Course Syllabus - UAH

Course Syllabus
MIS 412/512 - Information Systems Design and Implementation
Fall Semester, 2002
(Classes: August 22 - December 3)
Class Times
Tuesday & Thursday 11:10 AM-12:30 PM in
121 Administrative Sciences Building
Tuesday & Thursday 2:20 PM-3:40 PM in
123 Administrative Sciences Building
Final Exam Times
Tuesday, Dec 10
@ 11:30 AM
Tuesday, Dec 10
@ 2:20 PM
Dr. Gary F. Templeton
313 Administrative Sciences Building
Web Address:
Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 PM-2:20 PM
(other times by appointment)
Course Description: MIS 412/512 (3 hours) is Information Systems Design and Implementation. The UAH Student
Handbook describes this course as follows:
"Advanced coverage of the strategies and techniques of structured systems development. Emphasizes
information analysis and the logical specifications of the system. Students prepare exercises and case studies to
develop proficiency in information analysis techniques. Integrates computer technology, systems analysis,
systems design, and organizational behavior in designing large scale application or decision support systems."
Prerequisites are MIS 310 and MIS 340. Any student who does not have these requirements (or the equivalent) will be
dropped from the course.
Course Materials:
1. Modern Systems Analysis and Design (3rd ed.) by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, and Joseph S.
Valacich is required and available at the UAH campus bookstore.
2. Either one of the following (decide on your product only after you have been approved for a team):
Visible Analyst Workbench-Student Edition by Visible Systems Corporation is a true CASE tool
and will be demonstrated in classroom discussions about project requirements. The education
edition is available in the UAH campus bookstore at a substantially reduced price ($99). Each
team member is to share equally in the cost.
b) Microsoft Visio - is available in all four ASB labs and because of its relative simplicity, will not
be supported in classroom lecture. Available labs are ASB 207, 211, 214, and 215 (which is only
open when 214 is full).
c) RF-Flow - available at limited functionality (by number of objects) and downloadable for free at
( Like Visio, RFF is simple to use and will not be supported in classroom
3. Recommended: Modern Systems Analysis and Design Web Site by Prentice Hall
Course Format: The class will combine lecture, discussion, and hands-on interation with various software programs,
including MS-Word, the Internet, and Visible Analyst Workbench. All students are encouraged to engage the instructor
and fellow students in discourse that will challenge ideas and expand knowledge about course content. In addition to
the text, this course uses relevant business articles, publications, or web applications as supplemental material.
The Student's Academic Responsibility: All students will be expected to actively and fully participate in class and on the
project assignment. Proper preparation for class (i.e., reading the assigned sections of the text and completing
homework assignments before class) will result in a more enjoyable and meaningful course for all concerned. Failure to
adequately prepare for class will adversely affect your grade and the benefits of the course. The class will be given at
least one week to complete each homework assignment. Since all assignments will be made available on the WWW, no
time extensions are allowed [hint: complete your work well in advance (ASAP) to avoid any catastrophe - never
All acts of dishonesty constitute academic misconduct.
Students with Disabilities: It is the policy of this instructor and UAH to make necessary accommodations for students
with disabilities. Any student with a disability that will require special attention or accommodations should inform the
instructor as soon as possible.
Grading Policy: A final grade will be assigned based on the following scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = Below 60
Three Exams - will be given to all students. The exams must be taken at the scheduled time unless the instructor, at his
discretion, grants prior permission for an alternative time.
SD Projects and Presentation - will be required of all students, and graded for timeliness, quality, and completion.
Thus, each assignment will be graded subjectively by the instructor, based on these three characteristics. The
assessment of quality is based on 1) your knowledge of the subject matter, 2) presentation format, and 3) your ability to
communicate in writing. As such, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, clarity, and neatness will be assessed. It is
very important for you to organize your thoughts, express them in a clear and concise manner, and support your ideas
with the works of others. Click on MIS 412/512 SD Project for details.
