of mc and essa..

Ancient Near East
00: essay: lamassu (5)
05: essay: Stele with law code of Hammurabi/detail (5)
07: slide: Drawing of reconstruction of the Citadel of Sargon II
01: essay: Akhenaton-two images (5)
03: essay: Ti Watching Hippo Hunt (10)
05: slide: Queen Tiye
01: slide: Dipylon Amphora
Funerary Stele of Hegeso
00: slide: Iktinos and Kallikrates: Parthenon and Temple of Athena Nike
02: slide: Lacoon
05: essay: statue of an old market woman (10)
06: essay: Kritios Boy (10)
07: slide: Nike of Samothrace/Nike Adjusting her Sandal
08: essay: Dying Gaul (5)
01: slide: Still life with Peaches and Glass Vase
Claesz: Still Life with Oysters, Rum, Glass and Silver Cup
01: essay: Ara Pacis Augustae and detail of Marcus Agrippa and family (10)
02: slide: Plan of the Pantheon, Plan of San Vitale
03: essay: Pont-du-Gard near Nimes, France (5)
04: essay: Portrait of Roman patrician/ portrait of Constantine (10)
05: essay: Alberti: west façade of Sant’ Andrea
Arch of Constantine (10)
06: slide: Atrium, House of the Silver Wedding
The Ixion Room, House of the Vettii, Pompeii
07: essay: Maison Carree (exterior) (5)
08: slide: Dionysiac mystery scene: Villa of the Mysteries
Portrait of husband and wife from House VII,2,6
09: essay: Colosseum (10)
Early Christian
02: essay: Sarcophagus of Junius Bassius (5)
06: essay: Good Shepard (5)
09: slide: Sarcophagus of Junius Bassius
99: essay: Madonna enthroned with angels (Saint Appollinare Nuovo)(10)
00: essay: Justinian and his attendants from San Vitale (10)
02: slide: Plan of the Pantheon, Plan of San Vitale
08: slide: Interior and plan of Hagia Sophia
02: essay: Great Mosque of Tunisia and plan (5)
Early Medieval
99: slide: St. Michael’s Cathedral (exterior and plan)
03: essay: St. Matthew from Ebbo Gospels (5)
04: essay: Purse cover from Sutton-Hoo Ship-Burial
Carpet page from Lindisfarne Gospels (10)
08: essay: Plan and interior of Palatine Chapel (10)
09: Chi-rho-page from Gospel of St. Matthew: Book of Kells (5)
03: slide: Santiago de Compostela plan and interior
05: essay: West portal of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus: Last Judgment tympanum close up (5)
07: essay: Bayeux Tapestry (10)
08: essay: Morgan Madonna (5)
01: essay: Santa Croce, central nave and plan (10)
02: essay: Plan and interior of Saint Denis with quote from Suger (10)
03: slide: The Annunciation and the Visitation from Reims
03: essay: Alberti: Palazzo Rucellai/ House of Jacques Coeur [gothic] (10)
04: essay: Interior of Beauvais Cathedral/ Interior of King’s College (10)
06: slide: Pisano: West façade, Cathedral of Our Lady, Siena
Florence Cathedral
07: essay: Chartes Cathedral: Tree of Jesse (lancet window in West
facade) (5)
09: essay: Jamb figures from Royal Portal, West Façade, Chartes (10)
Ekkehard and Uta, W. Chapel Sanctuary, Naumburg Cathedral
00: essay: Cimabue: Madonna Enthroned with Angels
Raphael: The Small Cowper Madonna (10)
05: slide: Duccio: The Betrayal of Jesus
06: slide: Pisano: West façade, Cathedral of Our Lady, Siena
Florence Cathedral
06: essay: Giotto: Madonna Enthroned (10)
08: essay: Lorenzetti: Sala della Pace: Palazzo Publico interior
Allegory of good government (10)
Early Renaissance
99: slide: Botticelli: The Adoration of the Magi
Van der Goes: Portinari Altarpiece
99: essay: Ucello: Battle of San Romano (5)
00: essay: Donatello: Mary Magdalene (10)
02: slide: Massaccio: Tribute Money/ Perugino: Christ…Keys
03: essay: Ghiberti: Sacrifice of Issac from competition (10)
03: essay: Alberti: Palazzo Rucellai/ House of Jacques Coeur [Gothic](10)
04: slide: Botticelli: Birth of Venus
04: essay: Mantegna: Saint James Led to Martyrdom (5)
05: essay: Alberti: west façade of Sant’ Andrea
Arch of Constantine (10)
09: slide: Donatello: David and Saint Mark
High Renaissance
00: essay: Cimabue: Madonna Enthroned with Angels
Raphael: The Small Cowper Madonna (10)
03: essay: Michelangelo: Adam and Eve from Sistine Chapel
Van der Goes: Adam and Eve (1470) (10)
07: essay: quote by Vasari about Michelangelo and Sistine Chapel-no pic
99: essay: Pontormo: Descent from the Cross (10)
07: slide: Anguissola: The Sisters of the Artist and their Governess
Two sisters and a brother of the artist
08: slide: Pontormo: Descent From the Cross
Venetian Renaissance
01: slide: Titian: Madonna of the Pesaro Family
Northern Renaissance
99: slide: Van der Goes: Portinari Altarpiece
