone CC
• fibula (2)- Bone DD
(b) Foot
1) tarsals
 calcaneus- Bone EE
 talus- Bone FF
III. Sutures – immovable joint where skull bones attach
A. Skull Sutures
Sagittal- parietal bones- Marking #24
Coronal- frontal w/ parietal bones- Marking #23
IV. Individual Bones and Markings (Axial Skeleton)
A. Skull (
foramen magnum – cranial cavity with canal of spinal column
occipital condyles – skull with vertebral column- Marking #19
zygomatic process of temporal bone– zygomatic bone with temporal bone- Marking #6
temporal process of zygomatic bone- Marking #30
styloid process – ligaments that support hyoid bone- Marking #9
mastoid process – muscles for rotating head- Marking #5
external auditory meatus – opening for ear- Marking #42
carotid foramen- carotid artery- Marking #47
jugular foramen- jugular vein- Marking #48
B. Frontal Bone – supraorbital foramen- Marking #1A
C. Temporal Bone
mastoid process
see above
styloid process
D. Sphenoid bone (butterfly or bat with wings extended)
greater wing- Marking #62
lesser wing- Marking #61
sella turcica (holds pituitary gland)- Marking #60
optic foramen – optic nerves- Marking #39
superior orbital fissure- Marking #39a
 inferior orbital fissure- Marking #39b
E. Ethmoid Bone
crista galli – bone ridge where meninges attach to stabilize brain- Marking #58
cribiform plate – hole sin plate for sensory nerves for smell (olfactory)- Marking #59
perpendicular plate – part of nasal septum- Marking #55a
F. Maxillary Bone
G. Palatine Bones- roof of mouth- Marking #17
H. Nasal complex
nasal septum – vomer (bottom tip) and ethmoid bone (perpendicular plate)
I. Mandible – lower jaw
condylar process – (TMJ), chewing- Marking #22
coronoid process – temporalis muscle- Marking #21
mental foramen – nerves- Marking #52
ramus- Marking #20a
body- Marking #20b
J. Vertebral column markings:
***Know differences between cervical, thoracic, and lumbar***
***Know definitions of kyphosis, lordosis, & scoliosis***
body- Marking #1
vertebral foramen- Marking #2
lamina- Marking #3
transverse process- Marking #4
spinous process- Marking #5
transverse foramina (C1-C7) – vertebral arteries to brain- Marking #6
Superior articular surface- Marking #8
Inferior articular surface- Marking #9
Intervertebral foramina discs
o annulus fibrosus – fibro cartilage (outside)
o nucleus pulposus – gelatinous material of disc (inside)
Individual bones of spinal column
o atlas – C1 – holds up head, articulates w/ occipital condyles (no atlas body)
o axis – C2 – permits rotation of head
Special marking of C2 axis- odontoid process (or dens)- what atlas rotates on)
K. Sternum (breast bone)
manubrium – joins with clavicles- Marking #1
body- Marking #2
xiphoid process- Marking #3
V. Individual Bones and Markings (Appendicular Skeleton)
A. Scapula – shoulder- Bone C
superior border- Marking #1
vertebral (medial) border- Marking #2
axillary (lateral) border- Marking #3
inferior angle- Marking #4
glenoid fossa (articulates w/ humerus)– scapulohumeral (shoulder) joint- Marking #5
coracoid process ligaments w/ humerus- Marking #6
acromion process – joins with clavicle acromioclavicular joint (ac joint)- Marking #7
supraspinous fossa- rotator cuff muscle attachment- Marking #8
infraspinous fossa- rotator cuff muscle attachment- Marking #9
scapular spine- Marking #10
subscapular fossa- Marking #11
B. Humerus- Bone E
head- Marking #1
greater tubercle – rotator cuff muscle/ tendon attachment- Marking #2
lesser tubercle – rotator cuff muscle/ tendon attachment- Marking #3
deltoid tuberosity – deltoid muscle- Marking #4
shaft- Marking #5
medial epicondyle- Marking #6
lateral epicondyle- Marking #7
trochlea- Marking #8
medial & lateral condyles
capitulum- Marking #9
coronoid fossa- Marking #10
radial fossa- Marking #11
olecranon fossa- Marking #12
C. Radius- Bone F
head- Marking #1
radial tuberosity- Marking #2
styloid process – stabilize wrist- Marking #3
ulnar notch- Marking #4
D. Ulna
trochlear notch/ semilunar notch- Marking #1
radial notch- Marking #2
styloid process – stabilize wrist- Marking #3
olecranon – elbow – muscle that extends the arm attaches here- Marking #4
coronoid process- Marking #5
 ulnar head- Marking #6
E. Pelvic Girdle
coxae/ innominate/ pelvic (2)- Bone Z
 ilium- Marking #1
 ischium- Marking #2
 pubis- Marking #3
acetabulum- Marking #4
obturator foramen- Marking #5
iliac crest- Marking #6
pubic symphysis- Marking #7
greater sciatic notch- Marking #8
ischial spine- Marking #9
pubic crest- Marking #11
ischial tuberosity- hamstring attachment, seat- Marking #12
anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)- hip flexor attachment- Marking #13
posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)- Marking #15
F. Pelvis – (coxae, sacrum, coccyx)- ***know male/ female differences ***
G. Femur – longest, heaviest in the body- Bone AA
head- Marking #1
neck- Marking #2
greater trochanter- Marking #3
lesser trochanter- Marking #4
medial condyle- Marking #6
lateral condyle- Marking #7
medial epicondyle- Marking #8
lateral epicondyle- Marking #9
patellar surface- Marking #10
H. Tibia (shin bone)- Bone CC
lateral condyle- Marking #1
medial condyle- Marking #2
tibial tuberosity- knee extensors attachment- Marking #3
anterior crest- Marking #4
medial malleolus – stabilize ankle – medial “bump” on ankle- Marking #5
I. Fibula (calf bone)- Bone DD
head- Marking #1
lateral malleolus – stabilize ankle – lateral “bump” on ankle- Marking #2