Graduate Student Project - will be required of only graduate (MIS 512) students. This is a writing assignment on an
advanced or emerging topic in systems development. The final paper will be 1500-2000 words in length and of
outstanding depth and quality. Each student is to first discuss possible topics with the instructor for approval. The
expectations of this assignment are dependent upon the level of degree sought (masters or doctorate).
The final grade score for MIS 412 (undergraduate) class participants will be calculated as follows:
Conceptual Analysis Project . . . . . . . .
Descriptive Analysis Project . . . . . . . .
Design Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exam 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exam 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Final Exam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The final grade score for MIS 512 (graduate) class participants will be calculated as follows:
Graduate Writing Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30%
Conceptual Analysis Project . . . . . . . .
Descriptive Analysis Project . . . . . . . .
Design Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exam 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exam 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
Final Exam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Class Attendance: MIS 412/512 students will make every effort to attend all classes. If, for any reason, a student is
unable to attend a class, the student is not relieved of the responsibilities associated with assignments that are due or the
material that is covered. Each student should make an effort to get the phone numbers of several MIS 412/512
classmates so they can make arrangements to meet their responsibilities in case of absence. Historically, class absences
have resulted in significantly lower grades.
Information Technology: All students are encouraged to make use of the information technology made available to the
students of UAH. The University provides various information technology services through the Administrative Sciences
Building and Library. Check with the College of Administrative Sciences computer lab postings for times of
Explanation of "Lab Fee":The “lab fee” charged in selected business courses offered by UAH is actually an
instructional fee that provides the funds to support the varied educational experiences available to students enrolled in
the certain technology-oriented classes.
MIS 412-512 Class Schedule: Text Reading Assignments, the SD Project, and Tests
Week / Date
Class Activity
Graded Assignment
1 / Aug 22
Syllabus distribution
Introduction to class
Preview of class material
Project group formation
2 / Aug 27
Ch. 1: Systems Development Environment
2 / Aug 29
Ch. 2: Systems Analyst
Team JAD Session
3 / Sept 3
Ch. 4: Automated Tools
Team JAD Session
3 / Sept 5
Ch. 5 Project Identification and Selection
Review for Exam 1
4 / Sept 10
Team JAD Sessions
4 / Sept 12
Conceptual Analysis Project Due
5 / Sept 17
Exam 1
Exam 1 (1,2,4,5)
5 / Sept 19
Review Exam 1
MIS 412-512 Class Schedule: Text Reading Assignments, the SD Project, and Tests
6 / Sept 24
Ch. 6: Project Initiation and Planning
Team JAD Session
6 / Sept 26
Ch. 7: System Requirements
Team JAD Session
7 / Oct 1
Ch. 8: Process Modeling
Team JAD Session
7 / Oct 3
8 / Oct 8
Ch. 9: Logic Modeling
Review for Exam 2
8 / Oct 10
Team JAD Sessions
9 / Oct 15
Team JAD Sessions
9 / Oct 17
Team JAD Sessions
10 / Oct 22
Team JAD Sessions
10 / Oct 24
VAW: Structure Charts
Descriptive Analysis Project Due
11 / Oct 29
Exam 2
Exam 2 (6,7,8,9)
11 / Oct 31
Review Exam 2
12 / Nov 5
Ch. 11: Alternative Design Strategies
Team JAD Session
12 / Nov 7
Ch. 15: Design Specifications
Team JAD Session
13 / Nov 12 Ch. 17: Implementation
Team JAD Session
13 / Nov 14 Ch. 18: Maintenance
Review for Final Exam
14 / Nov 19
Team JAD Sessions
14 / Nov 21
Team JAD Sessions
15 / Nov 26
SD Project Group Presentations and Peer Evaluations
Design Project Due
Graduate Project Due
15 / Nov 28
16 / Dec 3
SD Project Group Presentations and Peer Evaluations
Instructor Evaluations
Dec 10
Final Exams:
TR 11:10-12:30PM section is from 11:30AM-2:00PM
TR 2:20-3:40PM section is from 3:00PM-5:30PM
Final Exam (11,15,17,18)
Note: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus, through verbal or written notification, as necessary to
meet the objectives of the course.