99: essay: Holbein: Henry VIII vs Chefren from Giza (10)
01: essay: Durer: Four Horsemen and Knight Death and Devil (10)
03: essay: Michelangelo: Adam and Eve from Sistine Chapel
Van der Goes: Adam and Eve (1470) (10)
04: slide: The Limbourg Brothers: May [International Gothic]
99: essay: Bernini: Cornaro Chapel interior (10)
99: essay: Elias: Four Regents and the Bookkeeper
Hals: Regents of the Old Men’s Home (10)
00: essay: Rembrandt: Self-Portrait at age 63
Gentileschi: Judith and her Maidservant with head (10)
01: slide: Still life with Peaches and Glass Vase
Claesz: Still Life with Oysters, Rum, Glass and Silver Cup
03: slide: Bernini: Apollo and Daphne & David
04: essay: Pozzo: Glorification of St. Ignatius
Saenredam: Interior of St. Bavo: Haarlem
05: slide: Gentileschi: Judith slaying Holofornes
06: essay: Vermeer: The Guitar Player (10)
08: essay: Velazquez: Las Meninas (10)
09: slide: Rubens: Arrival of Marie de’ Medici
Rembrandt: Night Watch
00: essay: Goya: Third of May/ West: Death of Gen. Wolfe (10)
02: essay: Vigee-Lebrun: Marie-Antoinette (10)
04: essay: Wright: A Philosopher giving a lecture
An Experiment on a Bird (10)
06: slide: Greuze: The Village Bride/ David: Oath of the Horatii
07: slide Hogarth: The Marriage Contract/ Breakfast scene (10)
05: essay: Boucher: Cupid a Captive/ Fragonard: The Meeting (10)
00: slide: Ingres: Grand Odalesque/ Manet: Luncheon on the Grass
01: essay: Ingres: The Comtesse d’Haussonville
Nadar: Sarah Bernhardt (photo) (5)
01: essay: Jefferson: Virginia State Capitol (10)
03: slide: Zoffany: The Tribuna at the Uffiziz 1772-8 and detail
06: slide: David: Oath of the Horatii /Greuze: The Village Bride
07: essay: Canova: Pauline Borghese as Venus (10)
09: essay: Kauffman: Cornelia Presenting her Children (5)
99: slide: Gericault: Raft of the Medusa
00: essay: Goya: Third of May/ West: Death of Gen. Wolfe (10)
03: essay: Cole: Oxbow (10)
05: essay: Delacroix: Barque of Dante and Virgil and quote from review
of Paris Salon of 1822 (10)
00: slide: Ingres: Grand Odalesque/ Manet: Luncheon on the Grass
04: slide: Eakins: The Gross Clinic
Hawes and Southworth: Early Operation photo
09: essay: Courbet quote-no picture (10)
01: essay: Ingres: The Comtesse d’Haussonville
Nadar: Sarah Bernhardt (photo) (5)
04: slide: Eakins: The Gross Clinic
Hawes and Southworth: Early Operation (photo)
09: essay: Muybridge: Jockey on a Galloping Horse (10)
99: essay: Monet: Impression Sunrise
Hunt: The Hireling Shepard (10)
02: slide: Renoir: Bal du Moulin de la Galette
Seurat: A Sunday afternoon at La Grande Jatte
02: essay: Rodin: Burghers of Calais (10)
04: essay: Cassatt: The Letter and quote (5)
06: essay: Quote by Baudelaire on Salon of 1846-no slides (10)
02: slide: Renoir: Bal du Moulin de la Galette
Seurat: A Sunday afternoon at La Grande Jatte
06: essay: Quote by Baudelaire on Salon of 1846-no slides (10)
08: essay: Van Gogh: The Plain at Auvers (1890)
Art Nouveau
05: slide: Hort: stairwell of Tassel House
Gaudi: Casa Mila
01: essay: Picasso: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (10)
05: essay: Picasso: Guernica (10)
00: slide: Mondrian: Composition II/ Rothko: 1968
03: slide: Kandinsky: Improvisation 30/ Pollock: Lavender Mist
08: essay: Pollock: Autumn Rhythm with quote by artist (10)
De Stijl:
08: slide: Rietvald: armchair (Victoria and Albert Museum)
03: essay: quote: Kahlo with Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace (10)
06: essay: Oppenheim: Object (5)
Social Realism
02: essay: Jacob Lawrence: two scenes: Migration of the Negro (3, 49) [10]
Earth Art
04: essay: Holt: Sun Tunnels exterior/ view through pipe (10)
09: essay: Smithson: Spiral Jetty (10)
07: essay: Kruger: Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face) (10)
Architecture 19th and 20th
00: essay: van der Rohe and Johnosn: Seagram building (10)
01: slide: Le Corbusier: Chapelle de Notre Dame du Haut
Wright: Unity Temple at Oak Park
06: essay: Sullivan: Carson Pirie, Scott Building
07: slide: Le Corbusier: Savoye House
Piano and Rogers: Pompidou Center
09: slide: Wright: Guggenheim in New York
Gehry: Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain
Modern Sculpture 19th and 20th
99: slide: Smith: Cubi XIX (1964)
06: slide: Calder: Lobster Trap and Fish Tail (1939)
Boccioni: Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (1913)