Ordering Process and Website Instructions

Ordering Process and Website Instructions
The following steps outline the ordering process:
The DRM must request materials for each qualifying
The DRM must provide the Student Testing Identification
number for the order.
The DRM certifies that the student’s IEP cites the need and
that a hard copy of the textual material is owned or has been
purchased for the student.
If material needed is not in the AIM-VA database, the DRM
is required to send two copies of the educational materials to
AIM-VA. AIM-VA may opt to keep one copy of the
educational materials. Please refer to “What if I need
something not in the AIM-VA catalog?”
The AIM-VA librarian receives the requests and sends the
accessible instructional materials to the DRM.
How does the DRM Order Accessible Instructional Materials Online?
Go to AIM-VA Website www.aimva.org
Click on “Order AIM from the Library” to will be directed to the AIMVA Library Catalog.
Figure 1. Order AIM from the Library
Search the AIM-VA Library Catalog for accessible instructional materials
by keyword, title, author, publisher, ISBN, content and/or grade level.
To search by keyword, enter the keyword and select ‘submit
To search by author, type the author's last name or last name,
first name in the Author search box
To search by ISBN, type the numbers without spaces or hyphens,
in the ISBN search box
The DRM may also limit searches by using the "AND, OR, NOT" drop
down list next to each search box.
The following figure is an example of a search by keyword.
Figure 2. Search by Keyword
In this example, books that have the word "history" in the title or subject
heading are being searched. Type the word "history" in the Anyword
(Keyword) search box and click on "Submit Query" or hit the Enter key.
The next screen shows the Result List for the search performed.
Figure 3. Result List for the Search Performed
To choose books from this Result List, click on "Add item to Cart".
Figure 4. Add Item to Cart
"No selected items" will change to indicate the number of items that have
been selected.
When all of the materials for this student have been searched and
selected, click "Check out # selected items" to check out. This option is
located both at the top of the screen and on the left side of the screen
under "Our Library Links".
Figure 5. Check out Selected Items
At the DRM login screen, login using the DRM user id and password.
Remember that by logging in, the DRM is certifying the local education
agency has print versions of all alternative materials ordered through
AIM-VA for this student. Sharing of DRM user ids and passwords is a
violation of AIM-VA policy and copyright restrictions.
Figure 6. DRM Login Screen
After successful login, the Request Form will be displayed. This form
should be filled out completely.
Not Currently Available
Figure 7. Item Request Form
For each item requested, the format and the time the item is needed
should be selected prior to submission. Please note, that the form
cannot be submitted unless it is complete.
A confirmation page will be displayed that shows the information
submitted on the form. Print this page to keep as documentation.
Figure 8. Confirmation Page
A confirmation email will be sent to the DRM as the AIM-VA librarian
will receive the request. When the material requested is ready for
delivery, it will be shipped by one of several providers, via UPS, U.S.
Mail Free Matter for the Blind or regular U.S. Mail.
What if something is needed and is not in the AIM-VA catalog?
If the DRM searching the AIM-VA catalogue does not have the materials
needed, follow the instructions that automatically appear upon an
unsuccessful search. Details needed for AIM-VA to search for the
materials elsewhere are; title, author, copyright date, grade level and
ISBN, RFB&D Product Code and National Library Service Location. If
AIM-VA does not have a copy of the materials requested, it is mandatory
that two copies of the requested materials be sent to AIM-VA. AIM-VA
will retain one print copy and return the other print copy to the LEA. If
the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) must produce
a textbook in Braille, then DBVI will retain one of the print copies of the
textbook and return the other print copy to the LEA upon completion of
the transcription process. DBVI also requests that a class syllabus with
dates accompany all orders. If a syllabus is not received along with the
textbook order, then textbooks will be transcribed from front to back,
according to the transcribers’ schedules.
Figure 9. AIM-VA Search Engine
For each item needed, please fill in all information pertaining to that
book. If the materials are needed from a known source such as RFB&D
or National Library Service, please include reference numbers provided
by that organization.